Source code for CDTK.Tools.Mathematics

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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   - OTHER
   - internal functions

import os
import sys
import random
import math
from math import sqrt,pi,sin,cos,asin,acos,exp
import scipy.integrate as si
import scipy.interpolate as sip
from scipy.special import wofz

import numpy as np

import CDTK
from CDTK.Tools import Conversion as cv
from CDTK.Tools.Iterators import MultiCounter
from CDTK.Tools.Utils import ReverseArray, ShiftArray

#       --- LINEAR ALGEBRA: Matrix and vector related utilities ---

[docs] def krylov(func,v,**opts): """Construct a Krylov space func -- takes one vector as argument and returns the action of the Hamiltonian matrix on that vector v -- Start vector for the construction of the Krylov space argdict -- dictionary: order: order (dimension) of the Krylov space to be constructed kvecs : np.array, space to store the krylov vectors kmat(order x order) : space to store the krylov matrix work : scratch array of length len(v) Return the tridiagonal matrix, kmat, and a list of the vectors spanning the Krylov space kvecs Test: The condition K^* A K = t has been tested for this routine using an Hermitian matrix 40x40 and a Krylov space 5x5 Orthonormality of the Kvecs was also tested 19.01.2007 """ n = len(v) order = opts.get("order",10) kvecs = opts.get("kvecs",None) kmat = opts.get("kmat",None) t = opts.get("work",None) if not kvecs: kvecs = np.zeros((order,n),type(v[0])) if not kmat: kmat = np.zeros((order,order),type(v[0])) if not t: t = np.zeros(n,type(v[0])) # Normalize starting vector kvecs[0] = v/(,v)**0.5) a = 0.0 b = 0.0 for j in range(order): # Calculate H(v) on the current vector t[:] = func(kvecs[j]) if j > 0: # Schmidt orthogonalize with respect to prev. prev. vector t[:] = t - b*kvecs[j-1] # Calculate diagonal term a =[j].conjugate(),t) # Schmidt orthogonalize with respect to prev. vector t[:] = t - a*kvecs[j] # Calculate non-diagonal term b =,t)**0.5 kmat[j,j] = a if j < order-1: kvecs[j+1] = (1./b)*t kmat[j+1,j] = b kmat[j,j+1] = b return kmat,kvecs
[docs] def ovrMatrix(vecs1,vecs2,nvecs,veclen,matrix): """ Compute the overlap matrix between two lists of vectors Parameters ---------- vecs1 : array_like must be conformable to shape=(nvecs,veclen) vecs2 : array_like must be conformable to shape=(nvecs,veclen) nvecs : integer, number of vectors veclen: integer, length of each vector matrix: 2D array, output, overlap matrix """ saveshape = vecs1.shape vecs1.shape = (nvecs,veclen) vecs2.shape = (nvecs,veclen) for i,v2 in enumerate(vecs2): for j,v1 in enumerate(vecs1): matrix[j,i] = np.vdot(v1,v2) vecs1.shape = saveshape vecs2.shape = saveshape return matrix
[docs] def ovrMatrix2(vecs1,vecs2,nvecs1,nvecs2,veclen,matrix): """ Compute the overlap matrix between two lists of vectors Parameters ---------- vecs1 : array_like must be conformable to shape=(nvecs1,veclen1) vecs2 : array_like must be conformable to shape=(nvecs2,veclen2) nvecs1 : integer, number of vectors in vecs1 nvecs2 : integer, number of vectors in vecs2 veclen: integer, length of each vector matrix: 2D array, output, overlap matrix """ saveshape1 = vecs1.shape saveshape2 = vecs2.shape vecs1.shape = (nvecs1,veclen) vecs2.shape = (nvecs2,veclen) for j,v1 in enumerate(vecs1): for i,v2 in enumerate(vecs2): matrix[j,i] = np.vdot(v1,v2) vecs1.shape = saveshape1 vecs2.shape = saveshape2 return matrix
[docs] def sortEigValsVecs(evals,evecs): """ Return the pair (eigvals,eigvecs) sorted from low to high values """ evecs[:] = evecs.take(evals.argsort(),axis=1) # axis=1: eigenvectors are expected in columns evals[:] = evals.take(evals.argsort())
[docs] def distributeMatrix(mat1,mat2,oper): """ Given two square matrices that operate on spaces S1 and S2, return a single matrix that operates on the direct product space S = S1 x S2 mat1 -- square matrix n*n mat2 -- square matrix m*m oper -- 's' for summ or 'p' for product whether the resulting matrices are summed or matrix multiplied Example: Given the matrices: | 1 2 3 4| |a b c| mat1 = | 5 6 7 8| mat2 = |d e f| | 9 10 11 12| |g h i| |13 14 15 16| The matrix of dimension 12 that operates on the product space is generated from matrices A and B where | 1 2 3 4 | |a b c | | 1 2 3 4 | |d e f | | 1 2 3 4 | |g h i | | 5 6 7 8 | | a b c | | 5 6 7 8 | | d e f | A = | 5 6 7 8 | B = | g h i | | 9 10 11 12 | | a b c | | 9 10 11 12 | | d e f | | 9 10 11 12 | | g h i | |13 14 15 16 | | a b c| | 13 14 15 16 | | d e f| | 13 14 15 16 | | g h i| """ n = len(mat1) m = len(mat2) nm = n*m nmat1 = np.zeros((nm,nm),type(mat1[0,0])) nmat2 = np.zeros((nm,nm),type(mat2[0,0])) for k in range(nm): for l in range(nm): i = k%m j = l%m ii = k/m jj = l/m if i == j: nmat1[k,l] = mat1[ii,jj] if ii == jj: nmat2[k,l] = mat2[i,j] if oper == 's': return nmat1 + nmat2 if oper == 'p': return,nmat2)
[docs] def distributeMatrixList(ml,oper): m2 = ml.pop() while ml: m1 = ml.pop() m3 = distributeMatrix(m1,m2,oper) m2 = m3 return m2
[docs] def isPositiveDefinite(m): """Return 1 if m is positive definite, 0 if it's not""" if type(m) != type(np.array([])): return 0 elif np.rank(m) != 2: return 0 try: ch=np.linalg.cholesky(m) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return 0 return 1
[docs] def toPositiveDefinite(m,min=0.0,fac=1.0): """ Convert matrix m to positive definite changes only negative or slightly positive eigenvalues. 1. Diagonalize M to get M=U.L.U+ 2. Supress the negative eigenvalues of L, L->Lt 3. Get the new potivive definite matrix, Mt=U.Lt.U+ m -- matrix to treat min -- at the end all eigenvalues will have a value at least of min fac -- scale factor for the eigenvalues found negative The default behaviour leaves any positive definite matrix unaltered. """ fac = abs(fac) eval,evecm = eig(m) for i in range(len(eval)): if eval[i] < 0.0: eval[i] = -1.0*fac*eval[i] if eval[i] < min: eval[i] = min evalm = np.identity(len(eval))*eval mt =,evalm),np.transpose(evecm)) return mt
[docs] def invert_reg(mat,tol=1.0e-8): """ Invert matrix mat, regularizing it in case it has eigenvalues close to 0 """ (evals,evecs) = np.linalg.eig(mat) evalsreg = np.empty(evals.shape,evals.dtype) evalsreg[:] = tol evalsreg = np.fmax(evals,evalsreg) ievalsreg = evalsreg**-1 ievalsmat = np.diag(ievalsreg) inv =,,evecs.transpose())) return (inv,evals,evalsreg,evecs)
[docs] def schroedinger_to_interaction(VS,H0,t): """ Return interaction picture matrix VI using diagonal matrix H0 VI = exp(i*H0*t) VS exp(-i*H0*t) Sakurai 5.5.7 """ exp_p = np.diag( np.exp( 1j*np.diag(H0)*t ) ) exp_m = np.diag( np.exp(-1j*np.diag(H0)*t ) ) return exp_p,,exp_m) )
############################################################################## #--- TENSOR ALGEBRA: functions related to operations with multiindex arrays -- ##############################################################################
