Source code for CDTK.Interfaces.GamessUSInterface

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#*  (at your option) any later version.
#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#*  **************************************************************************

import os
import shutil
import sys
import re
import numpy as np

import CDTK
from CDTK.Tools.Utils import getUniqueID
import CDTK.Tools.Utils as uti
import CDTK.Tools.EField as efi
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv

TINY = 1.e-8
PATHGMS = os.environ.get('CDTK_GAMESSUS',None)

# - Default definitions
#   !! alteration might lead to unittest failures !!
MULT   = 1
SZ     = 0
IROOT  = 1
WSTATE = 1.0
FULLNR = '.TRUE.' # mcscf second order, with an exact hessian
CPTOL = 1.0e-6    # Tolerance for CPMCHF equations
MAXIT = 800       # Maximum iterations for CPMCHF equations

[docs] class gamess(object): def __init__(self,**opts): self.engine = 'GamessUS' # Used in the wrapper class self._ID = opts.get('ID', getUniqueID(12)) self._inp = self._ID+'.inp' self._log = self._ID+'.log' self._dat = self._ID+'.dat' self._counter = 0 # Execution counter self._norb = 1 self._vec = '' self.pathgms = opts.get('pathgms',PATHGMS) self.scratch = opts.get('scratch','/tmp') self.itemplate = opts.get('inputTemplate','') self.guess = opts.get('guess',GUESS) self.is_storelog = opts.get('is_storelog',True) self.is_storedat = opts.get('is_storedat',True) self.is_storeinp = opts.get('is_storeinp',True) self.keepdir = opts.get('keepdir',None) # ------------------------------------------------- self.atomicSymbols = opts.get('atomicSymbols',[]) self.atomicNumbers = opts.get('atomicNumbers',[]) self.efields = opts.get('efields',[]) # ------------------------------------------------- self.memddi = opts.get('memddi',MEMDDI) # distributed memory (GB) self.mwords = opts.get('mwords',MWORDS) self.gbasis = opts.get('gbasis',GBASIS) # Gaussian basis type self.ngauss = opts.get('ngauss',NGAUSS) # Number of contracted Gaussians self.icharg = opts.get('icharg',ICHARG) self.mult = opts.get('mult',MULT) = opts.get('sz',SZ) self.iroot = opts.get('iroot',IROOT) self.nstate = opts.get('nstate',NSTATE) self.wstate = opts.get('wstate',WSTATE) self.mxxpan = opts.get('mxxpan',MXXPAN) # Eigenvecs in Dav self.fullnr = opts.get('fullnr',FULLNR) # ------------------------------------------------- if not self.pathgms: raise ValueError('Gamess-US path is not set. Please set CDTK_GAMESSUS to the path of your GAMESSUS directory') if self.pathgms[-1] != '/': self.pathgms = self.pathgms + '/'
[docs] def init_input_options(self,iopts): """ This functions sets input options. Input: iopts --- Input options as a dictonary, where the key defines the variable and the value is a list with the value of the variable as first entry. """ for k in iopts.keys(): setattr(self,k,iopts[k][0])
[docs] def energy_HF(self, X, Time=0.0, **opts): """ Hartree-Fock energy calculation. Optionally with electric fields. Input: X -- 3N array of atomic positions, in Bohr (au). Time -- current time in au. Output: e -- energy obtained from Gamess (in Hartree). """ t = _input_template_HF_E_EF() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' if self._counter > 0: self.guess = 'MOREAD' inputtxt = t.format(efield=efieldtxt, memddi=self.memddi, mwords=self.mwords, xcart=xcart, guess=self.guess, norb=self._norb, vec=self._vec, mult = self.mult, icharg = self.icharg, gbasis=self.gbasis, ngauss=self.ngauss) self._run_gms(inputtxt) e = self._parse_energy_HF() self._clean() return e
