Source code for CDTK.Tools.TaylorAPES

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# Taylor expansion of the adiabatic potential energy surfaces at the Franck Condon point
# Methods for generating the coefficients and writing the MCTDH operator file

import numpy as np

import sys, getopt
import os
import re

import CDTK
import CDTK.Interfaces.GamessUSInterface as gi
import CDTK.Tools.NormalModeAnalysis as nm
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as cv

[docs] def cda_gradient(a,b,h): """ Gradient @ X0 by central difference approximation a - f[X0 + h] b - f[X0 - h] h - step size """ return (a - b) / 2.0 / h
[docs] def cda_curvature(a,b,c,d,e,h): """ Curvature @X0 by central difference approximation a - f[X0 + 2h] b - f[X0 + h] c - f[X0] d - f[X0 - h] e - f[X0 - 2h] h - step size """ return (-a + 16*b - 30*c + 16*d - e) / 12.0 / h / h
[docs] def cda_crossterm(a,b,c,d,h): """ Cross term by central difference approximation a - f[X0 + h e_i + h e_j] b - f[X0 + h e_i - h e_j] c - f[X0 - h e_i + h e_j] d - f[X0 - h e_i - h e_j] h - step size """ return (a - b - c + d) / 4.0 / h / h
[docs] def calc_coeffs_diag(gs, Lx, X0, i, h, gap=None): """ Calculate the first and second Taylor coefficients for displacements along Lx[i] gs - GamessUSInterface object for MCSCF calculation Lx - Normal mode array with normal modes in rows X0 - ground state equilibrium geometry [Angstrom] i - Normal mode index h - step size gap - Energies of electronic states at the center as np array (optional) """ if gap is None: gap = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(X0 * cv.an2au)[0]) a = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(nm_translate(X0, Lx[i], 2*h)*cv.an2au)[0]) b = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(nm_translate(X0, Lx[i], h)*cv.an2au)[0]) c = gap d = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(nm_translate(X0, Lx[i], -h)*cv.an2au)[0]) e = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(nm_translate(X0, Lx[i], -2*h)*cv.an2au)[0]) return cda_gradient(b,d,h), cda_curvature(a,b,c,d,e,h)
[docs] def calc_coeffs_diag_koopmans(gs, Lx, X0, i, h, gap=None): """ Calculate the first and second Taylor coefficients for displacements along Lx[i] Koopmans level of theory gs - GamessUSInterface object for CIS calculation Lx - Normal mode array with normal modes in rows X0 - ground state equilibrium geometry [Angstrom] i - Normal mode index h - step size gap - Energies of electronic states at the center as np array (optional) """ if gap is None: gap = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(X0 * cv.an2au)) a = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(nm_translate(X0, Lx[i], 2*h)*cv.an2au)) b = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(nm_translate(X0, Lx[i], h)*cv.an2au)) c = gap d = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(nm_translate(X0, Lx[i], -h)*cv.an2au)) e = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(nm_translate(X0, Lx[i], -2*h)*cv.an2au)) return cda_gradient(b,d,h), cda_curvature(a,b,c,d,e,h)
