Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.MolcasInterfaceSH

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#*  (at your option) any later version.
#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#*  **************************************************************************
#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os

import string
import re

import numpy as np

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv

symbols = []
basis_set      = ''
input_energy   = ''
input_gradient = ''
input_cplmat   = ''
input_init_cplmat = ''
state = 0
hf_charge = 0

input_mo       = ''

MOLCAS = 'molcas'
# Energy calculation
MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP = 'molcas_energy.inp'
MOLCAS_ENERGY_OUT = 'molcas_energy.out'
# Gradient calculation
MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP = 'molcas_gradient.inp'
MOLCAS_GRADIENT_OUT = 'molcas_gradient.out'
# Non-adiabatic coupling matrix calculation
MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP = 'molcas_cplmat.inp'
MOLCAS_CPLMAT_OUT = 'molcas_cplmat.out'
MOLCAS_T_XYZ    = ''    # wavefunction at T
MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ = '' # wavefunction at T+DT

# Molecular orbital calculation 
MOLCAS_MO_INP = 'molcas_mo.inp'
MOLCAS_MO_OUT = 'molcas_mo.out'
MOLCAS_MO_ORBITAL = 'molcas_mo.ScfOrb'
# Molecular spectra calculation TAS
MOLCAS_TAS_INP = 'molcas_tas.inp'
MOLCAS_TAS_OUT = 'molcas_tas.out'

ZERO = 0.0

[docs] def runMolcasEnergy(X_au,**opts): """ Return the energy of the given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr Output: if state == 0, EHF (Hartree Fock) if state == 1, ECAS ... optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom """ retAll = opts.get('returnAll',False) retstates = opts.get('returnStates',[]) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') X = X_au.copy() try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) natoms = X.size/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write("Title\n") Fileref.write("Molecular energy calculation\n") Fileref.write("coord\n") Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) Fileref.write(input_energy) # Molcas input for molecular energy Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_ENERGY_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) EHF, ECAS = getCASSCF_Energy(MOLCAS_ENERGY_OUT) if EHF is None: return None if retstates: Epes = [] for s in retstates: pes = float(ECAS[s]) Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) elif retAll: Epes = [] idx = np.arange(len(ECAS),dtype=int)+1 for i in idx: pes = float(ECAS[i]) Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) if state == 0: return EHF if state > 0: return float(ECAS[state-1])
[docs] def getCASSCF_Energy(QOUT): """ Get HF and CASSCF orbital energies from a Molcas output file """ SCF_Energy = '' ECAS = '' ECAS0 = '' NOCC = '' NOCCN = '' NOBFF = '' NOBF = '' """ number of basis functions""" OrbEi='' E0=0.0 try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+QOUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Total SCF energy')>=0: StateF.readline() SCF_Energy=SCF_Energy+Line.split()[4] E0=float(SCF_Energy) Line=StateF.readline() StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Convergence problem!') >= 0: return None,None Line=StateF.readline() StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Final state energy(ies)') >=0: ECAS = [] StateF.readline() StateF.readline() while Line.find('++') < 0: Line=StateF.readline() if Line.find('.')>=0: ECAS0 = Line.split()[7] ECAS.append(ECAS0) return (E0,ECAS) Line=StateF.readline()
[docs] def runMolcasKoopmansEnergy(X_au,**opts): """ Return the Koopmans energy of the given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr Output: if state == 0, EHF (Hartree Fock) if state == 1, ECAS ... optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom """ retAll = opts.get('returnAll',False) retstates = opts.get('returnStates',[]) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') X = X_au.copy() try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) natoms = X.size/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write("Title\n") Fileref.write("Koopmans molecular energy calculation\n") Fileref.write("coord\n") Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2])) Fileref.write(input_energy) # Molcas input for molecular energy Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_ENERGY_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) EHF, orbE = getKoopmans_Energy(MOLCAS_ENERGY_OUT) if EHF is None: return None if retstates: Epes = [] for s in retstates: pes = float(EHF) - float(orbE[-s-1]) Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) elif retAll: Epes = [] idx = np.arange(len(orbE),dtype=int)+1 for i in idx: pes = EHF - float(orbE[-i]) Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) if state == 0: return EHF if state > 0: return EHF - float(orbE[-state])
[docs] def getKoopmans_Energy(QOUT): """ Get HF and orbital energies from a Molcas output file """ SCF_Energy = '' NOCC = '' NOCCN = '' OrbEi = '' try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+QOUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Total SCF energy')>=0: StateF.readline() SCF_Energy=SCF_Energy+Line.split()[4] E0=float(SCF_Energy) Line=StateF.readline() StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Convergence problem!') >= 0: return None,None Line=StateF.readline() StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Occupied orbitals')>=0: StateF.readline() NOCC=NOCC+string.split(Line)[2] NOCCN=int(NOCC) elif Line.find('nOcc=')>=0: StateF.readline() NOCC=NOCC+string.split(Line)[1] NOCCN=int(NOCC) # Nosymm is assumed in the calculation if Line.find('Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a') >= 0: # initial line OrbEi=[] StateF.readline() while Line.find('--') < 0: # final line Line=StateF.readline() if Line.find('Energy')>=0: # Two types of orbital energy output. # Type 0 - for few orbitals. horizontal format # Type 1 - for many orbitals. vertical format if Line.split().index('Energy') == 0: TypeOrbEOutput = 0 elif Line.split().index('Energy') == 1: TypeOrbEOutput = 1 else: raise ValueError('Orbital energy output type not defined') if TypeOrbEOutput == 0: OrbEi=OrbEi + Line.split()[1:] Line=StateF.readline() elif TypeOrbEOutput == 1: break if TypeOrbEOutput == 1: while Line.find('--') < 0: # final line Line=StateF.readline() if len(Line.split()) >= 3: posOccNum = Line.split()[2] # position for occ. num. if posOccNum == '2.0000' or posOccNum == '1.0000': # an effective line for orbital energies OrbEi.append(Line.split()[1]) return (E0,OrbEi[0:NOCCN]) Line=StateF.readline()
