Source code for CDTK.Models.DiabaticToAdiabatic2States

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
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#*  **************************************************************************

import math as mt
import numpy as np

[docs] class DiabaticToAdiabatic2States(object): """ Provide adiabatic quantities from a 2-states diabatic model Hamiltonian """ def __init__(self,fW11,fW22,fW12,fdqW11,fdqW22,fdqW12): self.fW11 = fW11 self.fW22 = fW22 self.fW12 = fW12 self.fdqW11 = fdqW11 self.fdqW22 = fdqW22 self.fdqW12 = fdqW12
[docs] def ret_V1(self): """ Return pot function for lower eigenstate """ def f(X): w11 = self.fW11(X) w22 = self.fW22(X) w12 = self.fW12(X) E = w11 + w22 D = w11 - w22 return 0.5*( E - np.sqrt( D**2 + 4*w12**2) ) return f
[docs] def ret_V2(self): """ Return pot function for upper eigenstate """ def f(X): w11 = self.fW11(X) w22 = self.fW22(X) w12 = self.fW12(X) E = w11 + w22 D = w11 - w22 return 0.5*( E + np.sqrt( D**2 + 4.0*w12**2) ) return f
[docs] def ret_NAC(self): """ Return function for non-adiabatic coupling vector """ def f(X): w11 = self.fW11(X) w22 = self.fW22(X) w12 = self.fW12(X) dq_w11 = self.fdqW11(X) dq_w22 = self.fdqW22(X) dq_w12 = self.fdqW12(X) Q = 2.0*w12/( w11 - w22 ) P = 0.5*np.arctan(Q) DE = w11 - w22 dq_DE = dq_w11 - dq_w22 dq_P = 1.0/(1.0+Q**2)*( dq_w12*DE - w12*dq_DE )/DE**2 return dq_P return f
[docs] def ret_dqV1(self): """ Gradient of lower eigenstate """ def f(X): w11 = self.fW11(X) w22 = self.fW22(X) w12 = self.fW12(X) dq_w11 = self.fdqW11(X) dq_w22 = self.fdqW22(X) dq_w12 = self.fdqW12(X) E = w11 + w22 D = w11 - w22 R = np.sqrt( D**2 + 4*w12**2) dqE = dq_w11 + dq_w22 dqD = dq_w11 - dq_w22 return 0.5*( dqE - 0.5/R*( 2.0*D*dqD + 8.0*w12*dq_w12 ) ) return f
[docs] def ret_dqV2(self): """ Gradient of upper eigenstate """ def f(X): w11 = self.fW11(X) w22 = self.fW22(X) w12 = self.fW12(X) dq_w11 = self.fdqW11(X) dq_w22 = self.fdqW22(X) dq_w12 = self.fdqW12(X) E = w11 + w22 D = w11 - w22 R = np.sqrt( D**2 + 4*w12**2) dqE = dq_w11 + dq_w22 dqD = dq_w11 - dq_w22 return 0.5*( dqE + 0.5/R*( 2.0*D*dqD + 8.0*w12*dq_w12 ) ) return f