[docs] def hprod_phi(hlist,nphi,phidim,sdim,phi,hole=None): """ Apply matrices in hlist to phi |phi[i]> <= |phi[i]> hlist - list (or array) of 2D square matrices nphi - number of tensors in phi phidim- total length of each tensor phi sdim - shape of each tensor phi[i] phi - 1D array, a list of tensors phi[i] (input/output) hole - integer, hlist[hole] is skipped The operations are accumulated in phi, i.e. phi is modified in place. - note: phi must be conformable to (nphi,phidim) or (nphi,prod(sdim)) """ saveshape = phi.shape phi.shape = (nphi,phidim) for i in range(nphi): for l,hmat in enumerate(hlist): if l is hole: continue matrix_tensor(l,sdim,hmat,phi[i]) phi.shape = saveshape
[docs] def hprod_phi2(hlist,nphi,sdim1,sdim2,phi,hole=None): """ Apply matrices in hlist to phi |traphi[i]> = |phi[i]> hlist - list (or array) of 2D matrices. NEED NOT BE SQUARE. nphi - number of tensors in phi phidim- total length of each tensor phi sdim1 - shape of each tensor on output (first dimension of each matrix) sdim2 - shape of each tensor on input (second dimension of each matrix) phi - 1D array, a list of tensors phi[i] (input) hole - integer, hlist[hole] is skipped traphi - transformed phi (output) """ phic = phi.copy() philen1 = 1 for i in sdim1: philen1 = philen1*i philen2 = 1 for i in sdim2: philen2 = philen2*i phic.shape = (nphi,philen2) traphi = [] for i in range(nphi): phiold = phic[i] sdimold = list(sdim2) for l,hmat in enumerate(hlist): if l is hole: continue phinew = matrix_tensor2(l,sdimold,hmat,phiold) phiold = phinew sdimold[l] = sdim1[l] traphi.append(phiold) traphi = np.array(traphi) return traphi.flatten()
[docs] def matrix_tensor(m,sdim,mat,phi): """ Perform a matrix tensor multiplication on index m of tensor phi m - input, index summed over sdim - input, dimensions (shape) of phi when in tesorized form mat - input, 2D square array phi - input/output, 1D array conformable to the sdim shape phi(I,i,K) <= sum_j mat(i,j)*phi(I,j,K) """ ijk = ijk_shape(m,sdim) saveshape = phi.shape phi.shape = ijk for i in range(ijk[0]): for k in range(ijk[2]): phi[i,:,k] =,phi[i,:,k]) phi.shape = saveshape
[docs] def matrix_tensor2(m,sdim,mat,phi): """ Perform a matrix tensor multiplication on index m of tensor phi m - input, index summed over sdim - input, dimensions (shape) of phi when in tesorized form mat - input, 2D array, need not be square phi - input/output, 1D array conformable to the sdim shape The length of the multiplied index changes if the first dimension of mat is not equal to the second dimension. phiout(I,i,K) <= sum_j mat(i,j)*phi(I,j,K) """ ijk = ijk_shape(m,sdim) ilk = list(ijk) ilk[1] = mat.shape[0] ilk = tuple(ilk) phiout = np.empty(ilk,complex) saveshape = phi.shape phi.shape = ijk for i in range(ijk[0]): for k in range(ijk[2]): phiout[i,:,k] =,phi[i,:,k]) phi.shape = saveshape return phiout.flatten()
[docs] def vector_tensor(m,sdim,vec,phi): """ Perform a vector tensor multiplication on index m of tensor phi m - input, index summed over sdim - input, dimensions (shape) of phi when in tesorized form mat - input, 1D phi - input/output, 1D array conformable to the sdim shape hphi(I,j,K) <= vec(j)*phi(I,j,K) """ ijk = ijk_shape(m,sdim) saveshape = phi.shape phi.shape = ijk for i in range(ijk[0]): for k in range(ijk[2]): phi[i,:,k] = vec*phi[i,:,k] phi.shape = saveshape return phi
[docs] def compute_density(dm,f,sdim,ten1,ten2=None): """ Calculate the density matrix for axis f of tensors ten1 and ten2 dm: density matrix, output f: integer, axis to be used for the density sdim: dimensions of ten1 and ten2 ten1: array conformable to ten1.shape=sdim ten2: if not given ten2=ten1 """ if ten2 is None: ten2=ten1 oldshape = ten1.shape l = len(sdim) ax = range(f)+range(f+1,l) ten1.shape = sdim ten2.shape = sdim dm[:] = np.tensordot(ten1.conjugate(),ten2,axes=(ax,ax)) ten1.shape = oldshape ten2.shape = oldshape
[docs] def overlap(avecs,bvecs): """ Compute the overlap matrix from two two-dimensional np.array avecs and bvecs need only to conform in the second index (index 1) """ return np.tensordot(avecs.conjugate(),bvecs,axes=(1,1))
[docs] def ijk_shape(f,oshape): """ change tuple oshape representing a shape to a 3 index tuple collecting indices before and after index f """ nmodes = len(oshape) a = np.array(oshape) nshape=[1,1,1] nshape[1] = oshape[f] if f > 0: nshape[0] = a[:f].prod() if f < nmodes - 1: nshape[2] = a[f+1:].prod() return tuple(nshape)
############################################################################## # --- VECTORS in 3D SPACE: vectors in cartesian space --- ##############################################################################
[docs] def eulerMatrix(a,b,c,inv=False): """Return a 3x3 rotation matrix xyz is the body fixed frame XYZ is the space fixed frame The normal convention (default) is the rotation XYZ -> xyz First rotate around Z by an ammount of xhi, then around Y by an ammount of theta and finally around Z by an ammount of phi. The theta and phi angles can also be seen as the two spherical angles of a vector with respect to the Z vector. phi azimutal spherical angle (0,2pi) theta polar spherical angle (0,pi) phi -- rotation around Z axis theta -- rotation around Y axis xhi -- rotation around Z axis The inverse convention corresponds to xyz -> XYZ The vector is rotated by the specified Euler angles that align it with the space fixed frame. Normal and Inverse conventions are inverse operations with respect to each other """ A=np.zeros((3,3),float) B=np.zeros((3,3),float) C=np.zeros((3,3),float) A[0,0] = cos(a) A[1,1] = cos(a) A[2,2] = 1.0 B[0,0] = cos(b) B[1,1] = 1.0 B[2,2] = cos(b) C[0,0] = cos(c) C[1,1] = cos(c) C[2,2] = 1.0 if not inv: A[0,1] = -sin(a) A[1,0] = sin(a) B[0,2] = sin(b) B[2,0] = -sin(b) C[0,1] = -sin(c) C[1,0] = sin(c),B),C) else: A[0,1] = sin(a) A[1,0] = -sin(a) B[0,2] = -sin(b) B[2,0] = sin(b) C[0,1] = sin(c) C[1,0] = -sin(c),B),A) return r
[docs] def alignMatrix(v,axis='z'): """Return a 3x3 rotation matrix Given a 3D vector, the routine returns a matrix that, when multiplied by v, rotates it to the specified axis. The routine computes the rotation axis around which the rotation has to be performed, the angle that has to be rotated, and then use the Rodrigues formula obtain the desired rotation matrix. """ if axis == 'x': v1=np.array([1.,0.,0.]) elif axis == 'y': v1=np.array([0.,1.,0.]) elif axis == 'z': v1=np.array([0.,0.,1.]) else: return np.zeros((3,3),float) v2 = np.cross(v,v1) if sqrt(,v2)) < 1.e-8: return np.identity(3,float) cosphi =,v1)/sqrt(,v)) phi = acos(cosphi) return rodriguesMatrix(v2,phi)
[docs] def rodriguesMatrix(v,phi): """Return a 3x3 rotation matrix v -- 3D vector, the rotation axis (a copy will be normalized in the routine) phi -- ammount of rotation Given the vector v=[v0,v1,v2] and an angle phi, it returns the rotation matrix around that axis by the ammount phi. The routine uses the Rodrigues Formula: M = I + sin(phi)*A + (1-cos(phi))*A^2 where I is the unit matrix and A is given by: | 0 -v2 v1| A = | v2 0 -v0| |-v1 v0 0| """ vn = v/sqrt(,v)) id=np.identity(3,float) a=np.zeros((3,3),float) a[0,1]=-vn[2] a[0,2]= vn[1] a[1,0]= vn[2] a[1,2]=-vn[0] a[2,0]=-vn[1] a[2,1]= vn[0],a) m = id + sin(phi)*a + (1-cos(phi))*aa return m
