#* **************************************************************************
#* CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#* A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#* Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <oriol.vendrell@desy.de>
#* Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#* Ralph Welsch, DESY, <ralph.welsch@desy.de>
#* Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#* Ludger Inhester, DESY, ludger.inhester@cfel.de
#* This file is part of CDTK.
#* CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#* (at your option) any later version.
#* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#* GNU General Public License for more details.
#* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#* **************************************************************************
import datetime
import uuid
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import CDTK.Dynamics.SimulationBox as sbo
import CDTK.Dynamics.Tools as ntool
import CDTK.Tools.Mathematics as mth
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as con
import CDTK.Tools.Geometry as geo
import CDTK.Tools.NormalModeAnalysis as nmo
import scipy.fftpack as fft
KBAU = con.FPC_K_B_EV * con.ev2au # Boltzmann constant in au.
TINY = 1.0e-6
class IniConSampler(object):
Samples initial conditions according to some statistical distribution
The object produces a bunch of files, each one containing a simulationbox object
ready for propagation.
def __init__(self,x0,funcE,**opts):
Start sampler
Input arguments
x0 -- 3N array with initial geometry
funcE -- function returning potential energy
T -- temperature (Kelvin)
default: 300
M -- array, mass of every coordinate
default: array of ones
DIST -- string, statistical distribution for sampling positions
default: boltzmann
options: boltzmann, wigner
REC -- bool, whether to collect samples, set to False for a dry run
default: True
NSAMPLES -- int, number of samples to collect
default: 10
RefEnergy -- reference energy to subtract from funcE during sampling
Important when the energy function returns energies of very large
absolute values. In such a case the exponential of the energy may
default: 0.0
internals -- bool, whether internal coordinates are being used, basically
to avoid assumptions on having a multiple of 3 coordinates and similar things
default: False
ndim -- integer, spatial dimension
self.X0 = x0.copy()
self.funcE = funcE
self.P0 = opts.get('P0',np.zeros(x0.size,float)) # Initial momenta
self.QP0 = np.concatenate((self.X0,self.P0))
self.TEMP = opts.get('T',300.0) # Temperature for Boltzmann and Wigner sampling (Kelvin)
self.M = opts.get('M',np.ones(x0.size,float)) # Masses (3N)
self.DIST = opts.get('DIST','boltzmann') # Distribution to be sampled
self.REC = opts.get('REC',True) # Set to False if run without recording samples
self.NSAMPLES = opts.get('NSAMPLES',10) # Number of samples to collect
self.RefEnergy = opts.get('RefEnergy',0.0) # reference energy to subtract from funcE during sampling
self.internals = opts.get('internals',False) # set true if internal coordinates
# are being used vs Cartesians
self.ndim = opts.get('ndim',3) # spatial dimensions
self._optimalStepNorm = opts.get('stepnorm',[1.0, 1.0])
self.modes = opts.get('modes', range(len(self.X0)))
self.qnum = opts.get('qnum',[]) # quantum number of harmonic modes
self.HMode = opts.get('HMode',[]) # harmonic modes [energy, mass, normal coordinates]
self.RefGeom = opts.get('RefGeom',[]) # reference geometry for Wigner sampling
self.has_plusrotation = opts.get('plus_rotation',True) # additional rotation to quantum initial condition
self.has_purevibration = opts.get('pure_vibration',False) # pure quantum vibration
self._log = {} # information log of the sampling
self._log['ncol'] = 0 # N collected samples
self._log['ntot'] = 0 # N total calls during record
self._log['NABS'] = 0 # N absolute total calls
self._log['ratio'] = 0.0 # acceptance ratio ncol/ntot
self._log['lastQP'] = self.QP0 # last accepted phase space point
self._log['lastP'] = 0.0 # probability of last accepted geometry
self._log['energy'] = [] # energy of the nth sample
self._log['dist'] = [] # one distance for testing purpose
self._ID = uuid.uuid4().hex # unique ID
self._CTIME = datetime.datetime.today() # creation date/time
self._BNAME = 'ic_%4i%02i%02i' % (self._CTIME.year,self._CTIME.month,self._CTIME.day)
def sample(self,**opts):
Sample initial conditions and produce a list of files ready for use
stepnorm -- norm of the MonteCarlo steps to be taken.
NSAMPLES -- int, number of samples to collect
savefiles -- bool, True, save new simulationbox objects to disk
if self.DIST == 'wigner' or self.DIST == 'wigner0K':
raise ValueError("sample is Boltzmann distribution. use sampleW for Wigner distribution.")
