Source code for CDTK.Tools.VibronicCouplingModel

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
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# Analysis: coherence, tr[rho^2], parameter sets, time

import os
import re
import numpy as np
import datetime
import shutil
import tarfile

TINY = 1.e-15 # smaller numbers considered to be zero
MAX_GRID_EDGE_AMPLITUDE = 1.e-3 # Maximum tolerated amplitude at final grid pts
MAX_NATURAL_WEIGHT = 1.e-4 # Maximum natural weight at highest SPF

[docs] class VibronicCouplingModel(object): def __init__(self, **opts): # Operator parameters self.w1 = opts.get('w1', 0.01) self.w2 = opts.get('w2', 0.01) = opts.get('gap', 0.0) self.off_gap = opts.get('off_gap', 0.0) # linear coupling, intra-state self.kappa_1_1 = opts.get('kappa_1_1', 0.0) # el state index _ mode index self.kappa_1_2 = opts.get('kappa_1_2', 0.0) self.kappa_2_1 = opts.get('kappa_2_1', 0.0) self.kappa_2_2 = opts.get('kappa_2_2', 0.0) # linear coupling, inter-state self.lambda_1 = opts.get('lambda_1', 0.0) self.lambda_2 = opts.get('lambda_2', 0.0) # quadratic coupling, intra-state self.gamma_1_11 = opts.get('gamma_1_11', 0.0) self.gamma_1_12 = opts.get('gamma_1_12', 0.0) self.gamma_1_22 = opts.get('gamma_1_22', 0.0) self.gamma_2_11 = opts.get('gamma_2_11', 0.0) self.gamma_2_12 = opts.get('gamma_1_12', 0.0) self.gamma_2_22 = opts.get('gamma_2_22', 0.0) # quadratic coupling, inter-state self.mu_12 = opts.get('mu_12', 0.0) # Initial center of the gaussian wavepacket self.q1start = opts.get('q1start', 0.0) self.q2start = opts.get('q2start', 0.0) # Input parameters = opts.get('name', 'vibronic_coupling') # MCTDH target dir self.opname = opts.get('opname', 'vibronic_coupling') # MCTDH op name self.pes = opts.get('pes', False) # Write PES file self.pq1n = opts.get('pq1n', 100) # Primitive basis functions Q1 self.pq2n = opts.get('pq2n', 100) # Primitive basis functions Q2 self.pq1xi = opts.get('pq1xi', -5.0) # xi Q1 self.pq1xf = opts.get('pq1xf', 5.0) # xf Q1 self.pq2xi = opts.get('pq2xi', -5.0) # xi Q2 self.pq2xf = opts.get('pq2xf', 5.0) # xi Q2 self.tfinal = opts.get('tfinal', 10.0) # time [fs] self.tout = opts.get('tout', 0.05) self.tpsi = opts.get('tpsi', 0.1) self.spfq1s1 = opts.get('spfq1s1', 1) # SPF multi-set functions self.spfq1s2 = opts.get('spfq1s2', 1) self.spfq2s1 = opts.get('spfq2s1', 1) self.spfq2s2 = opts.get('spfq2s2', 1) self.acoeff1 = opts.get('acoeff1',1.0) self.acoeff2 = opts.get('acoeff2',1.0) # Run and post run files self.results_dir = opts.get('results_dir','') self.keep_mctdh_data = opts.get('keep_mctdh_data', False) self._inputfile = 'vibronic_coupling.inp' self._rdgpop = None # Support for additional harmonic oscillator modes self.multid = opts.get('multid', False) self.multid_w = opts.get('multid_w', None) self.multid_grad = opts.get('multid_grad', None) self.multid_curv = opts.get('multid_curv', None) self.columntitle = 'COLUMNTITLE' self.verbose = opts.get('verbose', False)
[docs] def spatial_resolution(self): """ Returns the spatial resolution for each mode """ return ((self.pq1xf-self.pq1xi)/self.pq1n,\ (self.pq2xf-self.pq2xi)/self.pq2n)
[docs] def distance_min(self): """ Returns the distance of the HO minima for each mode """ return np.array([(self.kappa_2_1 - self.kappa_1_1)/self.w1,\ (self.kappa_2_2 - self.kappa_1_2)/self.w2])
