Source code for CDTK.Interfaces.MolcasInterface

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#*  (at your option) any later version.
#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#*  **************************************************************************

import os
import shutil
import sys
import re
import numpy as np

import CDTK
from CDTK.Tools.Utils import getUniqueID
import CDTK.Tools.Utils as uti
import CDTK.Tools.EField as efi
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as conv

TINY = 1.e-8

# - Default definitions
#  These are just an example of values for methane cation
#  described at the HK-Koopmans level. For any other system
#  they are nonsense.
BASIS    = 'sto-3g'
CHARGE0  = 0
CHARGE1  = 1
SPIN     = 2
NACTEL   = 7
RAS2     = 4
CIROOT   = 4
NROFJOBIPHS = '2 4 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4'

[docs] class molcas(object): def __init__(self,**opts): self.engine = 'molcas' # Used in the wrapper class self.nstates = opts.get('nstates',1) self._ID = opts.get('ID', getUniqueID(12)) self._inp = self._ID+'.inp' self._log = self._ID+'.log' self._counter = 0 # Execution counter self.itemplate = opts.get('inputTemplate','') self.is_storeinp = opts.get('is_storeinp',True) self.is_storelog = opts.get('is_storelog',True) self.is_storeerr = opts.get('is_storeerr',True) self.keepdir = opts.get('keepdir',None) # ------------------------------------------------- self.atomicSymbols = opts.get('atomicSymbols',[]) self.atomicNumbers = opts.get('atomicNumbers',[]) self.efields = opts.get('efields',[]) # ------------------------------------------------- self.basis = opts.get('basis',BASIS) # Gaussian basis type self.charge0 = opts.get('charge0',CHARGE0) self.charge1 = opts.get('charge1',CHARGE1) self.spin = opts.get('spin',SPIN) self.nactel = opts.get('nactel',NACTEL) self.inactive = opts.get('inactive',INACTIVE) self.ras2 = opts.get('ras2',RAS2) self.ciroot = opts.get('ciroot',CIROOT) # ------------------------------------------------- self._oldD = None
[docs] def init_input_options(self,iopts): for k in iopts.keys(): setattr(self,k,iopts[k][0])
[docs] def rasci(self, X, Time=0.0, root_g=1, **opts): """ Perform a rasci calculation and return the gradient for one root Input X -- 3N array with geometry in bohr Time -- Simulation time root_g -- root for which gradient is returned Output: e --- energy in au g --- 3N vector for gradient in state root_g """ t = _input_template_rasci() natoms = len(X)/3 xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' rlxroot = root_g inputtxt = t.format( title = self._ID, natoms = natoms, xcart = xcart, basis = self.basis, charge0 = self.charge0, charge1 = self.charge1, spin = self.spin, nactel = self.nactel, inactive= self.inactive, ras2 = self.ras2, ciroot = self.ciroot, rlxroot = rlxroot, efield = efieldtxt ) self._run_molcas(inputtxt) e = self._parse_rasci_energy() g = self._parse_rasci_gradient() self._clean() return e,g
[docs] def rasci_D(self, X, V, Time=0.0, root_g=1, dt=5.0, **opts): """ Perform a rasci calculation and return the gradient for one root Also compute the matrix of time derivative couplings D by D_ij = (1/2dt) (<P_i(t)|P_j(t+dt)> - <P_i(t+dt)|P_j(t)>) Input X -- 3N array with geometry in bohr V -- 3N array with atomic velocities in bohr/au Time -- Simulation time root_g -- root for which gradient is returned The symmetric forward 1st order expression D_ij = (1/2dt) (<P_i(t)|P_j(t+dt)> - <P_i(t+dt)|P_j(t)>) is implemented using the nuclear velocities as D_ij = (1/2dt) (<P_i(X)|P_j(X+V*dt)> - <P_i(X+V*dt)|P_j(X)>) where dt is the internal parameter controlling the finite differentiation step. """ t = _input_template_rasci_D() natoms = len(X)/3 X1 = X + V*dt xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols) xcart1 = _format_coordinates(X1 * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' rlxroot = root_g nrofjobiphs = _format_nrjobiphs(self.ciroot) inputtxt = t.format( title = self._ID, natoms = natoms, xcart = xcart, xcart1 = xcart1, basis = self.basis, charge0 = self.charge0, charge1 = self.charge1, spin = self.spin, nactel = self.nactel, inactive= self.inactive, ras2 = self.ras2, ciroot = self.ciroot, rlxroot = rlxroot, nrofjobiphs = nrofjobiphs, efield = efieldtxt ) self._run_molcas(inputtxt) e = self._parse_rasci_energy() g = self._parse_rasci_gradient() D = self._parse_rasci_D(dt) self._clean() return e,g,D