# Do some initialization
stepnorm = opts.get('stepnorm',self._optimalStepNorm) # optimized in the burn-in phase
self.NSAMPLES = opts.get('NSAMPLES',self.NSAMPLES) # Number of samples to collect
self.savefiles = opts.get('savefiles',True)
ncoords = self.X0.size
sboxes = []
# Initialize sampler
pfunc = self._getProbFunc()
qp = self._log['lastQP']
prob = pfunc(self._log['lastQP'])
# Start sampling
ncol = self._log['ncol']
ntot = self._log['ntot']
nabs = self._log['NABS']
ratio = self._log['ratio']
while ncol < self.NSAMPLES:
nabs += 1
if self.REC: ntot += 1
accepted,qp,prob = mth.metropolisStep(qp,prob,pfunc,stepnorm=stepnorm)
if accepted:
ncol += 1
ratio = float(ncol)/float(ntot)
self._log['lastQP'] = qp
self._log['lastP'] = prob
if self.REC:
sb = sbo.SimulationBox(ndim=self.ndim)
sb.X = qp[0:ncoords].copy()
sb.V = qp[ncoords:]/self.M
sb.M = self.M
sb.internals = self.internals
if self.savefiles:
self._log['ncol'] = ncol
self._log['ntot'] = ntot
self._log['NABS'] = nabs
self._log['ratio'] = ratio
return sboxes
def burnin(self,**opts):
Run the sampler without collecting data and adjust acceptance rate to target
steps -- number of steps to be taken in this burin phase (1000)
default: 1000
increment -- number of steps used to compute rate (50)
default: 50
targetRate -- target acceptance rate (0.4)
default: 0.4
startnorm -- initial norm of MonteCarlo steps
default: 0.1
# if self.DIST == 'wigner' or self.DIST == 'wigner0K':
# raise ValueError("burnin is for Boltzmann distribution. use burninW for Wigner distribution.")
if self.DIST == 'wigner' or self.DIST == 'wigner0K':
hessian = opts.get('hessian', None)
is_linear = opts.get('is_linear', None)
modes = opts.get('modes', None)
self.init_samplewigner(hessian, self.M, is_linear, modes)
steps = opts.get('steps',1000) # steps to be taken in this burin phase
increment = opts.get('increment',50) # number of steps used to compute rate
targetRate = opts.get('targetRate',0.4) # target acceptance rate
startnorm = opts.get('startnorm',self._optimalStepNorm) # initial norm; on return the optimal one is got
pfunc = self._getProbFunc()
qp = self._log['lastQP']
if self.DIST == 'wigner' or self.DIST == 'wigner0K':
qp = np.zeros(2*len(self.w_normalModes))
prob = pfunc(qp)
ncol = 0 # collected during whole burnin
ntot = 0 # counter for total steps
ninccol = 0 # collected during last increment
ninctot = 0 # counter for steps during increment
stepnorm = startnorm
ratio = 0.0
while ntot < steps:
ntot += 1
ninctot += 1
accepted,qp,prob = mth.metropolisStep(qp,prob,pfunc,stepnorm=stepnorm)
if accepted:
ncol += 1
ninccol += 1
ratio = float(ncol)/float(ntot)
self._log['lastQP'] = qp
self._log['lastP'] = prob
if ninctot == increment:
rate = float(ninccol)/float(ninctot) + TINY
if rate/targetRate > 1.25:
k = np.random.randint(0, 2)
#stepnorm[k] = stepnorm[k]*1.2
stepnorm = stepnorm*1.2
if targetRate/rate > 1.25:
k = np.random.randint(0, 2)
#stepnorm[k] = stepnorm[k]/1.2
stepnorm = stepnorm/1.2
ninctot = 0
ninccol = 0
self._optimalStepNorm = stepnorm
return rate, ratio
def sampleW(self,hessian, is_linear, modes, **opts):
Sample Wigner initial conditions and produce a list of files ready for use
stepnorm -- norm of the MonteCarlo steps to be taken.
NSAMPLES -- int, number of samples to collect
savefiles -- bool, True, save new simulationbox objects to disk
X = []
V = []
if self.DIST == 'wigner' or self.DIST == 'wigner0K' or self.DIST == 'wignerHM':
self.init_samplewigner(hessian, self.M, is_linear, modes)
# Do some initialization
stepnorm = opts.get('stepnorm',self._optimalStepNorm) # optimized in the burn-in phase
Nr = opts.get('NumRotationPresample',30) # Number of rotational pre-samples
self.NSAMPLES = opts.get('NSAMPLES',self.NSAMPLES) # Number of samples to collect
self.savefiles = opts.get('savefiles',True)
ncoords = self.RefGeom.size
sboxes = []
# Initialize sampler
qp = self._log['lastQP']
# Start sampling
ncol = self._log['ncol']
ntot = self._log['ntot']
