Source code for CDTK.Dynamics.Trajectory_SH

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
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import os
import sys
import datetime
import uuid
import math as mt

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from scipy.integrate import ode

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv
import CDTK.Tools.Mathematics as tmath

TINY = 1.0e-8

[docs] class Trajectory_SH(object): """ Surface Hopping trajectory self.NDof -- int, Number of degrees of freedom self.NStates -- int, Number of electronic states self.R -- np.array, positions self.V -- np.array, velocities self.M -- np.array float, masses self.dt -- float, time-step for nuclear displacements self.rseed -- int, default None, random seed to be set before 1st step self.C -- np.array complex, quantum coefficients self.NAME -- Identification string of this trajectory. It is uniquely generated at the initialization self.f_EGrad -- function, provides energy and gradient on PES of state S e,g = f(R,V,S,t) self.f_NAC -- function, provides NAC vector between states sI,sJ dIJ = f(R,sI,sJ,t) self.f_W -- function, provides potential matrix for quantum evolution Returns a diagonal matrix with adiabatic energies if purely adiabatic representation self.f_D -- function, provides the matrix of kinetic couplings -i dIJ * V This matrix would be zero in a purely diabatic representation self.f_DD -- function, provides the matrix of kinetic couplings -i dIJ * V This matrix provides couplings to an external system, for example an electric field, and therefore the transitions induced by do not conserve total energy. In practice, no velocity adjustments are performed when a transition takes place. self.ES -- electronic state for large hop electron dynamics Notes on the supplied external functions: f_EGrad : In the usual Tully SH prescription the gradients of adibatic states are used, for example from an electronic structure program. This is the usual prescription. The gradient is used exclusively for the evolution of the classical DOF. f_NAC : Non-adiabatic coupling vector between a pair of electronic states. It is used in the adjustment of the velocities after a quantum transition. f_NAC is _not_ used in the quantum evolution f_W : The potential part of the electronic Hamiltonian (depends only on nuclear positions). In the usual SH prescription this is a diagonal matrix with the adiabatic PES. The matrix provided will be used as it is (e.g. if a diabatic matrix is provided) unless differently specified. f_D : The kinetic part of the electronic Hamiltonian (depends on positions and velocities of the classical DOF). If a diabatic representation is provided this function may remain undefined. """ def __init__(self,NDof=1,NStates=1,**opts): self.NDof = NDof #### Degrees of freedom self.NStates = NStates #### No. of electronic states self.R = np.zeros(self.NDof,float) #### Position self.V = np.zeros(self.NDof,float) #### Velocity self.M = np.ones(self.NDof,float) #### Mass self.dt = opts.get('dt',10.0) #### Time-step (au) self.dt_max = opts.get('dt_max',10.0) self.noreturn = opts.get('noreturn',None) self.rseed = opts.get('rseed',None) #### Random seed self.C = np.zeros(self.NStates,complex) #### Array of coefficients self.C[0] = 1.0 + 0.0j self.t = 0.0 #### Current time self.S = 0 #### Electronic state self.f_EGrad = opts.get('f_EGrad',None) self.f_W = opts.get('f_W',None) self.f_D = opts.get('f_D',None) self.f_DD = opts.get('f_DD',None) self.f_NAC = opts.get('f_NAC',None) self.f_overlap = opts.get('f_overlap',None) self._ID = uuid.uuid4().hex[0:IDLEN] #### unique ID self._CTIME = #### creation date/time self._BNAME = 'trj_%4i%02i%02i_' % (self._CTIME.year,self._CTIME.month, self.NAME = self._BNAME + self._ID #### Used to name output files, etc. self.DIR = self.NAME #### Name directory self._stepnum = 0 #### step counter self.initiator = 0 #### Iniates the dynamics self.rescaling = 'nac' #### (nac|grd) method to adjust velocities self.is_sh = True #### whether SH is performed self.first_step = 0.01 #### Initial step of quantum integrator self.quantum_step_integrator = 'ipicture' #### (ipicture|unitary) self.counter1 = 0 #### For adaptive step size self.p_thresh = opts.get('p_thresh', 1.0) #### Parameter for the adaptive step size self.field_implicit = opts.get('field_explicit','None') #### For the calculation of probability "b" self.no_hops = opts.get('no_hops',False) #### whether hops between surfaces are allowed at all. If True, trajectories can be compared to adiabatic quantum dynamics # whether overall translation should be removed self.rcom = False # whether overall rotation should be removed self.rrot = False # treatement of trivialCrossings self.trivialCrossing = opts.get('trivialCrossing',None) self.dE_thresh = None self.ES = None # electronic state object for Monte-Carlo electron dynamics self.constraints = False self.getPartial = None # partial charge calculation self.ekin = 0
[docs] def set_constraints(self, f_constraints): self.constraints = True self.getConstraintsCorrection = f_constraints
