Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.SimulationBox2

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#*  (at your option) any later version.
#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#*  GNU General Public License for more details.
#*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#*  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#*  **************************************************************************

import os
import sys
import datetime
import shelve
import uuid
from time import time

import numpy as np

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv
from . import MDIntegrators as mdi
from . import Tools as ntool

IDLEN = 12
SEP = '#--------------------------------------------------#\n'

[docs] class SimulationBox(object): """ Bunch of atoms given by their cartesian coordinates. Provides functionality to follow and analyze their classical dynamics """ def __init__(self,**opts): self.X = opts.get('X',None) # 3N coordinates of the atoms self.V = opts.get('V',None) # 3N velocities of the atoms self.DT = opts.get('DT',10.0) # Time-step self.M = opts.get('M',None) # 3N masses of each Cartesian coordinate self.atomSymbols = opts.get('atomSymbols',[]) # list of atoms self.func_E = opts.get('func_E ',None) # energy function self.func_EG = opts.get('func_EG',None) # energy,gradient function self.islogfile = opts.get('logfile',True) # produce a logfile self.constraints = opts.get('constraints',None) self.dxgrad = opts.get('dxgrad',0.001) # step for numerical energy differentiation self.TIME = 0.0 # Current time self._g = None # 3N gradient vector self.TrajX = [] # List of positions along trajectory self.KinE = [] # List of Total Energy along trajectory self.PotE = [] # List of Total Energy along trajectory self.TotE = [] # List of Total Energy along trajectory self.TrajV = [] # List of velocities along trajectory self.TotE = [] # List of total energies along trajectory self._ID = uuid.uuid4().hex[0:IDLEN] # unique ID self._CTIME = # creation date/time self._BNAME = 'sb_%4i%02i%02i_' % (self._CTIME.year,self._CTIME.month, if self.label: self._BNAME = self._BNAME + self.label + '_' self._NAME = self._BNAME + self._ID self._debug = False # If true provide output to screen self._stepnum = 0 # Classical step number
[docs] def integrate(self,**opts): """ Integrate up to tfinal """ self.DT = opts.get('dt',self.DT) tfinal = opts.get('tfinal',self.TIME+self.DT) if self.func_EG is None: # fallback to numerical gradient self.func_EG = self._getNumGrad() if self.TIME >= tfinal: return if len(self.TrajX) == 0: # log status fot TIME=0 self._e,self._g = self.func_EG(self.X) while self.TIME < tfinal: self._step(integrator='VelocityVerlet') self._stepnum += 1 self.TIME += self.DT self._updateLog() self._checkpoint()
[docs] def add_observable_cntrl(self,ob): """ Add an observable object OB objects provide observable properties for the molecule """ if not self._has_ob or self.isrestart: self._has_ob = True # init the observable objects # assume to contain several single observable objects self._ob = [] ob.simbox = self # " self._ob.append(ob) # cross link objects if not self.isrestart: self.TrajXeh = [] # List of Observable. [position of the electronic hole] self.TrajTAS = [] # List of Observable. [transient absorption spectra] self.TrajCharge = [] # List of Observable. [positive charge on each atom]
[docs] def getReducedMass(self): """ Return the reduced mass of the molecule """ natoms = len(self.X) / self.ndim masses = self.M.copy() masses.shape = (natoms,self.ndim) _rm_s = 0.0 for i in range(natoms): _rm_s += 1.0 / masses[i,0] reduced_mass = 1.0 / _rm_s return reduced_mass