[docs] def set_spf(self, spf): """ Set all SPF numbers to spf """ self.spfq1s1 = spf self.spfq1s2 = spf self.spfq2s1 = spf self.spfq2s2 = spf
[docs] def set_xixfn(self, x, n): """ Set xi to -x, xf to x for all modes. Set # DVR to n for all modes. """ self.pq1xi = -x self.pq1xf = x self.pq2xi = -x self.pq2xf = x self.pq1n = n self.pq2n = n
[docs] def write_op(self): """ Fill in the MCTDH operator template for the vibronic coupling model. Write file. """ w_line_template = ' {w{ix:02d} = {v:.6f}\n' kinetic_line_template = ' w{ix:02d} |{mode_ix:d} dq^2\n' potential_line_template = ' w{ix:02d} |{mode_ix:d} q^2\n' label_line_template = ' | L{ix:02d} ' # TODO gradient and mode-mode couplings in additional modes w_template = '' kinetic_template = '' potential_template = '' label_template = '' if self.multid: for i,v in enumerate(self.multid_w): print(i) print(v) label_template = label_template \ + label_line_template.format(ix=i+1) w_template = w_template + w_line_template.format(ix=i+1, v=v) kinetic_template = kinetic_template \ + kinetic_line_template.format(ix=i+1,mode_ix=i+4) potential_template = potential_template \ + potential_line_template.format(ix=i+1,mode_ix=i+4) t = open(self.opname + '.op.template').read() with open(self.opname + '.op', 'w') as f: f.write(t.format(w1 = self.w1, w2 = self.w2, gap =, off_gap = self.off_gap, kappa_1_1 = self.kappa_1_1, kappa_1_2 = self.kappa_1_2, kappa_2_1 = self.kappa_2_1, kappa_2_2 = self.kappa_2_2, lambda_1 = self.lambda_1, lambda_2 = self.lambda_2, gamma_1_11 = self.gamma_1_11, gamma_1_12 = self.gamma_1_12, gamma_1_22 = self.gamma_1_22, gamma_2_11 = self.gamma_2_11, gamma_2_12 = self.gamma_2_12, gamma_2_22 = self.gamma_2_22, mu_12 = self.mu_12, additional_dof_w = w_template, additional_dof_mode_labels = label_template, additional_dof_kinetic = kinetic_template, additional_dof_potential = potential_template ))
[docs] def write_inp(self): """ Fill in the MCTDH input template for the vibronic coupling model. Write file. """ spf_line_template = ' L{ix:02d} = 1,1\n' pbs_line_template = ' L{ix:02d} HO 61 xi-xf -3.0 3.0\n' initwf_line_template = ' L{ix:02d} HO 0.0 0.0 1.0\n' spf_template = '' pbs_template = '' initwf_template = '' if self.multid: for i in range(self.multid_w.shape[0]): spf_template = spf_template + spf_line_template.format(ix=i+1) pbs_template = pbs_template + pbs_line_template.format(ix=i+1) initwf_template = initwf_template + initwf_line_template.format(ix=i+1) t = open('vibronic_coupling.inp.template').read() with open(self._inputfile, 'w') as f: f.write(t.format(name =, opname = self.opname, pq1n = self.pq1n, pq2n = self.pq2n, pq1xi = self.pq1xi, pq1xf = self.pq1xf, pq2xi = self.pq2xi, pq2xf = self.pq2xf, tfinal = self.tfinal, tout = self.tout, tpsi = self.tpsi, spfq1s1 = self.spfq1s1, spfq1s2 = self.spfq1s2, spfq2s1 = self.spfq2s1, spfq2s2 = self.spfq2s2, q1start = self.q1start, q2start = self.q2start, acoeff1real = self.acoeff1.real, acoeff1imag = self.acoeff1.imag, acoeff2real = self.acoeff2.real, acoeff2imag = self.acoeff2.imag, additional_dof_spf = spf_template, additional_dof_pbs = pbs_template, additional_dof_initwf = initwf_template ))