nabs = self._log['NABS']
ratio = self._log['ratio']
M_nmode = self.M_normalModes
w_nmode = self.w_normalModes
qnum_nmode = self.qnum
print(ncol, self.NSAMPLES)
print("M_nmode", M_nmode)
print("w_normalModes", w_nmode)
while ncol < self.NSAMPLES:
nabs += 1
if self.REC: ntot += 1
qp_nmode = mth.WignerQuantumStep(M_nmode,w_nmode,qnum_nmode)
# print nabs
# print qp_nmode
# print "+++++"
# transform backwards to cartesian coordinates
# harmonic motion initial conditions
qp_hm = self.nm2x_coord(qp_nmode) # reference geometry for rotational initial condition func
# print nabs
# print qp_hm
# print "+++++"
# rotational initial conditions
m = self.M.copy()
natoms = ncoords / self.ndim
m.shape = (natoms, self.ndim)
masses = m[:,0]
x0_hm = qp_hm[0:ncoords]
x0_hm.shape = (natoms, self.ndim)
# Get moments of inertia and principal axes
xref = np.asarray(x0_hm)
mass = np.asarray(masses)
xyz = geo.XYZGeometry()
xyz.atomPositions = xref
xyz.masses = mass
im,iv = xyz.momentsOfInertia()
ix = iv[:,0]
iy = iv[:,1]
iz = iv[:,2]
temp = self.TEMP
# Define the rotational probability function
def _probabilityFunctionRotation(w):
w -- angular velocities in au
tmp = 0.5 * im * w**2
erot = tmp.sum() # angular velocity
return math.exp( -erot/KBAU/temp ) # boltzmann factor
# Burn-in to find the step norm giving the desired acceptance ratio (~0.4 usually OK)
w0 = np.array([0,0,0],float)
nburn = 6000
guessStepNorm = 0.0001
targetRatio = 0.4
incr = 200
w,stepNorm,logB = _burner(w0,
xl, vl, logs = sampleRotation(x0_hm, masses, self.TEMP, Nr, burnerForWigner=True, angular_velocity=w, stepNorm=stepNorm)
idx = int((Nr - 1) * random.random())
xr = np.array(xl[idx])
vr = np.array(vl[idx])
xr = np.reshape(xr, (natoms*self.ndim))
vr = np.reshape(vr, (natoms*self.ndim))
# complete initial conditions
if self.has_plusrotation:
qp = np.zeros(2*ncoords, dtype=float)
for i in range(ncoords):
qp[i] = xr[i]
qp[ncoords+i] = qp_hm[ncoords+i] + self.M[i] * vr[i]
elif self.has_purevibration:
qp = qp_hm.copy()
qp = np.zeros(2*ncoords, dtype=float)
for i in range(ncoords):
qp[i] = xr[i]
qp[ncoords+i] = qp_hm[ncoords+i]
self._log['lastQP'] = qp
if self.REC:
ncol += 1
ratio = float(ncol)/float(ntot)
sb = sbo.SimulationBox(ndim=self.ndim)
sb.X = qp[0:ncoords].copy()
sb.V = qp[ncoords:]/self.M
sb.M = self.M
sb.internals = self.internals
# sb.removeCenterMassMotion()
# sboxes.append(sb)
# if self.savefiles:
# sb.save()
self._log['ncol'] = ncol
self._log['ntot'] = ntot
self._log['NABS'] = nabs
self._log['ratio'] = ratio
# return sboxes
return X, V
def sampleWigner(self,hessian,nmfreq,nmcoord,is_linear,m,is_1d=False,**opts):
Sample Wigner initial conditions and produce a list of files ready for use.
NSAMPLES -- int, number of samples to collect
X = []
V = []
if hessian != None:
else :
if is_linear:
Ne = 5
Ne = 6
self.M_normalModes = np.asarray(m[Ne:])
self.w_normalModes = np.asarray(nmfreq[Ne:])
if is_1d:
Ne = 0
self.M_normalModes = np.asarray(m[:1])
self.w_normalModes = np.asarray(nmfreq[:1])
nm = np.asarray(nmcoord)
Lx = np.dot(nm, np.diag(1.0/np.sqrt(np.asarray(m))))
for i,mode in enumerate(Lx):
nfactor = 1.0/np.linalg.norm(mode)
Lx[i] = mode*nfactor
self.x_normalModes = np.asarray(Lx[Ne:])
if is_1d:
self.x_normalModes = np.asarray(Lx[:1])
# Do some initialization
self.NSAMPLES = opts.get('NSAMPLES',self.NSAMPLES) # Number of samples to collect
Pm_ini = np.zeros(6,dtype=float)
x = np.array(self.RefGeom)
Pm = Pm_ini
ncoords = self.RefGeom.size
M_nmode = self.M_normalModes
w_nmode = self.w_normalModes
qnum_nmode = self.qnum
E = []
i = 0
while i < self.NSAMPLES:
P = np.random.uniform(-3.0,3.0,1)
Q = np.random.uniform(-3.0,3.0,1)
W = np.exp(-(P**2)) * np.exp(-(Q**2))
r = np.random.uniform(0.0,1.0,1)
if W>r:
QQ = Q / np.sqrt( w_nmode[0] * M_nmode[0] )
VV = P * np.sqrt( w_nmode[0] / M_nmode[0])