[docs] def removeCenterMassMotion(self): """ Remove center of mass translational motion """ if self.internals: return # do nothing for internal coordinates ncoords = self.X.size nat = ncoords/self.ndim mv = self.M * self.V # 3N momenta from velocities mv.shape = (nat,self.ndim) ptot = self.getMomentum() mv = mv - ptot/nat # remove total momentum mv.shape = (ncoords,) self.V = mv / self.M # velocities from rescaled momenta)
[docs] def getMomentum(self,**opts): """ Return total momentum vector (in [au]) Optional arguments: - indices: tuple with indices of a group of atoms - stepnum: step number to consider - time: time to consider ** use time OR stepnum """ indices = opts.get('indices',None) stepnum = opts.get('stepnum',None) time = opts.get('time',None) ncoords = self.X.size if time is not None: stepnum = self._indexfromtime(time) if stepnum is None: v = self.V else: v = self.TrajV[stepnum] mv = self.M * v mv.shape = (ncoords/self.ndim,self.ndim) if indices is None: ptot = mv.sum(axis=0) else: ptot = np.zeros(self.ndim,float) for i in indices: ptot = ptot + mv[i,:] return ptot
[docs] def getKineticEnergy(self,**opts): """ Total kinetic energy of the system of particles Optional arguments: - stepnum: step number to consider - time: time to consider ** use time OR stepnum """ stepnum = opts.get('stepnum',None) time = opts.get('time',None) if time is not None: stepnum = self._indexfromtime(time) if stepnum is None: v = self.V else: v = self.TrajV[stepnum] return 0.5 **v,v)
[docs] def getTranslationalEnergy(self,**opts): """ Translational energy of the center of mass of the system of particles Optional arguments: - stepnum: step number to consider - time: time to consider ** use time OR stepnum """ stepnum = opts.get('stepnum',None) time = opts.get('time',None) if time is not None: stepnum = self._indexfromtime(time) if stepnum is None: v = self.V.copy() else: v = self.TrajV[stepnum].copy() m = self.M.copy() v.shape=(len(v)/self.ndim,self.ndim) m.shape=(len(m)/self.ndim,self.ndim) et = ntool.etrans(v,m[:,0],ndim=self.ndim) return et
[docs] def getRotationalEnergy(self,**opts): """ Rotational energy around the center of mass of the system of particles Optional arguments: - stepnum: step number to consider - time: time to consider ** use time OR stepnum """ stepnum = opts.get('stepnum',None) time = opts.get('time',None) if time is not None: stepnum = self._indexfromtime(time) if stepnum is None: x = self.X.copy() v = self.V.copy() else: x = self.TrajX[stepnum].copy() v = self.TrajV[stepnum].copy() m = self.M.copy() x.shape=(len(x)/self.ndim,self.ndim) v.shape=(len(v)/self.ndim,self.ndim) m.shape=(len(m)/self.ndim,self.ndim) er = ntool.erot(x,v,m[:,0]) return er
[docs] def getVibrationalEnergy(self,**opts): """ Internal energy of the system of particles Optional arguments: - stepnum: step number to consider - time: time to consider ** use time OR stepnum """ stepnum = opts.get('stepnum',None) time = opts.get('time',None) if time is not None: stepnum = self._indexfromtime(time) if stepnum is None: x = self.X.copy() v = self.V.copy() else: x = self.TrajX[stepnum].copy() v = self.TrajV[stepnum].copy() m = self.M.copy() m.shape=(len(m)/self.ndim,self.ndim) x.shape=(len(x)/self.ndim,self.ndim) v.shape=(len(v)/self.ndim,self.ndim) ev = ntool.evib(x,v,m[:,0],ndim=self.ndim) return ev
[docs] def getVibrationalMomentum(self,**opts): """ Internal momentum of the system of particles Optional arguments: - stepnum: step number to consider - time: time to consider ** use time OR stepnum """ stepnum = opts.get('stepnum',None) time = opts.get('time',None) if time is not None: stepnum = self._indexfromtime(time) if stepnum is None: x = self.X.copy() v = self.V.copy() else: x = self.TrajX[stepnum].copy() v = self.TrajV[stepnum].copy() m = self.M.copy() m.shape=(len(m)/self.ndim,self.ndim) x.shape=(len(x)/self.ndim,self.ndim) v.shape=(len(v)/self.ndim,self.ndim) pv = ntool.pvib(x,v,m[:,0],ndim=self.ndim) return pv