[docs] def write_results(self, t_fs, dat, fname): """ Write results file for use in GNUPLOT etc print parameters print t - dat to fname """ try: f = open(fname, 'w') except: print('Failed to open + ' + fname) return f.write('# Results from MCTDH run\n') f.write('# Vibronic coupling model Hamiltonian\n') f.write(self.print_parameters()) f.write('t[fs]\t' + self.columntitle + '\n') for i in range(t_fs.size): f.write('{0:.4f}\t{1:.4f}\n'.format(t_fs[i], dat[i])) f.close()
[docs] def print_parameters(self): """ Return formatted string with all model parameters """ t = ''' # Current parameter set: # w1={w1}, w2={w2} # kappa_1 = ({kappa_1_1}, {kappa_1_2}), # kappa_2 = ({kappa_2_1}, {kappa_2_2}), # gamma_1 = (({gamma_1_11}, {gamma_1_12}),({gamma_1_12}, {gamma_1_22})) # gamma_2 = (({gamma_2_11}, {gamma_2_12}),({gamma_2_12}, {gamma_2_22})) # gap = {gap}, off_gap = {off_gap} # lambda_1 = {lambda_1}, lambda_2 = {lambda_2}, mu_12 = {mu_12} # ----------------- # {multi_d} # ----------------- # A-coeff: ({acoeff1real}, {acoeff1imag}) ; ({acoeff2real}, {acoeff2imag}) # Q1: {pq1n} xi-xf {pq1xi} {pq1xf} | SPF: {spfq1s1},{spfq1s2} # Q2: {pq2n} xi-xf {pq2xi} {pq2xf} | SPF: {spfq2s1},{spfq2s2} ''' if self.multid: multi_d = 'MULTI-D' else: multi_d = 'No additional DOF' return t.format(w1=self.w1, w2=self.w2, kappa_1_1=self.kappa_1_1, kappa_1_2=self.kappa_1_2, kappa_2_1=self.kappa_2_1, kappa_2_2=self.kappa_2_2, gamma_1_11=self.gamma_1_11, gamma_1_12=self.gamma_1_12, gamma_1_22=self.gamma_1_22, gamma_2_11=self.gamma_2_11, gamma_2_12=self.gamma_2_12, gamma_2_22=self.gamma_2_22,, off_gap=self.off_gap, lambda_1=self.lambda_1, lambda_2=self.lambda_2, mu_12=self.mu_12, multi_d = multi_d, acoeff1real=self.acoeff1.real, acoeff1imag=self.acoeff1.imag, acoeff2real=self.acoeff2.real, acoeff2imag=self.acoeff2.imag, pq1n=self.pq1n, pq2n=self.pq2n, pq1xi=self.pq1xi, pq1xf=self.pq1xf, pq2xi=self.pq2xi, pq2xf=self.pq2xf, spfq1s1=self.spfq1s1, spfq1s2=self.spfq1s2, spfq2s1=self.spfq2s1, spfq2s2=self.spfq2s2 )
[docs] def run_mctdh(self): """ Run MCTDH. Make name directory if it does not exist. Overwrite name directory if it exists. """ # TODO mnd self.write_inp() self.write_op() os.system('mctdh85 -w ' + self._inputfile) # Analyze rdgpop cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(cwd + '/' + os.system('rdgpop85 2 0 > rdgpop.dat') os.chdir(cwd) if not rdgpop_OK( + '/rdgpop.dat'): if self.verbose: print(self.print_parameters()) raise ValueError('WARNING: rdgpop failed') # Analyze rdcheck # Single SPF allowed if self.spfq1s1==1 and self.spfq1s2==1 and self.spfq2s1==1 and self.spfq2s2==1: print('Skipped rdcheck: 1 SPF for each mode') else: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(cwd + '/' + os.system('rdcheck85 0 0 > rdcheck.dat') os.chdir(cwd) if not rdcheck_OK( + '/rdcheck.dat'): if self.verbose: print(self.print_parameters()) raise ValueError('WARNING: rdcheck failed') # Calculate coherence and tr[rho^2] t_fs, nrm, d11, d12, d22 = get_dm_t( + '/expectation') dm = rho(d11,d12,d22) coh=coherence(dm) tr_sq = trace_squared(dm) # Target directory now = rd = self.results_dir + '/{0:4d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}_{3:02d}-{4:02d}-{5:02d}'.format(now.year, \ now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) os.makedirs(rd) self.write_results(t_fs, coh, rd + '/coherence.dat') self.write_results(t_fs, tr_sq, rd + '/tr_sq.dat') print('Results written to ' + rd) # Calculate potential energy surface if set if self.pes: os.system('mctdh85 -pes -w ' + self._inputfile) # Move all MCTDH runtime data to target directory if self.keep_mctdh_data: with + '/mctdh_runtime_data.tar.gz','w:gz') as tf: for mf in os.listdir( tf.add( + '/' + mf)
