Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.SurfaceHoppingLZ

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
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#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys
import string
import os
import random
import math

import numpy as np
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv

pid2 = math.pi/2.0
HUGE = 999999999999.9
TINY = 1.e-9
SMALL = 1.e-3

[docs] class SurfaceHoppingLZ(object): """ Control a trajectory surface-hopping evolution """ def __init__(self,**opts): """ Init a SurfaceHoppingLZ object optional arguments: - initial_state: initially populated electronic state default = 0 - nstates: number of electronic states default = 1 - external_E : function returning array of adiabatic energies default = None - external_G : function returning array of adiabatic gradients default = None - gradient_method : method for adiabatic gradients default = numerical optional : analytical - simbox: SimulationBox object default = None - dxgrad: step for fallback numerical differenciation if no gradients default = 0.001, [au] - lockstate: whether to disable electronic transitions default = False """ self.initial_state = opts.get('initial_state',0) self.nstates = opts.get('nstates',1) self.external_E = opts.get('external_E',None) self.external_G = opts.get('external_G',None) self.gradient_method = opts.get('gradient_method','numerical') self.simbox = opts.get('simbox',None) self.dxgrad = opts.get('dxgrad',0.001) self.egap = opts.get('egap',0.005) self.state = self.initial_state self.lockstate = opts.get('lockstate',False) self._logstep = {} # step info is stored here for logging, etc. self.delta_e = np.zeros((self.nstates,self.nstates),float) self.delta_e1 = np.zeros((self.nstates,self.nstates),float) self.delta_e2 = np.zeros((self.nstates,self.nstates),float) self.dEdtmax = np.zeros(self.nstates,float) self.dEdt = np.zeros(self.nstates,float) self.is_hopp = False self.hop_state = 0 self._DEBUG = False
[docs] def get_funcE(self,**opts): """ Return the energy function to be used from a SimulationBox object """ if self.external_E is None: raise ValueError('external energy function not defined') def f(x): e = self.external_E(x)[self.state] return e return f
[docs] def get_funcG(self,**opts): """ Return the gradient function of current electronic state to be used from a SimulationBox object optional argument: nstates_g -- number of electronic states requiring analytical gradient state_g -- the certain designated electronic state(s) requiring analytical gradient currently for ab initio analytical gradient method state_type -- specify the type of electronic state that requires analytical gradient options: current_electronic_state - for SimulationBox object """ def f(x): nstates_g = opts.get('nstates_g',1) state_g = opts.get('state_g',None) state_type = opts.get('state_type',None) e, g = self.gradient_LZ(x, state_type='all_electronic_states') return g return f
[docs] def gradient_LZ(self,a_x,**opts): """ Return the energy and gradient on the current electronic state If a surface hopp occurs the velocities will be rescaled accordingly and the energy and gradient on the new surface provided. Input arguments: a_x -- positions of the system Returns: e_adiabatic -- potential energy g_adiabatic -- energy gradient self.delta_e -- energy difference self.delta_g -- gradient difference optional argument: nstates_g -- number of electronic states requiring analytical gradient state_g -- the certain designated electronic states requiring analytical gradient currently for ab initio analytical gradient method state_type -- specify the type of electronic state that requires analytical gradient default: all_electronic_states options: current_electronic_state - for SimulationBox object """ nstates_g = opts.get('nstates_g',1) state_g = opts.get('state_g',None) state_type = opts.get('state_type','all_electronic_states') self.is_hopp = False # reset hopp switch # get list of adiabatic energies e_adiabatic = self.external_E(a_x) self.e_adiabatic = e_adiabatic.copy() # record the potential energy of each electronic state # get adiabatic gradients #if self.external_G is not None: # g_adiabatic = self.external_G(a_x) #else: # g_adiabatic = self._gradients_num(a_x) if self.gradient_method is 'analytical': if self.external_G is not None: if state_type is 'current_electronic_state': state_g = [self.state] g_adiabatic = self.external_G(a_x, state_g=state_g) return g_adiabatic # LZSH method requires adiabatic gradients for all electronic states elif state_type is 'all_electronic_states': nstates_g = self.nstates state_g = range(nstates_g) g_adiabatic = self.external_G(a_x, nstates_g=nstates_g, state_g=state_g) # correct the possible error in Molcas. the error makes the gradients for all electronic states computed as the same if np.linalg.norm(g_adiabatic[0] - g_adiabatic[1]) < SMALL: raise ValueError('Analytical gradient calculation incorrect') else: raise ValueError('state_type not defined') else: raise ValueError('Analytical gradient calculation requires interface function external_G') elif self.gradient_method is 'numerical': if self.external_G is not None: g_adiabatic = self.external_G(a_x) else: g_adiabatic = self._gradients_num(a_x) else: raise ValueError('Method for adiabatic gradient not defined') # compute energy and gradient differences self.delta_e2 = self.delta_e1 self.delta_e1 = abs(self.delta_e) for i in range(self.nstates): for j in range(self.nstates): self.delta_e[i,j] = e_adiabatic[i] - e_adiabatic[j] delta_g = g_adiabatic - g_adiabatic[self.state] # compute dDE/dt and keep track of the maximum for every state dEdt = abs(,self.simbox.V)) dEdt[self.state] = 1.0 # avoid zerodivision, this entry is useless for i,d in enumerate(dEdt): if d > self.dEdtmax[i]: self.dEdtmax[i] = d delta_e_s = self.delta_e[:,self.state] delta_e1_s = self.delta_e1[:,self.state] delta_e2_s = self.delta_e2[:,self.state] # keep track of minimum (and maximum) energy differences indxmin = np.zeros(self.nstates,int) minfound = False for i,e in enumerate(abs(delta_e_s)): if delta_e1_s[i] < delta_e2_s[i] and delta_e1_s[i] < e: # loc. min minfound = True indxmin[i] = 1 if delta_e1_s[i] > delta_e2_s[i] and delta_e1_s[i] > e: # loc. max self.dEdtmax[i] = 0.0 indxmin[self.state] = 0 # avoid selfjumps! # if local minima in DE found, compute hoping prob. if minfound and not self.lockstate: minDE = HUGE for i,indx in enumerate(indxmin): if indx == 1: if abs(delta_e_s[i]) < minDE: minDE = abs(delta_e_s[i]) ipmax = i if abs(delta_e_s[ipmax]) < self.egap: # use LZ formula for hopping probability ip_de = abs(delta_e_s[ipmax]) prob_LZ = np.exp(-pid2*ip_de*ip_de/self.dEdtmax[ipmax]) randnum = np.random.random() self._logstep['prob_LZ'] = prob_LZ self._logstep['randnum'] = randnum self._logstep['ipmax'] = ipmax self._logstep['dEdtmax'] = self.dEdtmax[ipmax] self.dEdtmax[ipmax] = 0.0 if prob_LZ > randnum: # save local information to be used from the trajectory object self.is_hopp = True self.hop_state = ipmax self.de_s = delta_e_s[ipmax] self.dg_s = delta_g[ipmax] self.gradient_s = g_adiabatic[ipmax] f = self.simbox.logfile f.write('## Hopping probabilities\n') f.write(str(self._logstep['prob_LZ'])+'\n') f.write('## ipmax prob rand dEdtmax\n') f.write(' %i %8.6f %8.6f %8.6f\n' % ( self._logstep['ipmax'], self._logstep['prob_LZ'], self._logstep['randnum'], self._logstep['dEdtmax'])) self._logstep['delta_e'] = delta_e_s self._logstep['delta_g'] = delta_g self._logstep['dEdt'] = dEdt if self._DEBUG: sys.stdout.write('***DEBUG gradients ***\n') for i,gradient_s in enumerate(g_adiabatic): sys.stdout.write('state '+str(i)+'\n') for g in gradient_s: sys.stdout.write(str(g)+' ') sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write('***DEBUG gradients ***\n') return e_adiabatic[self.state],g_adiabatic[self.state]
# xnew,vnew,is_hopp = self.switch_condition(delta_e_s[ipmax],g_adiabatic[ipmax])
[docs] def switch_condition(self,**opts): """ Compute initial conditions on the new PES after a hop. uses: self.de_s: energy difference (Vf - Vi) between the two adiabatic states self.dg_s: non-adiabatic coupling gradient. this gradient may be different in different flavors of switching algorithms. Common conventions are: dg_s = Grad(Vf - Vi) dg_s = <f| Grad |i> (|i>:electronic wfn) Returns: (xnew,vnew,ishop) xnew: new positions vnew: new velocities ishop: True if switch took place Implements Eq.(3.44) in Miller and George; JCP 56, 5637 (1972) Implements Eqs.(25,29) in Stine et al. ; JCP 65, 3975 (1976) """ # self.dEdtmax[:] = 0.0 !! dont forget de = self.de_s dg = self.dg_s pold = self.simbox.M * self.simbox.V inv_mass = 1.0 / self.simbox.M gnorm = dg/np.linalg.norm(dg) a =,inv_mass*pold) b =,inv_mass*gnorm) c = 1.0 - 2.0*de*b/(a**2.0) # Ek_gnorm is the kinetic energy along gnorm before the hopping attempt # Ek_gnorm = a*(,pold))/2.0 if c > 0: # enough kinetic energy in gnorm direction for hop # if the kinetic energy,Ek_gnorm, is less than # the gap between the two potential energy surfaces, the hop is rejected pnew = pold - gnorm*a*(1.0 - c**0.5)/b xnew = self.simbox.X vnew = inv_mass * pnew ishop = True else: vnew = self.simbox.V xnew = self.simbox.X ishop = False return xnew,vnew,ishop
def _gradients_num(self,x,**opts): """ Fallback to numerical gradients """ dx = self.dxgrad # step for numerical differentiation grads = np.zeros((self.nstates,x.size),float) for i in range(x.size): x1 = x.copy() x1[i] = x1[i] + 0.5*dx e1 = self.external_E(x1) x0 = x.copy() x0[i] = x0[i] - 0.5*dx e0 = self.external_E(x0) grads[:,i] = (e1-e0)/dx return grads def _update_logfile(self): f = self.simbox.logfile f.write('## E_i - E_state\n') f.write(str(self._logstep['delta_e'])+'\n') f.write('## d DeltaE/dt\n') f.write(str(self._logstep['dEdt'])+'\n')
# f.write('## Hopping probabilities\n') # f.write(str(self._logstep['prob_LZ'])+'\n') # f.write('## ipmax prob rand\n') # f.write(' %i %8.6f %8.6f\n' % ( # self._logstep['ipmax'], # self._logstep['prob_max'], # self._logstep['randnum']))