Source code for CDTK.Interfaces.WrapperInterface

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
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import sys
import numpy as np

TINY = 1.e-8

[docs] class wrapperInterface(object): def __init__(self,**opts): """ This class wraps around specific quantum chemistry interfaces and exposes functions with exactly the argument structure iexpected by dynamics tools. It is also responsible for achieving an optimal use of the quantum chemistry programs in terms of the number of calls. This may involve caching of the energies, gradients, etc. of the latest geometry or even further back in time if necessary. In the future interpolation optimizations might be incorporated at this level. """ self.QCE = None # Interface to a quantum chemistry program self._oldX = None self._oldX2 = None self._oldS = -1 self.forces = 'analytical' self._oldDnac = None self._oldDmu = None self._stateOverlap = None #self.calcOverlaps = opts.get('calcOverlaps',False)
[docs] def f_E(self, x): """ Return energies using a ground state method. X -- 3N array with atomic coordinates """ return self.f_EGrad_GS(x)[0]
[docs] def f_EGrad_GS(self,X,S=0,t=0): """ Return energies and gradients using a ground state method X -- 3N array with atomic coordinates S -- electronic state. This is disregarded here t -- time """ if self.QCE.engine == 'GamessUS': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return self._oldE,self._oldG else: # if self.forces == 'numerical': raise ValueError('some message') e,g = self.QCE.energy_gradient_HF(X,Time=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = g return e,g elif self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return self._oldE,self._oldG else: e, g = self.QCE.energy_gradient_HF(X,Time=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = g return e, g elif self.QCE.engine == 'embedding': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return self._oldE,self._oldG else: e, g = self.QCE.energy_gradient(X,Time=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e[0] self._oldG = g[0] return e[0], g[0]
[docs] def f_EGrad_ES(self,X,S,t=0.0): """ Return energies and gradients for excited states Used in single state (Born-Oppenheimer) calculations X -- 3N array with atomic coordinates S -- electronic state t -- time """ if self.QCE.engine == 'GamessUS': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return self._oldE[S],self._oldG[S] else: e,g = self.QCE.mcscf(X,Time=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = g return e[S], g[S] elif self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': if self._is_old_geometry(X) and S == self._oldS: return self._oldE[S],self._oldG[S] else: if self.QCE.cis: if self.QCE.calcOverlaps: l, e, g, nac, stateOverlap = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X,Time=t,state=S, overlap=self.QCE.calcOverlaps) else: l, e, g, nac = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X,Time=t,state=S) stateOverlap = None elif self.QCE.part: occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.part_properties(X,Time=t) self.QCE.set_occ(occ[S]) elif self.QCE.hole: occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.hole_properties(X,Time=t) self.QCE.set_occ(occ[S]) else: raise ValueError("Please specify either gs_occ = yes or gs_occ_part = yes in xmolecule section") if self._oldX is not None: self._oldX2 = X2.copy() self._oldX = X.copy() self._stateOverlap = stateOverlap self._oldE = e self._oldG = g self._oldNAC = nac self._oldS = S return e[S], g[S]
[docs] def f_overlap(self, X1, X2, S): """ Returns the overlap between electronic states at geometry X1 and X2 """ if self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': if self.QCE.cis: assert(self.QCE.calcOverlaps) if self._is_old_geometry(X1, oldX=self._oldX2) and self._is_old_geometry(X2, oldX=self._oldX): return self._stateOverlap elif self._is_old_geometry(X1, oldX=self._oldX): l, e, g, nac, stateOverlap = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X2, S=S, overlap=self.QCE.calcOverlaps) else: l, e, g, nac, stateOverlap = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X1, S=S, overlap=self.QCE.calcOverlaps) l, e, g, nac, stateOverlap = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X2, S=S, overlap=self.QCE.calcOverlaps) self._stateOverlap = stateOverlap self._oldX2 = X1.copy() self._oldX = X2.copy() self._stateOverlap = stateOverlap self._oldE = e self._oldG = g self._oldNAC = nac self._oldS = S return stateOverlap elif self.QCE.engine == 'embedding': return self.QCE.f_overlap(X1, X2, S) print("f_overlap not implemented") return(np.eye(self.nstates))
