#* **************************************************************************
#* CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#* A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#* Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <oriol.vendrell@desy.de>
#* Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#* Ralph Welsch, DESY, <ralph.welsch@desy.de>
#* Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#* Ludger Inhester, DESY, ludger.inhester@cfel.de
#* This file is part of CDTK.
#* CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#* (at your option) any later version.
#* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#* GNU General Public License for more details.
#* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#* **************************************************************************
Compendium of conversion factors and physical constants:
PI = 3.1415926535897 #Pi
E = 2.718281828459 #E
FPC_c = 299792458 #speed of light in vacuum (def) m/s
FPC_h_BAR = 1.05457266e-34 #Planck constant, reduced (63) J s
FPC_h_BAR_MeVs = 6.582122e-22 #Planck constant, reduced (20) MeV s
FPC_e_C = 1.60217733e-19 #electron charge magnitude (49) C
FPC_e_ESU = 4.8032068e-10 #electron charge magnitude (15) esu
FPC_hBARc = 197.327053 #conversion constant hbar*c (59) MeV Fm
FPC_hBARc2 = 0.38937966 #conversion constant (hbar*c)^2 (23) GeV^2 mbarn
FPC_m_e_kg = 9.1093897e-31 #electron mass (54) kg
FPC_m_e_MeV = 0.51099906 #electron mass (15) MeV/c^2
FPC_m_P_MeV = 938.27231 #proton mass (28) MeV/c^2
FPC_m_P_u = 1.00727647 #proton mass (12) u
FPC_m_P_kg = 1.6726231e-27 #proton mass (10) kg
FPC_m_P_M_E = 1836.152701 #proton mass (37) m_e
FPC_m_D_MeV = 1875.61339 #deuteron mass (57) MeV/c^2
FPC_u_MeV = 931.49432 #unified atomic mass unit (u) (28) MeV/c^2
FPC_u_kg = 1.6605402e-27 #unified atomic mass unit (u) (10) kg
FPC_EPSILON_0 = 8.854187817e-12 #permittivity of free space F/m
FPC_MU_0 = 1.2566370614e-06 #permeability of free space N/A^2
FPC_ALPHA = 0.0072973530796448 #fine-structure constant (61)
FPC_r_e = 2.81794092e-15 #classical electron radius (38) m
FPC_LAMBDA_BAR_e = 3.86159323e-13 #electron Compton wavelength (35) m
FPC_a_0 = 5.29177249e-11 #Bohr radius (mnucleus= infty) (24) m
FPC_LAMBDA_1EV = 1.23984244e-06 #wavelength of 1 eV/c particle (37) m
FPC_R_INFINITY_EV = 13.6056981 #Rydberg energy (mnucleus = infinity) (40) eV
FPC_SIGMA_0_BARN = 0.66524616 #Thomson cross section (18) barn
FPC_MU_B_MeV_T = 5.78838263e-11 #Bohr magneton (52) MeV/T
FPC_MU_N_MeV_T = 3.15245166e-14 #nuclear magneton (28) MeV/T
FPC_E_M_e = 175881962000 #electron cyclotron freq./field (53) C/kg (rad/sT)
FPC_E_M_P = 95788309 #proton cyclotron freq./field (29) C/kg (rad/sT)
FPC_G_SI = 6.67259e-11 #gravitational constant (85) m^3/kgs^2