[docs] def runMolcasGradient(X_au,**opts): """ Return the energy gradient of given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. ROOT_g in the input file serves to designate certain electronic state requiring analytical gradient Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr Output: - GCAS: The analytical gradient optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom - nstates_g: number of electronic states requiring gradient default = 1 - state_g: the certain electronic state(s) requiring gradient default = None - clean: whether to clean the Molcas working directory default = False """ retAll = opts.get('returnAll',False) retstates = opts.get('returnStates',[]) nstates_g = opts.get('nstates_g',1) state_g = opts.get('state_g',None) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') clean = opts.get('clean',False) if state_g is None: raise ValueError('The certain electronic state requiring analytical gradient not defined') if len(state_g) != nstates_g: raise ValueError('') # For subsequent Molcas gradient calculation of [hopping_electronic_state]. clean the working directory if clean: MOLCAS_WORKDIR = os.environ['MOLCAS_WORKDIR'] if len(MOLCAS_WORKDIR.split()[0]) != 0: msg = 'rm -f '+MOLCAS_WORKDIR+'/*' os.system(msg) X = X_au.copy() if unit is 'Angstrom': X = X * conv.au2an elif unit is 'Bohr': X = X # coordinates in Bohr ndim = X.size natoms = ndim/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) # gradient for one electronic state GCAS_s = [] # gradient for required electronic state(s) GCAS = np.zeros((nstates_g,ndim),float) for state_g_s in state_g: try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) try: Filexyz = open(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_GRADIENT_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Filexyz.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) Filexyz.write("Bohr\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X): Filexyz.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) molcas_input_gradient = input_gradient inp_g = re.compile('(ROOT_g)') molcas_input_gradient = inp_g.sub(str(state_g_s+1), molcas_input_gradient, count=2) # for Rlxroot and SALA Fileref.write(molcas_input_gradient) Filexyz.close() Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_GRADIENT_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) GCAS0 = getCASSCF_AnalyticalGrad(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_OUT) GCAS_s.append(GCAS0) GCAS = np.reshape(np.array(GCAS_s),(nstates_g,ndim)) return GCAS
[docs] def getCASSCF_AnalyticalGrad(QOUT): """ Get Analytical gradients for a given ROOT from Molcas output file """ StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() grad_analy = [] while Line: if Line.find('Molecular gradients') >= 0: StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() while Line.find('--------') < 0: grad0 = map(float,Line.split()[1:]) grad_analy.append(grad0) Line=StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() #gradT = np.array(grad_analy) gradT = grad_analy return gradT
[docs] def runMolcasGradientMultElecS(X_au,**opts): """ Return the energy gradient of given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. For the case of simultaneous computation of [gradient]s for [mult]i-[elec]tronic [s]tates. ROOT_g in the input file serves to designate certain electronic state requiring analytical gradient Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr Output: - GCAS: The analytical gradient optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom - nstates_g: number of electronic states requiring gradient default = 1 - state_g: the certain electronic state(s) requiring gradient default = None """ retAll = opts.get('returnAll',False) retstates = opts.get('returnStates',[]) nstates_g = opts.get('nstates_g',1) state_g = opts.get('state_g',None) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') if nstates_g == 1: raise ValueError("Use runMolcasGradient for single electronic state gradient calculation") if state_g is None: raise ValueError('The certain electronic state requiring analytical gradient not defined') if len(state_g) != nstates_g: raise ValueError('') X = X_au.copy() if unit is 'Angstrom': X = X * conv.au2an elif unit is 'Bohr': X = X # coordinates in Bohr ndim = X.size natoms = ndim/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) # gradient for one electronic state GCAS_s = [] # gradient for required electronic state(s) GCAS = np.zeros((nstates_g,ndim),float) try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) try: Filexyz = open(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_GRADIENT_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Filexyz.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) Filexyz.write("Bohr\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X): Filexyz.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) # [SEWARD]. once Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write("coord=%s\n" % (MOLCAS_GRADIENT_XYZ)) Fileref.write("group=nosym\n") Fileref.write("Basis=%s\n" % (basis_set)) Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write("charge=%i\n" % (hf_charge)) Fileref.write("End of input\n") # [RASSCF] [MCLR] [ALASKA]. x nstates_g for state_g_s in state_g: molcas_input_gradient = input_gradient inp_g = re.compile('(ROOT_g)') molcas_input_gradient = inp_g.sub(str(state_g_s+1), molcas_input_gradient, count=2) # for Rlxroot and SALA Fileref.write(molcas_input_gradient) Filexyz.close() Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_GRADIENT_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) GCAS0 = getCASSCF_AnalyticalGradMultElecS(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_OUT, nstates_g) GCAS = np.reshape(np.array(GCAS0),(nstates_g,ndim)) return GCAS
[docs] def getCASSCF_AnalyticalGradMultElecS(QOUT, nstates_g): """ Get Analytical gradients for a given ROOT from Molcas output file For the case of simultaneous computation of [gradient]s for [mult]i-[elec]tronic [s]tates. Input: nstates_g - number of electronic states requiring gradient default = 1 """ StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() gradT = [] elec_state = 0 while Line and (elec_state <= nstates_g): # compute the gradient for each electronic state if Line.find('Molecular gradients') >= 0: elec_state += 1 grad_analy = [] StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() while Line.find('--------') < 0: grad0 = map(float,Line.split()[1:]) grad_analy.append(grad0) Line=StateF.readline() gradT.append(grad_analy) # gradient for each electronic state Line=StateF.readline() return np.array(gradT)