# E.append(0.5 * PP**2 / M_nmode[0] + 0.5 * M_nmode[0] * w_nmode**2 * QQ**2)
# print 0.5 * PP**2 / M_nmode[0]
# print 0.5 * M_nmode[0] * w_nmode**2 * QQ**2
# exit(-1)
# x += np.dot(self.x_normalModes.transpose(), QQ)
# Pm += np.dot(self.x_normalModes.transpose(), PP)
x = np.asarray(self.RefGeom) + np.dot(self.x_normalModes.transpose(), QQ)
v = np.dot(self.x_normalModes.transpose(), VV)
# x = np.asarray(self.RefGeom) + ( Q * self.x_normalModes ) / np.sqrt( 2.0 * M_nmode[0] * (2.0 * np.pi * w_nmode[0])**2 )
# Pm = Pm_ini + (P * self.x_normalModes * np.sqrt( M_nmode[0] * (2.0 * np.pi * w_nmode[0])**2 ) ) / np.sqrt(2)
X.append( x )
V.append( v )
# print (np.linalg.norm(X[-1][0:3] - X[-1][3:6]) - np.linalg.norm(self.RefGeom[0:3] - self.RefGeom[3:6]))
# print V[-1]
# if i > 10:
# exit(-1)
# print 0.5 * M_nmode[0] * np.dot(V[-1], V[-1])
# print 0.5 * (M_nmode[0]/2.0) * w_nmode[0]**2 * (np.linalg.norm(X[-1][0:3] - X[-1][3:6]) - np.linalg.norm(self.RefGeom[0:3] - self.RefGeom[3:6]))**2
# print np.linalg.norm(X[-1][0:3] - X[-1][3:6]), np.linalg.norm(self.RefGeom[0:3] - self.RefGeom[3:6])
# E.append( 0.5 * M_nmode[0] * np.dot(V[-1], V[-1]) + 0.5 * (M_nmode[0]/2.0) * w_nmode[0]**2 * (np.linalg.norm(X[-1][0:3] - X[-1][3:6]) - np.linalg.norm(self.RefGeom[0:3] - self.RefGeom[3:6]))**2)
# E.append(0.5 * (M_nmode[0]/2.0) * w_nmode[0]**2 * (np.linalg.norm(X[-1][0:3] - X[-1][3:6]) - np.linalg.norm(self.RefGeom[0:3] - self.RefGeom[3:6]))**2)
# print E
i += 1
# E = np.array(E)
# print np.mean(E)
# print np.std(E)
# exit(-1)
return X, V
def nm2x_coord(self,qp_nmode):
Transform from normal mode coordinates to cartesian coordinates
x_nmode = self.x_normalModes # harmonic coordinates
w_nmode = self.w_normalModes # harmonic frequency
M_nmode = self.M_normalModes # mass of harmonic modes
x0 = self.RefGeom # reference geometry
ncoords = len(x0)
nharmmodes = len(w_nmode)
# print "x0=", x0
x = x0.copy() # cartesian geometry
p = np.zeros(ncoords, dtype=float) # cartesian momentum
for i in range(nharmmodes):
M = M_nmode[i] * con.au2am
x += qp_nmode[i] * x_nmode[i] #/ np.sqrt(M)
# print i, M, x, qp_nmode[i], x_nmode[i]
p += qp_nmode[nharmmodes+i] * x_nmode[i] #* np.sqrt(M)
qp = np.zeros(2*ncoords, dtype=float)
for i in range(ncoords):
qp[i] = x[i]
qp[ncoords+i] = p[i]
return qp
def _getProbFunc(self,**opts):
Return the probability function to be used
in return f(x). Uses a closure.
if self.DIST == 'boltzmann':
def pfunc(x):
## Remove center of mass motions; missing rotation in positions
xx = x[0:len(x)//2]
pp = x[len(x)//2:]
epot = self.funcE(xx)
ekin = 0.5*np.dot(pp,pp/self.M)
h = ekin + epot
val = -(h-self.RefEnergy)/KBAU/self.TEMP
return np.exp(val)
return pfunc
elif self.DIST == 'wigner0K':
m = self.M_normalModes
w = self.w_normalModes
def pfunc(x):
xx = x[0:len(x)//2]
pp = x[len(x)//2:]
return mth.wignerHarmonicND(xx,pp,m,w,hbar=1.0)
return pfunc
elif self.DIST == 'wigner':
if self.TEMP == 0:
raise ValueError("Use [wigner0K] for 0 Kelvin Wigner distribution.")
m = self.M_normalModes
w = self.w_normalModes
def pfunc(x):
xx = x[0:len(x)//2]
pp = x[len(x)//2:]
return mth.wignerHarmonicFTND(xx,pp,m,w,1.0/(self.TEMP*KBAU),hbar=1.0)
return pfunc
raise ValueError('Unknown or undefined probability distribution')
def _removal(self, x):
Remove center of mass motion and rotation.
n = len(x)/6
if n < 1:
## COM removal
xx = x[0:len(x)//2]
com = np.sum(xx.reshape(n,3) * self.M.reshape(n,3), axis=0) / np.sum(self.M.reshape(n,3), axis=0)
xx -= np.tile(com, n)
## Overall rotation removal
pp = x[len(x)//2:]
pcom = np.sum(pp.reshape(n,3) * self.M.reshape(n,3), axis=0) / np.sum(self.M.reshape(n,3), axis=0)
pp -= np.tile(pcom, n)
vv = pp / self.M
# L is overall angular momentum
L = np.zeros(3)
# Theta is inertia tensoer
Theta = np.zeros((3,3))
for i in range(n):
# calculate particle position relative to center of mass
r_com = xx[i*3:(i+1)*3] - com
# calculate overall angular momentum
L += (self.M[i*3] * np.cross(r_com, vv[i*3:(i+1)*3]))
# calculate inertia tensor
Theta += self.M[i*3] * (np.dot(r_com, r_com) * np.identity(3) - np.outer(r_com, r_com))