[docs] def pointsDistance(p,q): """ Return the distance (Euclidean norm of connecting vector) between two points p - vector or list q - vector or list """ d=0.0 for i in range(len(p)): d = d + (p[i]-q[i])**2 return d**0.5
[docs] def pointsVector(p,q): """ Return the vector q ---> p (p-q) between points p and q p - vector or list q - vector or list on return v is a list """ v = [] for i in range(len(p)): v.append(p[i]-q[i]) return v
[docs] def sphericalAngles(v): """ return the spherical angles theta(polar) and phi(azimutal) of v v - 3D vector (x,y,z) """ r=pointsDistance(v,[0.0,0.0,0.0]) theta = acos(v[2]/r) rxy = r*sin(theta) phi = acos(v[0]/rxy) if v[1] < 0.0: phi=2*pi-phi return theta,phi
[docs] def leviCivita(i,j,k): """ Return the value of the antisymmetric permutation tensor for indices i,j,k i,j,k - ints """ idty = np.identity(3) return[i], np.cross(idty[j], idty[k]))
############################################################################## # --- INTERPOLATION on a regular grid --- ##############################################################################
[docs] def ndimIntGrid(xgrid1,ygrid1,xgrid2,intfunctions): """Interpolate xgrid2 into the grid defined by xgrid1 and ygrid1 xgrid1 -- 2D list containing arrays or lists of the original coordinates ygrid1 -- ND list or array containing the values of the function at each point. ygrid1[i1,i2,i3,...,in] = y( xgrid1[1,i1],xgrid1[2,i2],...,xgrid1[n,in] ) xgrid2 -- 2D list or array containing the arrays of the coordinates to be interpolated. intfunctions -- list containing the pointers to the functions that will handle the interpolation of each degree of freedom Each element of the list is also a list, the first element being the pointer and the rest the arguments expected by the interpolation routine, i.e. ((f1,op1a,op1b),(f2,op2a,op2b,op2c),...) """ # declare the ygrid2 output array # l contains the number of points in each dimension l = [] for xvec in xgrid2: l.append(len(xvec)) ygrid2 = np.zeros(l,float) # loop over all the points in xgrid2 and interpolate ygrid1a = np.array(ygrid1) p = MultiCounter() p.setPointersN(0,len(l)) p.setMaxIter(l) for ic in p: i=0 xpoint = [] for xvec in xgrid2: xpoint.append(xvec[ic[i]]) i = i+1 ygrid2[ic] = ndimIntPoint(xgrid1,ygrid1a,xpoint,intfunctions) return ygrid2
[docs] def ndimIntPoint(xgrid1,ygrid1,xpoint,intfunctions): """Iterpolate xpoint into the grid defined by xgrid1 and ygrid1 xgrid1 -- 2D list containing arrays or lists of the original coordinates ygrid1 -- ND np.array with the function values xpoint -- list or array of the coordinates of the point to be interpolated intfunctions -- list with pointers to the functions that will handle the interpolation of each degree of freedom Each element of the list is also a list, the first element being the pointer and the rest the arguments expected by the interpolation routine Example: We have a 3D grid, each coordinate (q1,q2,q3) is defined between 0.0 and 5.0. Each coordinate is sampled at 11 equispaced points. We have a mapping f(q1,q2,q3) from the grid points to the real numbers. The specific form of the mapping is of course irrelevant here, we only are interested on the value corresponding to each grid point. Thus xgrid1 contains: xgrid1 = [ [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, ..., 5.0], [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, ..., 5.0], [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, ..., 5.0] ] And ygrid1 contains: ygrid1[i][j][k] = f(xgrid1[0][i],xgrid1[1][j],xgrid1[2][k]) And we provide also an interpolation point from which we want to know the interpolation f_intp(xpoint): xpoint = [1.3,2.2,3.7] """ ygridtmpA = np.array(ygrid1) ndim = len(xpoint) l = ygrid1.shape # at each step we get a new grid of 1 dimension less until we reach # the final interpolated number for d in range(ndim): xg = np.array(xgrid1[d]) xp = xpoint[d] if l[d+1:]: ygridtmpB = zeros(l[d+1:],float) p = MultiCounter() p.setPointersN(0,len(l[d+1:])) p.setMaxIter(l[d+1:]) # loop over the (ndim-d+1) dimensional grid for ic in p: yg = zeros(l[d],float) # assign y values for the 1D interpolation for j in range(l[d]): k = (j,) yg[j] = ygridtmpA[k+ic] ygridtmpB[ic] = onedimInt(xg,yg,xp,intfunctions[d]) ygridtmpA = ygridtmpB else: # last iteration ygridtmpB = 0.0 yg = ygridtmpA ygridtmpB = onedimInt(xg,yg,xp,intfunctions[d]) return ygridtmpB return None
[docs] def scattered2grid2D(points,xgrid,ygrid,kernel,**args): """ Interpolate scattered 2D data into a regular grid Arguments: kernel -- w(d) z = Sum_i w(d_i) """ griddata = np.zeros((len(xgrid),len(ygrid)),float) for i,x in enumerate(xgrid): for j,y in enumerate(ygrid): z = 0.0 for p in points: d = (p[0]-x)**2 + (p[1]-y)**2 d = d**0.5 z = z + kernel(d) griddata[i,j] = z return griddata
############################################################################## # 1D interpolators ##############################################################################
[docs] def onedimInt(xg,yg,xp,intfunc): """Interpolate point xp using the yg[xg] function this routine is a thin wrapper over 1D interpolation routines xg -- array with tabulated x points yg -- array with tabulated y points xp -- point where the interpolation is desired func -- list of one or more elements, the first is the pointer to the interpolation function, the rest are possible arguments expected by such function If the last argument is "periodic", a periodic interpolation will be atempted enlarging the xg segment, usually up to 4 more points per side to be safe with respect to the cubic spline interpolation """ f = intfunc[0] ops = intfunc[1:] if ops: if ops[len(ops)-1] == 'periodic': xg,yg = _toPeriodic(xg,yg) return f(xg,yg,xp,ops[:-1]) return f(xg,yg,xp,ops) else: return f(xg,yg,xp)
[docs] def linealInterpolation(xg,yg,xp,args=None): """1D lineal interpolation of x xg -- array with tabulated x points yg -- array with tabulated y points xp -- point where the interpolation is desired args -- arguments, it is ignored and does not need to be set, only keeps the interface consistency of 1D interpolators """ imin = _segment(xg,xp) y = yg[imin] + ((yg[imin+1]-yg[imin])/(xg[imin+1]-xg[imin]))*(xp-xg[imin]) return y
[docs] def cubicSplineInterpolation(xg,yg,xp,args=None): """Cubic Spline interpolation xg -- array with tabulated x points yg -- array with tabulated y points xp -- point where the interpolation is desired args -- ignored by now """ d11 = 1e+40 d1n = 1e+40 y2 = np.zeros(len(xg),float) u = np.zeros(len(xg),float) splinenm(xg,yg,d11,d1n,y2,u) return spline1d(xg,yg,y2,xp)