[docs] def f_EGrad_NA(self,X,V,t,S, full=False): """ Return energies and gradients for excited states Used in non-adiabtic calculations X -- 3N array with atomic coordinates V -- 3N array with atomic velocities t -- time S -- electronic state full -- optional; bool. Return all energies and gradients; only implemented for XMolecule. """ if self.QCE.engine == 'GamessUS': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return self._oldE[S],self._oldG[S] else: e,g,nac,mu = self.QCE.nacme(X,Time=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = g self._oldNAC = nac self._oldMU = mu return e[S], g[S] elif self.QCE.engine == 'molcas': if self._is_old_geometry(X) and S == self._oldS: return self._oldE[S], self._oldG else: if self.forces == 'analytical': e,gs,D = self.QCE.rasci_D(X,V,Time=t,root_g=S+1) elif self.forces == 'numerical': e,gs,D = self.QCE.rasci_D_num(X,V,Time=t,root_g=S+1) elif self.forces == 'compare': ea,gsa,Da = self.QCE.rasci_D(X,V,Time=t,root_g=S+1) en,gsn,Dn = self.QCE.rasci_D_num(X,V,Time=t,root_g=S+1) sys.stdout.write('g_analytical\n') # sys.stdout.write(gsa) print(gsa) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write('g_numerical\n') # sys.stdout.write(gsn) print(gsn) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.exit(0) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = gs self._oldD = D return e[S],gs elif self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': if self._is_old_geometry(X) and S == self._oldS: return self._oldE[S], self._oldG[S] else: if self.QCE.cis: if self.QCE.calcOverlaps: l, e, g, nac, stateOverlap = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X,Time=t,state=S, overlap=self.QCE.calcOverlaps) else: l, e, g, nac = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X,Time=t,state=S) stateOverlap = None elif self.QCE.part: stateOverlap = None occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.part_properties(X,Time=t) self.QCE.set_occ(occ[S, :].tolist()) elif self.QCE.hole: stateOverlap = None occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.hole_properties(X,Time=t) self.QCE.set_occ(occ[S, :].tolist()) else: raise ValueError("Please specify either gs_occ = yes or gs_occ_part = yes in xmolecule section") if self._oldX is not None: self._oldX2 = self._oldX.copy() self._oldX = X.copy() self._stateOverlap = stateOverlap self._oldE = e self._oldG = g self._oldNAC = nac self._oldS = S if full == True: return e, g return e[S], g[S] elif self.QCE.engine == 'embedding': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return self._oldE[S], self._oldG[S] else: e, g = self.QCE.energy_gradient(X, V=V, S=S, Time=t, SH=True) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = g return e[S], g[S]
[docs] def f_NAC(self,X,V,t,SI,SJ): """ Return NAC vector between two states X -- 3N array with atomic coordinates V -- 3N array with atomic velocities t -- time SI -- Ith electronic state SJ -- Jth electronic state """ if self.QCE.engine == 'GamessUS': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return self._oldNAC[(SI,SJ)] else: e,g,nac,mu = self.QCE.nacme(X,Time=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = g self._oldNAC = nac self._oldMU = mu return nac[(SI,SJ)] elif self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return self._oldNAC[SI, SJ] else: if self.QCE.cis: if self.QCE.calcOverlaps: l, e, g, nac, stateOverlap = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X,Time=t, S=SI, overlap=self.QCE.calcOverlaps) else: l, e, g, nac = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X,Time=t, S=SI) stateOverlap = None elif self.QCE.part: stateOverlap = None occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.part_properties(X,Time=t) elif self.QCE.hole: stateOverlap = None occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.hole_properties(X,Time=t) else: raise ValueError("Please specify either gs_occ = yes or gs_occ_part = yes in xmolecule section") if self._oldX is not None: self._oldX2 = self._oldX.copy() self._oldX = X.copy() self._stateOverlap = stateOverlap self._oldE = e self._oldG = g self._oldNAC = nac self._oldS = SI return nac[SI, SJ] elif self.QCE.engine == 'embedding': # if self._is_old_geometry(X): # return self._oldNAC # else: nac = self.QCE.nac(X, SI, SJ, V=V, t=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldNAC = nac return nac
