Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.InputfileSH

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
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#! /usr/bin/env python

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv
import numpy as np
from CDTK.Tools.Inputfile import Inputfile

[docs] class Inputfile_SurfaceHopping(Inputfile): """ Read and store the contents of the input file for surface-hopping method. Returns [sections] - information parsed from input file """ def __init__(self,fname=None,**opts): Inputfile.__init__(self,fname=fname,**opts) def _inputLog(self,**opts): """ Print all parameters according to calculation type [LZ/FS] """ fout = 'log' try: output = file(fout,'w') except: raise ValueError(fout+' could not be accessed') output.write('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n') output.write('############### NEW RUN ###############\n\n') output.write('Program name: QDTK \n\n') output.write('Fewest-Switching Surface-Hopping Method \n\n') output.write('########################################################################\n\n') # parsed input parameters for running QDTK for sec in self.sections: output.write(str(sec)+' \n') for sec_content in self.sections[sec]: if sec_content == 'coord': output.write(str(sec_content)+'\n') for atom in self.sections[sec][sec_content]: for xyz in atom: output.write("%12.7f" % (xyz,)) output.write('\n') else: output.write(str(sec_content)+' = '+str(self.sections[sec][sec_content])+'\n') output.write('\n') output.close() def _process_run_section(self,seclist): """ Returns the parameter from the section [run] Basic definition parameters for the calculation: Title - calculation description Method_type - [Newton] newtonian dynamics [Quantum] quantum dynamics [Job_type] - [initial_condition] prepare initial condition [propagation] perform dynamics calculation [Restart] - whether to be the restart calculation Molecule - [Atom] - Array to specify the atoms [Mass] - Array to specify the associated mass of each atom Unit - atomic_unit angstrom Spatial_dim - Spatial dimensions Init_condition - File containing initial conditions TINIT - Initial time TFINAL - Final time DT - Time step """ dsection = {} dsection['isrestart'] = False for line in seclist: ls_s = self._cleanstr(line).lower() # for options without = seperator if (ls_s == 'initial_condition') or (ls_s == 'propagation'): keyword = 'job_type' value = ls_s elif (ls_s == 'restart'): keyword = 'isrestart' value = True else: ls = line.split('=') keyword = self._cleanstr(ls[0]).lower() if keyword == 'title': value = self._cleanstr_long(ls[1]) else: try: value = self._cleanstr(ls[1]) except: value = None dsection[keyword] = value # Read the molecular definition mol_fname = dsection['molecule_file'] try: fmol = open(mol_fname, 'r') except: msg = 'File ' + mol_fname + ' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) dsection['atom'] = [] dsection['mass'] = [] if dsection['job_type'] == 'initial_condition': dsection['coord'] = [] line = fmol.readline() while line: if line[0] == '#': # detects comments line = fmol.readline() continue elif line.split() == []: # detects empty lines line = fmol.readline() continue else: if dsection['job_type'] == 'propagation': # read atomic name and mass ls = line.split() if len(ls) < 2: raise ValueError('Error: molecule definition file. Usage: [atom] [mass]') dsection['atom'].append(ls[0]) dsection['mass'].append(float(ls[1])) line = fmol.readline() elif dsection['job_type'] == 'initial_condition': # read atomic name. mass and initial coordinate ndim = int(dsection['spatial_dim']) ls = line.split() if len(ls) != (ndim+2): raise ValueError('Error: molecule definition file. Usage: [atom] [mass] [coordinates]') dsection['atom'].append(ls[0]) dsection['mass'].append(float(ls[1])) for i in range(ndim): dsection['coord'].append(float(ls[2+i])) line = fmol.readline() if dsection['job_type'] == 'initial_condition': natom = len(dsection['atom']) dsection['coord'] = np.array(dsection['coord'],dtype=float) dsection['coord'].shape = (natom, ndim) fmol.close() # adjustment for internal keyword and option value consistence dsection['method_type'] = dsection['method_type'].lower() dsection['job_type'] = dsection['job_type'].lower() dsection['surface_hopping_type'] = dsection['surface_hopping_type'].lower() dsection['unit'] = dsection['unit'].lower() return