Next: Inelastic Photoproduction of Charmonium
Up: Experimental Results from HERA-I
Previous: Correlations
A special case of charm fragmentation is charmonium production
where the two charm quarks combine to form a colorless hadron.
Like open charm production, charmonium production at HERA
occurs dominantly through photon-gluon fusion: a photon emitted from the
incoming electron or positron interacts with a gluon from the proton to
produce a
pair that subsequently forms a charmonium state.
Comprehensive reports on the physics of charmonium production
are available [165,166].
In this section the measurements of the production rates
and polarization states of
mesons from H1 and ZEUS (see table 5) are described.
Table 5:
Overview of the measurements of inelastic charmonium
production at H1 and ZEUS.
Analysis |
Data |
Kinematic Region |
[GeV ] |
[GeV] |
(Rapidity) |
H1 |
[27] |
in |
1994 |
0.45...0.9 |
[28] |
in DIS |
95-97 |
2...80 |
40...180 |
0.2...1.0 |
[29] |
in |
96-00 |
60...260 |
1...60 |
0.05...0.9 |
[30] |
in DIS |
97-00 |
2...100 |
50...225 |
0.3...0.9 |
[31] |
in |
1994 |
[32] |
and in |
96-97 |
[33] |
in DIS |
96-00 |
50...250 |
0.2...0.9 |
[34] |
in polarization |
96-00 |
50...180 |
0.1...0.9 |
Next: Inelastic Photoproduction of Charmonium
Up: Experimental Results from HERA-I
Previous: Correlations
Andreas Meyer