[docs] def restart(self): """ Function to restart trajectory. Reads in all important values from log-files. """ if type(1) == type(self.rseed): np.random.seed(self.rseed) self.logR = [] # List of positions along trajectory self.logV = [] # List of velocities along trajectory self.logC = [] # List of coefficient vectors self.logS = [] # List of coefficient vectors self.logt = [] # List of times along the simulation self.logKE = [] # List of Total Energy along trajectory self.logPE = [] # List of Total Energy along trajectory self.logH = [] # diagonals of the Hamiltonian (ad PES) self.logWarning = [] # List of warning messages self.logSwitch = [] if self.getPartial is not None: self.logPartial = [] # Log partial charges if self.trivialCrossing == 'overlap' and self.f_overlap is not None: self.logCrossings = [] # get R, V, t, S, stepnum, NAC with open(self.DIR + '/R.log','r') as posfile: for line in posfile: self._stepnum += 1 vals = line.split() self.logt.append( float(vals[0]) ) self.logR.append(np.array( list(map(float, vals[1:])) )) with open(self.DIR + '/V.log','r') as velfile: for line in velfile: vals = line.split() self.logV.append(np.array( list(map(float, vals[1:])) )) with open(self.DIR + '/C.log','r') as coefffile: for line in coefffile: vals = line.split() cc = np.zeros((len(vals)-1)//2, dtype=complex) for i in range(1,len(vals),2): cc[(i-1)//2] = complex(float(vals[i]), float(vals[i+1])) self.logC.append(cc) with open(self.DIR + '/S.log','r') as statefile: for line in statefile: vals = line.split() self.logS.append(int(vals[1])) with open(self.DIR + '/NAC.log','r') as nacfile: hh = np.zeros((self.NStates, self.NStates), dtype=complex) counter = 0 for line in nacfile: if counter % (self.NStates*self.NStates) == 0: hh = np.zeros((self.NStates, self.NStates), dtype=complex) vals = line.split() hh[int(vals[0]), int(vals[1])] = complex(float(vals[3]), float(vals[4])) counter += 1 if counter % (self.NStates*self.NStates) == 0: self.logH.append(hh) with open(self.DIR + '/E.log','r') as efile: for line in efile: vals = line.split() self.logKE.append(float(vals[1])) self.logPE.append(float(vals[2])) self._EREF = np.diag(np.ones(self.NStates,complex)) * self.logPE[0] with open(self.DIR + '/Switch.log','r') as switchfile: for line in switchfile: self.logSwitch.append(line) if self.trivialCrossing == 'overlap' and self.f_overlap is not None: with open(self.DIR + '/trivialCrossings.log','r') as f: i = 0 thisStepCrossing = [] for line in f: if line.startswith('#'): continue line = line.rstrip().split() tc = float(line[0]) a = int(line[1]) b = int(line[2]) while self.logt[i] < tc: self.logCrossings.append(thisStepCrossing) i = i + 1 thisStepCrossing = [] thisStepCrossing.append([a,b]) self.logCrossings.append(thisStepCrossing) i = i + 1 thisStepCrossing = [] while i < len(self.logt): self.logCrossings.append(thisStepCrossing) i = i + 1 if self.getPartial is not None: with open(self.DIR + '/partial.log','r') as partialfile: for line in partialfile: vals = line.split() self.logPartial.append(np.array( list(map(float, vals[1:])) )) self.t = self.logt[-1] self.R = self.logR[-1] self.V = self.logV[-1] self.C = self.logC[-1] self.S = self.logS[-1] self.ekin = self.kinetic_energy() if self.getPartial is not None: self.partialCharges = self.logPartial[-1] self._pot,self._grd = self.f_EGrad(self.R,self.V,self.t,self.S) # get initial POT, GRAD # Get Hamiltonian and remove large diagonal self._E0 = self.f_W( self.R,self.V,self.t ) - self._EREF self._D0 = self.f_D( self.R,self.V,self.t ) self._H0 = self._E0 + self._D0 if self.f_DD: self._D0 = self._D0 - self.f_DD( self.R,self.V,self.t ) self._H0 = self._E0 + self._D0 self._H0ad = self._H0.copy()
[docs] def integrate(self, tfinal = None, **opts): """ Integrate trajectory until tfinal tfinal -- final time to be reached by the integrator in steps of dt. **opts: dt -- delta time used in this segment. It is not a good idea to change this when continuing from a previous integration """ if self.initiator == 0: #### Initial step of the calculation self.dt = opts.get( 'dt', self.dt ) if tfinal is None: tfinal = self.t + self.dt if self.f_EGrad is None: raise ValueError('self.f_EGrad is not defined, cannot integrate') if self._stepnum == 0: if self.rseed is not None: np.random.seed(self.rseed) # Initialization self._pot,self._grd = self.f_EGrad(self.R,self.V,self.t,self.S) #### get initial POT, GRAD self.ekin = self.kinetic_energy() # Diagonal matrix with large diagonal self._EREF = np.diag(np.ones(self.NStates,complex)) * self._pot # Get Hamiltonian and remove large diagonal W = self.f_W( self.R,self.V,self.t ) if(W.shape[0] != self.NStates): raise ValueError(f"The number of states requested for the propagation is {self.NStates}.\n" + f"The number of states returned from the quantum chemistry enging is {W.shape[0]}.\n" + f"Please check your input! [You may want to add nstates={self.NStates} to the xmolecule section]") self._E0 = self.f_W( self.R,self.V,self.t ) - self._EREF self._D0 = self.f_D( self.R,self.V,self.t ) if self.f_DD: self._D0 = self._D0 - self.f_DD( self.R,self.V,self.t ) self._H0 = self._E0 + self._D0 self._H0ad = self._H0.copy() # Start logging if self.initiator == 0: #### Initiates the logging self.init_log() self.initiator += 1 while self.t < tfinal: self._step() if self.counter1 == 0: #### Steps self._stepnum += 1 self.t = self.t + self.dt self.log() # Check for energy conservation if self.dE_thresh is not None: if abs((self.logKE[-1] + self.logPE[-1] - self.logKE[0] - self.logPE[0]) / \ ( self.logKE[0] + self.logPE[0] ) ) > self.dE_thresh: raise RuntimeError('Energy is not conserved. I will write the logfiles and exit') self.dt = self.dt1 if self.counter1 == 1: tfinal = self.t + self.dt1 self.dt = self.dt1 break