[docs] def ENOInterpolation(xg,yg,xp,args=None): """Essentially Non-oscilatory Interpolation xg -- array with tabulated x points yg -- array with tabulated y points xp -- point where the interpolation is desired args -- list of arguments, can be a list of 0,1,2 or three velues args = [ [[[min. order], max. order], factor ] min. order -- minimum order of interpolation, def=1 max. order -- maximum order of interpolation, def=3 factor -- balance factor, the larger it is, the more likely a symmetric interpolation is made, loosing the gains of ENO. If too small, small changes in slope are always avoided, thus giving interpolants with discontinous derivatives. def: 50.0 """ if args: try: min = args[0] except IndexError: min = 1 try: max = args[1] except IndexError: max = 3 try: fact = float(args[2]) except IndexError: fact = 50.0 else: min = 1 max = 3 fact = 50.0 diff=np.zeros((len(xg),len(xg)),float) return enoi(xg,yg,xp,diff,max,min,fact)
# A dictionary is defined to translate from the input file # code of an interpolation method (usually 3 characters) # and the pointer to the real function, add entries always # when a new 1D interpolator is implemented keyToFunction = {} keyToFunction["default"] = linealInterpolation keyToFunction["lin"] = linealInterpolation keyToFunction["eno"] = ENOInterpolation keyToFunction["spl"] = cubicSplineInterpolation ############################################################################## # --- NUMERICAL functions --- ##############################################################################
[docs] def dkron(i,j): """Return the delta of Kroneker operation of integers i and j i,j - integers, in case they are not integers the function silently returns 0 """ if isinstance(i,int) and isinstance(j,int): if i==j: return 1 else: return 0 else: return 0
[docs] def richardson(f,hi,con=1.4,niter=10,safe=2.0,fast=False): """ Implements Richardson extrapolation to calculate numerical estimates of values obtained by finite difference formulas. f -- function depending on 1 variable, the finite difference, what f is, a derivative, a numerical integral... does not play any role here hi -- initial estimate for the finite difference con -- constant factor by which hi is divided at each step niter -- maximum number of iterations safe -- when error grows by a factor more than safe, terminate and return """ if fast: if hi > 0.05: return f(0.05),0.0,hi else: return f(hi),0.0,hi con2 = con*con big = 1.e30 a=np.zeros((niter,niter),float) hh=hi a[0,0] = f(hh) err = big for i in range(1,niter): hh = hh/con a[0,i] = f(hh) fac = con2 for j in range(1,i+1): a[j,i] = (a[j-1,i]*fac - a[j-1,i-1])/(fac-1.0) fac = con2*fac errt = max(abs(a[j,i]-a[j-1,i]),abs(a[j,i]-a[j-1,i-1])) if errt <= err: err = errt res = a[j,i] hf = hh if abs(a[i,i]-a[i-1,i-1]) >= safe*err: return res,err,hf return res,err,hf
############################################################################## # --- Sampling & Monte-Carlo functions --- ##############################################################################
[docs] def WignerStep(M_nmode,w_nmode,qnum_nmode,xref,normalModes,min=None,max=None): """ Make a random movement for generating Wigner distribution for sampling normal modes. M_nmode - N masses of normal modes w_nmode - N energies of normal modes qnum_nmode - N quantum numbers of normal modes return xnext - coordinates and velocities """ ncoords = len(xref) nmodes = len(w_nmode) xnext = np.zeros(2*ncoords) qq = np.zeros(nmodes) vv = np.zeros(nmodes) for i in range(nmodes): q,v = WignerStep1D(M_nmode[i], w_nmode[i], qnum_nmode[i]) qq[i] = q vv[i] = v xnext[0:ncoords] = np.asarray(xref) +, qq) xnext[ncoords:] =, vv) return xnext
[docs] def WignerStep1D(m, w, qnum): """ Make a random movement to generate a 1D Wigner distribution of a harmonic oscillator. Input: m - mass of the normal mode w - frequency of the normal mode qnum - quantum number (not used!) Output: QQ - new position (still in normal mode representation) VV - new velocity (still in normal mode representation) """ while True: P = np.random.uniform(-3.0,3.0,1) Q = np.random.uniform(-3.0,3.0,1) W = np.exp(-(P**2)) * np.exp(-(Q**2)) r = np.random.uniform(0.0,1.0,1) if W > r: QQ = Q / np.sqrt( w * m ) VV = P * np.sqrt( w / m) return QQ, VV
[docs] def randomWalkStep(xvec,min=None,max=None,stepnorm=1.0): """ Make a random movement on a vector of real (float) coordinates xvec - current state of the system in coordinate space min - minimum value for each coordinate max - maximum value for each coordinate stepnorm - length of random steps to be performed return - next random position """ lx = len(xvec) dual_step = False try: if len(stepnorm) == 2: dual_step = True except: dual_step = False rstep = np.random.random(lx) - 0.5 norm = np.linalg.norm(np.split(rstep,2), axis=1) if dual_step == False: if lx < 5: rstep[0:lx//2] = (stepnorm)*rstep[0:lx//2] rstep[lx//2:] = (stepnorm)*rstep[lx//2:] else: rstep[0:lx//2] = (stepnorm/norm[0])*rstep[0:lx//2] rstep[lx//2:] = (stepnorm/norm[1])*rstep[lx//2:] else: if lx < 5: rstep[0:lx//2] = (stepnorm[0])*rstep[0:lx//2] rstep[lx//2:] = (stepnorm[1])*rstep[lx//2:] else: rstep[0:lx/2] = (stepnorm[0]/norm[0])*rstep[0:lx//2] rstep[lx//2:] = (stepnorm[1]/norm[1])*rstep[lx//2:] xvecnew = xvec + rstep if not max is None: delta = max - xvecnew hit = (delta < 0) if hit.any(): for i in xrange(lx): if hit[i]: xvecnew[i] = max[i] + delta[i] if not min is None: delta = min - xvecnew hit = (delta > 0) if hit.any(): for i in xrange(lx): if hit[i]: xvecnew[i] = min[i] + delta[i] return xvecnew
[docs] def metropolisStep(xvec,pval,pfunc,pfuncargs=None, min=None,max=None,stepnorm=1.0): """ Make a random movement, accept or reject accordint to metropolis alg. xvec - xvec state of the vector of coordinates (list, tuple or array) pval - probability value associated to the xvec position pfunc - maps the xvec position in N-Dim space to a probability pfuncargs - passed to pfunc, put pfunc arguments there return 1. True if accepted, False if rejected 2. accepted or old xvec position 3. probability accepted point, pval retuned if not acc. """ xnext = randomWalkStep(xvec,min=min,max=max,stepnorm=stepnorm) if pfuncargs is None: pnext = pfunc(xnext) else: pnext = pfunc(xnext,pfuncargs) if pnext > pval: return True,xnext,pnext else: p = pnext/pval r = random.random() if r < p: return True,xnext,pnext else: return False,xvec,pval
[docs] def randomWalkIntStep(xvec,xvecsize): """ Make a random movement on a vector of integer coordinates xvec - current state of the vector of integers (list, tuple or array) xvecsize - vector with the maximum allowed value per each coordinate return 1. list with the next position 2. index of the changed coordinate 3. +1 if changed in positive direction, -1 if negative """ next = list(xvec) n = len(xvec) - 1 i = random.randint(0,n) s = 2*random.randint(1,2) - 3 next[i] = next[i] + s if next[i] > xvecsize[i] or next[i] < 0: next,i,s = randomWalkStep(xvec,xvecsize) return next,i,s