[docs] def getPotEnergy(self,**opts): """ Return potential energy (last time or stored) of the system (a.u.) Optional arguments: - stepnum: step number to consider - time: time to consider ** use time OR stepnum """ stepnum = opts.get('stepnum',None) time = opts.get('time',None) if time is not None: stepnum = self._indexfromtime(time) if stepnum is None: e = self.PotE[-1] else: e = self.PotE[stepnum] return e
[docs] def centerOfMassVelocity(self,**opts): """ Compute the velocity vector of the center of mass Optional arguments: - stepnum: step number to consider - time: time to consider ** use time OR stepnum """ if self.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('Function centerOfMassVelocity is currently for three spatial dimensions') stepnum = opts.get('stepnum',None) time = opts.get('time',None) if time is not None: stepnum = self._indexfromtime(time) if stepnum is None: vv = self.V else: vv = self.TrajV[stepnum] totM = self.M.sum()/float(self.ndim) v = vv.copy() m = self.M.copy() v.shape = (len(v)/self.ndim,self.ndim) m.shape = (len(m)/self.ndim,self.ndim) px =[:,0],m[:,0]) py =[:,1],m[:,1]) pz =[:,2],m[:,2]) vcm = np.array([px,py,pz])/totM return vcm
[docs] def save(self,**opts): """ Save object using pickle optional arguments: - fname: filename to save to. If not given a random hash will be used """ # Process arguments fname = opts.get('fname',self._NAME) # Undefine functions, these cannot be saved! fC = self.constraints fE = self.func_E fEG = self.func_EG self.constraints = None self.func_EG = None # Start save s =,protocol=2) s['sbox'] = self s.close() self.constraints = fC self.func_E = fE self.func_EG = fEG
[docs] def load(self,a_fname,**opts): """ Load a simulationbox object from file """ try: s =,protocol=2) except: msg = 'File '+a_fname+' could not be accessed for reading' raise ValueError(msg) b = s['sbox'] return b
[docs] def loadDirectory(self,a_dir,match=None,**opts): """ Load all simulationbox objects stored in a directory Input arguments: a_dir -- directory where to load simbox objects from match -- (optional) load only files that match "match" """ sboxes = [] try: listFiles = os.listdir(a_dir) except: raise ValueError('Could not open directory '+a_dir) for filename in listFiles: pathname = os.path.join(a_dir,filename) if os.path.isdir(pathname): sboxes = sboxes + self.loadDirectory(pathname,match=match) else: if match is not None: if filename.find(match) == -1: continue try: sbox = self.load(pathname) sboxes.append(sbox) except: continue return sboxes
[docs] def traj2VTF(self,**opts): """ Generate a trajectory in .vtf format Useful for plots with VMD """ if self.internals: return fileName = opts.get('fileName',self._NAME+'.vtf') out = file(fileName,'w') ncoords = self.X.size nat = ncoords/self.ndim for i,s in enumerate(self.atomSymbols): out.write( 'atom %i radius 1.0 name %s\n' % (i,s) ) out.write('\n') for geom in self.TrajX: out.write('timestep\n') geom.shape = (nat,self.ndim) for atom in geom: for coord in atom: out.write(' %12.7f' % (coord*conv.au2an)) out.write('\n') out.write('\n') geom.shape = (ncoords,)