[docs] def runMolcasCplmat(X_au_T,X_au_TpDT,DT,phase_track,**opts): """ Return the non-adiabatic coupling matrix of the given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. Input: - X_au_T: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr at T - X_au_TpDT: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr at T+DT - DT: Classical time-step - phase_track: track of electronic wavefunction phase Output: VD - The non-adiabatic coupling matrix optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom - nstates: number of electronic states default = 1 - is_init: whether to be the initializing classical step for wavefunction overlap calculation of non-adiabatic coupling default: False """ nstates = opts.get('nstates',1) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') is_init = opts.get('is_init',False) X_T = X_au_T.copy() X_TpDT = X_au_TpDT.copy() try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) if is_init: Fileref.write(input_init_cplmat) # Molcas input for non-adiabatic coupling at TIME 0+DT/2 else: Fileref.write(input_cplmat) # Molcas input for non-adiabatic coupling Fileref.close() natoms = X_T.size/3 X_T.shape = (natoms,3) X_TpDT.shape = (natoms,3) # Molecular geometry at T try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_T_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_T_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X_T): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) Fileref.close() # Molecular geometry at T+DT try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X_TpDT): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_CPLMAT_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) # The non-adiabatic coupling matrix V.D at T+DT/2 VD = getCASSCF_Cplmat(MOLCAS_CPLMAT_OUT,DT,phase_track,nstates=nstates) if VD is None: return None else: return VD
[docs] def getCASSCF_Cplmat(QOUT,DT,phase_track,**opts): """ Return the non-adiabatic coupling matrix at T+DT/2 calculated from overlap of wavefunctions at T and T+DT Input: - QOUT: Molcas output of wavefunction overlap calculation - DT: Classical time-step - phase_track: track of electronic wavefunction phase optional arguments: - nstates: number of electronic states default = 1 """ nstates = opts.get('nstates',1) try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+QOUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) Line=StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() DIJ0 = [] DDIJ = [] VD = [] while Line: if Line.find('OVERLAP MATRIX FOR THE ORIGINAL STATES') >= 0: AIJ = [] StateF.readline() Line = StateF.readline() while Line.find('--- Stop Module') < 0: AIJ = AIJ + Line.split()[0:] Line = StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() DIJ = [] idx_start_overlap = nstates * (nstates + 1) / 2 # exclude self-overlap idx_r = idx_start_overlap for i in range(nstates): for j in range(nstates): DIJ0 = float(AIJ[idx_r+j]) DIJ.append(DIJ0) idx_r += nstates+i+1 DDIJ = np.reshape(np.array(DIJ),(nstates,nstates)) # adjust the phase of electronic wavefunction phase_current = [] for i in range(nstates): if DDIJ[i,i] < 0.0: phase_current.append(-1.0 * phase_track[i]) else: phase_current.append(1.0 * phase_track[i]) for i in range(nstates): for j in range(nstates): DDIJ[i,j] = DDIJ[i,j] * phase_track[i] * phase_current[j] phase_track = phase_current # calculate the non-adiabtic coupling matrix VD = np.zeros((nstates,nstates),float) for i in range(nstates): for j in range(nstates): VD[i,j] = DDIJ[i,j] - DDIJ[j,i] VD = VD / 2.0 / DT return VD
[docs] def runMolcasAOCoeff(X_au,state_current,**opts): """ Return the coefficients of atomic orbitals for the molecular orbital of current electronic state Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr - state_current: current electronic state """ unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') X = X_au.copy() try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_MO_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_MO_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) natoms = X.size/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write("Title\n") Fileref.write("Molecular orbital calculation\n") Fileref.write("coord\n") Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) Fileref.write(input_mo) # Molcas input for molecular orbital Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_MO_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_MO_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) NOCC = getAO_NOCC (MOLCAS_MO_OUT) # the number of occupied orbitals AO_coeff = getAO_Coeff(MOLCAS_MO_ORBITAL, NOCC, state_current) # the coefficients of atomic orbitals return np.array(AO_coeff)
[docs] def getAO_NOCC(QOUT): """ Return the number of occupied orbitals """ NOCC = '' NOCCN = '' try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+QOUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Convergence problem!') >= 0: raise ValueError('Convergence problem') Line=StateF.readline() StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Occupied orbitals')>=0: StateF.readline() NOCC=NOCC+string.split(Line)[2] NOCCN=int(NOCC) return NOCCN elif Line.find('nOcc=')>=0: StateF.readline() NOCC=NOCC+string.split(Line)[1] NOCCN=int(NOCC) return NOCCN Line=StateF.readline()
[docs] def getAO_Coeff(QOUT, NOCC, state_current): """ Return coefficients of atomic orbitals for the molecular orbital of current electronic state [NOCC - state_current]. Koopmans theorem. """ try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+QOUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) # the Koopmans molecular orbital of the current electronic state orbital_current = NOCC - state_current # the atomic orbital coefficients of the current molecular orbital AO_coeff = [] Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('* ORBITAL') >= 0: if int(Line.split()[3]) == orbital_current: # the atomic orbital coefficients for # the current molecular orbital Line=StateF.readline() while Line.find('* ORBITAL') < 0: # next molecular orbital # Molcas output. if len(Line[0 :18]) > 1 : AO_coeff.append(float(Line[0 :18])) if len(Line[18:36]) > 1 : AO_coeff.append(float(Line[18:36])) if len(Line[36:54]) > 1 : AO_coeff.append(float(Line[36:54])) if len(Line[54:72]) > 1 : AO_coeff.append(float(Line[54:72])) Line=StateF.readline() return AO_coeff Line=StateF.readline()
