Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.MDIntegrators

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
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import numpy as np
from CDTK.Tools import NumericalDerivatives as nd

[docs] def velocityVerlet(x0,v0,g0,m,dt,grad,**opts): """ Perform a velocity-Verlet integration step x(t) -> x(t+dt) v(t) -> v(t+dt) Input parameters: x0 - positions x(t) v0 - velocities v(t) g0 - gradient g(t) m - mass of each coordinate dt - integration step grad - function returning the gradient Options: constraints - List of constraints of the form g(x) = 0 where g(x) are functions of all coordinates ... The RATTLE algorithm is used to enforce the constraints: H.C.Andersen, J.Comput.Phys. 52, 24-34, (1983) A modified version is implemented here that uses numerical differentiation of the constraints. This makes the procedure not restricted to particular types of constraints (e.g. bonds or bond angles): any holonomic constraint on the system of point particles can be defined. tol - tolerance for the constraints enforcement in RATTLE maxiter - maximum number of iterations in RATTLE step Output: x1 - x(t+dt) v1 - v(t+dt) g1 - g(t+dt) """ x1 = np.zeros(x0.size,float) v1 = np.zeros(x0.size,float) g1 = np.zeros(x0.size,float) constraints = opts.get('constraints',None) tol = opts.get('tol',1.e-6) maxiter = opts.get('maxiter',500) if constraints is None: v1 = v0 - 0.5*dt*g0/m # v(t) -> v(t+dt/2) x1 = x0 + v1*dt # x(t) -> x(t+dt) g1 = grad(x1) v1 = v1 - 0.5*dt*g1/m # v(t+dt/2) -> v(t+dt) else: # RATTLE iterations nc = len(constraints) xlagr = np.zeros(nc,float) vlagr = np.zeros(nc,float) # Positions x1 = x0 + v0*dt - 0.5*g0/m*dt**2 # x(t) -> x(t+dt) converged = False it = 0 gconstraints_x0 = _get_gradient_constraints(constraints,x0) for i in range(nc): gconstraints_x0[i] = 0.5*gconstraints_x0[i]/m while not converged: if it > maxiter: raise ValueError('RATTLE(x) did not converge in %i iterations' % (maxiter)) converged = True for i,cfunc in enumerate(constraints): xold = x1.copy() s = cfunc(xold) xlagr[i] = s/,xold),gconstraints_x0[i]) x1 = xold - xlagr[i] * gconstraints_x0[i] if abs(s) > tol: converged = False it += 1 # Velocities g1 = grad(x1) v1 = v0 - 0.5*dt*(g0+g1)/m # v(t+dt/2) -> v(t+dt) for i,gc in enumerate(gconstraints_x0): v1 = v1 - xlagr[i]*gc*dt converged = False it = 0 gconstraints_x1 = _get_gradient_constraints(constraints,x1) m_gconstraints_x1 = [] for i in range(nc): m_gconstraints_x1.append(0.5*gconstraints_x1[i]/m) u_gconstraints_x1 = map(_unitvector,gconstraints_x1) while not converged: if it > maxiter: raise ValueError('RATTLE(v) did not converge in %i iterations' % (maxiter)) converged = True for i,cfunc in enumerate(constraints): vold = v1.copy() vlagr[i] =,gconstraints_x1[i])/[i],gconstraints_x1[i]) s =,gconstraints_x1[i]) v1 = vold - vlagr[i]*m_gconstraints_x1[i] if abs(s) > tol: converged = False it += 1 return x1,v1,g1
def _get_gradient_constraints(constraints,x): glist = [] for cfunc in constraints: g = _ngrad(cfunc,x) glist.append(g) return glist def _ngrad(f,x): return nd.gradient(f,x,fast=True,step=0.001) def _unitvector(v): return v/np.linalg.norm(v)