[docs] def calc_coeffs_cross(gs, Lx, X0, i, j, h): """ Calculate the second order cross Taylor coefficient along Lx[i],Lx[j] gs - GamessUSInterface object for MCSCF calculation Lx - Normal mode array with normal modes in rows X0 - ground state equilibrium geometry [Angstrom] i, j - Normal mode indices h - step size """ ixa = np.array([i,j]) a = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(nm_translate(X0, Lx[ixa], h*np.array([1,1]))*cv.an2au)[0]) b = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(nm_translate(X0, Lx[ixa], h*np.array([1,-1]))*cv.an2au)[0]) c = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(nm_translate(X0, Lx[ixa], h*np.array([-1,1]))*cv.an2au)[0]) d = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(nm_translate(X0, Lx[ixa], h*np.array([-1,-1]))*cv.an2au)[0]) return cda_crossterm(a,b,c,d,h)
[docs] def calc_coeffs_cross_koopmans(gs, Lx, X0, i, j, h): """ Calculate the second order cross Taylor coefficient along Lx[i],Lx[j] CI singles level of theory gs - GamessUSInterface object for CIS calculation Lx - Normal mode array with normal modes in rows X0 - ground state equilibrium geometry [Angstrom] i, j - Normal mode indices h - step size """ ixa = np.array([i,j]) a = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(nm_translate(X0, Lx[ixa], h*np.array([1,1]))*cv.an2au)) b = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(nm_translate(X0, Lx[ixa], h*np.array([1,-1]))*cv.an2au)) c = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(nm_translate(X0, Lx[ixa], h*np.array([-1,1]))*cv.an2au)) d = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(nm_translate(X0, Lx[ixa], h*np.array([-1,-1]))*cv.an2au)) return cda_crossterm(a,b,c,d,h)
[docs] def nm_translate(X0, Lx, dist): """ Calculate coordinates for translation along normal modes. X0 - initial position Lx - vector of cartesian normal modes dist - vector of distances """ dist = np.asarray(dist) dist = np.array(dist, copy=False, ndmin=1) Lx = np.array(Lx, copy=False, ndmin=2) if dist.size != Lx.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Given distances did not match given modes.') if Lx.shape[1] != X0.size: raise ValueError('Dimensions of normal mode and initial position did not match.') X = X0 for i in range(dist.size): X = X + dist[i] * Lx[i] return X
[docs] def atomic_masses(atomicSymbols): """ Return atomic masses from periodic table for each coordinate [A.U.] atomicSymbols - list of atomic symbols """ M = np.zeros(len(atomicSymbols)*3) for i,asym in enumerate(atomicSymbols): M[3*i:3*i+3] = cv.periodicTable[asym]['atomic_mass'] * cv.am2au return np.asarray(M)
[docs] def shift_energies_zero(e): """" Shift array of energies such that the lowest one is zero e - array of energies """ return e - e.min()
[docs] def coeffs_x_to_q_mfw(a, mu, w): ''' Transform coefficient vector / matrix a from cartesian to mass and frequency weighted coordinates a.x to alpha.Q x.g.x to Q.gamma.Q a - object to be transformed mu - reduced masses w - frequencies ''' CxQ = np.diag([np.sqrt(mu[i]*w[i]) for i in range(w.size)]) CQx = np.linalg.inv(CxQ) if len(a.shape)==1: # vector return, CQx) elif len(a.shape)==2 and a.shape[0]==a.shape[1]: # matrix return,, CQx)) else: raise ValueError('a must be vector / square matrix')
