Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.SurfaceHoppingLZ2

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
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#! /usr/bin/env python

import math as mt
import numpy as np

HUGE = 1.0e15-1.0

[docs] class SurfaceHoppingLZController(object): """ Controller for Landau-Zener surface-hopping """ def __init__(self,**opts): self.calls = 0 self.state = opts.get('state',0) self.potUP = np.zeros(4,float) # array to keep last upper pot values self.potDOWN = np.zeros(4,float) # array to keep last lower pot values self.pot = np.zeros(4,float) # array to keep last current pot values self.potUP = HUGE self.potDOWN = -HUGE
[docs] def update(self,v,m,dt,pot_cur,pot_down=-HUGE,pot_up=HUGE): """ Update state of controller and decide if a hopp takes place v -- array with velocity of each coordinate m -- array with mass for each coordinate dt -- time-step between updates pot_cur -- Current PES pot_down-- Lower PES w.r.t. populated PES pot_up -- Upper PES w.r.t. populated PES Returns [hopp,v] hopp -- -1,0,1 (hopp down, no hopping, hopp up) v -- new velocities (old ones if hopp=0) """ self.calls += 1 self.update_potentials([pot_down,pot_cur,pot_up]) # Check hopp downwards if self.is_gap_min_down(): egap,egapdt2 = gap_parameters(self.pot,self.potDOWN,dt) if is_hopp_energy(v,self.pot[0],self.potDOWN[0],m): p = hopping_probability(egap,egapdt2) if is_hopp(p): vnew = velocity_correction(v,self.pot[0],self.potDOWN[0],m) self.potUP = self.pot.copy() self.pot = self.potDOWN.copy() self.potDOWN[:] = -HUGE return -1,vnew # Check hopp upwards elif self.is_gap_min_up(): egap,egapdt2 = gap_parameters(self.pot,self.potUP,dt) if is_hopp_energy(v,self.pot[0],self.potUP[0],m): p = hopping_probability(egap,egapdt2) if is_hopp(p): vnew = velocity_correction(v,self.pot[0],self.potUP[0],m) self.potDOWN = self.pot.copy() self.pot = self.potUP.copy() self.potUP[:] = HUGE return 1,vnew return 0,v
[docs] def update_potentials(self,pots): self.potDOWN = np.roll(self.potDOWN,1) self.pot = np.roll(self.pot,1) self.potUP = np.roll(self.potUP,1) self.potDOWN[0] = pots[0] self.pot[0] = pots[1] self.potUP[0] = pots[2]
[docs] def is_gap_min_down(self): g = self.pot - self.potDOWN if g[1] < g[0] and g[1] < g[2]: # min found return True else: return False
[docs] def is_gap_min_up(self): g = self.potUP - self.pot if g[1] < g[0] and g[1] < g[2]: # min found return True else: return False
[docs] def hopping_probability(egap,egapdt2): """ Return the Landau-Zener surface hopping probability (0,1) egap -- energy gap between PES (absolute value) egapdt2 -- second derivative of egap w.r.t. time """ return mt.exp( -0.5*mt.pi*mt.sqrt(egap**3/egapdt2) )
[docs] def velocity_correction(ivel,ipes,fpes,m): """ Return new velocities after hopping ivel -- array with initial velocities ipes -- initial PES fpes -- final PES m -- array with mass of each coordinate Simple velocity rescaling. Other conditions such as angular momentum conservation may be included afterwards. """ ike = 0.5**ivel,ivel) # initial kinetic energy dpes = ipes - fpes # initial minus final potential energy k2 = 1.0 + dpes/ike # square of correction factor try: k = mt.sqrt(k2) except: ValueError('not enough KE for surface hopping') return k*ivel
[docs] def is_hopp_energy(ivel,ipes,fpes,m): """ Return True if enough kinetic energy is available for a hopping event, else False ivel -- array with initial velocities ipes -- initial PES fpes -- final PES m -- array with mass of each coordinate """ ike = 0.5**ivel,ivel) # initial kinetic energy dpes = ipes - fpes # initial minus final potential energy k2 = 1.0 + dpes/ike # square of correction factor if k2 > 0.0: return True else: return False
[docs] def is_hopp(plz): """ Return True if hopping event has to occur, False otherwise """ r = np.random.random() if r <= plz: return True else: return False
[docs] def gap_parameters(pot1,pot2,dt): """ Determine gap and gap second time derivative pot1 -- latest four potential values on surface 1 pot2 -- latest four potential values on surface 2 dt -- time-step """ g = np.abs( pot1 - pot2 ) d2g = (g[0] - 2.0*g[1] + g[2])/dt**2 return g[1],d2g