The probability of a quark to hadronize as a particular charm hadron,
is described by
the charm fragmentation fractions
Like the fragmentation functions, the fractions are assumed to be universal
and previous measurements of charm cross sections have used the values
in [144] which are dominated by results from
experiments [129,155,154,157,115,116,158,159].
The fragmentation fractions for charm at HERA are determined by separate
measurements of the production cross sections for four mesons and
baryon, in both photoproduction (ZEUS [20])
and in DIS (H14 [6]
and ZEUS [26]).
The following channels and their corresponding charge conjugates
are used:
In fig.29 the various charmed mesons
are shown, grouped in scalar and vector mesons.
The experimentally determined fragmentation factors
include all possible decay chains that result in that particular charmed hadron, in
addition to the direct production. The measured pseudoscalar
mesons contain a large fraction of mesons
produced in
decays and the
contains small fractions from decays of
the strange-charm baryons
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The differential production cross sections for all four mesons
measured by the H1 collaboration [6] in the same kinematic region
are shown in fig.30. The measured visible
cross sections are scaled by the fragmentation fractions as determined from the integrated
cross sections. The similarity of the distributions
implies that the fragmentation fractions are independent of kinematics
and can be measured from the integrated
meson cross sections.
Constraints can be explicitly imposed on the measurements, which
improve the experimental
accuracy. The constraint
introduces contributions to charm fragmentation processes
which are not determined in the analyses. World average
values [144] are taken instead.
Figure 31a shows the results for fragmentation fractions
as determined at HERA and at colliders.
The values in different kinematic regimes and at the different colliders
are in good agreement, so the assumption
that charm fragmentation fractions are universal is confirmed.
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Ratios of the total production rates are used to perform further tests of
the universality of charm fragmentation.
The fraction of
mesons produced in a vector state is consistent
among the various experiments (fig.31b).
The expected isospin invariance of the fragmentation process, as quantified
by the observable
which gives the probabilities for a charm quark
to hadronize together with a
or a
quark, is seen to be fulfilled
The strangeness suppression factor
(fig.31d) is found to be of order 30%.
These results support the universality assumptions for charm fragmentation.