FPC_G_P = 6.70711e-39 #gravitational constant (86) h_bar c (GeV/c^2)^{-2}
FPC_g = 9.80665 #standard grav. accel., sea level m/s^2
FPC_N_A = 6.0221367e+23 #Avogadro constant (36) /mole
FPC_K_B = 1.380658e-23 #Boltzmann constant (12) J/K
FPC_K_B_EV = 8.617385e-05 #Boltzmann constant (73) eV/K
FPC_V_MOLAR = 0.0224141 #molar volume, ideal gas at STP (19) m^3/mole
FPC_LAMBDAT = 0.002897756 #Wien displacement law constant (24) m K
FPC_SIGMA_SB = 5.67051e-08 #Stefan-Boltzmann constant (19) W/m^2K^4
FPC_G_F = 1.16639e-05 #Fermi coupling constant (2) GeV^{-2}
FPC_SIN2_THETA_W = 0.23192 #weak mixing angle (5) at M_Z
FPC_M_W = 80.22 #W boson mass (26) GeV/c^2
FPC_M_Z0 = 91.187 #Z_0 boson mass (7) GeV/c^2
FPC_G_S = 0.117 #strong coupling constant (5)) at M_Z
FPC_K_C = 8.9875517873681764e9 #electrostatic constant N m^2 C^{-2}
AUCHARGE = 1.60217733e-19 #1 a.u. charge in SI, elementary charge
AUMASS = 9.1093897e-31 #1 a.u. mass in SI, electron rest mass
AUENERGY = 4.3597482e-18 #1 a.u. energy in SI, hartree energy
AULENGTH = 5.29177249e-11 #1 a.u. length in SI, bohrradius
AUACTION = 1.05457266e-34 #1 a.u. action in SI, Planck constant/(2*PI)
AUTIME = 2.4188843341e-17 #1 a.u. time in SI
AUFORCE = 8.2387295e-08 #1 a.u. force in SI
AUVELOCITY = 2187691.42 #1 a.u. velocity in SI
AUMOMENTUM = 1.9928534e-34 #1 a.u. momentum in SI
AUEFIELD = 514220820000 #1 a.u. el. field in SI
AUEDIPOLE = 8.4783579e-30 #1 a.u. el. dipole in SI
AUMFLUX = 235051.808 #1 a.u. magn. flux in SI
AUMDIPOLE = 1.85480308e-23 #1 a.u. magn. flux in SI
ELECTRONVOLT = 1.60217733e-19 #1 eV charge in SI
ATOMICMASS = 1.6605402e-27 #1 amu mass in SI
ASTRONOMICALUNIT = 149597870000 #1 AE length in SI
MOL = 6.0221367e+23 #Avogadro constant
au2an = 0.529177249 #[a.u.] -> [Angstroem]
an2au = 1.8897259885789 #[Angstroem] -> [a.u.]
au2ev = 27.211396131788 #[a.u.] -> [eV]
ev2au = 0.036749308824762 #[eV] -> [a.u.]
au2am = 0.00054857989586762#[a.u.] -> [atomar mass units]
am2au = 1822.8885300626 #[atomar mass units] -> [a.u.]
au2fs = 0.024188843341 #[a.u.] -> [fs]
fs2au = 41.341373206755 #[fs] -> [a.u.]
ev2kc = 23.05 #[eV] -> [kcal/mol]
kc2ev = 0.043364476254697 #[kcal/mol] -> [eV]
au2kc = 627.50431878767 #[a.u.] -> [kcal/mol]
kc2au = 0.0015936145299079 #[kcal/mol] -> [a.u.]
au2ic = 219474.7 #[au] -> [1/cm]
ic2au = 4.5563338279993e-06#[1/cm] -> [au]
ev2ic = 8065.54353 #[eV] -> [1/cm]
ic2ev = 0.0001239842047 #[1/cm] -> [eV]
ev2thz = 241.8 #[eV] -> [THz]
thz2ev = 0.00413564929693962#[THz] -> [eV]
au2thz = 6579.715584666339 #[a.u.] -> [THz]
thz2au = 0.00015198225320414#[THz] -> [a.u.]
ev2hz = 2.418e14 #[eV] -> [Hz]
hz2ev = 4.1356492969396e-15#[hz] -> [eV]
au2hz = 6.57971558466634e15#[a.u.] -> [Hz]
hz2au = 1.5198225320414e-16#[Hz] -> [a.u.]
ev2kj = 96.485 #[eV] -> [kJoule/mol]
kj2ev = 0.0103643 #[kJoule/mol] -> [eV]
kj2au = kj2ev * ev2au #[kJoule/mol] -> [a.u.]