[docs] def metropolisIntStep(xvec,xvecsize,xvecVal,pfunc,pfuncargs=None): """ Make a random movement, accept or reject accordint to metropolis alg. xvec - xvec state of the vector of integers (list, tuple or array) xvecsize - vector with the maximum allowed value per each coordinate xvecVal - probability value associated to the xvec position pfunc - maps the xvec position in N-Dim space to a probability pfunc must accept 2 arguments, xvec and pfuncargs pfuncargs - passed to pfunc, put pfunc arguments there return 1. True if accepted, False if rejected 2. list with the accepted or old position 3. index of the changed coordinate, (-1 if no change) 4. +1 if changed in positive direction, -1 if negative, 0 if no change 5. function value of the accepted point, xvecVal retuned if not acc. """ xnext,i,s = randomWalkStep(xvec,xvecsize) xnextVal = pfunc(xnext,pfuncargs) if xnextVal > xvecVal: return True,xnext,i,s,xnextVal else: p = xnextVal/xvecVal r = random.random() if r < p: return True,xnext,i,s,xnextVal else: return False,xvec,-1,0,xvecVal
[docs] def WignerWalkQuantumStep(qnum,M_amu,w,radius2,min=None,max=None): """ Make a random movement on a vector of real (float) coordinates bound on a 1D sphere of radius [radius] radius2 - radius squared of the sphere min - minimum value for each coordinate max - maximum value for each coordinate return - next random position """ M = M_amu * au2am radius = sqrt(2.0 *radius2) accepted = False if qnum == 0: qref = 0 else: qref = radius # [T]=[V] for HO pref = qref while not accepted: pos = random.random() - 0.5 q1D = radius * sin(pi*pos) p1D = 1.0/radius * cos(pi*pos) * np.sign(pos) # von Neumann scheme #print (q1D**2 + p1D**2) if qnum == 0: ratio = (1/np.pi) * exp( - q1D**2 - p1D**2 ) else: ratio = (1/np.pi) * exp( - ( q1D - qref )**2 - (p1D - pref)**2 ) if ratio > random.random(): accepted = True xvecnext1D = np.array([q1D, p1D], dtype=float) return xvecnext1D
[docs] def WignerQuantumStep(M_nmode,w_nmode,qnum_nmode,min=None,max=None): """ Make a random movement for generating Wigner distribution M_nmode - N masses of normal modes w_nmode - N energies of normal modes qnum_nmode - N quantum numbers of normal modes return xnext - coordinates and momenta """ hbar = 1.0 ncoords = len(w_nmode) xnext = np.zeros(2*ncoords, dtype=float) # [q,p] 2N vector for i in range(ncoords): # energy of the normal modes ET_nmode = hbar * (float(qnum_nmode[i]) + 0.5) * float(w_nmode[i]) #print ET_nmode # generate a 2-unit vector on sphere of radius squared [ET_nmode] # [q,p] xnext1D = WignerWalkQuantumStep(qnum_nmode[i],M_nmode[i],w_nmode[i],ET_nmode,min=min,max=max) # scale unit of q and p backwards xnext[i] = xnext1D[0] #* sqrt(2.0) # q xnext[i+ncoords] = xnext1D[1] #* sqrt(2.0) # p # return xnext
############################################################################## # --- Statistical Functions --- ##############################################################################
[docs] def rmsError(list1,list2,energy=30.0): global table pardict = parametersS0.paramsFromList(parlist) err = 0.0 n = 0 for q in table: if(q[7]<energy): err = err + (potevb(q[0:7],pardict)-q[7])**2 n = n+1 err = err/float(n) err = err**0.5 return err,n
############################################################################## # --- Orthonormal functions --- ##############################################################################
[docs] def generateOrthonormalSpace(vs,n): """ Given an initial vector generate n-1 additional orthonormal vectors Discrete orthonormality is preserved: dot(v_n,v_m) = delta(n,m) v0 - initial vector n - size of orthonormal space generated """ m = len(vs) if n > m: raise ValueError("n > m, maximum m orthonormal vectors can be generated") v0 = np.asarray(vs) vspace = np.zeros((n,m),type(v0[0])) vspace[0] = v0 x = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,m+2)[1:-1] for i in range(1,n): vspace[i] = np.sin((i+1)*np.pi*x) # particle in a box excited states gramSchmidt(vspace) return vspace
[docs] def gramSchmidt(vecs): """ Perform a Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization on a given list of arrays vecs -- list of arrays to orthonormalize """ vecs[0] = vecs[0] / sqrt(np.vdot(vecs[0],vecs[0])) if len(vecs) > 1: for i in range(1,len(vecs)): for j in range(0,i): vecs[i] = vecs[i] - np.vdot(vecs[j],vecs[i])*vecs[j] vecs[i] = vecs[i] / np.sqrt(np.vdot(vecs[i],vecs[i]))
############################################################################## # --- Function analysis --- ##############################################################################
[docs] def convolutionFilter(input,fwhm,step=None,lbound=None,hbound=None, filter='gaussian',externalFilter=None): """ Filter the x,y input array with a gaussian filter input -- x,y input array fwhm -- full width at half maximum of the filter step -- discretization interval in the abcisas axis lbound -- lower bound of for the output data hbound -- higher bound for the output data filter -- string: type of function used for filtering, gaussian and lorentzian shapes are implemented externalFilter -- externally provided function for filtering, must take two parameters: x - value of the abcisa b - center of the filter return: an x,y array with the convolved function """ if externalFilter: f=externalFilter else: if filter == 'gaussian': def f(x,b): k = 4.0*math.log(2.0) N = 2.0*math.log(2.0)/np.sqrt(math.pi) N = N/fwhm return N*np.exp(-k*((x-b)/fwhm)**2) elif filter == 'ngaussian': def f(x,b): sigma = fwhm / (2.*np.sqrt(2.*math.log(2.))) N = 1./sigma/np.sqrt(2*np.pi) return N*np.exp(- (x-b)**2 / 2./ sigma**2) elif filter == 'lorentzian': def f(x,b): k=0.5*fwhm k=k*k return k/((x-b)**2 + k) elif filter == 'nlorentzian': def f(x,b): k=0.5*fwhm return k / ((x-b)**2 + k**2) / np.pi if lbound is None: lbound=input[0][0] if hbound is None: hbound=input[0][-1] if step is None: step=fwhm*0.05 xvec = np.arange(lbound,hbound+step,step) nstep = len(xvec) xrange = xvec[-1] - xvec[0] yinp = np.zeros(nstep,float) # Map input data to the inp array for i,x in enumerate(input[0]): xi = (x-lbound)/step ii = int(np.round(xi)) yinp[ii] = yinp[ii] + input[1][i] # I(w) = Sum_t Func(t)*Filt(w-t) yout = np.array([,xvec),yinp) for t in xvec]) return np.array([xvec,yout])
[docs] def voigtConvolution(input, fwhm_gauss, fwhm_lor, step=None, lbound=None, hbound=None): """ Compute the convolution with the Voigt profile input -- x,y input array fwhm_gauss -- full width at half maximum of the Gaussian function fwhm_lor -- full width at half maximum of the Lorentz function step -- discretization interval in the abcisas axis lbound -- lower bound of for the output data hbound -- higher bound for the output data return: an x,y array with the convolved function """ def f(x,b): # Voigt profile sigma = fwhm_gauss / (2.*np.sqrt(2.*math.log(2.))) z = ((x-b) + 1j*fwhm_lor) / sigma / np.sqrt(2.) # complex error function from scipy.special.wofz return np.real(wofz(z)) / sigma / np.sqrt(2*np.pi) if lbound is None: lbound=input[0][0] if hbound is None: hbound=input[0][-1] if step is None: step=min(fwhm_gauss, fwhm_lor)*0.05 xvec = np.arange(lbound,hbound+step,step) nstep = len(xvec) xrange = xvec[-1] - xvec[0] yinp = np.zeros(nstep,float) # Map input data to the inp array for i,x in enumerate(input[0]): xi = (x-lbound)/step ii = int(np.round(xi)) yinp[ii] = yinp[ii] + input[1][i] # I(w) = Sum_t Func(t)*Filt(w-t) yout = np.array([,xvec),yinp) for t in xvec]) return np.array([xvec,yout])