################################################################################ ### TOOLS ETC. ################################################################################
[docs] def get_dm_t(fname): """ Get density matrix elements from expectation file Expected format: t_fs Norm DM11 DM12 DM22 """ try: data = np.genfromtxt(fname) except: print('File does not exist: ' + fname) return t_fs = data[:,0] nrm = data[:,1] d11 = data[:,2] + 1j*data[:,3] d12 = data[:,4] + 1j*data[:,5] d22 = data[:,6] + 1j*data[:,7] return t_fs, nrm, d11, d12, d22
[docs] def rdgpop_OK(fname): """ Analyze output of 'rdgpop85 <n> <f>' Return True if the density at the edge of the position grid / the final edge of the basis grid does not exceed MAX_GRID_EDGE_AMPLITUDE """ try: f = open(fname) except: print('Could not open ' + fname) return None patt1 = r'^\s*#\s*dof\s*grid' patt2 = r'^-----' grid_begin = [] grid_end = [] basis_begin = [] basis_end = [] line = f.readline() while line: if,line): line = f.readline() while not,line): l = map(float, line.split()[2:]) grid_begin.append(l[0]) grid_end.append(l[1]) basis_begin.append(l[2]) basis_end.append(l[3]) line = f.readline() line = f.readline() f.close() if np.any(np.asarray(grid_begin) > MAX_GRID_EDGE_AMPLITUDE): print('*** grid begin') return False if np.any(np.asarray(grid_end) > MAX_GRID_EDGE_AMPLITUDE): print('*** grid end') return False if np.any(np.asarray(basis_end) > MAX_GRID_EDGE_AMPLITUDE): print('*** basis end') return False return True
[docs] def rdcheck_OK(fname): """ Analyze output of 'rdcheck85 0 0' Return True if the natural weight of the highest SPF does not exceed MAX_NATURAL_WEIGHT """ try: f = open(fname) except: raise ValueError('Could not open ' + fname) patt1 = r'^ Maximum over time of lowest nat\.-weight' patt2a = r'^\s+3' # only consider modes 1 + 2 patt2b = r'^------' # if only 2 modes given nat_weight = [] line = f.readline() while line: if,line): line = f.readline() # skip the line after patt1 line = f.readline() while not (,line) or, line)): l = map(float, line.split()[1:]) [nat_weight.append(ll) for ll in l] line = f.readline() line = f.readline() f.close() if np.any(np.asarray(nat_weight) > MAX_NATURAL_WEIGHT): print('*** rdcheck') return False return True
[docs] def rho(dm11, dm12, dm22): """ Construct time dependent 2x2 density matrix from elements """ rho = np.zeros([dm11.size, 2, 2], dtype='complex') for i in range(dm11.size): rho[i,:,:] = np.array([[dm11[i], dm12[i]],\ [np.conjugate(dm12[i]),dm22[i]]]) return rho
[docs] def coherence(rho): """ Calculate the coherence from a time-dependent 2x2 density matrix rho rho[i, :, :] = rho(t[i]) Returns |rho12| / sqrt(rho11 * rho22) """ coh = np.zeros(rho.shape[0]) for i in range(rho.shape[0]): if np.any(np.isclose(rho[i,:,:], 0.0)): coh[i] = 0.0 else: coh[i] = np.abs(rho[i,0,1]) / np.sqrt(np.abs(rho[i,0,0]) * np.abs(rho[i,1,1])) return coh
[docs] def trace_squared(rho): """ Calculate the squared trace from a time-dependent 2x2 density matrix rho rho[i, :, :] = rho(t[i]) Returns Tr[rho^2] """ tr_sq = np.zeros(rho.shape[0]) for i in range(rho.shape[0]): tt = np.trace([i],rho[i])) if not np.allclose(tt.imag, 0.0): raise ValueError tr_sq[i] = tt.real return tr_sq