[docs] def f_W(self,X,V,t): """ Return diagonal matrix with adiabatic energies X -- 3N array with atomic coordinates t -- time """ if self.QCE.engine == 'GamessUS': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return np.diag(self._oldE) else: e,g,nac,mu = self.QCE.nacme(X,Time=t) if self._oldX is not None: self._oldX2 = self._oldX.copy() self._oldX = X.copy() self._stateOverlap = stateOverlap self._oldE = e self._oldNAC = nac self._oldMU = mu self._oldS = SI # fix this? return np.diag(e) elif self.QCE.engine == 'molcas': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return np.diag(self._oldE) else: raise ValueError('f_W') elif self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return np.diag(self._oldE) else: if self.QCE.cis: if self.QCE.calcOverlaps: l, e, g, nac, stateOverlap = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X, Time=t, overlap=self.QCE.calcOverlaps) else: l, e, g, nac = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X, Time=t) stateOverlap = None self._oldS = 0 # if S is omitted in CIS_properties, we return gradients for the ground state elif self.QCE.part: stateOverlap = None occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.part_properties(X,Time=t) elif self.QCE.hole: stateOverlap = None occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.hole_properties(X,Time=t) else: raise ValueError("Please specify either gs_occ = yes or gs_occ_part = yes in xmolecule section") if self._oldX is not None: self._oldX2 = self._oldX.copy() self._oldX = X.copy() self._stateOverlap = stateOverlap self._oldE = e self._oldNAC = nac self._oldG = g return np.diag(e) elif self.QCE.engine == 'embedding': return self.QCE.getW(X, V=V, t=t)
[docs] def f_D(self,X,V,t): """ Return matrix with kinetic couplings X -- 3N array with atomic coordinates V -- 3N array with atomic velocities t -- time """ if self.QCE.engine == 'GamessUS': if self._is_old_geometry(X): D = self._kineticCouplingsMatrix(self._oldNAC,V,t,len(self._oldE)) return D else: e,g,nac,mu = self.QCE.nacme(X,Time=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = g self._oldNAC = nac self._oldMU = mu D = self._kineticCouplingsMatrix(nac,V,t,len(e)) self._oldDnac = D return D elif self.QCE.engine == 'molcas': if self._is_old_geometry(X): return -1.0j*self._oldD else: raise ValueError('f_D') elif self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': if self._is_old_geometry(X): D = self._kineticCouplingsMatrix(self._oldNAC,V,t,len(self._oldE)) return D else: if self.QCE.cis: if self.QCE.calcOverlaps: l, e, g, nac, stateOverlap = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X,Time=t, overlap=self.QCE.calcOverlaps) else: l, e, g, nac = self.QCE.CIS_properties(X,Time=t) stateOverlap = None self._oldS = 0 # if S is omitted in CIS_properties, we return gradients for the ground state elif self.QCE.part: stateOverlap = None occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.part_properties(X,Time=t) elif self.QCE.hole: stateOverlap = None occ, e, g, nac = self.QCE.hole_properties(X,Time=t) else: raise ValueError("Please specify either gs_occ = yes or gs_occ_part = yes in xmolecule section") if self._oldX is not None: self._oldX2 = self._oldX.copy() self._oldX = X.copy() self._stateOverlap = stateOverlap self._oldE = e self._oldNAC = nac self._oldG = g D = self._kineticCouplingsMatrix(nac,V,t,len(e)) self._oldDnac = D return D elif self.QCE.engine == 'embedding': D = self.QCE.getD(X, V, t=t) return D
[docs] def f_Dmu(self,X,V,t): """ Return matrix with kinetic couplings generated by an external E field X -- 3N array with atomic coordinates V -- 3N array with atomic velocities t -- time """ if self.QCE.engine == 'GamessUS': if self._is_old_geometry(X): D = self._kineticCouplingsMatrixMu(self._oldMU,V,t,len(self._oldE)) return D else: e,g,nac,mu = self.QCE.nacme(X,Time=t) self._oldX = X.copy() self._oldE = e self._oldG = g self._oldNAC = nac self._oldMU = mu D = self._kineticCouplingsMatrixMu(mu,V,t,len(e)) self._oldDmu = D return D elif self.QCE.engine == 'molcas': raise ValueError('f_Dmu not implemented for the molcas interface')
[docs] def f_MOE(self): """ Return array with molecular orbital energies of occupied orbitals """ if self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': occ = np.asarray(self.QCE.get_occ()) moe = np.asarray(self.QCE.getOrbitalEnergies()) return moe[occ>0] else: raise ValueError('f_MOE not implemented for this Interface.')