# regularize Theta!
Theta += 1e-10 * np.identity(3)
for i in range(n):
r_com = xx[i*3:(i+1)*3] - com
# v_p = v_p - Th^-1 * L (X) r_p
vv[i*3:(i+1)*3] -= np.cross(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Theta), L), r_com)
except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
print("TODO RW Some error here")
x[0:len(x)//2] = xx
x[len(x)//2:] = self.M * vv
def init_wigner(self):
Return harmonic modes
energy_nmode = []
mass_nmode = []
coor_nmode = []
for imode in range(len(self.HMode)):
self.w_normalModes = np.array(energy_nmode, dtype=float)
self.M_normalModes = np.array(mass_nmode, dtype=float)
self.x_normalModes = np.array(coor_nmode, dtype=float)
def init_samplewigner(self,hessian,m,is_linear,modes=None):
Return harmonic modes
if modes != None:
modlist = modes
elif len(m) < 6:
modlist = range(len(m))
elif is_linear:
modlist = range(5,len(m))
modlist = range(6,len(m))
w,L = nmo.normal_modes_from_HessianCart(hessian,m)
Lx,mu = nmo.q_mw_to_x(m,L)
self.w_normalModes = np.array(w[modlist], dtype=float)
self.M_normalModes = np.array(mu[modlist], dtype=float)
self.x_normalModes = np.array(Lx[modlist], dtype=float)
def sampleR(self,**opts):
Sample pure rotational initial conditions and produce a list of files ready for use
stepnorm -- norm of the MonteCarlo steps to be taken.
NSAMPLES -- int, number of samples to collect
savefiles -- bool, True, save new simulationbox objects to disk
# Do some initialization
stepnorm = opts.get('stepnorm',self._optimalStepNorm) # optimized in the burn-in phase
self.NSAMPLES = opts.get('NSAMPLES',self.NSAMPLES) # Number of samples to collect
self.savefiles = opts.get('savefiles',True)
# Start sampling
ncol = self._log['ncol']
ntot = self._log['ntot']
nabs = self._log['NABS']
ncoords = self.X0.size
sboxes = []
# Pure rotational initial conditions
m = self.M.copy()
natoms = ncoords / self.ndim
m.shape = (natoms, self.ndim)
masses = m[:,0]
Nr = self.NSAMPLES
x0 = self.X0.copy()
x0.shape = (natoms, self.ndim)
# Burn-in to find the step norm giving the desired acceptance ratio (~0.4 usually OK)
w0 = np.array([0,0,0],float)
w,stepNorm,logB = _burner(w0,
xl, vl, logs = sampleRotation(x0, masses, self.TEMP, Nr, nburn=10000, guessStepNorm=0.0001)
while ncol < self.NSAMPLES:
xr = np.array(xl[ncol])
vr = np.array(vl[ncol])
xr = np.reshape(xr, (natoms*self.ndim))
vr = np.reshape(vr, (natoms*self.ndim))
nabs += 1
if self.REC: ntot += 1
# complete initial conditions
qp = np.zeros(2*ncoords, dtype=float)
for i in range(ncoords):
qp[i] = xr[i]
qp[ncoords+i] = vr[i] * self.M[i]
self._log['lastQP'] = qp
if self.REC:
ncol += 1
ratio = float(ncol)/float(ntot)
sb = sbo.SimulationBox(ndim=self.ndim)
sb.X = qp[0:ncoords].copy()
sb.V = qp[ncoords:]/self.M
sb.M = self.M
sb.internals = self.internals
if self.savefiles:
self._log['ncol'] = ncol
self._log['ntot'] = ntot
self._log['NABS'] = nabs
self._log['ratio'] = ratio
return sboxes
def sampler_boltzmann(self,hessian=None,is_linear=None,modes=None,**opts):
Sample initial conditions according to exp(-betaH)
and produce a list of files ready for use
stepnorm -- norm of the MonteCarlo steps to be taken.
NSAMPLES -- int, number of samples to collect
savefiles -- bool, True, save new simulationbox objects to disk
X = []
V = []