[docs] def Convolution(f, g, dt, **option): """ Compute convolution integral. It can be used to convolve two functions of different length (number of points), but the initial and final domain points (x or t coordinate) must coincide. The resulting function has the same initial and final domain points (x or t coordinate) as the input functions. If the input functions (f and g) have different spacing than output function (specified by dt), spline interpolation of order kspline will be used to approximate the necessary points. Parameters: ----------- f, g : 1D array_like function to be convolved. dt : float interval of the co-domain (convolved) function. method : string, default: 'simp', optional integration method to be used. 'trapz' for trapezoidal rule, 'simp' for Simpson rule npoints : int, default: max(len(f), len(g)) length of output function. kspline : int {1-5}, default: 3, optional spline order of interpolation of f and/or g (if the interpolation is to be done). Interpolation is to be done on f/g if npoints is different compare to len(f)/len(g). Returns ------- fog : 1D numpy.ndarray convolution integral of f and g function. """ # evaluating options method = option.get('method', 'simps') npoints = option.get('npoints',max(len(f), len(g))) kspline = option.get('kspline', 3) # making domain of f and g which has the dt spacing tspan = dt * (npoints - 1) tline = np.linspace(0.0, tspan, npoints) # ensure that the functions are in numpy array func_f = np.asarray(f) func_g = np.asarray(g) # do interpolation if necessary if len(func_g) != npoints: gline = np.linspace(0.0, tspan, len(func_g)) fspline = sip.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(gline, func_g, k=kspline) func_g = fspline(tline) if len(func_f) != npoints: fline = np.linspace(0.0, tspan, len(func_f)) fspline = sip.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(fline, func_f, k=kspline) func_f = fspline(tline) rfunc_g = ReverseArray(func_g) # integration method int_method = {'simp':si.simps, 'trapz':np.trapz} if method != 'simp' and method != 'trapz': method = 'simp' convolution = np.zeros(npoints) # if number of points is odd if npoints % 2: shifting_const = (npoints - 1) / 2 else: # if number of points is even shifting_const = npoints / 2 # do integration for each shifting for i in xrange(npoints): shifting = i - shifting_const integrand = func_f * ShiftArray(rfunc_g, shifting, periodic=False) convolution[i] = int_method[method](integrand, dx = dt) return convolution
[docs] def FourierTransform(y, dt, **option): """ Compute Fourier transform Parameters: ----------- y : 1D array_like function to be Fourier transformed. dt : float interval of the domain function. method : string, default: 'simp', optional integration method to be used. 'trapz' for trapezoidal rule, 'simp' for Simpson rule t_init : float, default: 0.0, optional initial point of the domain function. window : string, default: None, optional Window function or apodization or tapering function to minimize the leakage of Fourier transformation. see for a quick reference. Currently, the window functions implemented here are: Blackman function: 'blackman' see numpy.blackman Bartlett function: 'bartlett' see numpy.bartlett Hamming function: 'hamming' see numpy.hamming Hann function: 'hanning' or 'hann' see numpy.hanning usage : {'phys', 'math'}, default: 'phys', optional usage of the Fourier transform: 'phys': mostly for physics application, it means using angular frequency, (2pi*f), thus the inverse is asymmetric. 'math': mostly for mathematics application, it means using normal frequency, thus the inverse is symmetric. f_range : tuple of float, default: if usage='phys' (-pi/dt, pi/dt), if usage='math' (-0.5/dt, 0.5/dt), optional minimum frequency and maximum frequency. npoints : int, default: len(y), optional number of points of transformed domain function. symmetry : {'gen', 'even', 'odd'}, default: 'gen', optional symmetry of the function y to be transformed. 'gen': general, the exponential function will be used. 'even': even function, cosine transform will be used. 'odd': odd function, sine transform will be used. if symmetry is 'even' or 'odd', the t_init will be set to 0.0 Returns ------- fline, FT_func : (list) fline : 1D numpy.ndarray Domain of transformed function (frequency domain) FT_func : 1D numpy.ndarray Fourier transform of y function. """ # ensure the function is numpy array func = np.asarray(y, dtype=complex) # get the length of the func Ntpts = len(func) # evaluating options method = option.get('method', 'simp') t_init = option.get('t_init', 0.0) window = option.get('window', None) usage = option.get('usage', 'phys') npoints = option.get('npoints', Ntpts) symmetry = option.get('symmetry', 'gen') if usage == 'math': f_range = option.get('f_range', (-0.5/dt, 0.5/dt)) else: f_range = option.get('f_range', (-np.pi/dt, np.pi/dt)) fmin = f_range[0] fmax = f_range[1] Nsegments = Ntpts - 1 spanT = dt * Nsegments NptWindow = Ntpts # number of point to construct window function if symmetry == 'even' or symmetry == 'odd': t_init = 0.0 # in symmetric condition, initial point is always at 0.0 NptWindow = 2 * Ntpts - 1 # number of point of func is doubled when the symmetry (even or odd) is used # for applying window function t_end = t_init + spanT tline = np.linspace(t_init, t_end, Nsegments + 1) if usage == 'phys': factor = 1.0 else: factor = 2.0 * np.pi fline = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, npoints) # integration method int_method = {'simp':si.simps, 'trapz':np.trapz} if method != 'simp' and method != 'trapz': method = 'simp' FT_func = np.zeros(npoints, dtype=complex) # Window function if window == None: pfunc = func else: window = window.lower() if window == 'blackman': window_fn = np.blackman(NptWindow) elif window == 'bartlett': window_fn = np.bartlett(NptWindow) elif window == 'hamming': window_fn = np.hamming(NptWindow) elif window == 'hanning' or window == 'hann': window_fn = np.hanning(NptWindow) else: window = None window_fn = 1.0 if symmetry == 'even' or symmetry == 'odd': window_fn = window_fn[Ntpts - 1:] # take only second half of the window function pfunc = func * window_fn if symmetry == 'even': for i, alpha in enumerate(fline): integrand = alpha * tline * factor integrand = pfunc * np.cos(integrand) FT_func[i] = 2.0 * int_method[method](integrand, dx = dt) elif symmetry == 'odd': for i, alpha in enumerate(fline): integrand = alpha * tline * factor integrand = pfunc * np.sin(integrand) FT_func[i] = 2.0 * 1.0j * int_method[method](integrand, dx = dt) else: for i, alpha in enumerate(fline): integrand = -alpha * tline * factor integrand = pfunc * np.exp(1.0j * integrand) FT_func[i] = int_method[method](integrand, dx = dt) return fline, FT_func
############################################################################## # --- OTHER functions --- ##############################################################################