[docs] def calc_coefficients(gs, Lx, X0, h, save='', ix1=None, ix2=None, gap=None, grad=None, curv=None, verbose=False, mcscf=True): """ Calculate all coefficients for a Taylor series expansion at a given evaluation point Gap, gradient (kappa_i) and curvatures (gamma_i,j) calculated in Cartesian normal mode coordinates (cnmc) gs - GamessUSInterface object with options set for MCSCF calculation Lx - cartesian normal modes X0 - evaluation point [Angstrom] h - step size save - save coefficients in given path after completing one outer loop (default: don't) ix1 - pass row index (i) where the coefficients should be calculated (default: calculate all coefficients) ix2 - pass column index (j) where the coefficients should be calculated (default: calculate all coefficients) verbose - print runtime information if True (default: False) gap,grad,curv - np arrays can be passed mcscf - if TRUE, use MCSCF level of theory for calculating the PES. If FALSE, use Koopmans (default: TRUE) """ dof = Lx.shape[0] if gap is None: if mcscf: gap = np.asarray(gs.mcscf(X0 * cv.an2au)[0]) else: gap = np.asarray(gs.energy_HF_KOOPMANS(X0 * cv.an2au)) if verbose: print('Finished calculating gap') else: if verbose: print('Using provided values for gap') if save:'cnmc_gap', gap) if grad is None: grad = np.zeros([dof, gs.nstate]) if curv is None: curv = np.zeros([dof, dof, gs.nstate]) if ix1 is not None and ix2 is not None: if ix1 == ix2: if verbose: print('Calculating diagonal coefficients: ' + str(ix1)) if mcscf: grad[ix1,:],curv[ix1,ix1,:] = calc_coeffs_diag(gs, Lx, X0, ix1, h, gap=gap) else: grad[ix1,:],curv[ix1,ix1,:] = calc_coeffs_diag_koopmans(gs, Lx, X0, ix1, h, gap=gap) if save:'cnmc_grad_{0:02d}'.format(ix1), grad[ix1,:])'cnmc_curv_{0:02d}_{1:02d}'.format(ix1, ix2), curv[ix1, ix1, :]) if verbose: print('Created cnmc_grad_{0:02d}.npy'.format(ix1)) print('Created cnmc_curv_{0:02d}_{1:02d}'.format(ix1, ix2)) else: if verbose: print('Calculating cross terms: ' + str(ix1) + ', ' + str(ix2)) if mcscf: curv[ix1,ix2,:] = calc_coeffs_cross(gs, Lx, X0, ix1, ix2, h) else: curv[ix1,ix2,:] = calc_coeffs_cross_koopmans(gs, Lx, X0, ix1, ix2, h) curv[ix2,ix1,:] = curv[ix1,ix2,:] if save:'cnmc_curv_{0:02d}_{1:02d}'.format(ix1, ix2), curv[ix1, ix2, :]) if verbose: print('Created curv_{0:02d}_{1:02d}'.format(ix1, ix2)) else: for i in range(dof): if verbose: print('Calculating diagonal coefficients: ' + str(i)) if mcscf: grad[i,:],curv[i,i,:] = calc_coeffs_diag(gs, Lx, X0, i, h, gap=gap) else: grad[i,:],curv[i,i,:] = calc_coeffs_diag_koopmans(gs, Lx, X0, i, h, gap=gap) for j in range(i+1,dof): if verbose: print('Calculating cross terms: ' + str(i) + ', ' + str(j)) if mcscf: curv[i,j,:] = calc_coeffs_cross(gs, Lx, X0, i, j, h) else: curv[i,j,:] = calc_coeffs_cross_koopmans(gs, Lx, X0, i, j, h) curv[j,i,:] = curv[i,j,:] if save: write_coefficients('TaylorAPESCoefficients{0:02d}.dat'.format(i+1),\ grad,curv,i,comment='Cartesian coordinates (x)') return gap, grad, curv
[docs] def write_coefficients(fname, grad, curv, ix, comment=''): """ Write the coefficients given in grad, curv [ix] to fname """ nstate = grad.shape[-1] grad_template = ' grad{elix}_{ix:02d}\t= {v:.8f}\n' curv_template = ' curv{elix}_{ix1:02d}_{ix2:02d}\t= {v:.8f}\n' with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(comment + '\n') for i in range(nstate): f.write(grad_template.format(elix=i+1,ix=ix+1,v=grad[ix,i])) f.write(curv_template.format(elix=i+1,ix1=ix+1,ix2=ix+1,v=curv[ix,ix,i])) for j in range(ix+1,grad.shape[0]): f.write(curv_template.format(elix=i+1,ix1=ix+1,ix2=j+1,v=curv[ix,j,i]))