dsection def _process_surface_hopping_section(self,seclist): """ Returns the parameter from the section [surface_hopping] Parameters for the surface-hopping calculation: init_elec_state - initial electronic state number_elec_state(s) - number of electronic state(s) Nstep_quantum - number of quantum steps within one classical step coupling_matrix_method - [wavefunction_overlap] [explicit_d_matrix] """ dsection = {} # avoid input ambiguity [number_elec_state(s)] dsection['number_elec_state'] = None for line in seclist: ls = line.split('=') keyword = self._cleanstr(ls[0]).lower() try: value = self._cleanstr(ls[1]) except: value = None dsection[keyword] = value # adjust initial electronic state for internal consistency dsection['init_elec_state'] = int(dsection['init_elec_state']) - 1 # avoid input ambiguity [number_elec_state(s)] if dsection['number_elec_state'] is not None: dsection['number_elec_states'] = dsection['number_elec_state'] dsection.pop('number_elec_state') # adjustment for internal keyword and option value consistence dsection['coupling_matrix_method'] = dsection['coupling_matrix_method'].lower() return dsection def _process_electronic_struct_section(self,seclist): """ Returns the parameter from the section [electronic_struct] Parameters for the electronic structure calculation: Program - [MOLCAS] [QCHEM] Basis - Basis for electronic wavefunction Gradient_method - [Analytical] [Numerical] Input - General input for the electronic Energy Energy method [Koopmans] [CASSCF] Analytical gradient Wavefunction Coupling_matrix_input - Input for the wavefunction overlap calculation non-adiabatic coupling matrix """ dsection = {} for line in seclist: ls = line.split('=') keyword = self._cleanstr(ls[0]).lower() try: value = self._cleanstr(ls[1]) except: value = None dsection[keyword] = value # adjustment for internal keyword and option value consistence program_name = dsection['program'] dsection['program'] = dsection['program'].lower() dsection['gradient_method'] = dsection['gradient_method'].lower() dsection['energy_method'] = dsection['energy_method'].lower() # Prepare the input files for electronic structure calculation if dsection['program'] == 'molcas': if dsection['energy_method'] == 'koopmans': # Hartree-Fock-Koopmans method pass else: # CI type methods molcas_elec_struct_inp = dsection['energy_input'] molcas_gradient_inp = dsection['gradient_input'] molcas_cplmat_inp_init = dsection['coupling_matrix_input_init'] molcas_cplmat_inp = dsection['coupling_matrix_input'] if not (isinstance(molcas_elec_struct_inp,basestring) and isinstance(molcas_cplmat_inp,basestring)): raise ValueError('Failed to locate MOLCAS input files') elif dsection['program'] == 'qchem': qchem_elec_struct_inp = dsection['input'] qchem_cplmat_inp = dsection['coupling_matrix_input'] if not (isinstance(qchem_elec_struct_inp,basestring) and isinstance(qchem_cplmat_inp,basestring)): raise ValueError('Failed to locate QCHEM input files') else: raise ValueError('Could not find the computer program ' + program_name +' for electronic structure calculation') return dsection def _cleanstr(self,s): """ remove blanks around 1st word in string """ return s.split()[0] def _cleanstr_long(self,s): """ remove blanks around the string """ sl = '' for word in s.split(): sl = sl + word + ' ' return sl
[docs] def check_input(self,param,keywords): """ Check consistency of the input parameters """ fout = 'check' try: output = file(fout,'w') except: raise ValueError(fout+' could not be accessed') output.write('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n') output.write('############### INPUT CHECK ###############\n\n') output.write('Program name: QDTK \n\n') output.write('Fewest-Switching Surface-Hopping Method \n\n') output.write('########################################################################\n\n') for section in keywords: for key in keywords[section]: try: # ckeck whether the certain parameter is not defined if param[section][key] is None: output.write(section+' '+key+' NOT DEFINED!'+'\n') else: output.write(section+' '+key+' checked'+'\n') except: # certain parameter is missing raise ValueError('Input Error: '+section+' '+key+'\n') output.close()