Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.Constraints

# *  **************************************************************************
# *
# *  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
# *  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
# *
# *  Copyright (C) 2018
# *  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
# *
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
# *  This file is part of CDTK.
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# *  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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# *  **************************************************************************

import numpy as np
import warnings
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv
[docs] class Constraints(object): def __init__(self, f_constraint): self.f_constraint = f_constraint self.lam_r = None
[docs] def get_dg0dg1_matrix(self, r1, dgdt0overM, lambda_r): """ Calculates the matrix resulting from multipying the constraints Jacobian calculated at r(t) times the Jacobian calculated at r_c(t+dt) Arguments: ---------- r1 : (natoms, 3) ndarray of float Positions of atoms at t+dt, r(t+dt). dgdt0overM : (nconstraints, natoms, 3) ndarray of float Derivative of the constraints at r(t) times dt over the mass of each atom. lambda_r : (nconstraints) nndarray of float Lagrange multiplier for the constrins of the position (\lambda_R) for each constraint. Return Values: -------------- g: (nconstraints) ndarray of float Constraints calculated at the new positions r_c(t+dt) after applying constraints. dg0dg1_mat: (nconstraints, nconstraints) ndarray of float. Derivative of the constrains at r(t) [\nabla g(r(t))] times the derivative of the constraints at r_c(t+dt). """ # Apply constrains to position, r(t+dt)->r_c(t+dt) r_new = r1 - np.einsum( "ijk,i->jk", dgdt0overM, lambda_r ) # sum over [constrains] axis g1, dg1 = self.f_constraint(r_new, der=True) # Calculate new constraints dg0dg1_mat = -np.einsum( "ijk,ljk->il", dg1, dgdt0overM ) # sums over [natoms], [xyz] axes return g1, dg0dg1_mat
[docs] def get_correction_r(self, r0, r1, dt, m, tolerance=1e-5): """ Calculates the correction to the position according to the RATTLE algorithm to a geometry with constraints. todo: Put reference to Andersen todo: Molecular simulations of fluids: Theory, Algorithms, Object-orientation Parameters ---------- r0 : (natoms, 3) ndarray of float Positions of atoms at t, r(t). r1 : (natoms, 3) ndarray of float Positions of atoms at t+dt, r(t+dt). dt : float Timestep m : (natoms) Array with atomic masses tolerance : float, optional Tolearance of the constrain function for the iterative procedure, by default 1e-5 Returns ------- correction: (natom, 3) ndarray of float """ # Calculate constrains of r(t) g0, dg0 = self.f_constraint(r0, der=True) lambda_r = np.zeros(g0.shape[0]) m = np.reshape(m, (1, len(m), 1)) dg0overM = dg0 / m g1, dg0dg1_mat = self.get_dg0dg1_matrix(r1, dg0overM * dt, lambda_r) # Start iterative loop to refine lambda_r it = 0 while np.max(np.abs(g1)) > tolerance and it < 40: l = np.linalg.solve(dg0dg1_mat, g1) lambda_r = lambda_r - l g1, dg0dg1_mat = self.get_dg0dg1_matrix(r1, dg0overM * dt, lambda_r) it += 1 if np.max(np.abs(g1)) > tolerance: warnings.warn("Warning constraints failed in {:d} iterations".format(it)) return -np.einsum("ijk,i->jk", dg0overM, lambda_r) # sum over [constrains] axis
[docs] def get_correction_v(self, r1, v1, dt, m): """ Calculates the correction to the velocity according to the RATTLE algorithm to a geometry with constraints. This variant takes advantage of r"\frac{d\sigma(X(t))}{dt} = 0" and r"\frac{d\sigma}{dX} \cdot \frac{dX}{dt} = 0". Some information can be found in [Ref] Andersen JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 52, 24-34 Arguments: r1 ((natoms, 3) ndarray of float): Positions of atoms at t+dt with constraints applied, r(t+dt). v1 ((natoms, 3) ndarray of float): Velocity of atoms at t+dt without constraints, r(t+dt). dt (float): Timestep m ((natoms) ndarray of float): Array with atomic masses Returns: ((natom, 3) - ndarray of float): correction """ _, dg1 = self.f_constraint(r1, der=True) dgOverM = dg1 / m[:, np.newaxis] mOverdg1dg1 = 1 / np.einsum("ijk,ijk->i", dg1, dgOverM) dg1v1 = np.einsum("ijk,jk->i", dg1, v1) lambda_v = mOverdg1dg1 * dg1v1 return -0.5 * dt * (np.einsum("ijk,i->jk",dg1, lambda_v) / m[:, np.newaxis])
[docs] def check_constraints(self, x1): tol = 1e-4 g = self.f_constraint(x1, der=False) av_g = np.sum(abs(g)) / float(len(g)) max_g = np.max(abs(g)) if av_g > tol or max_g > tol: print("WARNING: constraints not fulfilled") print("av_g: ", av_g) print("max_g: ", max_g) print("g: ", g) return
[docs] def enforceConstraints(self, x1, m, tol = 1e-6, nsteps=100): """Enforces constraints by making Newton steps for the coordinates Keeps the center of mass of the molecule the same TODO: address the velocities TODO: prevent Rotation Args: x1 (numpy array shape (natoms,3)): coordinates m (numpy array shape (natoms)): atom masses tol (float, optional): tolerance. Defaults to 1e-6. nsteps (int, optional): maximum number of steps. Defaults to 100. Returns: x1: (numpy array shape (natoms,3)): new coordinates """ # go to center of mass of the molecule com0 = (x1[:,:] * m[:,np.newaxis]).sum(axis=0)/m.sum() x1[:,:] = x1[:,:] - com0[np.newaxis,:] # make Newton steps to enforce constraints for i in range(nsteps): g, dg = self.f_constraint(x1, der=True) av_g = abs(np.mean(g)) max_g = np.max(abs(g)) #print(max_g) if(av_g < tol and max_g < tol): break step = (g[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * dg[:,:,:]).sum(axis=0) x1 = x1 - 0.5 * step # move to the old center of mass com1 = (x1[:,:] * m[:,np.newaxis]).sum(axis=0)/m.sum() x1 = x1 - com1[np.newaxis,:] + com0[np.newaxis,:] return x1