# if self.DIST == 'wigner' or self.DIST == 'wigner0K':
# raise ValueError("sample is Boltzmann distribution. use sampleW for Wigner distribution.")
if self.DIST == 'wigner' or self.DIST == 'wigner0K' or self.DIST == 'wignerHM':
self.init_samplewigner(hessian, self.M, is_linear, modes)
# Do some initialization
stepnorm = opts.get('stepnorm',self._optimalStepNorm) # optimized in the burn-in phase
self.NSAMPLES = opts.get('NSAMPLES',self.NSAMPLES) # Number of samples to collect
ncoords = self.X0.size
# Initialize sampler
pfunc = self._getProbFunc()
qp = self._log['lastQP']
prob = pfunc(self._log['lastQP'])
# Start sampling
ncol = self._log['ncol']
ntot = self._log['ntot']
nabs = self._log['NABS']
ratio = self._log['ratio']
# Iterate until all samples are produced
while ncol < self.NSAMPLES:
nabs += 1
if self.REC: ntot += 1
if self.DIST == 'boltzmann':
# perform MC step
accepted,qp,prob = mth.metropolisStep(qp,prob,pfunc,stepnorm=stepnorm)
xx = qp[0:len(qp)//2]
pp = qp[len(qp)//2:]
elif self.DIST == 'wigner0K':
m = self.M_normalModes
w = self.w_normalModes
nm = self.x_normalModes
qnum_nmode = self.qnum
accepted,qp,prob = mth.metropolisStep(qp,prob,pfunc,stepnorm=stepnorm)
xx = np.array(self.RefGeom) + np.dot(nm.transpose(), qp[0:len(qp)//2])
pp = np.dot(nm.transpose(), qp[len(qp)//2:])
elif self.DIST == 'wigner':
m = self.M_normalModes
w = self.w_normalModes
nm = self.x_normalModes
qnum_nmode = self.qnum
accepted,qp,prob = mth.metropolisStep(qp,prob,pfunc,stepnorm=stepnorm)
xx = np.array(self.RefGeom) + np.dot(nm.transpose(), qp[0:len(qp)//2])
pp = np.dot(nm.transpose(), qp[len(qp)//2:])
# if successful, then save data
if accepted:
ncol += 1
ratio = float(ncol)/float(ntot)
self._log['lastQP'] = qp
self._log['lastP'] = prob
if self.DIST == 'boltzmann':
self._log['energy'].append(-np.log(prob) * KBAU * self.TEMP)
elif self.DIST == 'wigner0K':
e = np.dot(pp, pp) / (2.0 * self.M[0])
e += self.funcE(xx)
self._log['energy'].append(e) #mth.wignerE(xx,pp,m,w))
elif self.DIST == 'wigner':
e = np.dot(pp, pp) / (2.0 * self.M[0])
e += self.funcE(xx)
self._log['energy'].append(e) #mth.wignerEFT(xx,pp,m,w))
# self._log['dist'].append( np.linalg.norm(qp[0:3] - qp[3:6]) )
# set some logging variables and return positions/velocities
self._log['ncol'] = ncol
self._log['ntot'] = ntot
self._log['NABS'] = nabs
self._log['ratio'] = ratio
return X,V
def sampleRotation(xref,mass,temp,nsample,**opts):
xref -- reference geometry to sample rotations [[x1,y1,z1,],[x2,y2,z2,],...], a.u.
mass -- atom masses [m1,m2,...] assume a.u.
temp -- rotational temperature
nsample -- number of initial conditions to generate
nburn = opts.get('nburn',5000)
targetRatio = opts.get('targetRatio',0.4)
guessStepNorm = opts.get('guessStepNorm',0.0001)
incr = opts.get('burnIncrement',200)
has_burnerForWigner = opts.get('burnerForWigner',False)
w = opts.get('angular_velocity',[])
stepNorm = opts.get('stepNorm',0.0001)
# Get moments of inertia and principal axes
xref = np.asarray(xref)
mass = np.asarray(mass)
xyz = geo.XYZGeometry()
xyz.atomPositions = xref
xyz.masses = mass
im,iv = xyz.momentsOfInertia()
ix = iv[:,0]
iy = iv[:,1]
iz = iv[:,2]
# Define the probability function
def _probabilityFunctionRotation(w):
w -- angular velocities in au
tmp = 0.5 * im * w**2
erot = tmp.sum() # angular velocity
return math.exp( -erot/KBAU/temp ) # boltzmann factor
def _erot(w):
tmp = 0.5 * im * w**2
return tmp.sum()
logB = []
if not has_burnerForWigner:
# Burn-in to find the step norm giving the desired acceptance ratio (~0.4 usually OK)
w0 = np.array([0,0,0],float)
w,stepNorm,logB = _burner(w0,
# Sample rotational velocities around principal axes
wlist,logS = _sampler(w,
x0 = xyz.atomPositions
# Rotate ref. geometry such that p. axes are aligned with x,y,z
xr = np.dot(iv.transpose(),x0.transpose()).transpose()
# Transform angular velocities around principal axes to Cartesian velocities
vlist1 = []
for wvel in wlist:
v = np.cross(xr,wvel) # v = r x w
# Generate a random orientations and rotate velocities and ref. geometry
xlist = []
vlist = []
for v1 in vlist1:
u = 2*np.random.rand(3)-1 # random 3D vector
phi = np.random.rand()*2*np.pi # random rotation angle
R = mth.rodriguesMatrix(u,phi)
x = np.dot(R,xr.transpose()).transpose()
v = np.dot(R,v1.transpose()).transpose()
logS['rotationalEnergies'] = map(_erot,wlist)
return xlist,vlist,[logB,logS]
def _burner(p0,pfunc,nburn,istep,targetRatio,incr,**opts):
Do burn-in steps to bring the sampling to the correct acceptance ratio
p0 -- initial set of parameters
pfunc -- probability function
nburn -- number of burning steps
istep -- initial step length in parameter space
incr -- increments at which ratio is checked and readjusted (~nburn/10)
p -- final set of parameters
stepNorm -- final step size
log -- dictionaty with logging info
if nburn <= incr: raise ValueError
log = {}
log['ratio'] = []
log['stepnorm'] = []
prob = pfunc(p0)
ncol = 0 # collected during whole burnin
ntot = 0 # counter for total steps
ninccol = 0 # collected during last increment
ninctot = 0 # counter for steps during increment
p = p0
stepNorm = istep
while ntot < nburn:
ntot += 1
ninctot += 1
accepted,p,prob = mth.metropolisStep(p,prob,pfunc,stepnorm=stepNorm)
if accepted:
ncol += 1
ninccol += 1
ratio = float(ncol)/float(ntot)
log['lastParam'] = p
log['lastProb'] = prob
if ninctot == incr:
ratio = float(ninccol)/float(ninctot) + TINY
if ratio/targetRatio > 1.15: stepNorm = stepNorm*1.05
if targetRatio/ratio > 1.15: stepNorm = stepNorm/1.05
ninctot = 0
ninccol = 0
return p,stepNorm,log
def _sampler(p0,pfunc,nsample,stepNorm):
Sample the parameter space starting from p0
The sampler generates steps of length stepNorm in parameter space. An adequate
stepNorm can be determined in the burn-in phase
p0 -- initial set of parameters
pfunc -- probability function
nsample -- number of samples to collect
stepNorm -- length of steps in parameter space
log = {}
log['ratio'] = []
# Initialize sampler
p = p0
plist = []
prob = pfunc(p)
# Start sampling
ncol = 0
ntot = 0
while ncol < nsample:
ntot += 1
accepted,p,prob = mth.metropolisStep(p,prob,pfunc,stepnorm=stepNorm)
if accepted:
ncol += 1
ratio = float(ncol)/float(ntot)
log['lastParam'] = p
log['lastProb'] = prob
log['ncol'] = ncol
log['ntot'] = ntot
return plist,log
def get_omega(x0,m,hessian,
X = []
V = []
if modes != None:
modlist = modes
elif len(x0) < 6:
modlist = range(len(m))
elif is_linear:
modlist = range(5,len(m))
modlist = range(6,len(m))
N = len(modlist)
if quantum_numbers:
qnum = np.asarray(quantum_numbers, dtype=int)
qnum = np.zeros(N)
w,L = nmo.normal_modes_from_HessianCart(hessian,m)
Lx,mu = nmo.q_mw_to_x(m,L)
w_int = w[modlist]
mu_int = mu[modlist]
Lx_int = Lx[modlist]
return w_int, mu_int, Lx_int
def sampler_zero_point_energy(nsample,x0,m,hessian,
Sample independent normal modes according to quantum state energies
nsample -- int, number of positions and velocities to generate
x0 -- np array, Cartesian coordinates of the reference geometry
m -- np array, Mass of each Cartesian coordinate
hessian -- np array, Hessian matrix
quan... -- list, quantum number of each mode increasing in energy
is_linear -- bool, True if linear (e.g. diatomic) system
X = []
V = []
if modes != None:
modlist = modes
elif len(x0) < 6:
modlist = range(len(m))
elif is_linear:
modlist = range(5,len(m))
modlist = range(6,len(m))
N = len(modlist)
# if x0.size < 6:
# Ne = 0
# N = x0.size - Ne
# elif is_linear:
# Ne = 5
# N = x0.size - Ne
# else:
# Ne = 6
# N = x0.size - Ne
if quantum_numbers:
qnum = np.asarray(quantum_numbers, dtype=int)
qnum = np.zeros(N)
w,L = nmo.normal_modes_from_HessianCart(hessian,m)
Lx,mu = nmo.q_mw_to_x(m,L)
w_int = w[modlist]
mu_int = mu[modlist]
Lx_int = Lx[modlist]
factr = np.sqrt( 1.0 + 2.0*qnum )
facQtoX = 1.0/np.sqrt(mu_int * w_int)
facPtoV = np.sqrt(w_int / mu_int)
i = 0
while i < nsample:
ran = np.random.random(N)
phi = ran* 2.0*np.pi
Q = factr*np.sin(phi)
P = factr*np.cos(phi)
d = Q*facQtoX
dv = P*facPtoV
x = x0 + np.dot( Lx_int.transpose(), d )
v = np.dot( Lx_int.transpose(), dv )
return X,V
def bwd_fft(modes, nb):
Transform from normal mode representation to bead representation using FFT.
