Source code for CDTK.Tools.Geometry

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#*  (at your option) any later version.
#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#*  **************************************************************************

import numpy as np
import itertools as it

from .Mathematics import eulerMatrix

import CDTK.Tools.Mathematics as mt

[docs] class Coordinate(object): """ List of numbers representing a coordinate vector It can represent a normal mode, or in general anything that can be represented by a set of coordinates. Can also contain the masses related to those coordinates. Uses numpy.array to store coordinates and other information. coordinates -- array, the coordinates masses -- masses corresponding to each coordinate, in AMU labels -- list of labels representing each coordinate """ def __init__(self,**opts): self._coordinates = None self._masses = None self._labels = None pass # Setters and getters of the object attributes
[docs] def setCoordinates(self,x): self._coordinates=np.asarray(x)
[docs] def getCoordinates(self): return self._coordinates
coordinates = property(getCoordinates,setCoordinates)
[docs] def setMasses(self,x): self._masses=np.asarray(x)
[docs] def getMasses(self): return self._masses
masses = property(getMasses,setMasses)
[docs] def setLabels(self,s): self._labels=s
[docs] def getLabels(self): return self._labels
labels = property(getLabels,setLabels)
[docs] class XYZGeometry(object): """ Stores a cartesian geometry. """ def __init__(self,**opts): self._atomPositions = None self._masses = None self._labels = None self._pbcDims = None
[docs] def setAtomPositions(self,x): self._atomPositions=np.asarray(x)
[docs] def getAtomPositions(self): return self._atomPositions
atomPositions = property(getAtomPositions,setAtomPositions)
[docs] def setMasses(self,x): self._masses=np.asarray(x)
[docs] def getMasses(self): return self._masses
masses = property(getMasses,setMasses)
[docs] def setLabels(self,s): self._labels=s
[docs] def getLabels(self): return self._labels
labels = property(getLabels,setLabels)
[docs] def setPbcDims(self,x): self._pbcDims=np.asarray(x)
[docs] def getPbcDims(self): return self._pbcDims
pbcDims = property(getPbcDims,setPbcDims)
[docs] def centerGeometry(self): """ Move the center of mass of the molecule to the origin """ cm = self.centerOfMass() self.translate(-1.0*cm)
[docs] def centerOfMass(self): """ Return a 3 components vector with the center of mass of the molecule """ return centerOfMass(self.atomPositions,self.masses)
[docs] def translate(self,translation): """ Translate the system according translation translation -- 3D vector """ self.atomPositions = self.atomPositions + translation
[docs] def momentsOfInertia(self, sort=True, subgroup=None): """ Return a 3x3 matrix where the vectors v[:,i] are the moments of inertia that diagonalize the inertia tensor sort - if True (default), return sorted eigenvalues and eigenvectors subgroup - index array, if it is given, the moments of inertia for a rotation of the atoms specified by the indices is returned. Default: None """ x = self.atomPositions m = self.masses if subgroup is not None: t = inertiaTensor(x[subgroup], m[subgroup]) else: t = inertiaTensor(x,m) eval,evec = np.linalg.eig(t) if sort: s = eval.argsort() evec = evec[:,s] eval = eval[s] return eval,evec
[docs] def cartesianTranslationVector(self, ix): """ Returns the vector for displacement along axis ix in unweighted cartesian coordinates """ self.centerGeometry() x = self.atomPositions m = self.masses d = np.zeros_like(x) lambda_t, S_t = self.momentsOfInertia(sort=False) for i in range(d.shape[0]): d[i,ix] = m[i] return d
[docs] def cartesianRotationVector(self, ix, subgroup=None): """ Returns the vector for minimal rotation around axis ix in unweighted cartesian coordinates ix - index of the vector subgroup - index array of atoms forming a subgroup. If None (default), the whole molecule is rotated. For subgroup rotations, regardless of the provided index, the rotation with the smallest moment of inertia is returned """ self.centerGeometry() x = self.atomPositions m = self.masses d = np.zeros_like(x) if subgroup is not None: lambda_t, S_t = self.momentsOfInertia(sort=False, subgroup=subgroup) ix = np.argmin(lambda_t) for i in subgroup: for j in range(3): for k in range(3): d[i,j] = d[i,j] + m[i] * mt.leviCivita(ix,k,j) *[k], x[i]) else: lambda_t, S_t = self.momentsOfInertia(sort=False) for i in range(d.shape[0]): for j in range(3): for k in range(3): d[i,j] = d[i,j] + m[i] * mt.leviCivita(ix,k,j) *[k], x[i]) return d