[docs] def getPropertyTable(self,funcX=None,filename=None,usevel=False,**opts): """ Return property as a function of time Works on a single SimulationBox instance Input arguments: funcX -- (optional) function of the coordinates may have more than one return value filename -- (optional) file where to store the data in table form usevel -- (optional) if True, velocities are used instead of positions on return the following arrays: time, ekin, etrans, erot, evib, epot or time, func_val if funcX provided Options finalTime -- final time for property analysis over patial time domain """ finalTime = opts.get('finalTime',None) if finalTime is not None: # analyse over partial time domain terminating at [finalTime] if sbox.TIME < finalTime: return None else: times = np.linspace(0.0,finalTime,num=int(finalTime/sbox.DT)+1) else: # analyse over full time domain times = np.linspace(0.0,self.TIME,num=len(self.TrajX)) tlen = len(times) if funcX is not None: if not usevel: fval = np.array([funcX(x) for x in self.TrajX[:tlen]]) else: fval = np.array([funcX(x) for x in self.TrajV[:tlen]]) if filename is not None: fout = file(filename,'w') fout.write('# t[as] func( X(t) )\n') for i,t in enumerate(times): fout.write('%13.7f ' % (t,)) if isinstance(fval[i],np.ndarray): # multidimensional funcX for v in fval[i]: fout.write(' %13.7f' % (v,)) else: fout.write(' %13.7f' % (fval[i],)) fout.write('\n') fout.close() return times,fval else: ekin = np.array([self.getKineticEnergy(time=t) for t in times]) etra = np.array([self.getTranslationalEnergy(time=t) for t in times]) erot = np.array([self.getRotationalEnergy(time=t) for t in times]) evib = np.array([self.getVibrationalEnergy(time=t) for t in times]) epot = np.array([self.getPotEnergy(time=t) for t in times]) if filename is not None: fout = file(filename,'w') fout.write('# time[as] E_kin E_trans E_rot E_vib\n') for i,t in enumerate(times): fout.write('%13.7f %13.7f %13.7f %13.7f %13.7f %13.7f\n' % (t,ekin[i],etra[i],erot[i],evib[i],epot[i])) fout.close() return times,ekin,etra,erot,evib,epot
[docs] def getPropertyTableDir_F(self,a_dir,a_funcX,filename=None,match=None,usevel=False,**opts): """ Return an ensemble average property as a function of time Input arguments: a_dir -- directory with SimulationBox to be averaged a_funcX -- function of the coordinates; may have more than one return value filename -- (optional) file where to store the data in table form match -- load only files matching match usevel -- (optional) if True, velocities are used instead of positions On return two arrays with: time, func_val Options finalTime -- final time for property analysis over patial time domain """ finalTime = opts.get('finalTime',None) lboxes = self.loadDirectory(a_dir,match=match) if finalTime is not None: times = np.linspace(0.0,finalTime,num=int(finalTime/lbox[0].DT)+1) else: times = np.linspace(0.0,lboxes[0].TIME,num=len(lboxes[0].TrajX)) N = len(lboxes) # number of systems S = len(times) # number of time steps data = [] for sb in lboxes: if finalTime is not None: tab = sb.getPropertyTable(funX=a_funcX,usevel=usevel,finalTime=finalTime) if tab is not None: data.append(tab[1]) else: data.append(sb.getPropertyTable(funcX=a_funcX,usevel=usevel)[1]) adata = np.array(data) # indices of adata: system,timestep,property if len(adata.shape) == 2: # single property fval = np.array([adata[:,it].sum()/N for it in range(S)]) if filename is not None: fout = file(filename,'w') fout.write('# t[as] func( X(t) )\n') for i,t in enumerate(times): fout.write('%13.7f %13.7f\n' % (t,fval[i])) fout.close() if len(adata.shape) == 3: # multiple properties nprop = adata.shape[2] fval = [] for p in range(nprop): fval.append( np.array([adata[:,it,p].sum()/N for it in range(S)]) ) fval = np.array(fval) if filename is not None: fout = file(filename,'w') fout.write('# t[as] func( X(t) )\n') for i,t in enumerate(times): fout.write('%13.7f ' % (t,)) for p in range(nprop): fout.write(' %13.7f' % (fval[p,i])) fout.write('\n') fout.close() return times,fval
