Source code for CDTK.Tools.GaussianLog

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
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"""Provides functions to access gaussian log files and retrieve information:
  -- getNormalMode
  -- getAtomNumber
  -- getMasses
  -- getCoordinates
  -- tester

import os
import sys

[docs] def getNormalMode(f,i): """Get the coordinates of a mode from a gaussian log file f -- full path to the gaussian frequency file i -- index of the normal mode to retrieve """ mode=[] log = file(f,'r') n = getAtomNumber(f) if hasHighPrecisionModes(f): col = (i-1)%5 + 1 ind = col + 2 row = (i+4)/5 j=0 while 1: line=log.readline() if not line: break if line.find(" Frequencies --") != -1: j=j+1 if j == row: while 1: line=log.readline() if line.find("Coord") != -1: break for nn in range(3*n): lvec = log.readline().split() mode.append(lvec[ind]) else: col = (i-1)%3 + 1 ind = 3*(col-1) + 2 row = (i+2)/3 j=0 while 1: line=log.readline() if not line: break if line.find(" Frequencies --") != -1: j=j+1 if j == row: log.readline() log.readline() log.readline() log.readline() for nn in range(n): lvec=log.readline().split() mode= mode + lvec[ind:ind+3] log.close() mode = map(float,mode) return mode
[docs] def getNormalModeFreq(f,i): """ Get normal mode frequency of mode i from gaussian log file f -- full path to the gaussian frequency file i -- index of the normal mode to retrieve """ log = file(f,'r') freqs = [] while 1: line = log.readline() if not line: break if line.find(' Frequencies -- ') == 0: frline = line.split()[2:] for fr in frline: freqs.append(fr) return float(freqs[i-1])
[docs] def getAtomNumber(f): """Get the number of atoms of a calculation stored in a log file f -- full path to the gaussian file """ num = 0 log = file(f,'r') while 1: line=log.readline() if not line: break if line.find(" Number Number") != -1: line=log.readline() while 1: line=log.readline() if not line: break if line.find(" ---") != -1: break else: lvec = line.split() num = lvec[0] log.close() return int(num) log.close() sys.exit("Error in getAtomNumber, no number of atoms found")
[docs] def getMasses(f): """Get the masses from a gaussian freq file. In this implementation the "Thermochemistry" section is used. f -- full path to the gaussian file """ masses=[] log=file(f,'r') for line in log: if line.find("and mass") != -1: lvec=line.split() masses.append(lvec[8]) masses.append(lvec[8]) masses.append(lvec[8]) if line.find("Molecular mass:") != -1: break masses = map(float,masses) return masses
[docs] def getCoordinates(f): """Get the standard orientation coordinates from a gaussian freq file """ coords=[] log=file(f,'r') while 1: line=log.readline() if not line: break if line.find("Standard orientation:") != -1: line=log.readline() line=log.readline() line=log.readline() line=log.readline() while 1: line=log.readline() if line.find(" ---") != -1: break lvec=line.split() coords.append(lvec[3]) coords.append(lvec[4]) coords.append(lvec[5]) break coords = map(float,coords) return coords
[docs] def getSymbols(f): """Get the list of atomic symbols from a gaussian log file Their are taken from the mulliken population analysis, which is almost always there """ s=[] log=file(f,'r') while 1: line=log.readline() if not line: break if line.find("Mulliken atomic charges") != -1: line=log.readline() while 1: line=log.readline() if line.find("Sum") != -1: break lvec = line.split() s.append(lvec[1]) break return s
[docs] def hasHighPrecisionModes(f): """Return True if the Gaussian file contains high precision modes""" log=file(f,'r') for l in log: low = l.lower() if (low.find('freq') != -1) and (low.find('#') == 1): if low.find('hpmodes') != -1: log.close() return True else: log.close() return False log.close() return None
[docs] def getSCFEnergy(f): """ Get last SCF electronic energy in log file f """ log=file(f,'r') ener = None for line in log: if (line.find('SCF Done') == 1): ener = float(line.split()[4]) return ener
[docs] def getBOMD(f): """ Get trajectory from a gaussian BOMD file Return a list of list, one for each geometry """ au2an = 0.529177249 natoms = len(getSymbols(f)) log=file(f,'r') traj = [] while 1: line=log.readline() if not line: break if line.find(' Summary information for step') == 0: geom = [] for i in range(8): line=log.readline() for i in range(natoms): atomxyz = [] sline=log.readline().split() atomxyz.append(float('e'.join(sline[3].split('D')))*au2an) atomxyz.append(float('e'.join(sline[5].split('D')))*au2an) atomxyz.append(float('e'.join(sline[7].split('D')))*au2an) geom.append(atomxyz) traj.append(geom) return traj
[docs] def g03toVTF(f,vtf=None): """ Generate a trajectory in .vtf format from a gaussian log file """ if not vtf: out = sys.stdout else: out = file(vtf,'w') symb = getSymbols(f) traj = getBOMD(f) for i,s in enumerate(symb): out.write( 'atom %i radius 1.0 name %s\n' % (i,s) ) out.write('\n') for geom in traj: out.write('timestep\n') for atom in geom: out.write(' %12.7f %12.7f %12.7f\n' % (atom[0],atom[1],atom[2]) ) out.write('\n') if vtf: out.close()
[docs] def tester(): """Tests the module """ f1="/home/oriol/Code/python/packages/testfiles/gaussian.2.test" print("atom numbers") print(getAtomNumber(f1)) print("mode 8") print(getNormalMode(f1,8)) print("masses") print(getMasses(f1)) print("coordinates") print(getCoordinates(f1)) print("symbols") print(getSymbols(f1))
if __name__=='__main__': tester()