Example (GAMESSUS): Sampling initial conditions for a water molecule

This example shows you how to generate an ensemble of initial conditions (atom positions and velocities) for a single water molecule. Input files can be found in the directory:



You need to first generate a Hessian file containing the information about the derivatives of the potential energy surface. In the current example, this has been done using a GAMESSUS calculation. The input file that was used for GAMESSUS is provided as h2o_6-31g_hess.inp. The GAMESSUS calculation results in the file h2o_6-31g_hess.dat. Using:

an_getHessian -H h2o_6-31g_hess.dat > hessian

the hessian information is extracted from the GAMESSUS output file (in fact the “.dat” file) into the file hessian


To run the sampling, execute:

xsample -i input_h2o_sampling -d h2o_sampling -H hessian

Input file

The file input_h2o_sampling is the input file used for the sampling.:

  qchemistry  = gamess
  xunit       = an
  rseed       = 1

  type = wignerHarmonic
  # type = zero_point_energy

  nsample = 10
  modes = nonlinear

  O      0.0000000000  -0.0000000000   0.0349530522
  H      0.0000000000   0.7852216674   0.5690592739
  H      0.0000000000  -0.7852216674   0.5690592739

  O  0.0     0.0          0.0
  H  0.0     0.0          0.0
  H  0.0     0.0          0.0

The following input parameters have been used:

  1. $SYSTEM describes general parameters for the sampling

    • The option xunit = an specifies the coordinate units. “an” refers to Angstrom.

    • The option qchemistry = gamess specifies GAMESSUS as the quantum chemistry program

  2. The section $sampling defines the type of sampling

    • type can be zero_point_energy or wignerHarmonic

    • nsample gives the number of samples

    • modes specifies the virbrational normal modes that are used for sampling modes = nonlinear skips the lowest 3N-6 modes modes = linear skips the lowest 3N-5

  3. $cartPOS specifies the geometry from which the sampling is generated. For Wigner sampling based on harmonic approximation the position should be the energy minimum. In the current example energy minimization has been performed for the water molecule and the virbrational constants have been calculated using GAMESSUS, see the file h2o_6-31g_hess.inp

  4. $cartVEL specifies the velocities at which the sampling is preformed. Usually they are zero.

  5. The file hessian contains the Hessian matrix data that has been extracted from the GAMESSUS calculation. See the file h2o_6-31g_hess.inp

Output results

xsample creates a directory ensmbl_h2o_sampling with subdirectories named trj_n, where n runs from 0 to the number of samples. Each trajectory contains files storing position and velocity information for each atom that can be used to initiate trajectories with xpyder.

You may inspect the initial geometries by converting them into the common xyz file format. To do so, you may execute:

for d in trj_*; do cd $d; cdtk2xyz ; cd ..; done

This creates for in each trj_n subdirectory a file geom.xyz. You can inspect the initial geometries via vmd:

vmd -m trh_*/geom.xyz
vmd display of ensemble of sampled geometries

Overlayed water geometries depicting zero-point fluctuations.