[docs] def energy_HF_HOMO(self, X, Time=0.0, **opts): """ Hartree-Fock energy calculation. Returns the HF energy and the energy of the HOMO. Optionally with electric fields. TODO not working correctly as orbitals are not correctly printed - needs to be fixed X -- 3N array of atomic positions, in Bohr (au) """ t = _input_template_HF_E_EF_HOMO() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' if self._counter > 0: self.guess = 'MOREAD' inputtxt = t.format(efield=efieldtxt, memddi=self.memddi, mwords=self.mwords, xcart=xcart, guess=self.guess, norb=self._norb, vec=self._vec, mult = self.mult, icharg = self.icharg, gbasis=self.gbasis, ngauss=self.ngauss) self._run_gms(inputtxt) e = self._parse_energy_HF() homo = self._parse_homo_energy() self._clean() return e,homo
[docs] def energy_HF_KOOPMANS(self, X, Time=0.0, **opts): """ Hartree-Fock energy calculation. Returns the HF energy plus energy of the excited states by Koopmans' theorem. E(1) = -E_HOMO E(2) = -E_HOMO-1 etc. X -- 3N array of atomic positions, in Bohr (au) """ t = _input_template_HF_KOOPMANS() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) # if self._counter > 0: # self.guess = 'MOREAD' inputtxt = t.format(memddi=self.memddi, mwords=self.mwords, xcart=xcart, guess=self.guess, norb=self._norb, vec=self._vec, mult = self.mult, icharg = self.icharg, gbasis=self.gbasis, ngauss=self.ngauss) self._run_gms(inputtxt) moe = self._parse_mo_energy() moe = -moe[::-1] moe = moe[:self.nstate] self._clean() return moe
[docs] def energy_gradient_HF(self, X, Time=0.0, **opts): """ Hartree-Fock energy and gradient calculation. Optionally with electric fields. This function is useful for ground state dynamics in the presence of electric fields of (in principle) arbitrary strength that are non-ressonant with electronic transitions but which affect nuclear motion. The electronic structure is solved with explicit inclusion of the electric field (if present) by gamess-us. Input: X -- 3N array of atomic positions, in Bohr (au). Time -- current time in au. Output: e -- energy obtained from Gamess (in Hartree). g -- 3N array of gradient obtained from Gamess (in Hartree / Bohr). """ t = _input_template_HF_EGR_EF() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' if self._counter > 0: self.guess = 'MOREAD' inputtxt = t.format(efield = efieldtxt, memddi = self.memddi, mwords = self.mwords, xcart = xcart, guess = self.guess, norb = self._norb, vec = self._vec, mult = self.mult, icharg = self.icharg, gbasis = self.gbasis, ngauss = self.ngauss) self._run_gms(inputtxt) e = self._parse_energy_HF() g = self._parse_gradient_HF() self._clean() return e,g
[docs] def energy_CIS(self, X, **opts): """ Calculate energy of excited states at the configuration interaction singles (CIS) level of theory (zero-th order accuracy) X - nuclear coordinates (AU) """ t = _input_template_CIS_E() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) inputtxt = t.format(memddi = self.memddi, mwords=self.mwords, xcart=xcart, guess=self.guess, norb=self._norb, vec=self._vec, mult=self.mult, icharg=self.icharg, gbasis=self.gbasis, ngauss=self.ngauss) self._run_gms(inputtxt) e = self._parse_energy_CIS() self._clean() return e
[docs] def mcscf(self, X, Time=0.0, **opts): """ MCSCF field calculation It provides the energy and gradient of the ground or an excited state at the mcscf level of theory TODO OV: parsing of the energy does not work properly if only one state (the GS) is calculated. This should be eventually corrected. Input: X -- 3N array of atomic positions, in Bohr (au). Time -- current time in au. Output: e -- array of M energies obtained from Gamess (in Hartree). g -- Array of M 3N arrays of gradient obtained from Gamess (in Hartree / Bohr). """ t = _input_template_MCSCF() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' if self._counter > 0: self.guess = 'MOREAD' inputtxt = t.format( runtyp = 'gradient', guess = self.guess, norb=self._norb, vec=self._vec, memddi = self.memddi, mwords = self.mwords, xcart = xcart, gbasis = self.gbasis, ngauss = self.ngauss, mult = self.mult, icharg = self.icharg, ncore = self.ncore, nact = self.nact, nels = self.nels, iroot = self.iroot, nstate = self.nstate, mxxpan = self.mxxpan, fullnr = self.fullnr, sz =, wstate = self.wstate, efield = efieldtxt, cptol = CPTOL, maxit = MAXIT ) self._run_gms(inputtxt) e = self._parse_mcscf_energy() g = self._parse_nacme_gradient() self._clean() return e,g