in2cm = 2.54 #[inch] -> [cm]
ft2m = 0.3048 #[feet] -> [cm]
yd2m = 0.9144 #[yard] -> [cm]
cm2in = 0.39370078740157 #[inch] -> [cm]
m2ft = 3.2808398950131 #[feet] -> [cm]
m2yd = 1.0936132983377 #[yard] -> [cm]
fs2cm = 33356.40952 #[THz] -> [1/cm]
au2mb = au2an**2 * 100 #[a.u.] -> [Mbarn]
PI = 3.1415926535897 #Pi
E = 2.718281828459 #E
FPC_c = 299792458 #speed of light in vacuum (def) m/s
FPC_h_BAR = 1.05457266e-34 #Planck constant, reduced (63) J s
FPC_h_BAR_MeVs = 6.582122e-22 #Planck constant, reduced (20) MeV s
FPC_e_C = 1.60217733e-19 #electron charge magnitude (49) C
FPC_e_ESU = 4.8032068e-10 #electron charge magnitude (15) esu
FPC_hBARc = 197.327053 #conversion constant hbar*c (59) MeV Fm
FPC_hBARc2 = 0.38937966 #conversion constant (hbar*c)^2 (23) GeV^2 mbarn
FPC_m_e_kg = 9.1093897e-31 #electron mass (54) kg
FPC_m_e_MeV = 0.51099906 #electron mass (15) MeV/c^2
FPC_m_P_MeV = 938.27231 #proton mass (28) MeV/c^2
FPC_m_P_u = 1.00727647 #proton mass (12) u
FPC_m_P_kg = 1.6726231e-27 #proton mass (10) kg
FPC_m_P_M_E = 1836.152701 #proton mass (37) m_e
FPC_m_D_MeV = 1875.61339 #deuteron mass (57) MeV/c^2
FPC_u_MeV = 931.49432 #unified atomic mass unit (u) (28) MeV/c^2
FPC_u_kg = 1.6605402e-27 #unified atomic mass unit (u) (10) kg
FPC_EPSILON_0 = 8.854187817e-12 #permittivity of free space F/m
FPC_MU_0 = 1.2566370614e-06 #permeability of free space N/A^2
FPC_ALPHA = 0.0072973530796448 #fine-structure constant (61)
FPC_r_e = 2.81794092e-15 #classical electron radius (38) m
FPC_LAMBDA_BAR_e = 3.86159323e-13 #electron Compton wavelength (35) m
FPC_a_0 = 5.29177249e-11 #Bohr radius (mnucleus= infty) (24) m
FPC_LAMBDA_1EV = 1.23984244e-06 #wavelength of 1 eV/c particle (37) m
FPC_R_INFINITY_EV = 13.6056981 #Rydberg energy (mnucleus = infinity) (40) eV
FPC_SIGMA_0_BARN = 0.66524616 #Thomson cross section (18) barn
FPC_MU_B_MeV_T = 5.78838263e-11 #Bohr magneton (52) MeV/T
FPC_MU_N_MeV_T = 3.15245166e-14 #nuclear magneton (28) MeV/T
FPC_E_M_e = 175881962000 #electron cyclotron freq./field (53) C/kg (rad/sT)
FPC_E_M_P = 95788309 #proton cyclotron freq./field (29) C/kg (rad/sT)
FPC_G_SI = 6.67259e-11 #gravitational constant (85) m^3/kgs^2
FPC_G_P = 6.70711e-39 #gravitational constant (86) h_bar c (GeV/c^2)^{-2}
FPC_g = 9.80665 #standard grav. accel., sea level m/s^2
FPC_N_A = 6.0221367e+23 #Avogadro constant (36) /mole
FPC_K_B = 1.380658e-23 #Boltzmann constant (12) J/K
FPC_K_B_EV = 8.617385e-05 #Boltzmann constant (73) eV/K
