Source code for CDTK.Models.MDiabats

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#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
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#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
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import numpy as np
from CDTK.Tools.Mathematics import sortEigValsVecs as sort

Multiple diabats model potential

[docs] class MultDiabats(object): def __init__(self,**opts): """ natoms : number of atoms ndim : spatial dimensions nstates : number of electronic states """ self.natoms = opts.get('natoms',1) self.ndim = opts.get('ndim',1) self.nstates = opts.get('nstates',2) if not self.natoms == 1: raise AssertionError('Only single atom available currently for the model') if not self.ndim == 1: raise AssertionError('Only one dimension available currently for the model') def _potential(self,x,**opts): """ Definition of the potential of harmonic oscillators Options - enable_dipole : whether to calculate dipole moment """ # potential energy # adiabat retAll = opts.get('returnAll',False) retstats = opts.get('returnStates',[]) # diabat retDia = opts.get('returnDiabats',False) # cpl matrix element retAMat = opts.get('returnAMat',False) xx = x.copy() xx.shape = (self.natoms,self.ndim) null = np.zeros(self.ndim*self.natoms,dtype=float) X = xx[0,0] # potential parameters kappa = 0.50 # slope of the crossing curve delta = 0.50 # energy spacing of the parallel curves gamma = 0.05 # off-diagonal coupling of diabats wdia = np.zeros([self.nstates, self.nstates], dtype=float) # state zero wdia[0,0] = - kappa * X # state one to the roof E_roof = 0.0 for i in range(1, self.nstates): E_s = (i - 1) * delta # energy origin shift downwards # diagonal elements wdia[i,i] = E_roof - E_s # off-diagonal elements wdia[i,0] = gamma wdia[0,i] = wdia[i,0] # diagonalize W for adiabatic representation eval, evec = np.linalg.eig(wdia) sort(eval, evec) xx.shape = (self.ndim*self.natoms,) if retstats: Epes = [] for s in retstats: pes = eval[s] Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) elif retAll: Epes = [] idx = np.arange(self.nstates, dtype=int) for i in idx: pes = eval[i] Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) elif retDia: Epes = [] idx = np.arange(self.nstates, dtype=int) for i in idx: pes = wdia.diagonal()[i] Epes.append(pes) return np.array(Epes) if retAMat: return evec def _cplmatrixelement(self,x,state_block): """ Non-adiabatic coupling matrix element """ dx = 0.001 D = [] for i in range(self.ndim): Mat_A = np.linalg.inv( self._potential( x, returnAll=False, returnAMat=True ) ) xx = x.copy() xx[i] += dx x_v = xx.copy() Mat_A_v = np.linalg.inv( self._potential( x_v, returnAll=False, returnAMat=True ) ) xx = x.copy() xx[i] -= dx x_r = xx.copy() Mat_A_r = np.linalg.inv( self._potential( x_r, returnAll=False, returnAMat=True ) ) dA = ( ( Mat_A_v - Mat_A_r ) / ( 2.0 * dx ) ) A_inv = np.linalg.inv(Mat_A) D.append( -,A_inv) ) # construct the blockwise coupling matrix for D_elt in D: for i in range(self.nstates): for j in range(self.nstates): if ( (not i in state_block) or (not j in state_block) ): D_elt[i,j] = 0.0 cpl_D = np.zeros((self.nstates*self.nstates, self.natoms*self.ndim),dtype=float) for i, D_elt in enumerate(D): # idx for natoms x ndim for j in range(self.nstates): for k in range(self.nstates): cpl_D[j*self.nstates+k,i] = D_elt[j,k] for i, cpl_D_matelt in enumerate(cpl_D): cpl_D[i] = np.array([abs(cpl_D_matelt)],float) return cpl_D
[docs] def getPotentialFunction(self,**opts): """ Interface of potential """ def f(x,**opts): return self._potential(x,**opts) return f
[docs] def getCplMatrixElement(self): """ Interface of coupling matrix elements """ def c(x, state_block): return self._cplmatrixelement(x,state_block) return c