Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.ObservableEH

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#*  **************************************************************************
#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys
import string
import os
import math
import numpy as np

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv

PeriodTable = {'H':1,                                                         'He':2 ,
               'Li':3, 'Be':4,             'B':5, 'C':6, 'N':7, 'O':8, 'F':9, 'Ne':10,

MOLCAS_MO_OUT = 'molcas_mo.out'

[docs] class ObservableEH(object): """ Compute motion of the electronic hole in the molecule """ def __init__(self,**opts): """ Init an ObservableEH object - atom_symbols: symbols of the chemical elements default = None - simbox: SimulationBox object default = None - external_AO: function returning the coefficients of atomic orbitals in molecular orbital of current electronic state default = None - period_table: periodic table of chemical elements - _ONAME: name of the observable [ob]servable_[e]lectronic[h]ole """ self.atom_symbols = opts.get('atom_symbols',None) self.simbox = opts.get('simbox',None) self.external_AO = opts.get('external_AO',None) self.period_table = PeriodTable self._ONAME = 'ob_eh'
[docs] def getMapAO_Atom(self,**opts): """ Map the atomic orbitals to each atom """ try: StateF = open(MOLCAS_MO_OUT,'r') except: msg = 'File '+MOLCAS_MO_OUT+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) basis_set = None Line=StateF.readline() while Line: if Line.find('Basis set label:') >= 0: basis_set = Line.split('.')[1].upper() break Line=StateF.readline() StateF.close() if basis_set is None: raise ValueError('Basis set could not be accessed for reading') # construct the map for each basis set # [3-21G] [6-31G] [6-31G*] mapAO_Atom = [] AO_c = 0 for atom in self.atom_symbols: AtomNum = self.period_table[atom] # atomic number of element if basis_set == 'STO-3G': if AtomNum >= 1 and AtomNum <= 2: # first period # 1[1s] AO_c += 1 mapAO_Atom.append(AO_c) elif AtomNum >= 3 and AtomNum <= 8: # second period # 1[1s] 1[2s] 3[2p] AO_c += 5 mapAO_Atom.append(AO_c) elif basis_set == '3-21G': if AtomNum >= 1 and AtomNum <= 2: # first period # 2[1s] AO_c += 2 mapAO_Atom.append(AO_c) elif AtomNum >= 3 and AtomNum <= 8: # second period # 1[1s] 2[2s] 3x2[2p] AO_c += 9 mapAO_Atom.append(AO_c) else: raise ValueError('Atomic number of element not defined') elif basis_set == '6-31G': if AtomNum >= 1 and AtomNum <= 2: # first period # 2[1s] AO_c += 2 mapAO_Atom.append(AO_c) elif AtomNum >= 3 and AtomNum <= 8: # second period # 1[1s] 2[2s] 3x2[2p] AO_c += 9 mapAO_Atom.append(AO_c) else: raise ValueError('Atomic number of element not defined') elif basis_set == '6-31G*': if AtomNum >= 1 and AtomNum <= 2: # first period # 2[1s] AO_c += 2 mapAO_Atom.append(AO_c) elif AtomNum >= 3 and AtomNum <= 8: # second period # 1[1s] 2[2s] 3x2[[2p]+[d]] AO_c += 15 mapAO_Atom.append(AO_c) else: raise ValueError('Atomic number of element not defined') else: raise ValueError('Basis set not defined') return mapAO_Atom, AO_c
[docs] def getElecHolePosition(self, a_x, state_current, **opts): """ Return the coordinate of the electronic hole Inputs: - a_x: molecular coordinates in bohr - state_current: current electronic state """ X = a_x.copy() natoms = X.size/3 X.shape = (natoms,3) # run Molcas calculation for the molecular orbitals if self.external_AO is None: raise ValueError('external atomic orbital coefficients not defined') # AO coefficients for Koopmans MO of [state_current] self.AO_coeff = self.external_AO(a_x, state_current) self.AO_coeff /= np.linalg.norm(self.AO_coeff) # normalization # construct the AO to atom map mapAO_Atom, NORB = self.getMapAO_Atom() if len(self.AO_coeff) != NORB: raise ValueError('Atomic orbital coefficients incorrect') # The position of electronic hole X_eh = np.zeros(3,float) AO_previous_atom = 0 for i, AO_current_atom in enumerate(mapAO_Atom): rho_AO_atom = np.linalg.norm(self.AO_coeff[AO_previous_atom:AO_current_atom])**2 X_eh += X[i] * rho_AO_atom AO_previous_atom = AO_current_atom # AO of atom updated # save the molecular orbital file MOLDEN_MO = 'molcas_mo.scf.molden' TIME = str(self.simbox.TIME) STATE = str(state_current) FileMO_TIME = MOLDEN_MO + '_' + TIME +'au_' + STATE EXEC = 'cp ' + MOLDEN_MO + ' ' + FileMO_TIME status = os.system(EXEC) return X_eh
def _update_logfile(self): if self.simbox._stepnum == 0: f = self.simbox.logfile f.write('Observable [electronic hole position] computed\n') fN_vtf = self.simbox._NAME+'_h.vtf' self.trajXeh2VTF(fileName=fN_vtf)
[docs] def trajXeh2VTF(self,**opts): """ Generate a trajectory with position of the electronic hole in .vtf format Useful for plots with VMD """ if self.simbox.internals: return fileName = opts.get('fileName',self.simbox._NAME+'.vtf') if not self.simbox.isrestart: out = file(fileName,'w') elif self.simbox.isrestart: out = file(fileName,'w') # symbols for the atoms ncoords = self.simbox.X.size nat = ncoords/self.simbox.ndim for i,s in enumerate(self.simbox.atomSymbols): out.write( 'atom %i radius 1.0 name %s\n' % (i,s) ) # symbol for the electronic hole out.write( 'atom %i radius 1.0 name %s\n' % (i+1, 'X')) out.write('\n') # coordinates for the atoms for i,geom in enumerate(self.simbox.TrajX): out.write('timestep\n') geom.shape = (nat,self.simbox.ndim) for atom in geom: for coord in atom: out.write(' %12.7f' % (coord*conv.au2an)) out.write('\n') geom.shape = (ncoords,) # coordinates for the electronic hole neh = 1 # one electronic hole geom_eh = self.simbox.TrajXeh[i] for coord in geom_eh: out.write(' %12.7f' % (coord*conv.au2an)) out.write('\n') out.write('\n')