[docs] def getAOCoeff_mld(QOUT, NOCC, state_current): """ Return coefficients of atomic orbitals for the molecular orbital of current electronic state [NOCC - state_current]. Koopmans theorem. molecular orbitals from [molcas.scf.molden] """ try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg='File ' + QOUT + ' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) # the Koopmans molecular orbital for the current electronic state orbital_current = NOCC - state_current # the atomic orbital coefficients of the current molecular orbital AO_coeff = [] Line=StateF.readline() idx_mo = 0 while Line: Line=StateF.readline() # find the current molecular orbital if Line.find('Sym=') >=0: idx_mo += 1 if idx_mo == orbital_current: Line=StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() while Line.find('Sym=') < 0: # next molecular orbital # Molcas output. AO_coeff.append(float(Line.split()[1])) Line=StateF.readline() return AO_coeff
[docs] def load_input(a_fname,**opts): """ Return contents of a Molcas input file """ try: fileunit = file(a_fname,'r') except: msg = 'File '+a_fname+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) input = return input
# Hartree-Fock-Koopmans ab_initio_setup = {}
[docs] def runMolcasHFKoopmansEnergy(X_au,**opts): """ Return the Koopmans energy of the given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr Output: if state == 0, EHF (Hartree Fock) if state == 1, ECAS ... optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom """ retAll = opts.get('returnAll',False) retstates = opts.get('returnStates',[]) retEHF = opts.get('returnEHF',False) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') X = X_au.copy() try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) try: Filexyz = open(MOLCAS_ENERGY_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_ENERGY_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) natoms = X.size/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) Filexyz.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Filexyz.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Filexyz.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X): Filexyz.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2])) Filexyz.close() Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write(" Title=Koopmans molecular energy calculation\n") Fileref.write(" coord=%s\n" % (MOLCAS_ENERGY_XYZ)) Fileref.write(" group=nosym\n") Fileref.write(" basis=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['basis_set'])) # SCF Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%i\n" % (ab_initio_setup['scf_charge'])) Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_ENERGY_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_ENERGY_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) EHF, orbE = getHFKoopmans_Energy(MOLCAS_ENERGY_OUT) if EHF is None: return None if retstates: Epes = [] for s in retstates: pes = float(EHF) - float(orbE[-s-1]) Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) elif retAll: Epes = [] idx = np.arange(len(orbE),dtype=int)+1 for i in idx: pes = EHF - float(orbE[-i]) Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) elif retEHF: return EHF if state == 0: return EHF if state > 0: return EHF - float(orbE[-state])
[docs] def getHFKoopmans_Energy(QOUT): """ Get HF and orbital energies from a Molcas output file """ SCF_Energy = '' NOCC = '' NOCCN = '' OrbEi = '' try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+QOUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Total SCF energy')>=0: StateF.readline() SCF_Energy=SCF_Energy+Line.split()[4] E0=float(SCF_Energy) Line=StateF.readline() StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Convergence problem!') >= 0: return None,None Line=StateF.readline() StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Occupied orbitals')>=0: StateF.readline() NOCC=NOCC+string.split(Line)[2] NOCCN=int(NOCC) elif Line.find('nOcc=')>=0: StateF.readline() NOCC=NOCC+string.split(Line)[1] NOCCN=int(NOCC) # Nosymm is assumed in the calculation if Line.find('Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a') >= 0: # initial line OrbEi=[] StateF.readline() while Line.find('--') < 0: # final line Line=StateF.readline() if Line.find('Energy')>=0: # Two types of orbital energy output. # Type 0 - for few orbitals. horizontal format # Type 1 - for many orbitals. vertical format if Line.split().index('Energy') == 0: TypeOrbEOutput = 0 elif Line.split().index('Energy') == 1: TypeOrbEOutput = 1 else: raise ValueError('Orbital energy output type not defined') if TypeOrbEOutput == 0: OrbEi=OrbEi + Line.split()[1:] Line=StateF.readline() elif TypeOrbEOutput == 1: break if TypeOrbEOutput == 1: while Line.find('--') < 0: # final line Line=StateF.readline() if len(Line.split()) >= 3: posOccNum = Line.split()[2] # position for occ. num. if posOccNum == '2.0000' or posOccNum == '1.0000': # an effective line for orbital energies OrbEi.append(Line.split()[1]) return (E0,OrbEi[0:NOCCN]) Line=StateF.readline()
[docs] def runMolcasHFKoopmansGradient(X_au,**opts): """ Return the Hartree-Fock-Koopmans energy gradient of given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. For the case of simultaneous computation of [gradient]s for [mult]i-[elec]tronic [s]tates. Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr Output: - GCAS: The analytical gradient optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom - nstates_g: number of electronic states requiring gradient default = 1 - state_g: the certain electronic state(s) requiring gradient default = None """ retAll = opts.get('returnAll',False) retstates = opts.get('returnStates',[]) nstates_g = opts.get('nstates_g',1) state_g = opts.get('state_g',None) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') if state_g is None: raise ValueError('The certain electronic state requiring analytical gradient not defined') if len(state_g) != nstates_g: raise ValueError('') X = X_au.copy() ndim = X.size natoms = ndim/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) # gradient for one electronic state GCAS_s = [] # gradient for required electronic state(s) GCAS = np.zeros((nstates_g,ndim),float) try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) try: Filexyz = open(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_GRADIENT_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Filexyz.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) Filexyz.write("Bohr\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X): Filexyz.