[docs] def mcqdpt(self, X, Time=0.0, **opts): t = _input_template_MCQDPT() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' if self._counter > 0: self.guess = 'MOREAD' inputtxt = t.format( runtyp = 'energy', guess = self.guess, norb=self._norb, vec=self._vec, memddi = self.memddi, mwords = self.mwords, xcart = xcart, gbasis = self.gbasis, ngauss = self.ngauss, mult = self.mult, icharg = self.icharg, ncore = self.ncore, nact = self.nact, nels = self.nels, iroot = self.iroot, nstate = self.nstate, mxxpan = self.mxxpan, sz =, wstate = self.wstate, nel = self.nel, nmoact = self.nmoact, nmofzc = self.nmofzc, nmodoc = self.nmodoc, nmofzv = self.nmofzv, kstate = self.kstate, edshft = self.edshft, efield = efieldtxt, cptol = CPTOL, maxit = self.maxit ) self._run_gms(inputtxt) e = self._parse_mcqdpt_energy() self._clean() return e
[docs] def nacme(self, X, Time=0.0, **opts): """ MCSCF field calculation followed by a calculation of the NAC vector It provides the energy, gradient on each state, nacme vector between states and dipola matrix elements. Input: X -- 3N array of atomic positions, in Bohr (au). Time -- current time in au. Output: e -- array of M energies obtained from Gamess (in Hartree). g -- Array of M 3N arrays of gradient obtained from Gamess (in Hartree / Bohr). d -- Array of MxM 3N arrays of non-adiabatic couplings in au. m -- Array of MxMx3 transition dipole matrix elements in Debye. """ t = _input_template_MCSCF() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' if self._counter > 0: self.guess = 'MOREAD' inputtxt = t.format( runtyp = 'nacme', guess = self.guess, norb=self._norb, vec=self._vec, memddi = self.memddi, mwords = self.mwords, xcart = xcart, gbasis = self.gbasis, ngauss = self.ngauss, mult = self.mult, icharg = self.icharg, ncore = self.ncore, nact = self.nact, nels = self.nels, iroot = self.iroot, nstate = self.nstate, mxxpan = self.mxxpan, fullnr = self.fullnr, sz =, wstate = self.wstate, efield = efieldtxt, cptol = CPTOL, maxit = MAXIT ) self._run_gms(inputtxt) e = self._parse_nacme_energy() g = self._parse_nacme_gradient() d = self._parse_nacme_nacme() m = self._parse_nacme_dipole() nac = np.zeros((g.shape[0], g.shape[0], g.shape[1])) for key,value in d.items(): nac[key[0], key[1], :] = value self._clean() return e,g,nac,m
[docs] def hessian(self, X, **opts): """ Calculation of the Hessian matrix Input: X - 3N array of atomic positions [a.u.] Output: H - 3Nx3N array of Hessian in a.u. """ t = _input_template_HESSIAN() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) inputtxt = t.format( icharg = self.icharg, mult = self.mult, memddi = self.memddi, mwords = self.mwords, gbasis = self.gbasis, ngauss = self.ngauss, guess = self.guess, norb = self._norb, xcart = xcart, vec = self._vec ) self._run_gms(inputtxt) H = self._parse_hessian() self._clean() return H
[docs] def optimize(self, X, **opts): """ Returns the optimized geometry [XYZ, Angstrom] Input: X - 3N array of initial atomic positions [a.u.] Output: X0 - 3N array of optimized atomic positions [a.u.] """ t = _input_template_OPTIMIZE() xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) inputtxt = t.format( memddi = self.memddi, mwords = self.mwords, gbasis = self.gbasis, ngauss = self.ngauss, guess = self.guess, norb = self._norb, icharg = self.icharg, mult = self.mult, xcart = xcart ) self._run_gms(inputtxt) X0 = self._parse_equilibrium_geometry() self._clean() return X0
[docs] def read_input_template(self,fname): """ This function reads in a template for setting up a Gamess calculation. Input: fname --- Name of the file (including path) that contains the template. """ ftmpl = open(fname,'r') self.itemplate = ftmpl.close()