[docs] def cartesianVectors(self, subgroups=None): """ Returns a (3N,6+s) matrix where s is the number of subgroups. The matrix contains, columnwise, orthonormal (3N) vectors. These vectors form a basis of the space spanned by the vectors corresponding to translation, overall rotation, and subgroup rotation around the axis with the smallest moment of inertia of the respective group. They can be used to project out normal modes corresponding to these movements from a Hessian matrix. The vectors are given in unweighted, cartesian coordinates. subgroups - array with arrays of subgroup indices """ d = self.cartesianTranslationVector(0).flatten() d = np.c_[d, self.cartesianTranslationVector(1).flatten()] d = np.c_[d, self.cartesianTranslationVector(2).flatten()] d = np.c_[d, self.cartesianRotationVector(0).flatten()] d = np.c_[d, self.cartesianRotationVector(1).flatten()] d = np.c_[d, self.cartesianRotationVector(2).flatten()] if subgroups is not None: for sg in subgroups: d = np.c_[d, self.cartesianRotationVector(0,subgroup=sg).flatten()] d = np.linalg.qr(d)[0] # Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization return d
[docs] def cartesianProjector(self, subgroups=None): """ Returns a (3N, 3N) matrix that projects out the subspace spanned by the vectors corresponding to translation, overall rotation, and subgroup rotation around the axis with the smallest moment of inertia. Can be used to project Cartesian Hessian matrices prior to normal mode analysis. subgroups -- array with arrays of subgroup indices """ D0 = self.cartesianVectors(subgroups=subgroups) return np.identity(self.getAtomPositions().size) -, D0.T)
[docs] def radiusGyration(self): """ Returns the radius of gyration defined as rg**2 = sum_i m_i * (r_i - r_COM)**2 / M """ com = self.centerOfMass() mtot = np.sum(self.masses) rg2 =, np.linalg.norm( self.atomPositions - com, axis=1)**2) / mtot return np.sqrt(rg2)
############################################################################ # MODULE METHODS
[docs] def inertiaTensor(geom,m): """ Return a 3x3 matrix with the inertia tensor corresponding to the configuration x and masses m """ iT = np.zeros((3,3),float) for i,atom in enumerate(geom): iT[0,0] = iT[0,0] + m[i]*(atom[1]**2 + atom[2]**2) iT[1,1] = iT[1,1] + m[i]*(atom[0]**2 + atom[2]**2) iT[2,2] = iT[2,2] + m[i]*(atom[0]**2 + atom[1]**2) iT[0,1] = iT[0,1] - m[i]*(atom[0]*atom[1]) iT[0,2] = iT[0,2] - m[i]*(atom[0]*atom[2]) iT[1,2] = iT[1,2] - m[i]*(atom[1]*atom[2]) iT[1,0] = iT[0,1] iT[2,0] = iT[0,2] iT[2,1] = iT[1,2] return iT
[docs] def centerOfMass(geom,m): """ Return 3D array with the center of mass of geom xs -- list or array of 3D arrays with the positions of the atoms m -- list or array with the mass of each atom in xs """ xc=np.zeros(3,float) mtot = m.sum() for i,x in enumerate(geom): xc = xc + x*m[i] xc = xc/mtot return xc
[docs] def eckartFrame(x,xref,m): """ Calculate the euler angles that rotate x to the Eckart frame w.r.t xref x,xref -- Nx3 array with atom coordinates m -- array with masses, len(m) = N """ import scipy.optimize # x and xref are copied and the COM of the copies is moved to the origin xx = np.array(x) mm = np.asarray(m) cm = centerOfMass(xx,mm) xx = xx-cm xxref = np.array(xref) cm = centerOfMass(xxref,mm) xxref = xxref-cm guess=np.zeros(3,float) euler = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(angularMomentumEckart, guess, args=(xx,xxref,mm), gtol=1.0e-3, maxiter=100, epsilon=1.0e-6, disp=0 # set to 1 for convergence info ) return rotateGeometry(xx,euler)
[docs] def angularMomentumEckart(euler,*args): """ Calculate the Eckart conditions given 3 euler angles This is the functions to be zeroed (minimized) if x is to be roted to the Eckart frame defined by xref euler -- euler angles a,b,c args[0] -- structure; (Nx3) array args[1] -- reference structure; (Nx3) array args[2] -- mass vector; N array Returns the square of the norm of the vector: amv = sum_i { mass[i] * (dx[i] *cross* xref[i]) } """ xx = np.array(args[0]) xxref= np.array(args[1]) mass=args[2] xx = rotateGeometry(xx,euler) dx = xx-xxref amv = np.zeros(3,float) for i,d in enumerate(dx): amv = amv + np.cross(d,xxref[i])*mass[i] am =,amv) return am
[docs] def rotateGeometry(x,euler): xx=np.array(x) rotMat = eulerMatrix(euler[0],euler[1],euler[2]) for i in range(len(xx)): xx[i] =,xx[i]) return xx
[docs] def pbc_translation_vectors(pbc_dims): ''' Periodic boundary condition: calculate translation vectors from box dimensions Parameters: pbc_dims -- array containing the box dimensions along x/y/z Returns: [3,3] matrix containing the translation vectors along x/y/z ''' return np.identity(3) * np.asarray(pbc_dims)
[docs] def pbc_translation_matrix(pbc_dims): ''' Periodic boundary condition: calculate translation matrix from box dimensions Minimum image convention Parameters: pbc_dims -- array containing the box dimensions along x/y/z Returns: [3,3,3,3] matrix containing the translation vectors and their linear combinations e.g. T_xyz_3D[0,2,1,:] is the vector that generates a translation in -x,+y,0z direction ''' T_xyz = pbc_translation_vectors(pbc_dims) T_xyz_3D = np.zeros([3,3,3,3]) factor = np.array([-1,0,1]) # subtract, ignore, add this translation vector for ix in it.product(range(3),repeat=3): T_xyz_3D[ix] = factor[ix[0]] * T_xyz[0] + factor[ix[1]] * T_xyz[1] \ + factor[ix[2]] * T_xyz[2] return T_xyz_3D