[docs] def write_mctdh_op(opfile, freq, gap, grad, curv, title): """ Write an MCTDH operator file for Taylor model Hamiltonian opfile - target file name freq - eigenfrequencies of normal modes gap - for each electronic state, energy gap (scalar) grad - for each electronic state, gradient (vector) curv - for each electronic state, curvature (matrix) """ dof = freq.size nstate = gap.size # Line templates ef_template = ' w{ix:02d}\t= {v:.8f}\n' ml_template = ' L{ix:02d} |' egap_template = ' egap{elix}\t= {v:.8f}\n' grad_template = ' grad{elix}_{ix:02d}\t= {v:.8f}\n' curv_template = ' curv{elix}_{ix1:02d}_{ix2:02d}\t= {v:.8f}\n' op_ke_template = ' -0.5*w{ix:02d}\t|{mix}\tdq^2\n' op_egap_template = ' egap{elix}\t|1 S{elix}&{elix}\n' op_grad_template = ' grad{elix}_{ix:02d}\t|1 S{elix}&{elix}\t|{mix}\tq\n' op_curv_template = ' 0.5*curv{elix}_{ix1:02d}_{ix1:02d}\t|1 S{elix}&{elix}\t' + '|{mix1:02d}\tq^2\n' op_cross_template = ' curv{elix}_{ix1:02d}_{ix2:02d}\t|1 S{elix}&{elix}\t' + '|{mix1:02d}\tq\t|{mix2:02d}\tq\n' tc_string = '' ml_string = '' ef_string = '' op_ke_string = '' op_pot_string = '' # Fill in te mplates for i,w in enumerate(freq): ef_string = ef_string + ef_template.format(ix=i+1, v=w) ml_string = ml_string + ml_template.format(ix=i+1) op_ke_string = op_ke_string + op_ke_template.format(ix=i+1, mix=i+2) # Fill in Taylor series coefficients for i in range(nstate): tc_string = tc_string + egap_template.format(elix=i+1, v=gap[i]) for j in range(dof): tc_string = tc_string + grad_template.format(elix=i+1, ix=j+1, v=grad[j,i]) for k in range(j,dof): tc_string = tc_string + curv_template.format(elix=i+1, ix1=j+1, ix2=k+1, v=curv[j,k,i]) # Fill in gap terms for i in range(nstate): op_pot_string = op_pot_string + op_egap_template.format(elix=i+1) # Fill in linear terms for i in range(nstate): for j in range(dof): op_pot_string = op_pot_string + op_grad_template.format(elix=i+1, ix=j+1, mix=j+2) # Fill in quadratic terms for i in range(nstate): for j in range(dof): op_pot_string = op_pot_string + op_curv_template.format(elix=i+1, ix1=j+1, mix1=j+2) # Fill in cross terms for i in range(nstate): for j in range(dof): for k in range(j+1, dof): op_pot_string = op_pot_string + op_cross_template.format(elix=i+1, \ ix1=j+1, ix2=k+1, mix1=j+2, mix2=k+2) context = {'title':title, 'eigenfreqs':ef_string, 'mode-labels':ml_string, 'taylorcoeffs':tc_string, 'kinetic':op_ke_string, 'potential':op_pot_string} with open(opfile, 'w') as f: path = CDTK.CDTKPATH + '/CDTK/Tools/' f.write(open(path + 'TaylorAPES_MCTDH_OP_TEMPLATE').read().format(**context))
[docs] def parse_gamess_options(path, p, func=[]): """ Parse GAMESS options from a text file Format: parameter=value """ try: gso = open(path + '/gamess_options.dat').read().split('\n') except: return None for g in gso: if,g): g = g.split('=') if func: return func(g[-1]) return g[-1] return None
[docs] def main(argv): """ python --opfile=opfile, --title=title, --step=step, --inputpath=inputpath opfile - name of the MCTDH operator file title - MCTDH operator title step - step size in coefficient calculation inputpath - path with gamess options and initial geometry Calculate Taylor coefficients with gamess options given in inputpath X0 (equilibrium geometry) and Hessian (cartesian) may be given in inputpath. Else, will be calculated from X0_guess.dat (xyz initial coordinates in inputpath). Saves MCTDH operator file in inputpath/opfile. """ opts,args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'o:t:s:i:', ['opfile=', 'title=', 'step=', 'inputpath=']) # Default values for command line options path = '.' h = 0.01 title = 'Untitled operator' opfile = 'untitled.op' for o,a in opts: if o in ('-o', '--opfile'): opfile = a elif o in ('-t', '--title'): title = a elif o in ('-i', '--inputpath'): path = a elif o in ('-s', '--step'): h = float(a) gs = gi.gamess() gs.atomicSymbols = parse_gamess_options(path,'atomicSymbols',eval) gs.atomicNumbers = parse_gamess_options(path,'atomicNumbers',eval) gs.ngauss = parse_gamess_options(path,'ngauss',int) gs.gbasis = parse_gamess_options(path,'gbasis',eval) # Optimize geometry if os.path.isfile(path + '/X0.dat'): print('Using geometry from ' + path + '/X0.dat') X0 = np.loadtxt(path + '/X0.dat') else: X0_guess = np.loadtxt(path + '/X0_guess.dat') X0 = gs.optimize(X0_guess * cv.an2au) np.savetxt(path + '/X0.dat', X0) # Normal modes if os.path.isfile(path + '/'): print('Using Hessian from ' + path + '/') H = np.loadtxt(path + '/') else: H = gs.hessian(X0*cv.an2au) np.savetxt(path + '/', H) M = atomic_masses(gs.atomicSymbols) w,L = nm.normal_modes_from_HessianCart(H,M) Lx,mu = nm.q_mw_to_x(M,L) N_atoms = X0.size/3 w = w[-3*N_atoms+6:] L = L[-3*N_atoms+6:] Lx = Lx[-3*N_atoms+6:] mu = mu[-3*N_atoms+6:] np.savetxt(path + '/w.dat', w) np.savetxt(path + '/Lx.dat', Lx) np.savetxt(path + '/mu.dat', mu) print('Frequencies [cm-1]') for ww in w: print(int(ww*cv.au2ic)) # GAMESS object for MCSCF energy calculation gs2 = gi.gamess() gs2.atomicSymbols = parse_gamess_options(path,'atomicSymbols',eval) gs2.atomicNumbers = parse_gamess_options(path,'atomicNumbers',eval) gs2.icharg = parse_gamess_options(path,'icharg',int) gs2.ngauss = parse_gamess_options(path,'ngauss',int) gs2.gbasis = parse_gamess_options(path,'gbasis',eval) gs2.mult = parse_gamess_options(path,'mult',int) = parse_gamess_options(path,'sz',float) gs2.nels = parse_gamess_options(path,'nels',int) gs2.ncore = parse_gamess_options(path,'ncore',int) gs2.nact = parse_gamess_options(path,'nact',int) gs2.nstate = parse_gamess_options(path,'nstate',int) gs2.wstate = parse_gamess_options(path,'wstate',eval) print('Running GAMESS MCSCSF energy calculation with paramters:') print('atomicSymbols=' + str(gs2.atomicSymbols)) print('atomicNumbers=' + str(gs2.atomicNumbers)) print('icharg=' + str(gs2.icharg)) print('mult=' + str(gs2.mult)) print('sz=' + str( print('ngauss=' + str(gs2.ngauss)) print('gbasis=' + str(gs2.gbasis)) print('nels=' + str(gs2.nels)) print('ncore=' + str(gs2.ncore)) print('nact=' + str(gs2.nact)) print('wstate=' + gs2.wstate) # Calculate coefficients print('Calculating coefficients ...') gap, grad, curv = calc_coefficients(gs2, Lx, X0, h, save=path) gap_check = np.array(gs2.mcscf(X0*cv.an2au)[0]) # Check if calculation in the subroutines is done with correct units etc assert np.allclose(gap, gap_check) # Transform to mass and frequency weighted coordinates grad_mw = np.zeros_like(grad) curv_mw = np.zeros_like(curv) for i in range(grad_mw.shape[-1]): grad_mw[:,i] = coeffs_x_to_q_mfw(grad[:,i],mu,w) curv_mw[:,:,i] = coeffs_x_to_q_mfw(curv[:,:,i],mu,w) gap_shifted = shift_energies_zero(gap) write_mctdh_op(opfile,w,gap_shifted,grad_mw,curv_mw,title)
if __name__=='__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])