Source code for CDTK.Tools.MolecularMechanics

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
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#*  **************************************************************************

import numpy as np

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as cv
import CDTK.Tools.WaterModel as wm

[docs] class MolecularMechanics(object): """ ... """ def __init__(self, **opts): """ Initialize the MM region ... """ self.natoms_qm = None # Atoms in QM region # Actual atom labels, positions and velocities # MM region before point charge transformation self.R = [] self.V = [] self.atomlist = [] self.atommasses = [] self.atommasses3 = [] # XMOLECULE input form # Point charge values from water model self.x_R = [] self.x_V = [] self.x_C = [] # point charges self.x_M = [] # corresponding masses may be fractional self.x_M3 = [] self.x_L = [] # point charge labels # Gradients between regions self.grad_qm_mm = [] # QM grad comes from QM part self.grad_mm_mm = [] self.grad_mm_qm = [] # Coordinates of the QM region self.qm_R = [] self.qm_V = [] self.qm_atomlist = [] self.qm_M = [] # Integration steps need also gradient from last time steps? # MM values self.dt = opts.get('dt', 0.1*cv.fs2au) # MM time step self.mode = opts.get('mode', 'electron') # Water model or electron self.t = opts.get('t', 0.0) # may have its own time if different dt def _step(self): """ Move the whole MM region for one time step This step may be different e.g. for the classical electron """ pass
[docs] def update_grad_mm_mm(self): """ Gradient MM region -> MM region """ pass
[docs] def update_grad_mm_qm(self): """ Gradient MM region -> QM region """ self.grad_mm_qm = np.zeros(len(self.qm_R)) if self.mode == 'SPC': # Lennart-Jones potential for i,l_qm in enumerate(self.qm_atomlist): if l_qm=='O': for j,l_mm in enumerate(self.atomlist): if l_mm=='O': r_OO = self.qm_R[3*i:3*i+3] - self.R[3*j:3*j+3] self.grad_mm_qm[3*i:3*i+3] = wm.lennard_jones_gradient( r_OO, mode='SPC' ) else: print('MM to QM gradient not yet implemented for ' + self.mode) pass
[docs] def mm_to_point_charge(self,qce='xmolecule',mode='electron'): """ Returns point charge positions and charge values from atomic input in MM region Modes: -------------------- electron - classical electron as point charge SPC - single point charge water model TIP4P/2005f TODO """ # TODO set mode here or in class if qce=='xmolecule': if mode=='electron': if len(self.atomlist) == 1 and self.atomlist[0]=='e': self.x_R = self.R self.x_C = np.array([-1.0]) self.x_V = self.V self.x_M = self.atommasses self.x_M3 = self.atommasses3 self.x_L = ['X'] else: raise ValueError('Can only have one classical electron') elif mode=='SPC': self.x_R = self.R self.x_V = self.V self.x_M = np.tile(1e3, len(self.atommasses)) self.x_M3 = np.tile(1e3, 3*len(self.atommasses)) self.x_L = np.tile('X', len(self.atommasses)) # point charges from SPC tmp_C = [] for lab in self.atomlist: if lab=='O': tmp_C.append( wm.waterModel[mode]['q_O'] ) elif lab=='H': tmp_C.append( wm.waterModel[mode]['q_H'] ) else: raise ValueError('Unknown atom label for SPC: ' + lab) self.x_C = np.asarray(tmp_C) elif mode=='TIP4P/2005f': raise ValueError( mode + ' not yet implemented') else: raise ValueError( mode + ' not valid') else: raise ValueError('mm_to_point charge only implemented for QCE XMolecule') return self.x_R, self.x_C