[docs] def mm_region_to_input(self,X,T,**opts): """ Construct MM region from input X -- 3N array with MM region atomic coordinates T -- N array with MM region atomic types """ if self.QCE.engine == 'XMolecule': pos, charges = self.QCE.mm_to_point_charge(X,T,**opts) return pos, charges else: raise ValueError('mm_region_to_input not implemented for the ' + self.QCE.engine + ' interface')
def _is_old_geometry(self, X, oldX=None): """ This function checks if a new geometry is the same as the already stored geometry from the previous step. Please note that similarity is meassured up to a norm difference of TINY = 1.e-8. Input: X -- 3N array with geometry to be checked. Output: Returns False if given geometry is different or no old geometry is saved. Returns True if given geometry is the same (within 1e-8) as old geometry. """ if oldX is None: oldX = self._oldX if oldX is None: return False else: n = np.linalg.norm( X - oldX ) if n > TINY: return False else: return True def _kineticCouplingsMatrix(self,nac,v,t,ns): """ This function returns the coupling matrix due to nuclear motion. This matrix is used in the fewest switches algorithm to propagate the nuclear Schroedinger equation and to calculate the hopping probabilities. Please note that this matrix includes a factor of -i. Also the phases of the NAC is tracked and corrected. Input: nac -- Non-adiabatic couplings obtained from electronic structure calculations v -- 3N vector containing the current velocity t -- Current time ns -- Number of states Output: D -- -i * (NAC * V); Matrix containing the couplings due to nuclear motion. """ D = np.zeros((ns,ns),complex) for i in range(nac.shape[0]): for l in range(nac.shape[1]): D[i,l] = -1.0j *[i, l, :],v ) for i in range(ns): for l in range(i): if( abs(D[i,l] - D[l,i].conjugate()) > 1e-6): raise ValueError('D is not hermitian: {:s} !'.format(D)) if self._oldDnac == None: return D else: p = D*self._oldDnac mask = np.piecewise(p, [p.imag < 0, p.imag >= 0], [-1, 1]) return D*mask def _kineticCouplingsMatrixMu(self,mu,v,t,ns): """ This function returns the coupling matrix due to an electric field explicitly included in the electronic structure calculations. This matrix is used in the fewest switches algorithm to propagate the nuclear Schroedinger equation and to calculate the hopping probabilities. Please note that this matrix includes a factor of -i. Also track the phases of the coupling. Input: mu -- Transition-dipole matrix elements v -- 3N vector containing the current velocity t -- Current time ns -- Number of states Output: D -- i * (MU * (dt eps)/Delta E); Matrix containing the couplings due to the electric field explicitly included in the electronic structure calculations """ D = np.zeros((ns,ns),complex) for i in range(mu.shape[0]): for j in range(mu.shape[1]): if i == j: continue eji = self._oldE[j] - self._oldE[i] D[i,j] = -1.0j *[i,j],self.QCE.dt_efield(t) )/(eji + TINY) if self._oldDmu == None: return D else: p = D*self._oldDmu mask = np.piecewise(p, [p.imag < 0, p.imag >= 0], [-1, 1]) return D*mask