Source code for CDTK.an_waterGeom

#!/usr/bin/env python

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#*  (at your option) any later version.
#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#*  GNU General Public License for more details.
#*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#*  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#*  **************************************************************************

import numpy as np
import os,sys
from optparse import OptionParser

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as cv

# Calculate geometrical quantities along water cluster trajectory
# Works for pure quantum regions and 3-site water models

[docs] def start(): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse command line options # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- parser=OptionParser() parser.add_option('--dt', dest='dt', type='float', default=1.0, help='Time step to calculate geometrical quantities along trajectory [fs]') parser.add_option('-q','--quiet', action='store_false', dest='verbose', default=True, help='Specify print level') opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start program # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_QM = np.genfromtxt('atommass') natoms_QM = len(m_QM) nmols_QM = natoms_QM // 3 if os.path.exists('MM_atommass'): m_MM = np.genfromtxt('MM_atommass') natoms_MM = len(m_MM) else: natoms_MM = 0 nmols_MM = natoms_MM // 3 rlog = np.genfromtxt('R.log') tstride = int( opts.dt / (rlog[1,0] - rlog[0,0]) / cv.au2fs) t = rlog[::tstride,0] * cv.au2fs r = rlog[::tstride,1:] * cv.au2an r = r.reshape( [len(t), natoms_QM + natoms_MM, 3] ) r_QM = r[:,:natoms_QM] r_MM = r[:,natoms_QM:] # intramolecular bond lengths QM region d_OH1_QM = np.linalg.norm( r_QM[:,::3] - r_QM[:,1::3], axis=-1 ) d_OH2_QM = np.linalg.norm( r_QM[:,::3] - r_QM[:,2::3], axis=-1 ) # intramolecular bond lengths MM region d_OH1_MM = np.linalg.norm( r_MM[:,::3] - r_MM[:,1::3], axis=-1 ) d_OH2_MM = np.linalg.norm( r_MM[:,::3] - r_MM[:,2::3], axis=-1 ) # intramolecular angle QM region alpha_QM = np.arccos( np.sum( (r_QM[:,1::3] - r_QM[:,::3])*(r_QM[:,2::3] - r_QM[:,::3]), axis=-1 ) / d_OH1_QM / d_OH2_QM) * 180. / np.pi # intramolecular angle MM region alpha_MM = np.arccos( np.sum( (r_MM[:,1::3] - r_MM[:,::3])*(r_MM[:,2::3] - r_MM[:,::3]), axis=-1 ) / d_OH1_MM / d_OH2_MM) * 180. / np.pi # intermolecular next neighbor d_ix = np.arange(nmols_QM + nmols_MM)*3 d_OO = np.empty([len(t), nmols_QM + nmols_MM]) for j,ix in enumerate(d_ix): dists = np.linalg.norm( r[:,None,ix] - r[:,d_ix[d_ix!=ix]], axis=-1 ) d_OO[:,j] = np.min(dists,axis=1) # next oxygen point charge to QM hydrogens d_ix = np.arange(nmols_QM)*3 d_OH = np.empty([len(t), 2*nmols_QM]) for j,ix in enumerate(d_ix): dists = np.linalg.norm( r_QM[:,None,ix+1] - r_MM[:,::3], axis=-1 ) d_OH[:,2*j] = np.min(dists,axis=1) dists = np.linalg.norm( r_QM[:,None,ix+2] - r_MM[:,::3], axis=-1 ) d_OH[:,2*j+1] = np.min(dists,axis=1) # save distribution means / widths to text file m_d_OH1_QM = np.mean(d_OH1_QM,axis=1) w_d_OH1_QM = np.std(d_OH1_QM,axis=1) m_d_OH2_QM = np.mean(d_OH2_QM,axis=1) w_d_OH2_QM = np.std(d_OH2_QM,axis=1) m_alpha_QM = np.mean(alpha_QM,axis=1) w_alpha_QM = np.std(alpha_QM,axis=1) m_d_OH1_MM = np.mean(d_OH1_MM,axis=1) w_d_OH1_MM = np.std(d_OH1_MM,axis=1) m_d_OH2_MM = np.mean(d_OH2_MM,axis=1) w_d_OH2_MM = np.std(d_OH2_MM,axis=1) m_alpha_MM = np.mean(alpha_MM,axis=1) w_alpha_MM = np.std(alpha_MM,axis=1) m_d_OO = np.mean(d_OO,axis=1) w_d_OO = np.std(d_OO,axis=1) m_d_OH = np.mean(d_OH,axis=1) w_d_OH = np.std(d_OH,axis=1) lt = '{t:.4f} {M_oh1qm:.4f} {W_oh1qm:.4f}' lt += ' {M_oh2qm:.4f} {W_oh2qm:.4f}' lt += ' {M_aqm:.4f} {W_aqm:.4f}' lt += ' {M_oh1mm:.4f} {W_oh1mm:.4f}' lt += ' {M_oh2mm:.4f} {W_oh2mm:.4f}' lt += ' {M_amm:.4f} {W_amm:.4f}' lt += ' {M_oo:.4f} {W_oo:.4f}' lt += ' {M_oh:.4f} {W_oh:.4f}' with open('waterGeom.dat','w') as f: f.write('# CDTK water geometry analysis\n') f.write('# Mean and width of distributions\n') f.write('# t[fs] d_OH1_QM[an] d_OH2_QM[an] d_OH1_MM[an] d_OH2_MM[an] alpha_QM[deg] alpha_MM[deg] d_OO[an] d_OH[an]') f.write('\n') for i in range(len(t)): f.write(lt.format(t = t[i],\ M_oh1qm = m_d_OH1_QM[i],\ W_oh1qm = w_d_OH1_QM[i],\ M_oh2qm = m_d_OH2_QM[i],\ W_oh2qm = w_d_OH2_QM[i],\ M_oh1mm = m_d_OH1_MM[i],\ W_oh1mm = w_d_OH1_MM[i],\ M_oh2mm = m_d_OH2_MM[i],\ W_oh2mm = w_d_OH2_MM[i],\ M_aqm = m_alpha_QM[i],\ W_aqm = w_alpha_QM[i],\ M_amm = m_alpha_MM[i],\ W_amm = w_alpha_MM[i],\ M_oo = m_d_OO[i],\ W_oo = w_d_OO[i],\ M_oh = m_d_OH[i],\ W_oh = w_d_OH[i] ) ) f.write('\n') with open('distOH.dat','w') as f: f.write('# CDTK water geometry analysis\n') f.write('# For each hydrogen in QM region: distance to next oxygen in MM region\n') f.write('# t[fs] d_OH[an]') f.write('\n') for i in range(len(t)): f.write('{0:.4f}'.format(t[i])) for j,val in enumerate(d_OH[i]): f.write(' {0:.4f}'.format(val)) f.write('\n')
if __name__ == "__main__": start()