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) # [SEWARD]. once Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write(" Title=Hartree-Fock-Koopmans gradient\n") Fileref.write(" coord=%s\n" % (MOLCAS_GRADIENT_XYZ)) Fileref.write(" group=nosym\n") Fileref.write(" basis=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['basis_set'])) # SCF Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write("charge=%i\n" % (ab_initio_setup['scf_charge'])) # [RASSCF] [MCLR] [ALASKA]. x nstates_g for state_g_s in state_g: # RASSCF # INPORB # Molcas 7.6 #Fileref.write("! ln -fs $Project.ScfOrb INPORB\n") # Molcas 7.8 Fileref.write(">>LINK FORCE $Project.ScfOrb INPORB\n") Fileref.write("&RASSCF\n") Fileref.write(" Title=CASSCF Procedure\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_charge'])) Fileref.write(" spin=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_spin'])) Fileref.write(" NACTEL=%3i 0 0; Inactive=%3i; Ras2=%3i\n" % (ab_initio_setup['nactel'], ab_initio_setup['inactive'], ab_initio_setup['ras2']) ) Fileref.write(" CIRoot=%3i %3i 1\n" % (ab_initio_setup['ciroot'], ab_initio_setup['ciroot'])) Fileref.write(" CIONLY\n") Fileref.write(" CIMX=0\n") state_bottom = 0 if state_g_s != state_bottom: mo_roof = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] mo_alter = mo_roof - state_g_s Fileref.write(" ALTER=1; 1 %3i %3i\n" % (mo_alter, mo_roof)) Fileref.write(" LUMORB\n") # ALASKA Fileref.write("&ALASKA\n") Fileref.write(" PNEW\n") Filexyz.close() Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_GRADIENT_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_GRADIENT_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) GCAS0 = getHFKoopmans_Gradient(MOLCAS_GRADIENT_OUT, nstates_g) GCAS = np.reshape(np.array(GCAS0),(nstates_g,ndim)) return GCAS
[docs] def getHFKoopmans_Gradient(QOUT, nstates_g): """ Get analytical gradients for a given ROOT from Molcas output file For the case of simultaneous computation of [gradient]s for [mult]i-[elec]tronic [s]tates. Input: nstates_g - number of electronic states requiring gradient default = 1 """ StateF=open(QOUT,'r') Line=StateF.readline() gradT = [] elec_state = 0 while Line and (elec_state <= nstates_g): # compute the gradient for each electronic state if Line.find('Molecular gradients') >= 0: elec_state += 1 grad_analy = [] StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() while Line.find('--------') < 0: grad0 = map(float,Line.split()[1:]) grad_analy.append(grad0) Line=StateF.readline() gradT.append(grad_analy) # gradient for each electronic state Line=StateF.readline() return np.array(gradT)
[docs] def runMolcasHFKoopmansCplmatAlter(X_au_T,X_au_TpDT,DT,phase_track,state_block,**opts): """ Return the non-adiabatic coupling matrix of the given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. Input: - X_au_T: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr at T - X_au_TpDT: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr at T+DT - DT: Classical time-step - phase_track: track of electronic wavefunction phase - state_block: block of states to be considered for overlap Output: VD - The non-adiabatic coupling matrix optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom - nstates: number of electronic states default = 1 - is_init: whether to be the initializing classical step for wavefunction overlap calculation of non-adiabatic coupling default: False - is_reinit: whether to be the re-initializing classical step for wavefunction overlap calculation of non-adiabatic coupling applied for Hartree-Fock-Koopmans method default: False """ nstates = opts.get('nstates',1) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') is_init = opts.get('is_init',False) is_reinit = opts.get('is_reinit',False) NBlock = len(state_block) # Number of orbitals in the block X_T = X_au_T.copy() X_TpDT = X_au_TpDT.copy() natoms = X_T.size/3 X_T.shape = (natoms,3) X_TpDT.shape = (natoms,3) # Molecular geometry at T try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_T_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_T_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X_T): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) Fileref.close() # Molecular geometry at T+DT try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X_TpDT): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) Fileref.close() # Input for non-adiabatic coupling # IDX for JOBIPHS idx_s = [] niphs = 2 # for two geometries for idx in range(niphs): if (idx+1) < 10: idx_s.append('00' + str(idx+1)) elif 10 <= (idx+1) < 100: idx_s.append('0' + str(idx+1)) elif 100 <= (idx+1) < 1000: idx_s.append(str(idx+1)) else: raise ValueError('JobIph not defined') # # RASSCF wave function for each electronic state # For molecular geometry ONE at TIME 0. TWO at TIME DT try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) # MOLCAS_HOME Fileref.write(">> EXPORT MOLCAS_HOME=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['molcas_home'])) if is_init: for geom in range(2): # Molcas input for non-adiabatic coupling at TIME 0+DT/2 # SEWARD if is_reinit: Fileref.write("! rm *Orb* *molden* *clu* *File *grid\n") else: if geom == 1: # should not search for molecular orbital files from previous RASSCF procedure Fileref.write("! rm *Orb* *molden* *clu* *File *grid\n") Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write(" Title=Hartree-Fock-Koopmans wavefunction\n") Fileref.write(" coord=") if geom == 0: Fileref.write("%s\n" % (MOLCAS_T_XYZ)) elif geom == 1: Fileref.write("%s\n" % (MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ)) Fileref.write(" group=nosym\n") Fileref.write(" basis=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['basis_set'])) # SCF Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['scf_charge'])) # RASSCF Fileref.write("&RASSCF\n") Fileref.write(" Title=CASSCF Procedure\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_charge'])) Fileref.write(" spin=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_spin'])) if ab_initio_setup['has_occ_sing']: NACTel = 2 * NBlock - 1 else: NACTel = 2 * NBlock NInact = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - NBlock Fileref.write(" NACTEL=%3i 0 0; Inactive=%3i; Ras2=%3i\n" % (NACTel, NInact, NBlock) ) Fileref.write(" CIRoot=%3i %3i 1\n" % (NBlock, NBlock)) Fileref.write(" CIONLY\n") Fileref.write(" CIMX=0\n") Fileref.write(" LUMORB\n") Fileref.write(" ALTER=%3i\n" % (NBlock)) for i,state in enumerate(state_block): mo_roof = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - i mo_alter = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - state Fileref.write(" 1 %3i %3i\n" % (mo_alter, mo_roof)) Fileref.write("\n") # JobIph iph_s = idx_s[geom] Fileref.write("> COPY $Project.JobIph JOB%s\n" % (iph_s)) Fileref.write("\n") else: # Molcas input for non-adiabatic coupling # Molcas input for non-adiabatic coupling at TIME T+DT/2 # SEWARD Fileref.write("! rm *Orb* *molden* *clu* *File *grid\n") # [geom 0] is stored at previous classical step geom = 1 Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write(" Title=Hartree-Fock-Koopmans wavefunction\n") Fileref.write(" coord=") Fileref.write("%s\n" % (MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ)) Fileref.write(" group=nosym\n") Fileref.write(" basis=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['basis_set'])) # SCF Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['scf_charge'])) # RASSCF Fileref.write("&RASSCF\n") Fileref.write(" Title=CASSCF Procedure\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_charge'])) Fileref.write(" spin=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_spin'])) if ab_initio_setup['has_occ_sing']: NACTel = 2 * NBlock - 1 else: NACTel = 2 * NBlock NInact = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - NBlock Fileref.write(" NACTEL=%3i 0 0; Inactive=%3i; Ras2=%3i\n" % (NACTel, NInact, NBlock) ) Fileref.write(" CIRoot=%3i %3i 1\n" % (NBlock, NBlock)) Fileref.write(" CIONLY\n") Fileref.write(" CIMX=0\n") Fileref.write(" LUMORB\n") Fileref.write(" ALTER=%3i\n" % (NBlock)) for i,state in enumerate(state_block): mo_roof = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - i mo_alter = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - state Fileref.write(" 1 %3i %3i\n" % (mo_alter, mo_roof)) Fileref.write("\n") # JobIph iph_s = idx_s[geom] Fileref.write("> COPY $MOLCAS_HOME/JOB%s JOB%s\n" % (idx_s[0],idx_s[0])) Fileref.write("> COPY $Project.JobIph JOB%s\n" % (iph_s)) Fileref.write("\n") # Overall RASSI for collected RASSCF wave functions # Overlap of wavefunctions # RASSI at TIME 0+DT/2 and T+DT/2 Fileref.write("&RASSI\n") Fileref.write(" NR OF JOBIPHS=2 %3i %3i\n" % (NBlock, NBlock)) for i in range(NBlock): Fileref.write(" %2i " % (i+1)) Fileref.write(";") for i in range(NBlock): Fileref.write(" %2i " % (i+1)) Fileref.write("\n") Fileref.write(" overlaps\n") Fileref.write(" ONEL\n") Fileref.write("\n") # Overwrite wavefunction at TIME with wavefunction at TIMEpDT iph_T = idx_s[0] iph_TpDT = idx_s[1] Fileref.write(">> RM JOB%s\n" % (iph_T)) Fileref.write("\n") Fileref.write(">> COPY JOB%s $MOLCAS_HOME/JOB%s\n" % (iph_TpDT,iph_T)) Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_CPLMAT_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) # The non-adiabatic coupling matrix V.D at T+DT/2 # The blockweis non-adiabatic coupling matrix # [NBlock] x [NBlock] sub-block idx_block_init = state_block[0] Block_VD = getHFKoopmans_Cplmat(MOLCAS_CPLMAT_OUT,DT,phase_track,idx_block_init,nstates_block=NBlock,nstates=nstates) # Construct the full skew-Hermitian non-adiabatic coupling matrix from the block # [nstates] x [nstates] full-matrix VD = np.zeros((nstates,nstates),float) for i in range(NBlock): for j in range(NBlock): if i != j: # compute corresponding position in the full matrix i_fm = idx_block_init + i j_fm = idx_block_init + j VD[i_fm,j_fm] = Block_VD[i,j] if VD is None: return None else: return VD
[docs] def getHFKoopmans_Cplmat(QOUT,DT,phase_track,idx_block_init,**opts): """ Return the non-adiabatic coupling matrix at T+DT/2 calculated from overlap of wavefunctions at T and T+DT Input: - QOUT: Molcas output of wavefunction overlap calculation - DT: Classical time-step - phase_track: track of electronic wavefunction phase - idx_block_init: the initial state of the block optional arguments: - nstates_block: number of electronic states in the block default = 2 - nstates: number of electronic states default = 1 """ nstates_block = opts.get('nstates_block',2) nstates = opts.get('nstates',1) try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+QOUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) Line=StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() DIJ0 = [] DDIJ = [] VD = [] while Line: if Line.find('OVERLAP MATRIX FOR THE ORIGINAL STATES') >= 0: AIJ = [] StateF.readline() Line = StateF.readline() while Line.find('--- Stop Module') < 0: AIJ = AIJ + Line.split()[0:] Line = StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() DIJ = [] idx_start_overlap = nstates_block * (nstates_block + 1) / 2 # exclude self-overlap idx_r = idx_start_overlap for i in range(nstates_block): for j in range(nstates_block): DIJ0 = float(AIJ[idx_r+j]) DIJ.append(DIJ0) idx_r += nstates_block + i + 1 DDIJ = np.reshape(np.array(DIJ),(nstates_block,nstates_block)) # adjust the phase of electronic wavefunction # blockwise phase_current = np.ones(nstates, dtype=float) for i in range(nstates_block): # compute corresponding position in the full matrix i_fm = idx_block_init + i if DDIJ[i,i] < 0.0: phase_current[i_fm] = -1.0 * phase_track[i_fm] else: phase_current[i_fm] = 1.0 * phase_track[i_fm] for i in range(nstates_block): for j in range(nstates_block): i_fm = idx_block_init + i j_fm = idx_block_init + j DDIJ[i,j] = DDIJ[i,j] * phase_track[i_fm] * phase_current[j_fm] phase_track = phase_current.copy() # calculate the non-adiabtic coupling matrix VD = np.zeros((nstates_block,nstates_block),float) for i in range(nstates_block): for j in range(nstates_block): VD[i,j] = DDIJ[i,j] - DDIJ[j,i] VD = VD / 2.0 / DT return VD
[docs] def runMolcasHFKoopmansAOCoeff(X_au,state_current,**opts): """ Return the coefficients of atomic orbitals for the molecular orbital of current electronic state Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr - state_current: current electronic state """ unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') X = X_au.copy() try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_MO_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_MO_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) natoms = X.size/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) # Molcas input for molecular orbital Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write(" Title=Molecular orbital calculation\n") Fileref.write(" coord\n") Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) # Fileref.write(" group=nosym\n") Fileref.write(" basis=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['basis_set'])) # SCF Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['scf_charge'])) Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_MO_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_MO_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) NOCC = getAO_NOCC (MOLCAS_MO_OUT) # the number of occupied orbitals AO_coeff = getAO_Coeff(MOLCAS_MO_ORBITAL, NOCC, state_current) # the coefficients of atomic orbitals return np.array(AO_coeff)