def _step(self,**opts): """ Do a Tully's surface hopping integration step """ self._classical_step() if self.noreturn != None and LA.norm(self.R[0:3] - self.R[3:6]) > float(self.noreturn): print("exceeding") exit(-1) if self.trivialCrossing == 'overlap' and self.f_overlap is not None: self._trivial_crossing() self._quantum_step() #if len(self.crossings)==0: self._surface_hopping() if self.getPartial is not None: self.partialCharges = self.getPartial(state=self.S) def _check_trivial_crossing_step(self,x0,x1,**opts): """ checks for trivial crossings between geometry step x0 and x1 by maximizing the trace of the overlap matrix square see JCP 137, 014512 (2012) """ # state overlap matrix S=self.f_overlap(x0, x1, S=self.S) # state overlap matrix squared S2=S*S converged=False #print "State overlap^2 Matrix:" #for i in range(0,self.NStates): # print S2[i,0:self.NStates] # rearange the columns in S2 such that Trace{S2} is maximal pivot = np.arange(self.NStates) while not converged: converged = True for i in range(0,len(S2)): for j in range(0,len(S2)): #print(i,j,S2[i,pivot[j]] + S2[j,pivot[i]], S2[i,pivot[i]] + S2[j,pivot[j]]) if( S2[i,pivot[i]] + S2[j,pivot[j]] < S2[i,pivot[j]] + S2[j,pivot[i]] ): pivot[i],pivot[j]=pivot[j].copy(),pivot[i].copy() converged=False # find the smallest diagonal min_diag = min([ S2[i,pivot[i]] for i in range(len(pivot)) ]) return pivot, S2[:, :] def _trivial_crossing(self,**opts): """ Performs trivial crossing hops according to overlap criterion see JCP 137, 014512 (2012) """ x0=self.x0 x1=self.R self.crossings=[] threshold=0.6 smallest_step = 0.5 N=1 d = 0. step = 1. pivot = np.arange(self.NStates) while d < 1.: if d + step > 1: step = 1. - d # print("taking a step from %f to %f " % (d, d + step)) sx0 = x0 + d * (x1-x0) d = d + step sx1 = x0 + d * (x1-x0) step_pivot, S2 = self._check_trivial_crossing_step(sx0,sx1) min_diag = min([ S2[i,step_pivot[i]] for i in range(len(step_pivot)) ]) idx = np.argmin(np.array([ S2[i,step_pivot[i]] for i in range(len(step_pivot)) ])) # print("# min_diagonal_overlap=%f state=%d" % (min_diag, idx)) sys.stdout.flush() if min_diag < threshold and step > smallest_step: # go back to the previous step d = d - step # decrease step step = step/2. print("# decreasing step size to %f" % step) continue if min_diag < threshold: print("loss of identity for state %d" % idx) if min_diag > threshold and step < 0.5: print("# increasing step size") # increase step step = step * 2 print("# increasing step size to %f" % step) pivot[:] = pivot[step_pivot].copy() sys.stdout.flush() # pivot maps state at x0 onto states at x1 # the reverse mapping is pivot_reverse: states at x1 onto states at x0 pivot_reverse=np.arange(len(pivot)) for i in range(0,len(pivot)): pivot_reverse[pivot[i]] = i # Give some output and append states that are involved in self.crossings for i in range(0,len(pivot)): if i != pivot[i]: print("# Detected a trivial crossing: state %d -> %d " % (i,pivot[i])) self.crossings.append((i,pivot[i])) # do a jump in case of our active state is changed hopped=False if pivot[self.S]!=self.S: print("# state crossing from {:d} to {:d}".format(self.S,pivot[self.S])) self.S=pivot[self.S] hopped=True # readjust all quantities to the new state indices at x1 H0old=self._H0.copy() D0old=self._D0.copy() E0old=self._E0.copy() Cold=self.C.copy() for i in range(self._H0.shape[0]): self.C[pivot[i]] = Cold[i] for j in range(self._H0.shape[1]): self._H0[pivot[i],pivot[j]] = H0old[i,j] self._D0[pivot[i],pivot[j]] = D0old[i,j] self._E0[pivot[i],pivot[j]] = E0old[i,j] # return whether we have hopped return hopped def _classical_step(self,**opts): """ Advance classical coordinates with a velocity Verlet step t0 -> t1. """ m = self.M self.x0 = self.R self.v0 = self.V self.g0 = self._grd self._potdum = self._pot dt = self.dt # Classical step (Vel. Verlet) v1 = self.v0 - ((0.5*dt)*(self.g0/m)) #### v(t) -> v(t+dt/2) if self.constraints: x1 = self.x0 + v1*dt v1 += self.getConstraintsCorrection(self.x0, x1, dt, case="pos") v1 = self._remove_com_motion(self.x0, v1, m, self.rcom, self.rrot) # include ionization dynamics steps here if self.ES and self.ES.state != 'doNotRun': hopped = self.ES.step(dt) x1 = self.x0 + v1*dt #### x(t) -> x(t+dt) e1,g1 = self.f_EGrad( x1,v1,self.t+dt,self.S ) v1 = v1 - (0.5*dt*g1)/m #### v(t+dt/2) -> v(t+dt) # the kinetic energy is calculated before applying velocity constraints. # this makes a smoother transition based on gromacs data self.V = v1 self.ekin = self.kinetic_energy() if self.constraints: v1 += self.getConstraintsCorrection(x1, v1, dt, case="vel") v1 = self._remove_com_motion(x1, v1, m, self.rcom, self.rrot) self._grd = g1 #### save gradient for next step self._pot = e1 self.R = x1 self.V = v1 def _remove_com_motion(self, r, v, m, rcom, rrot): """ TODO: The inertia tensor is currently regularized with 10^-10*Id-Matrix! This function removes the center of mass motion by setting the center of mass velocity to zero after every velocity step in velocity verlet. Input: r -- 3N array of positions in bohr v -- 3N array of velocities in au m -- 3N array of masses in au rcom -- Whether center of mass motion should be removed rrot -- Whether center of mass rotation should be removed Output: v -- 3N array of new velocities without center of mass motion/rotation in au """ if rcom == False: return v # n = number of atoms n = len(m) // 3 # center of mass velocity v_com = np.sum(v.reshape(n,3) * m.reshape(n,3), axis=0) / np.sum(m) * 3.0 v_new = np.zeros(n*3) # remove center of mass velocity for each atom for i in range(n): v_new[i*3:(i+1)*3] = v[i*3:(i+1)*3] - v_com if rrot == False: return v_new ### calculate overall rotation with respect to center of mass and substract # L is overall angular momentum L = np.zeros(3) # Theta is inertia tensoer Theta = np.zeros((3,3)) # calculate center of mass com = np.sum(r.reshape(n,3) * m.reshape(n,3), axis=0) / np.sum(m) * 3.0 for i in range(n): # calculate particle position