modes --- current position/velocity values in normal mode representation
nb --- number of beads
beads --- positions/velocities in bead representation
nf = float(nb)
# for the classical case they are the same
if nb == 1:
return modes
# rearrange to fit FFT structure
modes_re = np.zeros(nb)
modes_re[0] = modes[0]
modes_re[1] = modes[1]
modes_re[-1] = modes[nb//2]
for i in range(1,nb):
if i%2==0:
modes_re[i] = modes[-i//2]
for i in range (1,nb//2):
modes_re[2*i+1] = modes[i+1]
# apply RPMD scaling constants
modes_re *= np.sqrt(nf)
modes_re[1:-1] /= np.sqrt(2.0)
# do backward FFT
var_bwd = fft.irfft(modes_re)
return var_bwd
def sampler_zero_point_energy_rpmd(nsample,x0,m,hessian,nb,beta,
Sample independent normal modes according to quantum state energies
nsample -- int, number of positions and velocities to generate
x0 -- np array, Cartesian coordinates of the reference geometry
m -- np array, Mass of each Cartesian coordinate
hessian -- np array, Hessian matrix
quan... -- list, quantum number of each mode increasing in energy
is_linear -- bool, True if linear (e.g. diatomic) system
X_rp = []
V_rp = []
for i in range(len(nb)-1):
if nb[i] != nb[i+1]:
print("Error: Zero point energy for RPMD only implemented if all DOF have the same bead number")
if modes != None:
modlist = modes
elif len(x0) < 6:
modlist = range(len(m))
elif is_linear:
modlist = range(5,len(m))
modlist = range(6,len(m))
N = len(modlist)
# if x0.size < 6:
# Ne = 0
# N = x0.size - Ne
# elif is_linear:
# Ne = 5
# N = x0.size - Ne
# else:
# Ne = 6
# N = x0.size - Ne
if quantum_numbers:
qnum = np.asarray(quantum_numbers, dtype=int)
qnum = np.zeros(N)
w,L = nmo.normal_modes_from_HessianCart(hessian,m)
Lx,mu = nmo.q_mw_to_x(m,L)
w_int = w[modlist]
mu_int = mu[modlist]
Lx_int = Lx[modlist]
factr = np.sqrt( 1.0 + 2.0*qnum )
facQtoX = 1.0/np.sqrt(mu_int * w_int)
facPtoV = np.sqrt(w_int / mu_int)
j = 0
while j < nsample:
ran = np.random.random(N)
phi = ran* 2.0*np.pi
Q = factr*np.sin(phi)
P = factr*np.cos(phi)
d = Q*facQtoX
dv = P*facPtoV
# iterate over every degree of freedom
R_rp = []
VV_rp = []
for i in range(len(Q)):
c = d[i]
cv = dv[i]
m = mu_int[i]
w_k = np.zeros(nb[i])
nf = float(nb[i])
# print m, nf, beta, type(m), type(beta)
sigma = np.zeros(nb[i])
sigmav = np.sqrt(nf * m / beta)
nm_sample = np.zeros(nb[i])
nm_samplev = np.zeros(nb[i])
# first coordinate is given centroid coordinate
nm_sample[0] = np.sqrt(float(nb[i])) * c
nm_samplev[0] = np.sqrt(float(nb[i])) * cv * m
# set up width of distribution for each bead - free ring polymer distribution
for k in range(nb[i]):
w_k[k] = (2.0 * (nf/beta) * np.sin(float(k) * np.pi / nf))**2
w_k[k] += w_int[i]**2
if k > 0:
sigma[k] = np.sqrt(nf / (m * beta * w_k[k]))
sigma[k] = 0.0
# sample normal mode distribution - all except the centroid
nm_sample[1:] = np.random.normal(np.zeros(nb[i]-1), sigma[1:])
nm_samplev[1:] = np.random.normal(np.zeros(nb[i]-1), sigmav, nb[i]-1)
# transform back from normal modes
R_rp.append(bwd_fft(nm_sample, nb[i]))
VV_rp.append(bwd_fft(nm_samplev, nb[i]) / m)
# todo transformation of RP here!
# print R_rp
# print
# print "lx", Lx_int.transpose()
# print
# print d
# print np.dot( Lx_int.transpose(), np.array(R_rp) )
# print x0
x = np.repeat(x0, nb).reshape((len(x0), nb[0])) + np.dot( Lx_int.transpose(), np.array(R_rp) )
v = np.dot( Lx_int.transpose(), np.array(VV_rp) )
# print "---"
# print x
# print v
return X_rp,V_rp
def rotation(x0, v0, phi=None):
Isotropically sample one rotaional degree of freedom. Currently limited to
rotations about the y-axis.
x0 - list of input cartesian coordinates.
v0 - list of input cartesian velocities.
phi - optional list of given rotation angles; for testing purposes.
x - list of cartesian coordinates with added sampling.
v - list of cartesian velocities rotated correctly.
# N number of samples
N = len(x0)
# m number of atoms
m = len(x0[0])//3
# output lists
X = []
V = []
if phi == None:
# generate isotropic random angles
ran = np.random.random(N)
phi = ran * 2.0*np.pi
# sample
for i in range(N):
# generate rotation matrix
Ry = np.array([[np.cos(phi[i]), 0, -np.sin(phi[i])], [0, 1, 0], [np.sin(phi[i]), 0, np.cos(phi[i])]])
# rotate and save
rot_x = np.dot(Ry, x0[i].reshape((m,3)).T)
rot_v = np.dot(Ry, v0[i].reshape((m,3)).T)
return X, V
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from CDTK.Dynamics.Models.testModels import tetrahedron as func
sys.stdout.write('Testing IniConSampler\n')
xl = [1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1]
x0 = np.array(xl,float) / np.sqrt(8.0)
sampler = IniConSampler(x0,func,T=500.0,DIST='boltzmann')
ncol = sampler._log['ncol']
ntot = sampler._log['ntot']
nabs = sampler._log['NABS']
ratio = sampler._log['ratio']
sys.stdout.write('N Collected: %i\n' % (ncol,))
sys.stdout.write('N Calls (collection): %i\n' % (ntot,))
sys.stdout.write('N Calls (absolute): %i\n' % (nabs,))
sys.stdout.write('Acceptance ratio: %6.3f\n' % (ratio,))
sys.stdout.write('Step size: %6.3f\n' % (sampler._optimalStepNorm,))