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Open Charm Production

Table 1: Overview of the measurements of open charm production at H1.
Analysis Data Kinematic Region
$ Q^2$ $ y$ $ p_t^{D}$ $ \eta^{D}$ Other cuts
[GeV$ ^2$] [GeV]
[2] $ D^*$ in $ \gamma p$ 1994 $ <0.01$ $ >2.5$ $ -1.5...1.0$ $ 159<W_{\gamma p}<242$ GeV
$ <4$ $ >2.5$ $ -1.5...1.0$ $ 95<W_{\gamma p}<268$ GeV
[3] $ D^*$, $ D^0$ in DIS 1994 $ 10...100$ 0.01...0.7
[4] $ D^*$ DIS 94-96 2...100 0.05 ... 0.7 $ >1.5$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
$ D^*$ $ \gamma p$ $ <0.01$ $ 0.29 ... 0.62$ $ >2.5$ GeV $ \vert\hat{y}(D^*)\vert<1.5$
$ <0.009$ $ 0.02 ... 0.32$ $ >2.0$ GeV $ \vert\hat{y}(D^*)\vert<1.5$
[5] $ D^*$ DIS 96-97 $ 1...100$ $ 0.05 ... 0.7$ $ >1.5$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
$ F_2^c$ $ 1...100$ $ 0.05 ... 0.7$
[6] $ D$ DIS 99-00 $ 2 ... 100$ $ 0.05 ... 0.7$ $ >2.5$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ E_{t,jet_{1(2)}}>4(3)$ GeV
$ -1<\eta_{jets}<2.5$
[8] $ D^*$ DIS + jets 99-00 $ 2 ... 100$ $ 0.05 ... 0.7$ $ 1.5...15$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
[7] $ D^*$ in $ \gamma p$ 99-00 $ <0.01$ $ >2$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ 171<W_{\gamma p}<256$ GeV
[9] $ D^*$ + jet in $ \gamma p$ 99-00 $ <0.01$ $ >2$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ 171<W_{\gamma p}<256$ GeV
$ p_t^{jet}>3.0$ GeV
[47] $ D^*\mu $ $ \gamma p$ 97-00 $ <1$ $ 0.05 ... 0.75$ $ >1.5$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ p^\mu>2.0$ GeV
$ \vert\eta^\mu\vert<1.735$
[43] $ F_2^c$ high $ Q^2$ 99-00 $ >150$ $ 0.1...0.7$
[46] $ F_2^c$ low $ Q^2$ 99-00 $ 2...120$ $ 0.1...0.7$
[45] Charm jets $ \gamma p$ 99-00 $ <1$ $ 0.15 ... 0.8$ $ p_t^{jet_{1(2)}}>11(8)$ GeV
$ -0.88 < \eta_{jets} < 1.3$
[10] $ D^*$ in DIS 2000 $ 2 ... 100$ $ 0.05 ... 0.7$ $ >1.5$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ p_{t,jet}^{D^*}>3$ GeV

Table 2: Overview of the measurements of open charm production at ZEUS.
Analysis Data Kinematic Region
$ Q^2$ $ y$ $ p_t^{D}$ $ \eta^{D}$ Other cuts
[GeV$ ^2$] [GeV]
[11] $ D^*$ $ \gamma p$ 1993 $ <4$ $ 0.15 ... 0.84$ $ >1.7 $ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
[12] $ D^*$ in $ \gamma p$ 1994 $ <4$ $ 0.15 ... 0.87$ $ >3.0$ $ -1.5...1.0$
[13] $ D^*$ in DIS 1994 $ 5 ... 100 $ $ <0.7$ $ 1.3 ... 9.0$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
[14] $ D^*$ in $ \gamma p$ 96-97 $ <1$ $ 0.19 ... 0.87$ $ >2.0$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
[38] $ c\rightarrow eX$ in DIS 95 $ 2.5...170$ $ -4.1<\log(x)<-2.2$
($ dE/dx$) $ 1.2<p_{track}<5.0$
$ 0.65<\theta_{track} < 2.5$ rad
$ E_{em}/E_{tot} >0.9 $
[37] $ c\rightarrow eX$ in DIS 96-97 $ 1...1000$ $ 0.03...0.7$ $ 1.2<p_{track}<5.0$
($ dE/dx$) $ 0.65<\theta_{track} < 2.5$ rad
[15] $ D^*$ DIS, $ K2\pi$ 96-97 $ 1...600$ $ 0.02...0.7$ $ 1.5...15$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
$ D^*$ DIS, $ K4\pi$ $ 1...600$ $ 0.02...0.7$ $ 2.5...15$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
[17] $ D^*$ dijets in $ \gamma p$ 96-00 $ <1$ $ >3.0$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ E_{t,jets}>5$ GeV
$ \vert\eta^{jets}\vert<2.4$
$ 130<W_{\gamma p}<280$ GeV
$ M_{jj}>18\;$GeV
$ \vert\bar{\eta}\vert<0.7$
[16] $ D^*$ in DIS 98-00 $ 1.5 ...1000$ $ 0.02...0.7$ $ 1.5...15$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
[23] $ D$ in DIS 98-00 $ 0.05 ... 0.7$ $ 0.02...0.85$ $ 1.5...9$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
$ 1.5 ...1000$ $ 0.02...0.7$ $ >3.0$ $ -1.6...1.6$
[24] $ D^{\pm}$ in DIS 2004 $ >4$ $ >2.0$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$
[22] $ D^*$+jets in $ \gamma p$ 98-00 $ <1$ $ >3$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ 130<W_{\gamma p}<280$ GeV
$ E_t^{jet}>6$ GeV
$ -1.5<\eta^{jet}<2.4$
[21] $ D^*$+jets in $ \gamma p$ 98-00 $ <1$ $ >2$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ 130<W_{\gamma p}<280$ GeV
(frag.funct.) $ E_t^{jet}>9$ GeV
$ -2.4<\eta^{jet}<2.4$
[19] $ D^*$ in $ \gamma p$ 98-00 $ <1$ $ 1.9...20$ $ -1.6...1.6$ $ 130<W_{\gamma p}<285$ GeV
$ p_t(D^*)/E_t^{\theta>10^{\circ}}>0.15$
[20] $ D$ in $ \gamma p$ 98-00 $ <1$ $ >3.8 $ $ -1.6...1.6$ $ 130<W_{\gamma p}<300$ GeV
[49] $ D^{**}$ 95-00 $ >2$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ p_t(D^*)/E_t^{\theta>10^{\circ}}>0.15$
[50] $ D_{s1}^{\pm}$ 95-00 $ >2$ $ -1.5 ... 1.5$ $ p_t(D^*)/E_t^{\theta>10^{\circ}}>0.15$
[25] $ D^*$+dijets in $ \gamma p$ 98-00 $ <1$ $ E_t^{jet}>7(6)$ GeV
$ -1.5<\eta^{jet}<2.4$
$ 130<W_{\gamma p}<280$ GeV
[26] $ D$ DIS 98-00 $ 1.5 ...1000$ $ 0.02...0.7$ $ >3$ $ -1.6...1.6$

Charm production has been measured in a number of analyses, the first observations at HERA dating back to the year 1995 [11,2]. Since then, with increasing statistics and continuously upgraded detectors the measurements have become increasingly precise and detailed in their scope. Inclusive charm production has been measured in both photoproduction [2,12,19,7] and electroproduction [13,15,16,3,4,5,8,43]. Reconstructed $ D^*$ mesons have also been used for measurements of open charm in diffraction [57,58,55,56], a process which is not addressed in this report.

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Andreas Meyer 2006-02-13