relative to center of mass r_com = r[i*3:(i+1)*3] - com # calculate overall angular momentum L += (m[i*3] * np.cross(r_com, v_new[i*3:(i+1)*3])) # calculate inertia tensor Theta += m[i*3] * (, r_com) * np.identity(3) - np.outer(r_com, r_com)) # regularize Theta! Theta += 1e-10 * np.identity(3) for i in range(n): r_com = r[i*3:(i+1)*3] - com # v_p = v_p - Th^-1 * L (X) r_p try: v_new[i*3:(i+1)*3] -= np.cross(, L), r_com) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: return v_new return v_new def _quantum_step(self,**opts): # self._quantum_step_def() if self.quantum_step_integrator == 'ipicture': self._quantum_step_IP() elif self.quantum_step_integrator == 'unitary': self._quantum_step_unitary() else: self._quantum_step_def() def _quantum_step_def(self,**opts): """ Advance expansion coefficients t0 -> t1 """ self._H0dum = self._H0 #### To reuse the Hamitonian from previous time step after the adaptive step size self._E0dum = self._E0 #### To reuse the Potential energy (diagonal terms) previous time step after the adaptive step size self._D0dum = self._D0 #### To reuse the coupling (off diagonal) terms previous time step after the adaptive step size self.Cdum = self.C #### To reuse the co-efficients after the adaptive step size dt = self.dt # Quantum step (Schroedinger) t0 -> t1 # Tully 1990, Eq. (8). self._E1 = self.f_W( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) - self._EREF #### H(t1) self._D1 = self.f_D( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) if self.f_DD: self._D1 = self._D1 - self.f_DD( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) self._H1 = self._E1 + self._D1 self._Hh = 0.5*( self._H0 + self._H1 ) #### ( H(t0) + H(t1) )/2 def f(t,c): r = (t-self.t)/dt r = 0.5 H = (1.0-r)*self._H0 + r*self._H1 return -1.0j *,c) self.q = ode(f) self.q.set_integrator('zvode', first_step=self.first_step)#, method='bdf') self.q.set_initial_value(self.C, self.t) while self.q.successful() and self.q.t < (self.t + self.dt): self.q.integrate(self.q.t + self.dt) self.C = self.q.y self._H0 = self._H1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse self._H0ad = self._H0.copy() self._E0 = self._E1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse (diagn) self._D0 = self._D1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse (coupl) def _quantum_step_IP(self,**opts): """ Advance expansion coefficients t0 -> t1 This function uses an interaction picture """ self._H0dum = self._H0 #### To reuse the Hamitonian from previous time step after the adaptive step size self._E0dum = self._E0 #### To reuse the Potential energy (diagonal terms) previous time step after the adaptive step size self._D0dum = self._D0 #### To reuse the coupling (off diagonal) terms previous time step after the adaptive step size self.Cdum = self.C #### To reuse the co-efficients after the adaptive step size dt = self.dt # Quantum step (Schroedinger) t0 -> t1 # Tully 1990, Eq. (8). self._E1 = self.f_W( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) - self._EREF #### H(t1) self._D1 = self.f_D( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) #### It is negative beacause of the Tully 1980 if self.f_DD: self._D1 = self._D1 - self.f_DD( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) #### It is positive after the Helman Feynman theorem self._H1 = self._E1 + self._D1 # Schroedinger picture V E1mE0 = self._E1 - self._E0 D1mD0 = self._D1 - self._D0 self._Hh = 0.5*( self._H0 + self._H1 ) #### ( H(t0) + H(t1) )/2 def f(t,c): r = (t-self.t)/dt VS = E1mE0*r + D1mD0*r + self._D0 VI = tmath.schroedinger_to_interaction(VS,self._E0,t-self.t) return -1.0j*,c) self.q = ode(f) self.q.set_integrator('zvode', first_step=self.first_step) #, method='bdf') self.q.set_initial_value(self.C, self.t) while self.q.successful() and self.q.t < (self.t + self.dt): self.q.integrate(self.q.t + (self.dt)) self.C = self.q.y # Change back to Schroedinger picture self.C = np.exp( -1j*dt*np.diag(self._H0) ) * self.C self._H0 = self._H1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse (total) self._H0ad = self._H0.copy() self._E0 = self._E1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse (diagn) self._D0 = self._D1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse (coupl) def _quantum_step_unitary(self,**opts): """ Advance expansion coefficients t0 -> t1 This function uses a unitary propagator based on the interpolated Hamiltonian at t=(t1-t0)/2 TODO: There seems to be some bug here!! """ self._H0dum = self._H0 #### To reuse the Hamitonian from previous time step after the adaptive step size self._E0dum = self._E0 #### To reuse the Potential energy (diagonal terms) previous time step after the adaptive step size self._D0dum = self._D0 #### To reuse the coupling (off diagonal) terms previous time step after the adaptive step size self.Cdum = self.C #### To reuse the co-efficients after the adaptive step size # Quantum step (Schroedinger) t0 -> t1 # Tully 1990, Eq. (8). dt = self.dt self._E1 = self.f_W( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) - self._EREF #### H(t1) self._D1 = self.f_D( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) if self.f_DD: self._D1 = self._D1 - self.f_DD( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt ) self._H1 = self._E1 + self._D1 self._Hh = 0.5*( self._H0 + self._H1 ) #### ( H(t0) + H(t1) )/2 ener,trafo = np.linalg.eigh(self._Hh) diag = np.diag( np.exp(-1.0j*ener*dt) ) trafoH = np.conjugate(trafo.T) propagator =,, trafoH)) self.C =,self.C) self._H0 = self._H1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse (total) self._H0ad = self._H0.copy() self._E0 = self._E1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse (diagn) self._D0 = self._D1 #### Store electr. Hamiltonian for reuse (coupl) def _surface_hopping(self,**opts): """ Compute hopping probabilities out of state self.S, hopp if necessary Tully 1990, Eq. (14). """ # save old state s0 = self.S # Here the probability for hopping is calculated dt = self.dt b = 2.0 * ( self.f_D( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt )[self.S,:]) * ( np.conj(self.C[self.S]) * self.C) if self.f_DD: if self.field_explicit: b = b - 2.0 * ( self.f_DD( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt )[self.S,:]) * ( np.conj(self.C[self.S]) * self.C) else: b = b + 2.0 * ( self.f_DD( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt )[self.S,:]) * ( np.conj(self.C[self.S]) * self.C) b[self.S] = 0.0 #### where "b" gives the coupling between the current state self.S and all other states a = np.conj(self.C[self.S]) * self.C[self.S] #### population of state self.S # RW: th sign in p has to be -; checked with Tully models!! TODO: write good unit tests and update docu p = -self.dt*b.imag/(a.real) #### "p" gives the probability of hopping from the state self.S to other states ---> Tully 1990, Eq. (19) p[p<0.0] = 0.0 #### Set to zero all negative probabilities # Normalizing the probability to 1 psum = p.sum() if psum > 1.0: p = p/( psum + TINY ) self._issue_warning('Switch prob. larger than 1. / rescaled / smaller DT might be necessary') # Adaptive step size calculation self.counter1 = 0 #### This counter indicates the change in step size p_trans = max(p) #### maximum probibility to hop from state self.S to any other state if p_trans == 0: self.dt1 = dt else: dt1 = (float(self.p_thresh)/p_trans)*dt self.dt1 = dt1 if dt1 < dt: self.dt1 = dt1 self.counter1 = 1 self.R = self.x0 self.V = self.v0 self.C = self.Cdum self._H0 = self._H0dum self._E0 = self._E0dum self._D0 = self._D0dum self._grd = self.g0 self._pot = self._potdum return if self.dt_max > dt1 > dt: self.dt1 = dt1 if dt1 > self.dt_max: self.dt1 = self.dt_max # Finding the final state to hop using a random number r = np.random.random() #### Here we check for total probability being smaller than 1 and warning issued for probability larger than 1. self._finalS = _switch_state(p,r) #### self._finalS contains the final state number # Attempt a switch from state self.S to state self._finalS hopping_no_field = False #### Indicates the hopping due to no electric field hopping_with_field = False #### Indicates the hopping due to electric field steplog = '-' #### (-, no switch|* switch attempted|+ switch succeed) if self._finalS > -1: #### state switch will take place if enough KE available steplog = '*' es,gs = self.f_EGrad( self.R, self.V, self.t+dt, self._finalS ) #### POT, GRAD for final state if self.f_DD: b_mol = (self.f_D( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt )[self.S,self._finalS ]) * (self.C[self._finalS ] * np.conj(self.C[self.S])) b_ext = (self.f_DD( self.R,self.V,self.t+dt )[self.S,self._finalS ]) * (self.C[self._finalS ] * np.conj(self.C[self.S])) x = abs(b_ext.imag)/abs(b_mol.imag) pp = 0.5*(1+mt.tanh(x-(1/x))) r1 = np.random.normal(0.5,0.2,1) dec = pp+r1 if dec <= 1: self._grd_finalS = gs dKE = self._pot - es #### Kinetic E increase of _nuclei_ (can be negative if transition to upper state!) is_hopping, V_NEW = self._adjust_velocity(dKE) if is_hopping: #### Now we really changed state! steplog = '+' hopping_no_field = True if self.is_sh: #### global switch for SH self.S = self._finalS self.V = V_NEW self._grd = gs self._pot = es else: steplog = '+' hopping_with_field = True self.S = self._finalS self._grd = gs self._pot = es else: # print(self.S, self._finalS) self._grd_finalS = gs dKE = self._pot - es #### Kinetic E increase of _nuclei_ (can be negative if transition to upper state!) # print("DKE = ", dKE) is_hopping, V_NEW = self._adjust_velocity(dKE) # print("is hopping: ", is_hopping) # print("New velcoties should be: ", V_NEW) if is_hopping: #### Now we really changed state! steplog = '+' hopping_no_field = True if self.is_sh: #### global switch for SH self.S = self._finalS self.V = V_NEW self._grd = gs self._pot = es # print("New velcoties are: ", self.V) logstr = '{0} {1:>13.3f} {2: >6.4f} {3: >4d} {4: >4d} {5} {6}'.format(steplog,self.t*conv.au2fs,r,s0,self.S,hopping_no_field,hopping_with_field) for pp in p: logstr = logstr + ' {0:5.3f}'.format(pp.real) logstr = logstr + '\n' self.logSwitch.append(logstr) def _adjust_velocity(self,dKE,**opts): """ Adjust velocity to conserve total energy if hopping is possible Return True/False, V dKE -- float, kinetic _nuclear_ energy increase """ # Skip if hops are not allowed (adiabatic case) if self.no_hops: return False, self.V KE = self.kinetic_energy() if KE + dKE > 0: #### Enough KE for hopping is available # This condition will not always guarantee a hopping event, e.g. if the # kinetic energy needs to be available in a particular direction. # Therefore the final decision is made below according to the # direction in which the velocity vector needs to be adjusted. if self.rescaling == 'nac': # NAC direction based decision (standard in TullyFS) d = self.f_NAC(self.R,self.V,self.t+self.dt,self.S,self._finalS) #### NAC vector elif self.rescaling == 'grd': # Gradient difference direction based decision d = self._grd - self._grd_finalS else: raise ValueError('self.rescaling not valid: '+self.rescaling) #! If other possibilities are implemented we'll add "if" statements or specific subroutines u = d / mt.sqrt(,d) ) #### direction of NAC vector a = 0.5* u * self.M, u) b = self.V * self.M, u) # We are solving for a*k^2 + b*k - dKE = 0 # k is the needed factor such that v_NEW = v_OLD + k*u tmp = b*b + 4.0*a*dKE if tmp < 0.0: #### Not enough KE in the NAC direction for hopping return False, self.V else: k1 = 0.5*( -b + np.sqrt(tmp) )/a k2 = 0.5*( -b - np.sqrt(tmp) )/a # Each solution leads to the same final kinetic energy. We pick the # solution that results in the smallest momentum change if abs(k1) < abs(k2): k = k1 else: k = k2 V_NEW = self.V + k*u return True, V_NEW else: #### NOT enough KE for hopping available return False, self.V