[docs] def efield(self,t=0.0): """ Return array with x,y,z components of the electric fields. Input: t --- current time in au. Output: E --- 3 vector of the current value of the electric field in au. """ E = np.zeros(3,float) for ef in self.efields: E = E + ef.P*ef.A(t) return E
[docs] def dt_efield(self,t=0.0,Dt=0.1): """ Return array with x,y,z components of dE/dt (field time derivative) obtained from a finite difference calculation. Input: t --- current time in au. Dt --- step length for finite differences in au. Output: dEdt --- 3 vector of the current value of the derivative of the electric field in au. """ dEdt = np.zeros(3, float) for ef in self.efields: Em = ef.P*ef.A(t-0.5*Dt) Ep = ef.P*ef.A(t+0.5*Dt) dEdt = dEdt + (Ep-Em)/Dt return dEdt
[docs] def run(self, X, **opts): """ Run a Gamess-US calculation gamess.itemplate must be assigned """ if not self.itemplate: raise ValueError('gamess.itemplate not defined') vec = opts.get('vec','') # vec data from a previous run xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols, self.atomicNumbers) inputtxt = self.itemplate.format(xcart=xcart, vec=vec) self._run_gms(inputtxt)
def _run_gms(self,inputtxt): self._clean() finp = open(self._inp,'w') finp.write(inputtxt) finp.close() rungms = self.pathgms + '/rungms' command = '{0} {1} >{2} 2>&1'.format(rungms,self._inp,self._log) os.system(command) self._vec,self._norb = self._parse_vec() self._store_log() self._store_dat() self._store_inp() self._counter += 1 self._parse_execution_error() def _store_log(self): """ Function to save log files from a run. """ if self.is_storelog: cstr = '{0:0>7d}'.format(self._counter) if self.keepdir: dst = self.keepdir + '/' + cstr + '_' + self._log else: dst = cstr + '_' + self._log shutil.copy(self._log,dst) def _store_dat(self): """ Function to save dat files from a run. """ if self.is_storedat: cstr = '{0:0>7d}'.format(self._counter) if self.keepdir: dst = self.keepdir + '/' + cstr + '_' + self._dat else: dst = cstr + '_' + self._dat shutil.copy(self._dat,dst) def _store_inp(self): """ Function to save input files from a run. """ if self.is_storeinp: cstr = '{0:0>7d}'.format(self._counter) if self.keepdir: dst = self.keepdir + '/' + cstr + '_' + self._inp else: dst = cstr + '_' + self._inp shutil.copy(self._inp,dst) def _clean(self): """ Function to remove input, dat and log files. """ # clean scratch area from old calculations extensions = ['.inp','.dat','.log'] for e in extensions: fname = self._ID + e if os.path.isfile(fname): try: os.unlink(fname) except: sys.stderr.write(fname+' could not be deleted') def _parse_energy_HF(self): """ Function to parse energy of a Hartree-Fock calculation from a log file. Output: e --- parsed energy in au. """ e = None try: flog = open(self._log,'r') except: sys.stderr.write(flog+' file could not be opened') patt = r'\s+TOTAL ENERGY =\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)$' for l in flog.readlines(): match =,l) if match: e = float(match.groups()[0]) break flog.close() if e: return e else: raise ValueError('TOTAL ENERGY not found in '+self._log+' file') def _parse_homo_energy(self): patt1 = r'^\s*EIGENVALUES\s*$' patt2 = r'^\s*...... END OF RHF CALCULATION ......\s*$' patt3 = '(-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)' evals = [] # HOMO is highest non-positive eigenvalue with open(self._log) as f: line = f.readline() while line: if,line): line = f.readline() while not,line): m = re.findall(patt3,line) if m: evals.append(m) line = f.readline() line = f.readline() f.close() if evals: evals = list(map(float, np.asarray(evals).flatten())) return evals[-1] else: raise ValueError('HOMO energy not found in ' + self._log) def _parse_mo_energy(self): patt1 = r'^\s*EIGENVALUES\s*$' patt2 = r'^\s*...... END OF RHF CALCULATION ......