FPC_V_MOLAR = 0.0224141 #molar volume, ideal gas at STP (19) m^3/mole
FPC_LAMBDAT = 0.002897756 #Wien displacement law constant (24) m K
FPC_SIGMA_SB = 5.67051e-08 #Stefan-Boltzmann constant (19) W/m^2K^4
FPC_G_F = 1.16639e-05 #Fermi coupling constant (2) GeV^{-2}
FPC_SIN2_THETA_W = 0.23192 #weak mixing angle (5) at M_Z
FPC_M_W = 80.22 #W boson mass (26) GeV/c^2
FPC_M_Z0 = 91.187 #Z_0 boson mass (7) GeV/c^2
FPC_G_S = 0.117 #strong coupling constant (5)) at M_Z
FPC_K_C = 8.9875517873681764e9 #electrostatic constant N m^2 C^{-2}
AUCHARGE = 1.60217733e-19 #1 a.u. charge in SI, elementary charge
AUMASS = 9.1093897e-31 #1 a.u. mass in SI, electron rest mass
AUENERGY = 4.3597482e-18 #1 a.u. energy in SI, hartree energy
AULENGTH = 5.29177249e-11 #1 a.u. length in SI, bohrradius
AUACTION = 1.05457266e-34 #1 a.u. action in SI, Planck constant/(2*PI)
AUTIME = 2.4188843341e-17 #1 a.u. time in SI
AUFORCE = 8.2387295e-08 #1 a.u. force in SI
AUVELOCITY = 2187691.42 #1 a.u. velocity in SI
AUMOMENTUM = 1.9928534e-34 #1 a.u. momentum in SI
AUEFIELD = 514220820000 #1 a.u. el. field in SI
AUEDIPOLE = 8.4783579e-30 #1 a.u. el. dipole in SI
AUMFLUX = 235051.808 #1 a.u. magn. flux in SI
AUMDIPOLE = 1.85480308e-23 #1 a.u. magn. flux in SI
ELECTRONVOLT = 1.60217733e-19 #1 eV charge in SI
ATOMICMASS = 1.6605402e-27 #1 amu mass in SI
ASTRONOMICALUNIT = 149597870000 #1 AE length in SI
MOL = 6.0221367e+23 #Avogadro constant
au2an = 0.529177249 #[a.u.] -> [Angstroem]
an2au = 1.8897259885789 #[Angstroem] -> [a.u.]
au2ev = 27.211396131788 #[a.u.] -> [eV]
ev2au = 0.036749308824762 #[eV] -> [a.u.]
au2am = 0.00054857989586762#[a.u.] -> [atomar mass units]
am2au = 1822.8885300626 #[atomar mass units] -> [a.u.]
au2fs = 0.024188843341 #[a.u.] -> [fs]
fs2au = 41.341373206755 #[fs] -> [a.u.]
ev2kc = 23.05 #[eV] -> [kcal/mol]
kc2ev = 0.043364476254697 #[kcal/mol] -> [eV]
au2kc = 627.50431878767 #[a.u.] -> [kcal/mol]
kc2au = 0.0015936145299079 #[kcal/mol] -> [a.u.]
au2ic = 219474.7 #[au] -> [1/cm]
ic2au = 4.5563338279993e-06#[1/cm] -> [au]
ev2ic = 8065.54353 #[eV] -> [1/cm]
ic2ev = 0.0001239842047 #[1/cm] -> [eV]
ev2thz = 241.8 #[eV] -> [THz]
thz2ev = 0.00413564929693962#[THz] -> [eV]
au2thz = 6579.715584666339 #[a.u.] -> [THz]
thz2au = 0.00015198225320414#[THz] -> [a.u.]
ev2hz = 2.418e14 #[eV] -> [Hz]
hz2ev = 4.1356492969396e-15#[hz] -> [eV]
au2hz = 6.57971558466634e15#[a.u.] -> [Hz]
hz2au = 1.5198225320414e-16#[Hz] -> [a.u.]
