Source code for CDTK.gmxtopol2ffclass

#!/usr/bin/env python
#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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#*  (at your option) any later version.
#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#*  **************************************************************************
This module helps to transform gromacs topologies to cdtk forcefield classes
Not all possible topology options of a gromacs topology can be handled, specifically no '#input' options are treated.

from optparse import OptionParser

import numpy as np
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as cv

nm2bohr = cv.an2au * 10  # 18.8973
nm_ps2bohr_au = cv.an2au * 10 / (cv.fs2au * 1000)  # 4.571038e-04

[docs] def get_arg(): parser = OptionParser() parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] filename") parser.add_option( "-t", "--top_file", dest="gmxtopFile", type="str", default="", help="GMX .top file", ) return parser
[docs] def parse_top(filename): def process_defaults(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if len(fields) != 5: raise ValueError("[default] must have 5 fields") nbfunc, combrule, genpairs, fudgeLJ, fudgeQQ = fields fudgeLJ = float(fudgeLJ) fudgeQQ = float(fudgeQQ) nbfunc = int(nbfunc) combrule = int(combrule) ffparam["fudgeLJ"] = fudgeLJ ffparam["fudgeQQ"] = fudgeQQ ffparam["nbfunc"] = nbfunc if combrule == 1: ffparam["combrule"] = "geometric" elif combrule == 2: ffparam["combrule"] = "Lorentz-Berthelot" elif combrule == 3: ffparam["combrule"] = "OPLS" else: raise ValueError("unknown combination rule") def process_atomtypes(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if len(fields) == 8: atomtype, bondedtype, atomnum, mass, charge, parttype, v, w = fields elif len(fields) == 7: atomtype, bondedtype, mass, charge, parttype, v, w = fields atomnum = 0 elif len(fields) == 6: atomnum, mass, charge, parttype, v, w = fields # atomtype = a for a in cv.periodicTable[a]["atomic_number"] == int(atomnum) raise ValueError("[atomtypes] with 6 fields not supported") else: raise ValueError("[atomtypes] must have 6 or 8 fields") if not "atomtypes" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["atomtypes"] = {} if ffparam["combrule"] == "geometric": ffparam["atomtypes"][atomtype] = { "bondedtype": bondedtype, "atomnum": int(atomnum), "mass": float(mass), "charge": float(charge), "parttype": parttype, "C6": float(v), "C12": float(w), } else: ffparam["atomtypes"][atomtype] = { "bondedtype": bondedtype, "atomnum": int(atomnum), "mass": float(mass), "charge": float(charge), "parttype": parttype, "sigma": float(v), "epsilon": float(w), } def process_bondtypes(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if len(fields) != 5: raise ValueError("[bondtypes] must have 5 fields") ai, aj, func, b, k = fields if not "bondtypes" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["bondtypes"] = [] ffparam["bondtypes"].append({ "ti": ai, "tj": aj, "func": int(func), "b": float(b), "K": float(k), }) def process_moleculetype(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if len(fields) != 2: raise ValueError("[moleculetype] must have 2 fields") if not "moltype" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["moltype"] = [] name, nexcl = fields # ffparam["moltype"].append({"name": name, "nexcl": int(nexcl)}) ffparam["nexcl"] = int(nexcl) def process_atoms(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if len(fields) != 8: raise ValueError("[atoms] must have 7 fields") atomnumber, atomtype, resnum, resname, atomname, chargegroup, charge, mass = fields atomname = atomname.replace('_', '') if not "atomnames" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["atomnames"] = [] if atomname in ffparam["atomnames"]: print( f"# Warning: atomnames are not unique; Please use unique atom names\n# relabelling {atomname} to {atomname + atomnumber} ") atomname = atomname + atomnumber # raise ValueError(f"atom {atomname} already in atoms; please choose unique atomnames") ffparam["atomnames"].append(atomname) if not "atomtype" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["atomtype"] = [] ffparam["atomtype"].append(atomtype) if not "charges" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["charges"] = {} if not "masses" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["masses"] = {} if