[docs] def wignerHarmonic1D(q,p,m,w,hbar=1.0,q0=0.0,p0=0.0): """ Compute a probability density in phase space for the harmonic case. Given a point in phase space compute the probability density using the wigner transform of the vibrational ground state in harmonic approximation. The wigner transform of a gaussian is another gaussian. If hbar is not specified atomic units are assumed. q -- position in phase space p -- momentum in phase space m -- mass w -- frequency of the harmonic oscillator """ qexp = math.exp(-(m*w/hbar)*(q-q0)**2) pexp = math.exp(-(1.0/(m*w*hbar))*(p-p0)**2) return (1.0/(hbar*math.pi))*qexp*pexp
[docs] def wignerE(q,p,m,w,hbar=1.0): e = 0.0 for i in range(len(q)): e += (m*w/hbar)*(q[i])**2 e += (1.0/(m*w*hbar))*(p[i])**2 return e
[docs] def wignerEFT(q,p,m,w,temp,hbar=1.0): e = 0.0 for i in range(len(q)): f = math.tanh((hbar*w)/(2.0*KBAU*TEMP)) e += (f*m*w/hbar)*(q[i])**2 e += (f/(m*w*hbar))*(p[i])**2 return e
[docs] def wignerHarmonicND(q,p,m,w,hbar=1.0): """ Compute a probability density in phase space for the N-Dim harmonic case. Given a point in phase space compute the probability density using the wigner transform of the vibrational ground state in harmonic approximation. The wigner transform of a gaussian is another gaussian. If hbar is not specified atomic units are assumed. q -- list of positions in phase space p -- list of momenta in phase space m -- list of masses w -- list of harmonic frequencies """ wprob = 1.0 for i in range(len(q)): wprob = wprob*wignerHarmonic1D(q[i],p[i],m[i],w[i],hbar) return wprob
[docs] def wignerHarmonicFT1D(q,p,m,w,beta,hbar=1.0,q0=0.0,p0=0.0): """ Compute a probability density in phase space at finite temperature If hbar is not specified atomic units are assumed. q -- position in phase space p -- momentum in phase space m -- mass w -- frequency of the harmonic oscillator beta -- 1/kbT """ f = math.tanh((beta*hbar*w)/(2.0)) qexp = math.exp(-(f*m*w/hbar)*(q-q0)**2) pexp = math.exp(-(1.0*f/(m*w*hbar))*(p-p0)**2) return (1.0*f/(hbar*math.pi))*qexp*pexp
[docs] def wignerHarmonicFTND(q,p,m,w,beta,hbar=1.0): """ Compute a probability density in phase space for the N-Dim harmonic case at finite temperature If hbar is not specified atomic units are assumed. q -- list of positions in phase space p -- list of momenta in phase space m -- list of masses w -- list of harmonic frequencies beta -- 1/kbT """ wprob = 1.0 for i in range(len(q)): wprob = wprob*wignerHarmonicFT1D(q[i],p[i],m[i],w[i],beta,hbar) return wprob
[docs] def corrspec(corr,dt,**opts): """ Compute spectrum of a correlation function Parameters ---------- corr : array_like 1D complex array with correlation function. dt : float time interval between correlation values; [au] Options ------- eref : float; 0.0 energy shift, e.g. zero point energy; [au] emin : float; 0.0 start of spectrum counting from eref; [au] emax : float; 0.0 (calculated from dt if not given) end of spectrum counting from eref; [au] npoints : int; 500 number of discrete points where spectrum is evaluated between emin and emax EP : bool; False if True, multiplication of spectrum with energy factor ncos : int; 1 exponent of the cosine damping function """ eref = opts.get('eref',0.0) emin = opts.get('emin',0.0) emax = opts.get('emax',0.0) npoints = opts.get('npoints',500) EP = opts.get('EP',False) ncos = opts.get('ncos',1) a = np.asarray(corr) maxwidth = 2.0*math.pi/dt eminspec = eref + emin emaxspec = eref + emax if emax <= emin: emaxspec = eminspec + maxwidth T = (len(a) - 1)*dt tlist = np.linspace(0.0,T,len(a)) elist = np.linspace(eminspec,emaxspec,npoints) spect = np.zeros(len(elist),float) cos_damp = np.cos(0.5*math.pi*tlist/T)**ncos adamp = a*cos_damp for i,energy in enumerate(elist): tmp = energy*tlist*1.0j tmp = np.exp(tmp) tmp = tmp*adamp spect[i] = tmp.sum()*dt spect[i] = spect[i].real if EP: spect = spect*(elist-eref) return elist-eref,spect
[docs] def makeMesh(f,grid,ctype=float): """ make a mesh of f at the positions of a product grid f -- function depending on N variables grid -- tuple or list of N 1D arrays which define the primitive grid on return: a N-D array with the values of f at the grid points. """ from .Iterators import MultiCounter dim = len(grid) indexes = [] for i in range(dim): indexes.append(len(grid[i])) z=np.zeros(indexes,ctype) x=np.zeros(dim,float) mc = MultiCounter() mc.setPointersN(0,dim) mc.setMaxIter(indexes) for p in mc: for i in range(dim): x[i]=grid[i][p[i]] z[p]=f(x) return z
[docs] def bssrSumOfStates(freqs,emax,m,E0=0.0): """ Beyer-Swinehart-Stein-Rabinovitch (BSSR) sum of states for harmonic systems freqs: list of vibrational frequencies (hbar * omega) emax: maximum energy related to the ZPE m: discretization for the sum E0: energy offset (can be a reaction barrier if dealing with a TS) On return four lists containing: E : binned energy units N(E) : number of states at energy E (+- dE) rho(E) : density of states at energy E S(E) : sum of states up to energy E """ t = np.zeros(m+1,float) ta = np.zeros(m+1,float) e = np.zeros(m+1,float) f = np.array(freqs) fzpe = f/2.0 # zero point energies of the modes zpe = fzpe.sum() # zero point energy of the system EMAX = emax # Absolute maximum energy dE = emax/m E0 = E0 + zpe R0 = int(divmod(E0,dE)[0]) t[R0] = 1.0 ta[R0] = 1.0 for i in range(m+1): e[i] = i*dE for l,fmode in enumerate(f): k = 1 Ek = fmode*k Rk = int(divmod(Ek,dE)[0]) while Ek < emax: for j in range(m-Rk+1): ta[Rk+j] = ta[Rk+j] + t[j] k += 1 Ek = fmode*k Rk = int(divmod(Ek,dE)[0]) t[:] = ta for i in range(1,m+1): ta[i] = ta[i] + ta[i-1] return e,t,t/dE,ta
[docs] def classicalSumOfStates(freqs,emax,m,E0=0.0): """ Classical approximation to the sum of states for harmonic systems See: W.H. Miller, JACS 101, 6810 (1979) freqs: list of vibrational frequencies (hbar * omega) emax: maximum energy related to the ZPE m: discretization for the sum E0: energy offset (can be a reaction barrier if dealing with a TS) On return four lists containing: E : binned energy units N(E) : number of states at energy E (+- dE) rho(E) : density of states at energy E S(E) : sum of states up to energy E """ from scipy.misc import factorial E = np.zeros(m+1,float) f = np.array(freqs) fzpe = f/2.0 # zero point energies of the modes zpe = fzpe.sum() # zero point energy of the system EMAX = emax # Absolute maximum energy dE = emax/m # discretization s = len(f) for i in range(m+1): E[i] = i*dE E[0] = 1e-8 sfac = factorial(s,exact=0) den = sfac* N = (E-E0)**s/den for i in range(m*1): if E[i] >= E0: continue if E[i] < E0: N[i] = 0.0 RhoE = s*N/E nE = RhoE*dE return E,nE,RhoE,N