[docs] def getPropertyTableDir_E(self,a_dir,filename=None,match=None,**opts): """ Return ensemble averages of various energies Input arguments: a_dir -- directory with SimulationBox to be averaged filename -- (optional) file where to store the data in table form match -- load only files matching a_match On return two arrays with: time, func_val Options finalTime -- final time for property analysis over patial time domain """ finalTime = opts.get('finalTime',None) lboxes = self.loadDirectory(a_dir,match=match) if finalTime is not None: times = np.linspace(0.0,finalTime,num=int(finalTime/lbox[0].DT)+1) else: times = np.linspace(0.0,lboxes[0].TIME,num=len(lboxes[0].TrajX)) data = [] for sb in lboxes: data.append(sb.getPropertyTable(finalTime=finalTime)) adata = np.array(data) N = len(adata[:,0,0]) # number of systems S = len(adata[0,0,:]) # number of time steps ekin = np.array([adata[:,1,it].sum()/N for it in range(S)]) etra = np.array([adata[:,2,it].sum()/N for it in range(S)]) erot = np.array([adata[:,3,it].sum()/N for it in range(S)]) evib = np.array([adata[:,4,it].sum()/N for it in range(S)]) epot = np.array([adata[:,5,it].sum()/N for it in range(S)]) if filename is not None: fout = file(filename,'w') fout.write('# time[as] E_kin E_trans E_rot E_vib\n') for i,t in enumerate(times): fout.write('%13.7f %13.7f %13.7f %13.7f %13.7f %13.7f\n' % (t,ekin[i],etra[i],erot[i],evib[i],epot[i])) fout.close() return times,ekin,etra,erot,evib,epot
[docs] def getProperty2D_F(self,a_dir,a_funcX,a_filename,match=None): """ Return a 2D function of the system in block form, one block per time step Input arguments: a_dir -- directory with SimulationBox to be averaged a_filename -- file where to store the data in table form match -- load only files matching a_match On return two arrays with: time, func_val """ lboxes = self.loadDirectory(a_dir,match=match) times = np.linspace(0.0,lboxes[0].TIME,num=len(lboxes[0].TrajX)) N = len(lboxes) # number of systems S = len(times) # number of time steps data = [] for sb in lboxes: data.append(sb.getPropertyTable(funcX=a_funcX)[1]) adata = np.array(data) # indices of adata: system,timestep,property fout = file(a_filename,'w') for i,t in enumerate(times): for n in range(N): fout.write('%13.7f %13.7f %i %13.7f\n' % (adata[n,i,0],adata[n,i,1],1,t)) fout.write('\n\n') fout.close()
# def _updateLog(self,**opts): # is_first = opts.get('init',False) # # Initialize logfile # if is_first and self.islogfile and not self.isrestart: # self.logfile = file(self._NAME+'.log','w') # self.logfile.write(SEP) # self.logfile.write('# '+self._NAME+'\n') # self.logfile.write(SEP) # self.logfile.write('# step time KinE PotE TotE <state>\n') # # Appending logfile for [restart] calculation # if is_first and self.islogfile and self.isrestart: # self.logfile = file(self._NAME+'.log','a+w') # self.logfile.write(SEP) # self.logfile.write('# '+self._NAME+'\n') # self.logfile.write(SEP) # self.logfile.write('# step time KinE PotE TotE <state>\n') # kinE = self.getKineticEnergy() # potE = self.external_E(self.X) # totE = potE + kinE def _step(self,**opts): """ Do an integration step """ integrator = opts.get('integrator','VelocityVerlet') if integrator == 'VelocityVerlet': (self.X,self.V,self._g) = mdi.velocityVerlet(self.X, self.V, self._g, self.M, self.DT, self.func_EG, constraints=self.constraints) def _checkpoint(self): """ Use the normal saving mechanism to checkpoint """'.rst') self.traj2VTF() ## def _getTimeDeriv(self,**opts): ##chage this part def _getNumGrad(self,**opts): dx = self.dxgrad def g(x): e = self.func_E(x) grad = np.zeros(x.size,float) for i in range(x.size): x1 = x.copy() x1[i] = x1[i] + 0.5*dx f1 = self.func_E(x1) x0 = x.copy() x0[i] = x0[i] - 0.5*dx f0 = self.func_E(x0) grad[i] = (f1-f0)/dx return e,grad return g def _indexfromtime(self,a_t): dt = self.DT tf = float(a_t) i,r = divmod(tf,dt) if r <= 0.5*dt: i = int(i) else: i = int(i) + 1 return i
[docs] def load(filename): """ Load a SimulationBox from file and return it """ s = SimulationBox().load(filename) return s