[docs] def kinetic_energy(self): return 0.5* self.V * self.M, self.V )
[docs] def init_log(self): self.logR = [self.R,] #### List of positions along trajectory self.logV = [self.V,] #### List of velocities along trajectory self.logC = [self.C,] #### List of coefficient vectors self.logS = [self.S,] #### List of coefficient vectors self.logt = [self.t,] #### List of times along the simulation self.logKE = [self.ekin,] #### List of Total Energy along trajectory self.logPE = [self._pot] #### List of Total Energy along trajectory self.logH = [self._H0ad,] #### diagonals of the Hamiltonian (ad PES) self.logWarning = [] #### List of warning messages self.logSwitch = [] self.logPartial = [] if self.trivialCrossing == 'overlap' and self.f_overlap is not None: self.logCrossings = [[]]
[docs] def log(self): self.logR.append( self.R ) self.logV.append( self.V ) self.logC.append( self.C ) self.logS.append( self.S ) self.logt.append( self.t ) self.logKE.append( self.ekin ) self.logPE.append( self._pot ) self.logH.append( self._H0ad ) if self.trivialCrossing == 'overlap' and self.f_overlap is not None: self.logCrossings.append(self.crossings) if self.getPartial is not None: self.logPartial.append(self.partialCharges)
[docs] def log_to_file(self,**opts): """ Write all log information to a set of files """ if not os.path.exists(self.DIR): os.mkdir(self.DIR) self._R_to_file() #### positions self._V_to_file() #### velocities self._C_to_file() #### quantum coefficients self._P_to_file() #### quantum populations self._S_to_file() #### quantum state self._E_to_file() #### kinetic, potential and total energies self._Warning_to_file() #### Warning messages self._AdiabPot_to_file() self._Switch_to_file() self._NAC_to_file() if self.trivialCrossing == 'overlap' and self.f_overlap is not None: self._Crossings_to_file() self._crossPot_to_file() if self.getPartial is not None: self._partial_to_file()
def _issue_warning(self,msg): """ Write warning message to warning log-list """ strng = '%8i %7.4f %s\n' % ( self._stepnum,self.t,msg.rstrip() ) self.logWarning.append( strng ) def _Switch_to_file(self): with open(self.DIR + '/Switch.log','w') as f: f.write('# stepTaken time(fs) r s0 s hoppingNoField hoppingWiField pp\'s ... \n') for L in self.logSwitch: f.write(L) f.flush() def _Crossings_to_file(self): with open(self.DIR + '/trivialCrossings.log','w') as f: f.write('# step from state -> to state\n') for i, cs in enumerate(self.logCrossings): for c in cs: f.write( "%f %d %d\n" % (self.logt[i], c[0], c[1])) f.flush() def _NAC_to_file(self): with open(self.DIR + '/NAC.log','w') as f: for i,H in enumerate(self.logH): for k in range(self.NStates): for l in range(self.NStates): f.write( '%4i %4i %11.4f' % (k,l,(self.logt[i])) ) f.write(' %13.8f %13.8f' % ( H[k,l].real, H[k,l].imag) ) f.write('\n') f.flush() def _AdiabPot_to_file(self): with open(self.DIR + '/V_ad.log','w') as f: for i,H in enumerate(self.logH): Vad = np.diag( H + self._EREF ) f.write( '%11.4f ' % ((self.logt[i]), ) ) for v in Vad: f.write(' %13.8f' % (v.real,) ) f.write('\n') f.flush() def _crossPot_to_file(self): with open(self.DIR + '/V_cross.log','w') as f: for i,H in enumerate(self.logH): idx = np.arange(self.NStates) for j,cs in enumerate(self.logCrossings[i:0:-1]): idxOld = idx.copy() for c in cs: idx[c[1]] = idxOld[c[0]] Vad = np.diag( H + self._EREF )[idx] f.write( '%11.4f ' % ((self.logt[i]), ) ) for v in Vad: f.write(' %13.8f' % (v.real,) ) f.write('\n') f.flush() def _R_to_file(self): f=open(self.DIR + '/R.log','w') for i,R in enumerate(self.logR): f.write( '%9.6f' % ((self.logt[i]),) ) for r in R: f.write(' %12.6f' % (r,) ) f.write('\n') f.flush() f.close() def _V_to_file(self): f=open(self.DIR + '/V.log','w') for i,V in enumerate(self.logV): f.write( '%9.6f' % ((self.logt[i]),) ) for v in V: f.write(' %12.6f' % (v,) ) f.write('\n') f.flush() f.close() def _C_to_file(self): f=open(self.DIR + '/C.log','w') for i,C in enumerate(self.logC): f.write( '%9.6f' % ((self.logt[i]),) ) for c in C: f.write(' %8.5f %8.5f' % (c.real, c.imag) ) f.write('\n') f.flush() f.close() def _P_to_file(self): f=open(self.DIR + '/P.log','w') for i,C in enumerate(self.logC): f.write( '%10.6f' % ((self.logt[i]),) ) P = np.abs(C*C.conj()) N = P.sum() for p in P: f.write(' %8.5f' % (p,) ) f.write(' %8.5f' % (N,) ) f.write('\n') f.flush() f.close() def _S_to_file(self): f=open(self.DIR + '/S.log','w') for i,S in enumerate(self.logS): f.write( '%9.6f %4i\n' % ((self.logt[i]), S) ) f.flush() f.close() def _E_to_file(self): f=open(self.DIR + '/E.log','w') for i in range(len(self.logt)): f.write( '%9.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n' % ((self.logt[i]), self.logKE[i], self.logPE[i], self.logKE[i] + self.logPE[i] ) ) f.flush() f.close() def _Warning_to_file(self): f=open(self.DIR + '/Warnings.log','w') for msg in self.logWarning: f.write( msg.rstrip() + '\n' ) f.flush() f.close() def _partial_to_file(self): with open(self.DIR + '/partial.log','w') as f: for i, ps in enumerate(self.logPartial): f.write( '%11.4f ' % ((self.logt[i]), ) ) for p in ps: f.write(' %13.8f' % (p) ) f.write('\n') f.flush() f.close()