[docs] def GaussianFunction(x, **option): """ Gaussian function Parameters: ----------- x : 1D array_like variable domain. xbar : float, default: 0.0, optional mean value std : float, default: 1.0, optional standard deviation fwhm : float, default: None, optional full width at half maximum. If fwhm is None (or non-positive number), the std (standard deviation) will be used. If fwhm is present, then it is used in to calculate std. fwhm = 2.0 * std * sqrt(2.0 * ln 2.0) norm : bool, default: True, optional if norm == True, the gaussian function is normalized else, its pre-factor is 1.0 Returns: -------- Gaussian function """ xbar = option.get('xbar', 0.0) std = option.get('std', 1.0) norm = option.get('norm', True) fwhm = option.get('fwhm', None) if fwhm != None and fwhm > 0.0: std = fwhm / (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0))) A = 1.0 if norm: A = 1.0 / (std * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi)) gaussian = A * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - xbar)/std)**2) return gaussian
[docs] def gaussian_moments(x, y, mode='area'): """ First and second moment (mean value and width) and height for Gaussian peak fitting The return values of this function can be used as a starting point in fit optimization. Parameters: x : 1D array_like (x values) y : 1D array_like (y / data values) mode : string, default: None, optional 'area' - height is determined such that the area below the peak is preserved 'max' - height is determined to maximum data value 'mean' - height is set to mean data value Returns: mean, width, height """ mean = np.sum( x * y ) / np.sum ( y ) width = np.sqrt( np.abs( np.sum( ( x - mean )**2 * y ) / np.sum( y ))) if mode=='area': if x.size==1: height = np.max(y) else: dx = x[1]-x[0] height = np.sum( dx * y ) / width / np.sqrt( 2.0 * np.pi ) elif mode=='max': height = np.max( y ) elif mode=='mean': height = np.mean( y ) return mean, width, height
[docs] def boltzmann_weights(e_tot, T_K=300): """ Calculates the Boltzmann weights of an ensemble Parameters: e_tot - array of energies of the ensemble T_K - ensemble temperature [Kelvin, default: 300] Returns: array of Boltzmann weights for the ensemble """ e_tot = e_tot - np.min(e_tot) beta = 1. / ( cv.FPC_K_B_EV * T_K ) # Boltzmann constant [eV/K] zsum = np.sum( np.exp( - e_tot * beta )) return np.exp( - e_tot * beta) / zsum
[docs] def calc_rdf(r_xyz, ix_A, ix_B, dr=0.1, a=15.96455): ''' Calculate radial distribution function (pair correlation function) for Type A - Type B from a trajectory snapshot obeying the minimum image convention Cf. Levine et al, J Comp Phys 230, 3556 (2011) Normalized to box volume and particle number(s) Bin centered (like VMD output) Parameters: r_xyz - array with xyz atom coordinates (single frame) ix_A - row indices of atom type A in r_xyz ix_B - row indices of atom type B in r_xyz dr - bin size [default: 0.1 an] a - box length [default: 15.96455 an from CP2K trajectories] Returns: r - r values (ordinate) g - radial distribution function (abscissa) ''' rmax = a / 2. # minimum image convention PBC dist = _calc_distances_levine(r_xyz, ix_A, ix_B, a=a) r = np.arange(0, rmax, dr) p = np.zeros_like(r) # To ensure correct normalization, calculate histogram by hand for i in range(r.size): for j in range(r.size + 1): r_kappa = j * dr if r_kappa <= r[i] < r_kappa + dr: for k in range(dist.shape[0]): for l in range(dist.shape[1]): if k==l: continue if r_kappa <= dist[k,l] < r_kappa + dr: p[i] += 1 # Normalize RDF to volume V = a**3 g = p / 4.0 / np.pi / dr / (r + dr/2.)**2 * V # Normalize RDF to particle number if np.all(ix_A == ix_B): g = g / ix_A.size / (ix_A.size - 1) else: g = g / ix_A.size / ix_B.size return r + dr/2., g
[docs] def angle(v1, v2, deg=False): ''' Return the angle between vectors v1, v2 deg - if True, use degree, else rad ''' a = np.arccos(, v2) / np.linalg.norm(v1) / np.linalg.norm(v2) ) if deg: return a*180./np.pi return a
############################################################################## # --- INTERNAL functions --- ############################################################################## def _calc_distances_levine(r_xyz, ix_A, ix_B, a=15.96455): ''' Calculate pair-wise distances between atom types A and B Parameters: r_xyz - array with xyz atom coordinates (single frame) ix_A - row indices of atom type A in r_xyz ix_B - row indices of atom type B in r_xyz a - box length [default: 15.96455 an from CP2K trajectories] Returns: pairwise distances, array-shaped ( len(ix_A), len(ix_B) ) ''' r = np.zeros( [ len(ix_A), len(ix_B), 3 ] ) for j in range(ix_A.size): for k in range(ix_B.size): r_jk = np.abs( r_xyz[ix_A[j]] - r_xyz[ix_B[k]] ) for i in range(3): if r_jk[i] <= a/2.: r[j,k,i] = r_jk[i] else: r[j,k,i] = a - r_jk[i] return np.sqrt( r[:,:,0]**2 + r[:,:,1]**2 + r[:,:,2]**2 ) def _segment(vect,point): """Given a list of ordered values and a value, what is the index of the point at the left of the given point? vect -- list of ordered values point -- value on return, an index (integer). The returned index is always at least 0 and at maximum len(vect)-2 """ if point < vect[0]: return 0 if point > vect[len(vect)-1]: return len(vect)-2 for i in range(len(vect)-1): if point > vect[i] and point < vect[i+1]: return i return 0 def _toPeriodic(xg,yg,order=4): """Modify xg and yg vectors for a periodic interpolation of order "order" xg -- list of x values yg -- list of y(x) values order -- maximum order of the interpolation """ if len(xg) < order: error = "error in periodic interpolation, too few points" raise ValueError(error) xgnew = [] ygnew = [] xlast = xg[len(xg)-1] dx = xg[1]-xg[0] for i in range(len(xg)): xgnew.append(xg[i]) ygnew.append(yg[i]) for i in range(order): xgnew.append(xlast+dx*(i+1)) xgnew.insert(0,xg[0]-dx*(i+1)) ygnew.append(yg[i]) ygnew.insert(0,yg[len(yg)-1-i]) return xgnew,ygnew
[docs] def lag(x, n): """ Compute the hypergeometric Laguerre polynomial Ln(x) """ # Lm(x) [0]-[n] ord. poly = np.zeros(n+1, dtype=float) poly[0] = 1 poly[1] = 1 - x m = 2 while m < (n + 1): mf = float(m) poly[m] = ((2*mf-1-x) * poly[m-1] - (mf-1) * poly[m-2]) / mf m += 1 return poly[n]
[docs] def distributionFromList(l,fwhm,nstep=100,lbound=None,hbound=None): """ Generate a distribution from a 1D list of values using a Gaussian kernel l - 1D array with data fwhm - full width at half maximum of the Gaussian kernel nstep - number of discrete output points lbound - lower bound of output; hbound - higher bound of output """ lrange = l.max() - l.min() if lbound is None: lbound = l.min() - 0.1*lrange if hbound is None: hbound = l.max() + 0.1*lrange x = np.linspace(lbound,hbound,nstep) y = np.zeros(len(x),float) for i,xp in enumerate(x): for xl in l: y[i] = y[i] + _gaussian(xl-xp,fwhm) return x,y
__k = 4.0*math.log(2.0) __N = 4.0*math.log(2.0)/math.pi def _gaussian(x,fwhm=1.0,norm=True): N = __N/fwhm if norm: return N*np.exp(-__k*((x)/fwhm)**2) else: return np.exp(-__k*((x)/fwhm)**2)
[docs] def uniformPointsWithinSphere(center, n=100, r=1.0): """ Draw a uniform distribution of points within a sphere around center Draw uniform vector within cube containing sphere, and discard if not within sphere Parameters: center - center of the sphere n - number of points [default: 100] r - sphere radius [default: 1.0] Return: Coordinates of n points """ ndim = len(center) r_xyz = [] m = 0 while m < n: v = np.random.uniform(-r,r,ndim) if np.linalg.norm(v) <= r: r_xyz.append(v + center) m += 1 return np.asarray(r_xyz)