Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.Thermostat

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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#*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#*  **************************************************************************
#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import datetime
import uuid
import math as mt

import numpy as np

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv

[docs] class Thermostat(object): """ This class describes different thermostats that can be attached to Trajectories. Currently implemented: massive-andersen: Resample all momenta every DT timesteps """ def __init__(self,**opts): # name of thermostat self.type = opts.get('type', 'massive-andersen') # temperature in Kelvin and beta in au self.temp = float(opts.get('temp', '300')) self.beta = 1.0 / (conv.FPC_K_B_EV * conv.ev2au * self.temp) # masses self.M = None # timescale for thermostat self.dt = float(opts.get('dt', 0.0))
[docs] def init_input_options(self,iopts): """ This functions sets input options. Input: iopts --- Input options as a dictonary, where the key defines the variable and the value is a list with the value of the variable as first entry. """ for k in iopts.keys(): setattr(self,k,iopts[k][0])
[docs] def apply(self, v, t_old, t, n, nb=None): """ This function applies the thermostat to a given set of at a given time interval (current time and last time it was applied). Input: v --- current velocities t_old --- previous time in au t --- current time in au n --- step in the velocity verlet cycle nb --- number of beads per DOF Output: new velocities. """ # print "Appling thermostatt", v, t_old, t, n, nb if self.type == 'massive-andersen': # mid way in the Velocity Verlet cycle if n < 2: return v # end of the velocity verlet cycle -> resample else: old_sample = np.floor(t_old / self.dt) new_sample = np.floor(t / self.dt) # we stepped over a full resampling step if old_sample < new_sample: # for older versions if nb is None: sigma = np.sqrt(self.M / self.beta) v_new = np.random.normal(np.zeros(len(v)), sigma) / self.M # draw for each sample else: v_new = [] for i in range(len(nb)): m = self.M[i] nf = float(nb[i]) sigma = np.sqrt(nf * m / self.beta) v_new.append(np.random.normal(np.zeros(nb[i]), sigma, nb[i]) / m) return v_new else: return v elif self.type == 'andersen': if nb is not None: print("Andersen thermostat not implemented for RPMD. Please use massive-andersen.") exit(-1) # mid way in the Velocity Verlet cycle if n < 2: return v # end of the velocity verlet cycle -> resample else: timestep = t - t_old comp = timestep / self.dt v_new = [] for i, vs in enumerate(v.reshape((-1,3))): r = np.random.rand() if r < comp: m = self.M[i*3] sigma = np.sqrt(m / self.beta) v_new.append(np.random.normal(np.zeros(3), sigma) / m) else: v_new.append(vs) return np.array(v_new).flatten() elif self.type == 'nose-hoover': print("nose-hoover needs to be fully implemented") exit(-1) else: print("Given thermostat not implemented: ", self.type) exit(-1)