[docs] def runMolcasTASpectra(X_au, current_state, **opts): """ Return the matrix element for transition dipoles and transition energies Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates Input: - X_au: 3N array, molecular coordinates - current_state: current electronic state Output: DipEn - pairs of [transition dipole. transition energy] optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom - is_init: whether to be the initial classical step default: False """ unit = opts.get('unit', 'Bohr') is_init = opts.get('is_init',False) X = X_au.copy() natoms = X.size/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_TAS_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_TAS_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms)) if unit == 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit == 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") else: raise ValueError('Unit not defined') for i,atom in enumerate(X): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2])) Fileref.close() # build the HFK core shell core_shell = range(ab_initio_setup['core_state_range'][0], ab_initio_setup['core_state_range'][1] + 1) NPair = len(core_shell) # number of core-valence transition pairs # Input for TAS # IDX for JOBIPHS idx_s = [] niphs = 1 # for two geometries for idx in range(niphs): if (idx+1) < 10: idx_s.append('00' + str(idx+1)) else: raise ValueError('JobIph not defined') try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_TAS_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_TAS_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) # if not is_init: Fileref.write("! rm *Orb* *molden* *clu* *File *grid\n") Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write(" Title=Hartree-Fock-Koopmans wavefunction\n") Fileref.write(" coord=%s\n" % (MOLCAS_TAS_XYZ)) Fileref.write(" group=nosym\n") Fileref.write(" basis=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['basis_set'])) # SCF Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['scf_charge'])) # calculate [valence-cores] transition [dipole. energy] in pairs # RASSCF - RASSI for i,state_core in enumerate(core_shell): # RASSCF if i > 0: # INPORB # Molcas 7.6 #Fileref.write("! ln -fs $Project.ScfOrb INPORB\n") # Molcas 7.8 Fileref.write(">>LINK FORCE $Project.ScfOrb INPORB\n") Fileref.write("&RASSCF\n") Fileref.write(" Title=CASSCF Procedure\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_charge'])) Fileref.write(" spin=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_spin'])) NBlock = 2 # active space consists of one pair of MOs if ab_initio_setup['has_occ_sing']: NACTel = 2 * NBlock - 1 else: NACTel = 2 * NBlock NInact = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - NBlock Fileref.write(" NACTEL=%3i 0 0; Inactive=%3i; Ras2=%3i\n" % (NACTel, NInact, NBlock)) Fileref.write(" CIRoot=%3i %3i 1\n" % (NBlock, NBlock)) Fileref.write(" CIONLY\n") Fileref.write(" CIMX=0\n") Fileref.write(" LUMORB\n") # INPORB Fileref.write(" ALTER=2\n") # valence alter - core alter # valence member in the pair mo_roof_v = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - 1 mo_alter_v = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - current_state Fileref.write(" 1 %3i %3i\n" % (mo_alter_v, mo_roof_v)) # core member in the pair mo_roof_c = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] mo_alter_c = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - state_core Fileref.write(" 1 %3i %3i\n" % (mo_alter_c, mo_roof_c)) Fileref.write("\n") # iph_s = idx_s[0] Fileref.write("> COPY $Project.JobIph JOB%s\n" % (iph_s)) Fileref.write("\n") # RASSI Fileref.write("&RASSI\n") Fileref.write(" MEES\n") # [M]atrix [E]lements of [E]igen[S]tates output Fileref.write(" NR OF JOBIPHS=1 %3i\n" % (NBlock)) for i in range(NBlock): Fileref.write(" %2i " % (i+1)) Fileref.write("\n") Fileref.write("> RM JOB%s\n" % (iph_s)) Fileref.write("\n") Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_TAS_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_TAS_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) DipEn = getTAS_DipEn(MOLCAS_TAS_OUT, core_shell) if DipEn is None: raise ValueError("TAS calculation failed") else: return DipEn
[docs] def getTAS_DipEn(QOUT, core_shell): """ Return the matrix element for transition dipoles and transition energies Input: - QOUT: Molcas output of transition dipoles and energies - core_shell: the electronic states for certain core shell Output: -DipEn: pairs of transition dipoles and energies """ DipEn = [] try: StateF=open(QOUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+QOUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) EIJ = [] # transition energies MU = [] # transition dipoles Line = StateF.readline() while Line: # transition energy if Line.find('Total energies (spin-free)') >= 0: StateEnergy = [] for i in range(2): # transition between [two] electronic states Line = StateF.readline() StateEnergy.append(float(Line.split()[6])) # transition dipole M[xyz] MU_XYZ_s = [] # Dipole moment vector NDIP = 3 # XYZ idx_m = 0 while (idx_m < NDIP): Line = StateF.readline() if Line.find('PROPERTY: MLTPL 1 COMPONENT') >= 0: idx_m += 1 StateF.readline() StateF.readline() StateF.readline() Line=StateF.readline() MU_XYZ_s.append(float(Line.split()[2])) MU.append( MU_XYZ_s ) EIJ.append( (StateEnergy[1] - StateEnergy[0]) ) Line = StateF.readline() StateF.close() for i, mu_s in enumerate(MU): DipEn.append([mu_s, EIJ[i]]) if len(DipEn) == 0: raise ValueError("Error: transition dipoles and energies") return DipEn
[docs] def runMolcasHFKoopmansCplmat(X_au_T,X_au_TpDT,DT,phase_track,state_block,**opts): """ Return the non-adiabatic coupling matrix of the given molecule Run Molcas for given molecular coordinates. Input: - X_au_T: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr at T - X_au_TpDT: 3N array, molecular coordinates in bohr at T+DT - DT: Classical time-step - phase_track: track of electronic wavefunction phase - state_block: block of states to be considered for overlap Output: VD - The non-adiabatic coupling matrix optional arguments: - unit: Unit of coordinates default: Bohr option : Angstrom - nstates: number of electronic states default = 1 - is_init: whether to be the initializing classical step for wavefunction overlap calculation of non-adiabatic coupling default: False - is_reinit: whether to be the re-initializing classical step for wavefunction overlap calculation of non-adiabatic coupling applied for Hartree-Fock-Koopmans method default: False """ nstates = opts.get('nstates',1) unit = opts.get('unit','Bohr') is_init = opts.get('is_init',False) is_reinit = opts.get('is_reinit',False) NBlock = len(state_block) # Number of orbitals in the block X_T = X_au_T.copy() X_TpDT = X_au_TpDT.copy() natoms = X_T.size/3 X_T.shape = (natoms,3) X_TpDT.shape = (natoms,3) # Molecular geometry at T