def _switch_state(p,r): """ Determine the final state to jump to from an array of probabilities and a rand num. Return -1 in case no jump takes place, otherwise return final state number p -- array with probabilities, e.g. [0.1,0.15,0,0,0.3] r -- random number [0,1] """ if np.sum(p) > 1.0: raise ValueError('Total switching prob. > 1') sp = 0.0 for i,pi in enumerate(p): sp = sp + pi if r < sp: return i return -1
[docs] def dot(K,L): if len(K)==len(L) and len(K)!=0: return sum([K[n]*L[n] for n in range(len(K))]) else: return 0
####################################################################################### #### Tully's model A (single avoided crossing) #### #### JCP 93, 1061 (1990) #### ####################################################################################### # Diabatic model #@np.vectorize
[docs] def W11_TA(x,A=0.01,B=1.6,C=0.005,D=1.0): if x >= 0: return A*(1.0-np.exp(-B*x)) if x < 0: return -A*(1.0-np.exp(B*x))
[docs] def W22_TA(x,A=0.01,B=1.6,C=0.005,D=1.0): return -W11_TA(x,A,B,C,D)
[docs] def W12_TA(x,A=0.01,B=1.6,C=0.005,D=1.0): return C*np.exp(-D*x**2)
[docs] def W_TA(x,A=0.01,B=1.6,C=0.005,D=1.0): W = np.empty((2,2),float) W[0,0] = W11_TA(x,A,B,C,D) W[1,1] = -W[0,0] W[0,1] = W12_TA(x,A,B,C,D) W[1,0] = W[0,1] return W
[docs] def dq_W11_TA(x,A=0.01,B=1.6,C=0.005,D=1.0): # Derivative of diabatic matrix element wrt all coordinates (only one in this model) # All derivatives are returned by convention in a list if x >= 0: return np.array( (A*B*np.exp(-B*x) ),float ) if x < 0: return np.array( (A*B*np.exp(B*x) ),float )
[docs] def dq_W22_TA(x,A=0.01,B=1.6,C=0.005,D=1.0): return -1.0*dq_W11_TA(x,A,B,C,D)
[docs] def dq_W12_TA(x,A=0.01,B=1.6,C=0.005,D=1.0): return np.array( ( -C*np.exp(-D*x**2)*2.0*D*x ),float )
####################################################################################### ####################################################################################### ## Run a set of trajectories in Tully's model A at fixed incoming momentum (KE) ## #######################################################################################
[docs] def return_TullyA_traj(p=15.0): """ Return a trajectory object ready to be run for Tully's model A p -- initial momentum in the positive direction Trajectories start at R0 = -5 """ from CDTK.Models.DiabaticToAdiabatic2States import DiabaticToAdiabatic2States as di2ad mod=di2ad(W11_TA,W22_TA,W12_TA,dq_W11_TA,dq_W22_TA,dq_W12_TA) v1 = mod.ret_V1() v2 = mod.ret_V2() dqv1 = mod.ret_dqV1() dqv2 = mod.ret_dqV2() d12 = mod.ret_NAC() def egrad(x,v,t,s): if s==0: return v1(x[0]),dqv1(x[0]) elif s==1: return v2(x[0]),dqv2(x[0]) else: raise ValueError def nac(x,v,t,i,j): return d12(x[0]) def w(x,v,t): W = np.zeros((2,2),float) W[0,0] = v1(x[0]) W[1,1] = v2(x[0]) return W def d(x,v,t): D = np.zeros((2,2),complex) D[0,1] = -1.0j* d12(x[0]), v[0] ) D[1,0] = -D[0,1] return D M = 2000.0 #### particle's mass R0 = -5.0 V = p/M traj = Trajectory_SH(1,2) traj.M[0] = M traj.R[0] = R0 traj.V[0] = V traj.f_EGrad = egrad traj.f_NAC = nac traj.f_W = w traj.f_D = d return traj
[docs] def run_TullyA(p,ntraj=10,rseed=None,do_save=False,dt=10.0): """ Run a set of trajectories in Tully's model A p -- incoming momentum (a.u.) ntraj -- number of averaged trajectories rseed -- int; seed to start random number generator """ from CDTK.Models.DiabaticToAdiabatic2States import DiabaticToAdiabatic2States as di2ad mod=di2ad(W11_TA,W22_TA,W12_TA,dq_W11_TA,dq_W22_TA,dq_W12_TA) if type(1) == type(rseed): np.random.seed(rseed) v1 = mod.ret_V1() v2 = mod.ret_V2() dqv1 = mod.ret_dqV1() dqv2 = mod.ret_dqV2() d12 = mod.ret_NAC() def egrad(x,v,t,s): if s==0: return v1(x[0]),dqv1(x[0]) elif s==1: return v2(x[0]),dqv2(x[0]) else: raise ValueError def nac(x,v,t,i,j): return d12(x) def w(x,v,t): W = np.zeros((2,2),float) W[0,0] = v1(x[0]) W[1,1] = v2(x[0]) return W def d(x,v,t): D = np.zeros((2,2),complex) D[0,1] = -1.0j* d12(x[0]), v[0] ) D[1,0] = -D[0,1] return D M = 2000.0 #### particle's mass R0 = -5.0 V = p/M pop_0_L = 0 pop_0_R = 0 pop_1_L = 0 pop_1_R = 0 for nt in range(ntraj): traj = Trajectory_SH(1,2,dt=dt) traj.M[0] = M traj.R[0] = R0 traj.V[0] = V traj.f_EGrad = egrad traj.f_NAC = nac traj.f_W = w traj.f_D = d traj.integrate(tfinal=6000.0) if do_save: traj.log_to_file() if traj.S == 0 and traj.R[0] < 0.0: pop_0_L += 1 if traj.S == 0 and traj.R[0] > 0.0: pop_0_R += 1 if traj.S == 1 and traj.R[0] < 0.0: pop_1_L += 1 if traj.S == 1 and traj.R[0] > 0.0: pop_1_R += 1 trans = np.array([pop_0_L,pop_0_R,pop_1_L,pop_1_R],float)/ntraj return trans
[docs] def run_TullyA_Fig4(pmin=1.0,pmax=30.0,dp=1.0,ntraj=100,rseed=None,dt=10.0): """ Reproduce Fig. 4 in Tully's 1990 paper Note: 2000 trajectories per momentum were used there """ print("Do Tully Fig 4, ntraj=", ntraj) if type(1) == type(rseed): np.random.seed(rseed) pvec = np.arange(pmin,pmax,dp) for p in pvec: r = run_TullyA(p,ntraj=ntraj,dt=dt) out = ' %5.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n' % (p,r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3]) sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stdout.flush()
####################################################################################### #### Tully's model B (dual avoided crossing) #### #### JCP 93, 1061 (1990) #### ####################################################################################### # Diabatic model #@np.vectorize
[docs] def W11_TB(x,A=0.1,B=0.28,E0=0.05,C=0.015,D=0.06): return 0.0
[docs] def W22_TB(x,A=0.1,B=0.28,E0=0.05,C=0.015,D=0.06): return -A*np.exp(-B*x**2) + E0