fs2cm = 33356.40952 #[THz] -> [1/cm]
ev2kj = 96.485 #[eV] -> [kJoule/mol]
kj2ev = 0.0103643 #[kJoule/mol] -> [eV]
kj2au = kj2ev * ev2au #[kJoule/mol] -> [a.u.]
in2cm = 2.54 #[inch] -> [cm]
ft2m = 0.3048 #[feet] -> [cm]
yd2m = 0.9144 #[yard] -> [cm]
cm2in = 0.39370078740157 #[inch] -> [cm]
m2ft = 3.2808398950131 #[feet] -> [cm]
m2yd = 1.0936132983377 #[yard] -> [cm]
au2mb = au2an**2 * 1e2 #[a.u.] -> [Mbarn]
au2va = 51.4220652 #[au of E-Field] -> [V/A]
va2au = 1.0/au2va #[V/A] -> [au of E-Field]
de2au = 0.393430307 #[debye] -> au of dipole
FPC_K_B_AU = FPC_K_B_EV * ev2au #Boltzmann constan [Hartree / K]
def wcm22va(I):
return 2.744e-7 * I**0.5
def va2wcm2(E):
return (E/2.744e-7)**2
# Dictionary of element names and atomic number:
periodicTable = {
'e' : { 'atomic_number' : 0, # electron
'atomic_mass' : 1.0 / FPC_m_P_M_E
'H' : { 'atomic_number' : 1,
'atomic_mass' : 1.007825
'D' : { 'atomic_number' : 1,
'atomic_mass' : 2.0140
'He' : { 'atomic_number' : 2,
'atomic_mass' : 4.00260 # He 4
'Li' : { 'atomic_number' : 3,
'atomic_mass' : 7.016003 # Li 7
'Be' : { 'atomic_number' : 4,
'atomic_mass' : 9.012182
'B' : { 'atomic_number' : 5,
'atomic_mass' : 11.009305 # Be 11
'C' : { 'atomic_number' : 6,
'atomic_mass' : 12.000000 # C 12
'N' : { 'atomic_number' : 7,
'atomic_mass' : 14.003074 # N 14
'O' : { 'atomic_number' : 8,
'atomic_mass' : 15.994915 # O 16
'F' : { 'atomic_number' : 9,
'atomic_mass' : 18.9984032
'Ne' : { 'atomic_number' : 10,
'atomic_mass' : 19.992435 # Ne 20
'I' : { 'atomic_number' : 53,
'atomic_mass' : 126.904473 # I 53
'X' : { 'atomic_number' : 0,
'atomic_mass' : 1e4 # point charge
def factor(unit,unit_type):
if unit == 'au':
return 1.0
if unit_type == 'energy' and unit == 'cm-1':
return ic2au
if unit_type == 'energy' and unit == 'ic':
return ic2au
if unit_type == 'energy' and unit == 'ev':
return ev2au
if unit_type == 'time' and unit == 'fs':
return fs2au
if unit_type == 'time' and unit == 'ps':
return fs2au*1.0e3
if unit_type == 'efield' and unit == 'va':
return va2au
if unit_type == 'efield' and unit == 'ppmum':
return (AULENGTH / 1.0e-6)**2
raise Exception('Conversion of '+physical_quantity+' from '+unit+' not available')
def numval(inpline,unit_type):
Return numeric value of input parameter in atomic units
inpline -- list ['value','unit']
unit_type -- 'energy', 'time',...
It also accepts ['value'], then au are assumed
if len(inpline) == 2:
return factor(inpline[1],unit_type) * float( inpline[0] )
elif len(inpline) == 1:
return float( inpline[0] )
raise ValueError
def stringToBool(str):
if str.lower() == 'yes':
return True
elif str.lower() == 'true':
return True
elif str.lower() == 't':
return True
elif str.lower() == 'y':
return True
elif str.lower() == 'on':
return True
elif str.lower() == 'no':
return False
elif str.lower() == 'n':
return False
elif str.lower() == 'false':
return False
elif str.lower() == 'f':
return False
elif str.lower() == 'off':
return False
raise ValueError(f"word {str} not understood")