[docs] def rasci_D_num(self, X, V, Time=0.0, root_g=1, dt=5.0, dx=0.01, **opts): """ Perform a rasci calculation and return the gradient for one root Use numerical gradients - There is a lot of things problematic (e.g. dependence on initial orbital guess!) with this and it should not be used!! Also compute the matrix of time derivative couplings D by D_ij = (1/2dt) (<P_i(t)|P_j(t+dt)> - <P_i(t+dt)|P_j(t)>) Input X -- 3N array with geometry in bohr V -- 3N array with atomic velocities in bohr/au Time -- Simulation time root_g -- root for which gradient is returned The symmetric forward 1st order expression D_ij = (1/2dt) (<P_i(t)|P_j(t+dt)> - <P_i(t+dt)|P_j(t)>) is implemented using the nuclear velocities as D_ij = (1/2dt) (<P_i(X)|P_j(X+V*dt)> - <P_i(X+V*dt)|P_j(X)>) where dt is the internal parameter controlling the finite differentiation step. """ ncoord = len(X) g = np.zeros(ncoord,float) t = _input_template_rasci_E_D() natoms = ncoord/3 X1 = X + V*dt xcart = _format_coordinates(X * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols) xcart1 = _format_coordinates(X1 * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' rlxroot = root_g nrofjobiphs = _format_nrjobiphs(self.ciroot) inputtxt = t.format( title = self._ID, natoms = natoms, xcart = xcart, xcart1 = xcart1, basis = self.basis, charge0 = self.charge0, charge1 = self.charge1, spin = self.spin, nactel = self.nactel, inactive= self.inactive, ras2 = self.ras2, ciroot = self.ciroot, rlxroot = rlxroot, nrofjobiphs = nrofjobiphs, efield = efieldtxt ) self._run_molcas(inputtxt) e = self._parse_rasci_energy() D = self._parse_rasci_D(dt) # Calculate numerical gradient t = _input_template_rasci_E() save_storeinp = self.is_storeinp save_storelog = self.is_storelog self.is_storelog = False self.is_storeinp = False for i in range(len(X)): X1 = X.copy() X1[i] = X1[i] + dx xcart = _format_coordinates(X1 * conv.au2an, self.atomicSymbols) if self.efields: efieldtxt = _format_efields(self.efields,Time) else: efieldtxt = '\n' inputtxt = t.format( title = self._ID, natoms = natoms, xcart = xcart, basis = self.basis, charge0 = self.charge0, charge1 = self.charge1, spin = self.spin, nactel = self.nactel, inactive= self.inactive, ras2 = self.ras2, ciroot = self.ciroot, rlxroot = rlxroot, efield = efieldtxt ) self._run_molcas(inputtxt) e1 = self._parse_rasci_energy() g[i] = ( e1[root_g-1] - e[root_g-1] )/dx self._clean() self.is_storeinp = save_storeinp self.is_storelog = save_storelog self._counter = self._counter - len(X) # set the counter back return e,g,D
def _run_molcas(self,inputtxt): with open(self._inp,'w') as finp: finp.write(inputtxt) command = 'molcas {0} -o {1}'.format(self._inp,self._log) os.system(command) self._store_inp() self._store_log() self._counter += 1 def _store_log(self): if self.is_storelog: cstr = '{0:0>7d}'.format(self._counter) if self.keepdir: dst = self.keepdir + '/' + cstr + '_' + self._log else: dst = cstr + '_' + self._log shutil.copy(self._log,dst) def _store_err(self): if self.is_storeerr: cstr = '{0:0>7d}'.format(self._counter) if self.keepdir: dst = self.keepdir + '/' + cstr + '_' + self._err else: dst = cstr + '_' + self._err shutil.copy(self._err,dst) def _store_inp(self): if self.is_storeinp: cstr = '{0:0>7d}'.format(self._counter) if self.keepdir: dst = self.keepdir + '/' + cstr + '_' + self._inp else: dst = cstr + '_' + self._inp shutil.copy(self._inp,dst) def _clean(self): # clean scratch area from old calculations pass def _parse_rasci_energy(self): regexp = r'^::\s+RASSCF root number\s*([0-9]+) Total energy: \s+([-+]?[0-9.]