try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_T_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_T_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X_T): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) Fileref.close() # Molecular geometry at T+DT try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) Fileref.write('%i\n' % (natoms) ) if unit is 'Bohr': Fileref.write("Bohr\n") elif unit is 'Angstrom': Fileref.write("Angstrom\n") for i,atom in enumerate(X_TpDT): Fileref.write('%s %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (symbols[i],atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) Fileref.close() # Input for non-adiabatic coupling # IDX for JOBIPHS idx_s = [] niphs = 2 # for two geometries for idx in range(niphs): if (idx+1) < 10: idx_s.append('00' + str(idx+1)) elif 10 <= (idx+1) < 100: idx_s.append('0' + str(idx+1)) elif 100 <= (idx+1) < 1000: idx_s.append(str(idx+1)) else: raise ValueError('JobIph not defined') # # RASSCF wave function for each electronic state # For molecular geometry ONE at TIME 0. TWO at TIME DT try: Fileref = open(MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP,'w') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP+' could not be accessed' raise ValueError(msg) # MOLCAS_HOME Fileref.write(">> EXPORT MOLCAS_HOME=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['molcas_home'])) if is_init: for geom in range(2): # Molcas input for non-adiabatic coupling at TIME 0+DT/2 # SEWARD if is_reinit: Fileref.write("! rm *Orb* *molden* *clu* *File *grid\n") else: if geom == 1: # should not search for molecular orbital files from previous RASSCF procedure Fileref.write("! rm *Orb* *molden* *clu* *File *grid\n") Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write(" Title=Hartree-Fock-Koopmans wavefunction\n") Fileref.write(" coord=") if geom == 0: Fileref.write("%s\n" % (MOLCAS_T_XYZ)) elif geom == 1: Fileref.write("%s\n" % (MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ)) Fileref.write(" group=nosym\n") Fileref.write(" basis=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['basis_set'])) # SCF Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['scf_charge'])) Fileref.write("> COPY molcas_cplmat.ScfOrb $MOLCAS_HOME/\n") # RASSCF # define molecular orbitals used for wavefunction overlap calculation # [typeindex] state_start = state_block[0] state_end = state_block[-1] # [mo_floor ... mo_roof] mo_roof = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - state_start - 1 mo_floor = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - state_end - 1 Fileref.write("! python $MOLCAS_HOME/ %6i %6i $MOLCAS_HOME/molcas_cplmat.ScfOrb \n" % (mo_floor, mo_roof)) # Fileref.write("&RASSCF\n") Fileref.write(" Title=CASSCF Procedure\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_charge'])) Fileref.write(" spin=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_spin'])) if ab_initio_setup['has_occ_sing']: NACTel = 2 * NBlock - 1 else: NACTel = 2 * NBlock NInact = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - NBlock Fileref.write(" NACTEL=%3i 0 0; Inactive=%3i; Ras2=%3i\n" % (NACTel, NInact, NBlock) ) Fileref.write(" CIRoot=%3i %3i 1\n" % (NBlock, NBlock)) Fileref.write(" CIONLY\n") Fileref.write(" CIMX=0\n") Fileref.write(" LUMORB\n") # JobIph iph_s = idx_s[geom] Fileref.write("> COPY $Project.JobIph JOB%s\n" % (iph_s)) Fileref.write("\n") else: # Molcas input for non-adiabatic coupling # Molcas input for non-adiabatic coupling at TIME T+DT/2 # SEWARD Fileref.write("! rm *Orb* *molden* *clu* *File *grid\n") # [geom 0] is stored at previous classical step geom = 1 Fileref.write("&SEWARD\n") Fileref.write(" Title=Hartree-Fock-Koopmans wavefunction\n") Fileref.write(" coord=") Fileref.write("%s\n" % (MOLCAS_TpDT_XYZ)) Fileref.write(" group=nosym\n") Fileref.write(" basis=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['basis_set'])) # SCF Fileref.write("&SCF\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['scf_charge'])) Fileref.write("> COPY molcas_cplmat.ScfOrb $MOLCAS_HOME/\n") # RASSCF # define molecular orbitals used for wavefunction overlap calculation # [typeindex] state_start = state_block[0] state_end = state_block[-1] # [mo_floor ... mo_roof] mo_roof = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - state_start - 1 mo_floor = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - state_end - 1 Fileref.write("! python $MOLCAS_HOME/ %6i %6i $MOLCAS_HOME/molcas_cplmat.ScfOrb \n" % (mo_floor, mo_roof)) # Fileref.write("&RASSCF\n") Fileref.write(" Title=CASSCF Procedure\n") Fileref.write(" charge=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_charge'])) Fileref.write(" spin=%s\n" % (ab_initio_setup['casscf_spin'])) if ab_initio_setup['has_occ_sing']: NACTel = 2 * NBlock - 1 else: NACTel = 2 * NBlock NInact = ab_initio_setup['nocc'] - NBlock Fileref.write(" NACTEL=%3i 0 0; Inactive=%3i; Ras2=%3i\n" % (NACTel, NInact, NBlock) ) Fileref.write(" CIRoot=%3i %3i 1\n" % (NBlock, NBlock)) Fileref.write(" CIONLY\n") Fileref.write(" CIMX=0\n") Fileref.write(" LUMORB\n") # JobIph iph_s = idx_s[geom] Fileref.write("> COPY $MOLCAS_HOME/JOB%s JOB%s\n" % (idx_s[0],idx_s[0])) Fileref.write("> COPY $Project.JobIph JOB%s\n" % (iph_s)) Fileref.write("\n") # Overall RASSI for collected RASSCF wave functions # Overlap of wavefunctions # RASSI at TIME 0+DT/2 and T+DT/2 Fileref.write("&RASSI\n") Fileref.write(" NR OF JOBIPHS=2 %3i %3i\n" % (NBlock, NBlock)) for i in range(NBlock): Fileref.write(" %2i " % (i+1)) Fileref.write(";") for i in range(NBlock): Fileref.write(" %2i " % (i+1)) Fileref.write("\n") Fileref.write(" overlaps\n") Fileref.write(" ONEL\n") Fileref.write("\n") # Overwrite wavefunction at TIME with wavefunction at TIMEpDT iph_T = idx_s[0] iph_TpDT = idx_s[1] Fileref.write(">> RM JOB%s\n" % (iph_T)) Fileref.write("\n") Fileref.write(">> COPY JOB%s $MOLCAS_HOME/JOB%s\n" % (iph_TpDT,iph_T)) Fileref.close() MEXEC = MOLCAS + ' ' + MOLCAS_CPLMAT_INP + ' > ' + MOLCAS_CPLMAT_OUT status = os.system(MEXEC) # The non-adiabatic coupling matrix V.D at T+DT/2 # The blockweis non-adiabatic coupling matrix # [NBlock] x [NBlock] sub-block idx_block_init = state_block[0] Block_VD = getHFKoopmans_Cplmat(MOLCAS_CPLMAT_OUT,DT,phase_track,idx_block_init,nstates_block=NBlock,nstates=nstates) # Construct the full skew-Hermitian non-adiabatic coupling matrix from the block # [nstates] x [nstates] full-matrix VD = np.zeros((nstates,nstates),float) for i in range(NBlock): for j in range(NBlock): if i != j: # compute corresponding position in the full matrix i_fm = idx_block_init + i j_fm = idx_block_init + j VD[i_fm,j_fm] = Block_VD[i,j] if VD is None: return None else: return VD