\s*$' patt3 = '(-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)' patt4 = r'^\s*(ENERGY|DENSITY) CONVERGED\s*$' evals = [] density_converged = False with open(self._log) as f: line = f.readline() while line: if, line): density_converged = True elif,line): line = f.readline() while not,line): m = re.findall(patt3,line) for mm in m: evals.append(float(mm)) line = f.readline() line = f.readline() f.close() if density_converged: if evals: return np.asarray(evals) else: raise ValueError('MO energy not found in ' + self._log) else: raise ValueError('Density not converged in ' + self._log) def _parse_energy_CI(self): """ Function to parse energoes of a CI calculation from a log file. Output: e --- array of parsed energies in au. """ e = [] try: flog = open(self._log,'r') except: sys.stderr.write(flog+' file could not be opened') patt = r'\s+STATE\s+[0-9]+\s+ENERGY=\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)' for l in flog.readlines(): match =,l) if match: e.append( float(match.groups()[0]) ) flog.close() if e: return e else: raise ValueError('TOTAL ENERGY not found in '+self._log+' file') def _parse_mcqdpt_energy(self): e = [] try: flog = open(self._log,'r') except: sys.stderr.write(flog+' file could not be opened') patt = r'\s+STATE #\s+[0-9]+\s+ENERGY =\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)' for l in flog.readlines(): match =,l) if match: e.append( float(match.groups()[0]) ) flog.close() if e: return e else: raise ValueError('TOTAL ENERGY not found in '+self._log+' file') def _parse_mcscf_energy(self): """ Function to parse energies of a MCSCF calculation from a log file. Output: e --- array of parsed energies in au. """ regexp = r'^ ALL STATES AVERAGED IN THE MCSCF ARE DEGENERATE' matches = uti.fileLineParser(self._log,regexp,[float]) if len(matches)>0: regexp = r'^ FINAL MCSCF ENERGY IS\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)' matches = uti.fileLineParser(self._log,regexp,[float]) mcscf_energy = matches[0][0] energies = [mcscf_energy] * int(self.nstate) print(self.nstate) #for i in range(self.nstate): # energies.append(mcscf_energy) else: regexp = r'^ ENERGY=\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)' matches = uti.fileLineParser(self._log,regexp,[float]) energies = [] for m in matches: energies.append( m[0] ) return energies def _parse_nacme_energy(self): """ Function to parse energy of a non-adiabatic coupling calculation from a log file. Output: e --- array of parsed energies in au. """ regexp = r' COMPUTING NACME FOR STATE WITH E=\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)' matches = uti.fileLineParser(self._log,regexp,[float]) energies = [] for m in matches: energies.append( m[0] ) return energies def _parse_gradient_HF(self): """ Function to parse gradient of a Hartree-Fock calculation from a log file. Output: g --- 3N array of parsed gradient in au. """ g = [] try: flog = open(self._log,'r') except: sys.stderr.write(flog+' file could not be opened') patt1 = r'(\sUNITS ARE HARTREE/BOHR)' patt2 = r'\s+[0-9]+\s+[A-Za-z]+\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)$' line = flog.readline() while line: match1 =,line) if match1: # start of gradients found line = flog.readline() while line != '\n': match2 =,line) g.append( np.array( list( map(float,match2.groups()) ) ) ) line = flog.readline() g = np.asarray(g).flatten() # 3N array with 1st derivatives break line = flog.readline() flog.close() return g def _parse_nacme_gradient(self): """ Function to parse gradient of a non-adiabatic coupling calculation from a log file. Output: g --- Array of M 3N array of parsed gradient in au. """ g = [] patt1 = r'(\sUNITS ARE HARTREE/BOHR)' patt2 = r'\s+[0-9]+\s+[A-Za-z]+\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)$' with open(self._log) as flog: line = flog.readline() while line: match1 =,line) if match1: # start of gradients block found gradS = _parse_gradient_block(flog) g.append( gradS ) line = flog.readline() regexp = r'^ ALL STATES AVERAGED IN THE MCSCF ARE DEGENERATE' matches = uti.fileLineParser(self._log,regexp) if len(matches)>0 and len(g)>0: g = [g[0]] * int(self.nstate) g = np.asarray(g) flog.close() return g def _parse_nacme_nacme(self): """ Function to parse non-adiabatic couplings from a log file. Output: g --- Dictonary with tuple of coupled states as keys and 3N array of non-adiabatic couplings as values in au. """ g = {} # dictionary indexed by tuples to store NACS patt1 = r'<STATE\s+([0-9]+), WEIGHT=\s+[0-9.]