+)' matches = uti.fileLineParser(self._log,regexp,[int,float]) energies = [] for m in matches: energies.append( m[1] ) return energies[:self.nstates] # necessary in case there are two rasscf calc in the log file def _parse_rasci_gradient(self): g = [] patt1 = 'Molecular gradients' with open(self._log) as flog: line = flog.readline() while line: match =,line) if match: flog.readline() flog.readline() flog.readline() flog.readline() flog.readline() flog.readline() flog.readline() line = flog.readline() while line[0:2] != ' -': sline = line.split() g.append(float(sline[1])) g.append(float(sline[2])) g.append(float(sline[3])) line = flog.readline() break line = flog.readline() return np.asarray(g) def _parse_rasci_D(self,dt): O = readOverlapMatrix(self._log,2*self.nstates) S = SmatrixFromOverlapMatrix(O) D = (S - np.transpose(S))/2 D = self._trackPhases(D) self._oldD = D return D/dt def _trackPhases(self,D): """ Fix the phases of the D matrix according to the previous geometry The S matrix returned by SmatrixFromOverlapMatrix has the relative phases between the reference geometry and the small displacement correctly set. The corresponding D matrix is therefore also correct in this respect. However, between one geometry and the previous or next one there is still an arbitrarieness that has to be fixed by ensuring that the sign of the D_ij(X0) element is the same as the phase of the D_ij(X1) element. """ if self._oldD is None: return D else: p = D*self._oldD mask = np.sign(p) return D*mask def _parse_execution_error(self): pass
# patt = r'EXECUTION OF GAMESS TERMINATED -ABNORMALLY-' # with open(self._log) as flog: # line = flog.readline() # while line: # match =,line) # if match: # execution error # sys.stdout.write(line) # sys.stdout.write(' Inspect file '+self._log + '\n') # sys.exit(1) # line = flog.readline() ############################################################################# # MODULE FUNCTIONS ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # Output (log) file parsers #############################################################################
[docs] def readOverlapMatrix(logfile,nstates): """ Read the overlap matrix generated by rassi Input logfile -- string, path to log file nstates -- number of overlaped states NOTE: in calculations of time derivative couplings, nstates will often be 2*N, where N is the number of physical states of interest. This is because rassi calculates all overlaps between both sets of states at the two displaced geometries. """ patt1 = r' OVERLAP MATRIX FOR THE ORIGINAL STATES:' ovlm = [] with open(logfile,'r') as flog: line = flog.readline() while line: match =,line) if match: # start of OVL matrix found flog.readline() line = flog.readline() while line[0:3] != '---': sline = list ( map( float, line.split() ) ) ovlm.append(sline) line = flog.readline() break line = flog.readline() ovlm = [ val for sublist in ovlm for val in sublist ] OVL = np.zeros((nstates,nstates),float) for i in range(nstates): for j in range(i+1): OVL[i,j] = ovlm.pop(0) OVL[j,i] = OVL[i,j] return OVL
[docs] def SmatrixFromOverlapMatrix(ovl): """ Extract the useful matrix elements from the overlap matrix of rassi The overlap matrix provided by rassi contains useless blocs with overlaps between eigenstates states at the same geometry. This The S_ij matrix has elements <Psi_i(x_a) | Psi_j(x_b)> where x_a and x_b are different nuclear configurations """ N = ovl.shape[0]//2 S = np.zeros((N,N),float) for i in range(N): for j in range(N,2*N): S[i,j-N] = ovl[i,j] # Fix phases of S matrix: # S_ii must be positive # In case it is negative, the ket wave function has changed phase with # respect to the corresponding bra. We fix it by multiplying the # corresponding column by -1 for i,d in enumerate(S.diagonal()): if d<0: S[:,i] = -S[:,i] return S
############################################################################# # String formaters for different parts of the input file ############################################################################# def _format_coordinates(x,smb): """ return string with formated Cartesian coordinates for $DATA card x : 3N array in Angstrom smb : List of atomic symbols """ n = len(x) xlines = [] line = ' {0} {1[0]:12.7f} {1[1]:12.7f} {1[2]:12.7f}' x.shape = (n/3,3) for atomnum,atomsym in enumerate(smb): xlines.append( line.format(atomsym,x[atomnum]) ) xtxt = '\n'.join(xlines) x.shape = (n,) return xtxt def _format_efields(eflist,t): pass def _format_nrjobiphs(n): nn = int(n) s = ' ' ss = s.join( list( map(str,range(1,nn+1)) ) ) return ss+'; '+ss ############################################################################# # Input templates for different types of calculations ############################################################################# def _input_template_rasci(): """ Return template (string) for Molcas RASCI energy and gradient calculation """ t=""" >>EXPORT MOLCAS_NEW_WORKDIR=YES &SEWARD Title = {title} coord {natoms} {title} {xcart} basis = {basis} group = c1 &SCF charge = {charge0} &RASSCF title = {title} charge = {charge1} spin = {spin} nactel = {nactel} 0 0 inactive = {inactive} ras2 = {ras2} ciroot = {ciroot} {ciroot} 1 cionly rlxroot = {rlxroot} &MCLR iter = 6000 SALA = 1 threshold = 1.e-4 &ALASKA PNEW """ return t def _input_template_rasci_D(): """ Return template (string) for Molcas RASCI energy and gradient calculation and time derivative overlaps based on rassi """ t=""" >>EXPORT MOLCAS_NEW_WORKDIR=YES &SEWARD Title = {title} coord {natoms} {title} {xcart} basis = {basis} group = c1 &SCF charge = {charge0} &RASSCF title = {title} charge = {charge1} spin = {spin} nactel = {nactel} 0 0 inactive = {inactive} ras2 = {ras2} ciroot = {ciroot} {ciroot} 1 cionly rlxroot = {rlxroot} &MCLR iter = 6000 SALA = 1 threshold = 1.e-4 &ALASKA PNEW >>COPY $Project.JobIph JOB001 >>RM $Project.RunFile &SEWARD Title = {title} coord {natoms} {title} {xcart1} basis = {basis} group = c1 &SCF charge = {charge0} &RASSCF title = {title} charge = {charge1} spin = {spin} nactel = {nactel} 0 0 inactive = {inactive} ras2 = {ras2} ciroot = {ciroot} {ciroot} 1 cionly rlxroot = {rlxroot} >>COPY $Project.JobIph JOB002 &RASSI Nrofjobiphs 2 {ciroot} {ciroot}; {nrofjobiphs} overlaps ONEL """ return t def _input_template_rasci_E(): """ Return template (string) for Molcas RASCI energy """ t=""" >>EXPORT MOLCAS_NEW_WORKDIR=YES &SEWARD Title = {title} coord {natoms} {title} {xcart} basis = {basis} group = c1 &SCF charge = {charge0} &RASSCF title = {title} charge = {charge1} spin = {spin} nactel = {nactel} 0 0 inactive = {inactive} ras2 = {ras2} ciroot = {ciroot} {ciroot} 1 cionly rlxroot = {rlxroot} """ return t def _input_template_rasci_E_D(): """ Return template (string) for Molcas RASCI energy and time derivative overlaps based on rassi """ t=""" >>EXPORT MOLCAS_NEW_WORKDIR=YES &SEWARD Title = {title} coord {natoms} {title} {xcart} basis = {basis} group = c1 &SCF charge = {charge0} &RASSCF title = {title} charge = {charge1} spin = {spin} nactel = {nactel} 0 0 inactive = {inactive} ras2 = {ras2} ciroot = {ciroot} {ciroot} 1 cionly rlxroot = {rlxroot} >>COPY $Project.JobIph JOB001 >>RM $Project.RunFile &SEWARD Title = {title} coord {natoms} {title} {xcart1} basis = {basis} group = c1 &SCF charge = {charge0} &RASSCF title = {title} charge = {charge1} spin = {spin} nactel = {nactel} 0 0 inactive = {inactive} ras2 = {ras2} ciroot = {ciroot} {ciroot} 1 cionly rlxroot = {rlxroot} >>COPY $Project.JobIph JOB002 &RASSI Nrofjobiphs 2 {ciroot} {ciroot}; {nrofjobiphs} overlaps ONEL """ return t ############################################################################# # Quick standalone test code ############################################################################# if __name__ == '__main__': mo = molcas() mo.nstates = 4 mo.is_storeinp = True mo.is_storelog = True mo.is_storeerr = True mo.charge0 = 0 mo.charge1 = 1 mo.spin = 2 mo.nactel = 7 mo.inactive = 1 mo.ras2 = 4 mo.ciroot = 4 mo.nrofjobiphs = '2 4 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4' mo.atomicSymbols = ['C','H','H','H','H'] mo.atomicNumbers = ['6.0','1.0','1.0','1.0','1.0'] x=np.array([ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.050000, 1.037090, 0.000000, -0.366667, -0.542115, -0.938971, -0.383333, -0.565685, 0.979796, -0.400000]) * conv.an2au v=np.array([ 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.010000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]) ef = efi.EField() ef.P = np.array([1,0,0],float) def a(t): return 0.01 ef.A = a mo.efields = [ef] e,g,D = mo.rasci_D(x,v,Time=0.0,root_g=2) # sys.stdout.write('\n'+str(e)+'\n') # sys.stdout.write(str(g)+'\n')