[docs] def W12_TB(x,A=0.1,B=0.28,E0=0.05,C=0.015,D=0.06): return C*np.exp(-D*x**2)
[docs] def W_TB(x,A=0.1,B=0.28,E0=0.05,C=0.015,D=0.06): W = np.empty((2,2),float) W[0,0] = W11_TB(x,A,B,E0,C,D) W[1,1] = W22_TB(x,A,B,E0,C,D) W[0,1] = W12_TB(x,A,B,E0,C,D) W[1,0] = W[0,1] return W
[docs] def dq_W11_TB(x,A=0.1,B=0.28,E0=0.05,C=0.015,D=0.06): # Derivative of diabatic matrix element wrt all coordinates (only one in this model) # All derivatives are returned by convention in a list return 0.0
[docs] def dq_W22_TB(x,A=0.1,B=0.28,E0=0.05,C=0.015,D=0.06): return np.array( ( A*np.exp(-B*x**2)*2.0*B*x ),float )
[docs] def dq_W12_TB(x,A=0.1,B=0.28,E0=0.05,C=0.015,D=0.06): return np.array( ( -C*np.exp(-D*x**2)*2.0*D*x ),float )
####################################################################################### ####################################################################################### ## Run a set of trajectories in Tully's model B at fixed incoming momentum (KE) ## #######################################################################################
[docs] def return_TullyB_traj(p=15.0): """ Return a trajectory object ready to be run for Tully's model B p -- initial momentum in the positive direction Trajectories start at R0 = -5 """ from CDTK.Models.DiabaticToAdiabatic2States import DiabaticToAdiabatic2States as di2ad mod=di2ad(W11_TB,W22_TB,W12_TB,dq_W11_TB,dq_W22_TB,dq_W12_TB) v1 = mod.ret_V1() v2 = mod.ret_V2() dqv1 = mod.ret_dqV1() dqv2 = mod.ret_dqV2() d12 = mod.ret_NAC() def egrad(x,v,t,s): if s==0: return v1(x[0]),dqv1(x[0]) elif s==1: return v2(x[0]),dqv2(x[0]) else: raise ValueError def nac(x,v,t,i,j): return d12(x[0]) def w(x,v,t): W = np.zeros((2,2),float) W[0,0] = v1(x[0]) W[1,1] = v2(x[0]) return W def d(x,v,t): D = np.zeros((2,2),complex) D[0,1] = -1.0j* d12(x[0]), v[0] ) D[1,0] = -D[0,1] return D M = 2000.0 #### particle's mass R0 = -5.0 V = p/M traj = Trajectory_SH(1,2) traj.M[0] = M traj.R[0] = R0 traj.V[0] = V traj.f_EGrad = egrad traj.f_NAC = nac traj.f_W = w traj.f_D = d return traj
[docs] def run_TullyB(E,ntraj=10,rseed=None,do_save=False,dt=10.0): """ Run a set of trajectories in Tully's model B E -- incoming energy (a.u.) ntraj -- number of averaged trajectories rseed -- int; seed to start random number generator """ from CDTK.Models.DiabaticToAdiabatic2States import DiabaticToAdiabatic2States as di2ad mod=di2ad(W11_TB,W22_TB,W12_TB,dq_W11_TB,dq_W22_TB,dq_W12_TB) if type(1) == type(rseed): np.random.seed(rseed) v1 = mod.ret_V1() v2 = mod.ret_V2() dqv1 = mod.ret_dqV1() dqv2 = mod.ret_dqV2() d12 = mod.ret_NAC() def egrad(x,v,t,s): if s==0: return v1(x[0]),dqv1(x[0]) elif s==1: return v2(x[0]),dqv2(x[0]) else: raise ValueError def nac(x,v,t,i,j): return d12(x[0]) def w(x,v,t): W = np.zeros((2,2),float) W[0,0] = v1(x[0]) W[1,1] = v2(x[0]) return W def d(x,v,t): D = np.zeros((2,2),complex) D[0,1] = -1.0j* d12(x[0]), v[0] ) D[1,0] = -D[0,1] return D M = 2000.0 #### particle's mass p = np.sqrt(2*M*E) R0 = -8.0 V = p/M pop_0_L = 0 pop_0_R = 0 pop_1_L = 0 pop_1_R = 0 for nt in range(ntraj): traj = Trajectory_SH(1,2,dt=dt) traj.M[0] = M traj.R[0] = R0 traj.V[0] = V traj.f_EGrad = egrad traj.f_NAC = nac traj.f_W = w traj.f_D = d traj.integrate(tfinal=6000.0) if do_save: traj.log_to_file() if traj.S == 0 and traj.R[0] < 0.0: pop_0_L += 1 if traj.S == 0 and traj.R[0] > 0.0: pop_0_R += 1 if traj.S == 1 and traj.R[0] < 0.0: pop_1_L += 1 if traj.S == 1 and traj.R[0] > 0.0: pop_1_R += 1 trans = np.array([pop_0_L,pop_0_R,pop_1_L,pop_1_R],float)/ntraj return trans
[docs] def run_TullyB_Fig5(lemin=-4.0,lemax=1.0,de=0.2,ntraj=2000,rseed=None,dt=10.0): """ Reproduce Fig. 5 in Tully's 1990 paper Note: 2000 trajectories per momentum were used there """ print("Do Tully Fig 5, ntraj=", ntraj) if type(1) == type(rseed): np.random.seed(rseed) evec = np.arange(lemin,lemax,de) for le in evec: E = np.exp(le) r = run_TullyB(E,ntraj=ntraj,dt=dt) out = ' %5.2f %8.6f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n' % (le,E,r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3]) sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stdout.flush()
###################################################################################### #### Test of a single trajectory #### ###################################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": # run_TullyA(8.5,ntraj=1,rseed=1,do_save=True,dt=10.0) n = 2000 model = 'A' pmin = 1.0 pmax = 29.0 if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Using default: Model ", model, ", ", n, " trajectories") elif len(sys.argv) < 3: model = sys.argv[1] print("Using : Model ", model ,", ", n, " trajectories") elif len(sys.argv) < 4: model = sys.argv[1] n = int(sys.argv[2]) print("Using : Model ", model ,", ", n, " trajectories") elif len(sys.argv) < 5: model = sys.argv[1] n = int(sys.argv[2]) pmin = float(sys.argv[3]) print("Using : Model ", model ,", ", n, " trajectories") print("Starting at pmin = ", pmin) else: model = sys.argv[1] n = int(sys.argv[2]) pmin = float(sys.argv[3]) pmax = float(sys.argv[4]) print("Using : Model ", model ,", ", n, " trajectories") print("Starting at pmin = ", pmin) print("Ending before pmax = ", pmax) if model == 'A': run_TullyA_Fig4(ntraj=n, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax) elif model == 'B': run_TullyB_Fig5(ntraj=n, lemin=pmin, lemax=pmax) else: print("Incorrect model chosen") # r = run_TullyA(17,ntraj=50,rseed=1) # out = '%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n' % (r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3]) # sys.stdout.write(out)