+ | D/DQ | STATE\s+([0-9]+), WEIGHT=\s+[0-9.]+>' with open(self._log) as flog: line = flog.readline() while line: match1 =,line) if match1: # start of gradients block found sI = int( line.split()[1][:-1] ) - 1 sJ = int( line.split()[8][:-1] ) - 1 flog.readline() nacIJ = _parse_gradient_block(flog) g[(sI,sJ)] = nacIJ if sI != sJ: g[(sJ,sI)] = -nacIJ line = flog.readline() flog.close() return g def _parse_nacme_dipole(self): """ Function to parse transition dipole couplings from a log file. Output: g --- Dictonary with tuple of coupled states as keys and 3 array of transition diple couplings in au. """ d = {} # dictionary indexed by tuples to store transition dipoles patt1 = r'^ --- DIPOLE MOMENTS \(DEBYE\) ---' patt2 = r'^\s+([0-9]+),\s+([0-9]+)\s+:\s+[A-Z]+\s+([0-9.]+)\s+([0-9.]+)\s+([0-9.]+)' with open(self._log,'r') as flog: line = flog.readline() while line: match1 =,line) if match1: # start of dipoles block line = flog.readline() while line: lspl = line.split() if not lspl: break # break on empty line after dipoles sI = int( lspl[0][:-1] ) - 1 sJ = int( lspl[1] ) - 1 dvec = np.array( list(map(float,lspl[4:7])) ) d[(sI,sJ)] = dvec * conv.de2au if sI != sJ: d[(sJ,sI)] = dvec * conv.de2au line = flog.readline() break line = flog.readline() flog.close() return d def _parse_execution_error(self): """ Function to check for execution errors in log file. """ patt = r'EXECUTION OF GAMESS TERMINATED -ABNORMALLY-' with open(self._log) as flog: line = flog.readline() while line: match =,line) if match: # execution error sys.stdout.write(line) sys.stdout.write(' Inspect file '+self._log + '\n') sys.exit(1) line = flog.readline() flog.close() def _parse_vec(self): """ Function to parse vec data (containing molecular orbitals) from dat file. Output: strvec -- string containing the molecular orbital coefficients as formatted in the dat file. norb -- number of orbitals """ vec = [] norb = 0 isSaveLine = False with open(self._dat) as fdat: line = fdat.readline() while line: if line[0:5] == ' $VEC': vec = [] isSaveLine = True if isSaveLine: vec.append(line) if line[0:5] == ' $END': isSaveLine = False line = fdat.readline() fdat.close() if vec: norb = int( vec[-2].split()[0] ) strvec = ''.join(vec) return strvec,norb def _parse_hessian(self): """ Wrapper function to parse Hessian. """ return parse_hessian(self._dat) def _parse_energy_CIS(self): patt = r'^\s*CONVERGED STATE\s*(\d+) ENERGY\s*=\s*([+-]?[0-9.]+)' e = [] with open(self._log) as flog: line = flog.readline() while line: match =, line) if match: e.append(list(map(float, match.groups()))[-1]) line = flog.readline() flog.close() e = np.asarray(e) return e def _parse_equilibrium_geometry(self): """ Funtion to parse optimized geometry from log file. Output: X0 --- 3N array of optimized geometry in au. """ X0 = [] patt1 = r'^\s*\*\*\*\*\* EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED' patt2 = r'^ [A-Z]\s+[0-9\.]+\s+([+-]?[0-9\.]+)\s+([+-]?[0-9\.]+)\s+([+-]?[0-9\.]+)\s*$' with open(self._log) as flog: line = flog.readline() while line: match1 =,line) if match1: # Enter equilibrium geometry block line = flog.readline() while line.strip(): match2 =,line) if match2: X0.append(list(map(float, match2.groups()))) line = flog.readline() line = flog.readline() flog.close() return np.asarray(X0).flatten()