ffparam["combrule"] == "geometric": if not "C6" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["C6"] = {} if not "C12" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["C12"] = {} else: if not "epsilon" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["epsilon"] = {} if not "sigma" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["sigma"] = {} ffparam["charges"][atomname] = float(charge) ffparam["masses"][atomname] = float(mass) if ffparam["combrule"] == "geometric": C6 = ffparam["atomtypes"][atomtype]["C6"] C12 = ffparam["atomtypes"][atomtype]["C12"] ffparam["C6"][atomname] = C6 ffparam["C12"][atomname] = C12 else: epsilon = ffparam["atomtypes"][atomtype]["epsilon"] sigma = ffparam["atomtypes"][atomtype]["sigma"] ffparam["epsilon"][atomname] = epsilon ffparam["sigma"][atomname] = sigma def process_bonds(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if not "bonds" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["bonds"] = [] if len(fields) == 2: ai, aj = fields ati = ffparam["atomtype"][int(ai)-1] atj = ffparam["atomtype"][int(aj)-1] bti = ffparam["atomtypes"][ati]["bondedtype"] btj = ffparam["atomtypes"][atj]["bondedtype"] bondparameters = [bond for bond in ffparam["bondtypes"] if bond["ti"] == bti and bond["tj"] == btj or bond["tj"] == bti and bond["ti"] == btj] if (len(bondparameters) != 1): raise ValueError( f" found {len(bondparameters)} matching for bondtype {bti} {btj}") bondparameters = bondparameters[0] ffparam["bonds"].append({ "ai": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ai)-1], "aj": ffparam["atomnames"][int(aj)-1], "func": bondparameters["func"], "b": bondparameters["b"], "K": bondparameters["K"], }) elif len(fields) == 5: ai, aj, func, b, k = fields ffparam["bonds"].append({ "ai": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ai)-1], "aj": ffparam["atomnames"][int(aj)-1], "func": int(func), "b": float(b), "K": float(k), }) elif len(fields) != 5: raise ValueError("[bonds] must have 5 fields") def process_pairs(ffparam, line): return def process_angles(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if not "angles" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["angles"] = [] if len(fields) == 3: ai, aj, ak = fields ati = ffparam["atomtype"][int(ai)-1] atj = ffparam["atomtype"][int(aj)-1] atk = ffparam["atomtype"][int(ak)-1] bti = ffparam["atomtypes"][ati]["bondedtype"] btj = ffparam["atomtypes"][atj]["bondedtype"] btk = ffparam["atomtypes"][atk]["bondedtype"] angleparameters = [angle for angle in ffparam["angletypes"] if (angle["ti"] == bti and angle["tj"] == btj and angle["tk"] == btk) or (angle["tk"] == bti and angle["tj"] == btj and angle["ti"] == btk)] if (len(angleparameters) != 1): raise ValueError( f" found {len(angleparameters)} matching for bondtype {bti} {btj}") angleparameters = angleparameters[0] ffparam["angles"].append({ "ai": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ai)-1], "aj": ffparam["atomnames"][int(aj)-1], "ak": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ak)-1], "func": angleparameters["func"], "theta": angleparameters["theta"], "K": angleparameters["K"], }) elif len(fields) == 6: ai, aj, ak, func, theta, k = fields ffparam["angles"].append({ "ai": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ai)-1], "aj": ffparam["atomnames"][int(aj)-1], "ak": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ak)-1], "func": int(func), "theta": float(theta), "K": float(k), }) else: raise ValueError("[angles] must have 6 fields") def process_angletypes(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if len(fields) != 6: raise ValueError("[angletypes] must have 6 fields") ai, aj, ak, func, theta, k = fields if not "angletypes" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["angletypes"] = [] ffparam["angletypes"].append({ "ti": ai, "tj": aj, "tk": ak, "func": int(func), "theta": float(theta), "K": float(k), }) def process_dihedrals(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if not "dihedrals" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["dihedrals"] = [] if len(fields) == 4: ai, aj, ak, al = fields ati = ffparam["atomtype"][int(ai)-1] atj = ffparam["atomtype"][int(aj)-1] atk = ffparam["atomtype"][int(ak)-1] atl = ffparam["atomtype"][int(al)-1] bti = ffparam["atomtypes"][ati]["bondedtype"] btj = ffparam["atomtypes"][atj]["bondedtype"] btk = ffparam["atomtypes"][atk]["bondedtype"] btl = ffparam["atomtypes"][atl]["bondedtype"] dihedralparameters = [angle for angle in ffparam["dihedraltypes"] if (angle["ti"] == bti and angle["tj"] == btj and angle["tk"] == btk and angle["tl"] == btl) or (angle["tk"] == bti and angle["tl"] == btj and angle["ti"] == btk and angle["tj"] == btl) or (angle["tj"] == bti and angle["ti"] == btj and angle["tl"] == btk and angle["tk"] == btl) or (angle["tl"] == bti and angle["tk"] == btj and angle["tj"] == btk and angle["ti"] == btl) ] if (len(dihedralparameters) != 1): raise ValueError( f" found {len(dihedralparameters)} matching for dihedraltype {bti} {btj} {btk} {btl}") dihedralparameters = dihedralparameters[0] ffparam["dihedrals"].append({ "ai": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ai)-1], "aj": ffparam["atomnames"][int(aj)-1], "ak": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ak)-1], "al": ffparam["atomnames"][int(al)-1], "func": dihedralparameters["func"], "phiS": dihedralparameters["phiS"], "K": dihedralparameters["K"], "n": dihedralparameters["n"], }) elif len(fields) == 8: ai, aj, ak, al, func, phi, k, periodicity = fields ffparam["dihedrals"].append({ "ai": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ai)-1], "aj": ffparam["atomnames"][int(aj)-1], "ak": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ak)-1], "al": ffparam["atomnames"][int(al)-1], "func": int(func), "phiS": float(phi), "K": float(k), "n": int(periodicity), }) elif len(fields) == 11: ai, aj, ak, al, func, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 = fields ffparam["dihedrals"].append({ "ai": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ai)-1], "aj": ffparam["atomnames"][int(aj)-1], "ak": ffparam["atomnames"][int(ak)-1], "al": ffparam["atomnames"][int(al)-1], "func": int(func), "C0": float(C0), "C1": float(C1), "C2": float(C2), "C3": float(C3), "C4": float(C4), "C5": float(C5), }) else: raise ValueError( f"[dihedrals] must have 8 or 13 fields; this line has {len(fields)}") def process_dihedraltypes(ffparam, line): fields = line.split() if not "dihedraltypes" in ffparam.keys(): ffparam["dihedraltypes"] = [] if len(fields) == 8: ai, aj, ak, al, func, phi, k, periodicity = fields ffparam["dihedraltypes"].append({ "ti": ai, "tj": aj, "tk": ak, "tl": al, "func": int(func), "phiS": float(phi), "K": float(k), "n": int(periodicity), }) elif len(fields) == 11: ai, aj, ak, al, func, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 = fields ffparam["dihedraltypes"].append({ "ti": ai, "tj": aj, "tk": ak, "tl": al, "func": int(func), "C0": float(C0), "C1": float(C1), "C2": float(C2), "C3": float(C3), "C4": float(C4), "C5": float(C5), }) else: raise ValueError( f"[dihedrals] must have 8/13 fields; this line has {len(fields)}") def process_system(ffparam, line): return def process_molecules(ffparam, line): return directives = {"defaults": process_defaults, "atomtypes": process_atomtypes, "moleculetype": process_moleculetype, "atoms": process_atoms, "bonds": process_bonds, "angles": process_angles, "pairs": process_pairs, "dihedrals": process_dihedrals, "system": process_system, "molecules": process_molecules, "bondtypes": process_bondtypes, "angletypes": process_angletypes, "dihedraltypes": process_dihedraltypes, } ffparam = {} with open(filename, "r") as f: ffparam["name"] = f"parsed from file {filename}" for line in f: line = line.strip() if ";" in line: line = line[: line.index(';')].strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if line.startswith("#"): raise NotImplementedError( " preprocess directive not implemented") elif line.startswith("["): current_directive = line.strip("[] ") continue if current_directive in directives: directives[current_directive](ffparam, line) else: raise ValueError( f" section [{current_directive}] not implemented") return ffparam
[docs] def start(): args, _ = get_arg().parse_args() ffparam = parse_top(args.gmxtopFile) del ffparam["atomtypes"] del ffparam["atomnames"] if "bondtypes" in ffparam: del ffparam["bondtypes"] if "angletypes" in ffparam: del ffparam["angletypes"] if "dihedraltypes" in ffparam: del ffparam["dihedraltypes"] import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter( indent=2, sort_dicts=False, width=200, compact=False) pp.pprint(ffparam)
if __name__ == "__main__": start()