# def _parse_vec(self): # try: # fdat = open(self._dat,'r') # except: # sys.stderr.write(fdat+' file could not be opened') # dattxt = # fdat.close() # p=re.compile(r'( \$VEC\s+$.+\$END)',re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) # m =,dattxt) # return m.groups()[0] ############################################################################# # MODULE FUNCTIONS ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # Output (log) file parsers ############################################################################# def _parse_energy_CI_surf(path,ssz=None): """ produce a table of energies and coordinates of a MCSCF/CI surface scan path -- path to log file ssz -- list with two floats corresponding to S (total spin) and SZ (spin projection on the z-axis). If given, only states matching this pair of values will be extracted """ # Get coordinates and energy values for each state regexp0 = r' COORD 1=\s*([-+]?[0-9.]+)' regexp1 = r'\s+STATE\s+([0-9]+)\s+ENERGY=\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)' regexp2 = r'\s+STATE\s+([0-9]+)\s+ENERGY=\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)\s+S=\s+([0-9.]+)\s+SZ=\s+([0-9.]+)' xgrid = uti.fileLineParser(path,regexp0,[float]) energ2 = uti.fileLineParser(path,regexp2,[int,float,float,float]) # Determine number of scanned points and electronic states npoints = len(xgrid) nstates = len(energ2)//(npoints+1) # Put coordinate and energy values in a table [[x0, e0, e1,...],...] table = [] for i,x in enumerate(xgrid): row = [] row.append( x[0] ) for j in range((i+1)*nstates,(i+2)*nstates): # Check for spin and spin projection restrictions if ssz: if energ2[j][2] == ssz[0] and energ2[j][3] == ssz[1]: row.append( energ2[j][1] ) else: row.append( energ2[j][1] ) table.append( row ) return table def _parse_gradient_block(fileobj): """ Function to parse a gradient block which is formatted as follows. First, the number of the atom. Then, the symbol of the atom. Then 3 Numbers containing the gradient in x, y, z direction in au. The block ends at a empty line (line = '\n') or a line starting with a capital F. Input: fileobj --- already opened and correctly positioned file object. Output: g --- 3N array of the parsed gradient in au. """ g = [] patt = r'\s+[0-9]+\s+[A-Za-z]+\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)$' line = fileobj.readline() while line != '\n' and line[1] != 'F': match =,line) g.append( np.array( list(map(float,match.groups())) ) ) line = fileobj.readline() g = np.asarray(g).flatten() return g
[docs] def parse_hessian(fdatname): """ Function to parse a hessian from a dat file. The block containing the Hessian data starts with a line containing one whitespace and $HES. Then an irrelevant line follows, then the Hessian data (TODO describe format) and the block ends with a line containing one whitespace and $END. Input: fdatname --- Filename (including path) of the dat file to parse. Output: H --- 3Nx3N array containing the Hessian in au. """ H = [] try: fdat = open(fdatname,'r') except: sys.stderr.write(fdat+' file could not be opened') patt1 = r'^\s\$HESS' patt2 = r'(-?\d\.\d+E[+-]\d{2})' patt3 = r'^\s\$END' line = fdat.readline() while line: match1 =,line) if match1: line = fdat.readline() while not, line): match2 = re.findall(patt2,line) if match2: H.extend(list(map(float, match2))) line = fdat.readline() H = np.asarray(H) H = H.reshape(int(np.sqrt(H.size)), int(np.sqrt(H.size))) break line = fdat.readline() fdat.close() return H
############################################################################# # String formaters for different parts of the input file ############################################################################# def _format_coordinates(x,smb,num): """ return string with formated Cartesian coordinates for $DATA card Input: x : 3N array in Angstrom smb : List of atomic symbols num : List of atomic numbers Output: xtxt : Correctly formatted string. """ n = len(x) xlines = [] line = ' {0} {1} {2[0]:12.7f} {2[1]:12.7f} {2[2]:12.7f}' x.shape = (n//3,3) for i,s in enumerate(smb): xlines.append( line.format(s,num[i],x[i]) ) xtxt = '\n'.join(xlines) x.shape = (n,) return xtxt def _format_efields(eflist,t): """ return string with formated electric filed input. Input: eflist --- list containing the electric fields t --- time in au Output: txt : Correctly formatted string. """ E = np.zeros(3,float) tmplt = ' $EFIELD\n EVEC(1)={0[0]:14.9f} {0[1]:14.9f} {0[2]:14.9f}\n $END\n' for ef in eflist: E = E + np.asarray(ef.P)*ef.A(t) if,E)**0.5 > TINY: txt = tmplt.format(E) else: txt='\n' return txt def _format_wstate(n): """ return string with formated weights string for n states. Input: n : number of states Output: xtxt : Correctly formatted string. """ s='' for i in range(n): s = s+'1.0,' s = s[:-1] return s ############################################################################# # Input templates for different types of calculations ############################################################################# def _input_template_HF_E_EF(): """ Return template (string) for Gamess-US input file Templates are filled using its string.format function Hartree-Fock Energy/Gradient + EField """ path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_HF_E_EF' with open (tname, "r") as myfile: myfile.close() return t def _input_template_HF_E_EF_HOMO(): """ Return template (string) for Gamess-US input file Templates are filled using its string.format function Hartree-Fock Energy/Gradient + HOMO energy + EField """ path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_HF_E_EF_HOMO' with open (tname, "r") as myfile: myfile.close() return t def _input_template_HF_KOOPMANS(): """ Return template (string) for Gamess-US input file Templates are filled using its string.format function HF Energy plus Koopmans' excited state energies """ path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_HF_KOOPMANS' with open (tname, "r") as myfile: myfile.close() return t def _input_template_HF_EGR_EF(): """ Return template (string) for Gamess-US input file Templates are filled using its string.format function Hartree-Fock Energy/Gradient + EField """ path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_HF_EGR_EF' with open (tname, "r") as myfile: myfile.close() return t def _input_template_MCSCF(): """ Return template (string) for Gamess-US input file Templates are filled using its string.format function MCSCF Energy + Gradient + NACME + Dipole """ path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_MCSCF' with open (tname, "r") as myfile: myfile.close() return t def _input_template_MCQDPT(): path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_MCQDPT' with open (tname, "r") as myfile: myfile.close() return t def _input_template_HESSIAN(): """ Return template (string) for Gamess-US input file Templates are filled using its string.format function HESSIAN """ path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_HESSIAN' with open(tname, 'r') as myfile: t = myfile.close() return t def _input_template_OPTIMIZE(): """ Return template (string) for Gamess-US input file Templates are filled using its string.format function OPTIMIZE """ path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_OPTIMIZE' with open(tname, 'r') as myfile: t = myfile.close() return t def _input_template_CIS_E(): """ Return template (string) for Gamess-US input file Templates are filled using its string.format function CIS_E """ path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/Interfaces/' tname = path + 'template.gamess_CIS_E' with open(tname, 'r') as myfile: t = myfile.close() return t ############################################################################# # Quick standalone test code ############################################################################# if __name__ == '__main__': gi = gamess() gi.atomicSymbols = ['O','H','H'] gi.atomicNumbers = ['8.0','1.0','1.0'] x=np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]) ef = efi.EField() ef.P = np.array([1,0,0],float) def a(t): return 0.01 ef.A = a gi.efields = [ef] e,g = gi.energy_gradient_HF(x,Time=10.0) sys.stdout.write('\n'+str(e)+'\n') sys.stdout.write(str(g)+'\n')