Source code for CDTK.xpyder

#!/usr/bin/env python

#*  **************************************************************************
#*  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#*  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#*  Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#*  Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#*  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
#*  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#*  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
#*  This file is part of CDTK.
#*  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#*  (at your option) any later version.
#*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#*  GNU General Public License for more details.
#*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#*  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
#*  **************************************************************************

from builtins import str
from builtins import map
import sys
import os
import shutil
from optparse import OptionParser
import pickle as cpickle

import numpy as np

import CDTK.Dynamics.Trajectory as trj
import CDTK.Dynamics.Trajectory_SH as trjsh
import CDTK.Dynamics.MCElectronDynamics as mced

import CDTK.Tools.Inputfile as inf
import CDTK.Tools.EField as efi
import CDTK.Tools.MolecularMechanics as mm

import CDTK.Interfaces.WrapperInterface as win

import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as cv
import CDTK.Tools.Utils as uti

[docs] def start(): def pickle_trajSH(traj): """ This function pickles a trajectory_SH object. It saves and removes stuff that can't be pickled (see pickle documentation.) Input: traj --- the trajectory_SH to be pickled """ # TODO: move this into a method of the trajectory class # save and remove stuff that can't be pickled tmp_EGrad = traj.f_EGrad traj.f_EGrad = None tmp_W = traj.f_W traj.f_W = None tmp_D = traj.f_D traj.f_D = None tmp_DD = traj.f_DD traj.f_DD = None tmp_NAC = traj.f_NAC traj.f_NAC = None tmp_overlap = traj.f_overlap traj.f_overlap = None tmp_q = traj.q traj.q = None tmp_getPartial = traj.getPartial traj.getPartial = None hasES = traj.ES is not None #hasConst = traj.const is not None if hasES: tmp_QCE = traj.ES.QCE traj.ES.QCE = None tmp_field = traj.ES.field traj.ES.field = None #if hasConst: # tmp_const = traj.const # traj.const = None # pickle picklefile = open('pickle.dat', "wb" ) cpickle.dump(traj, picklefile, -1) picklefile.close() # restore stuff that can't be pickled traj.f_EGrad = tmp_EGrad traj.f_W = tmp_W traj.f_D = tmp_D traj.f_DD = tmp_DD traj.f_NAC = tmp_NAC traj.f_overlap = tmp_overlap traj.q = tmp_q traj.getPartial = tmp_getPartial if hasES == True: traj.ES.QCE = tmp_QCE traj.ES.field = tmp_field #if hasConst: # traj.const = tmp_const return def pickle_traj(traj): """ This function pickles a trajectory object. It saves and removes stuff that can't be pickled (see pickle documentation.) Input: traj --- the trajectory to be pickled """ # save and remove stuff that can't be pickled tmp_EGrad = traj.f_EGrad traj.f_EGrad = None hasES = traj.ES is not None tmp_getPartial = traj.getPartial traj.getPartial = None #hasConst = traj.const is not None if hasES: tmp_QCE = traj.ES.QCE traj.ES.QCE = None tmp_field = traj.ES.field traj.ES.field = None #if hasConst: # tmp_const = traj.const # traj.const = None # pickle picklefile = open('pickle.dat', "wb" ) cpickle.dump(traj, picklefile, -1) picklefile.close() # restore stuff that can't be pickled traj.f_EGrad = tmp_EGrad if hasES: traj.ES.QCE = tmp_QCE traj.ES.field = tmp_field traj.getPartial = tmp_getPartial #if hasConst: # traj.const = tmp_const return IDLEN = 8 TINY = 1.0e-8 PREFIX = 'trj' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse command line options # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- parser=OptionParser() parser.add_option('-i','--input-file', dest='input_file', type='str', default=None, help='Path to input file') parser.add_option('-d','--project-dir', dest='project_dir', type='str', default=None, help='Project name used to for output directory') parser.add_option('-l','--local', dest='is_local', action='store_true', default=False, help='Trajectory is run in current (PWD) directory') parser.add_option('-r','--restart', dest='restart', action='store_true', default=False, help='Whether to restart the calculation.') parser.add_option('-p', '--pickle', dest='doPickle', action='store_true', default=False, help='Save data in binary format using pickle') opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) restart=opts.restart # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse input file # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- basename = '' if opts.input_file: input_file = opts.input_file basename = input_file.split('.')[0] elif os.path.exists('input_trj'): input_file = 'input_trj' else: raise ValueError('No input file specified') I = inf.Inputfile(input_file).sections # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set projectname # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if opts.is_local: projdir = '.' elif opts.project_dir: projdir = opts.project_dir else: _id = uti.getUniqueID(IDLEN) _date = uti.getDateString() projdir = PREFIX + '_' + basename + '_' + _date + '_' + _id # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create name directory, copy input file and change to it # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not os.path.exists(projdir): os.mkdir(projdir) if not restart: shutil.copy(input_file,projdir+'/input_trj_tmp') shutil.move(projdir+'/input_trj_tmp',projdir+'/input_trj') currentDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(projdir) open('stop','w').close() # empty "stop" file # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read atom list and atomic coordinates/velocities # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - Atom list if os.path.exists('atomlist'): atomlist = uti.readColumnFile('atomlist') elif 'cartpos' in I: atomlist = I['cartpos']['atomlist'] else: raise ValueError('atom list (./atomlist) not found') # - Atomic positions if os.path.exists('atompos'): xcart = np.array( uti.readColumnFile('atompos'),float ) elif 'cartpos' in I: xcart = np.array( I['cartpos']['coordinates'], float ) if I['system']['xunit'][0] == 'an': xcart = xcart * cv.an2au else: raise ValueError('atomic positions (./atompos) not found') # - Atomic velocities if os.path.exists('atomvel'): vcart = np.array( uti.readColumnFile('atomvel'),float ) elif 'cartvel' in I: vcart = np.array( I['cartvel']['coordinates'], float ) else: vcart = np.zeros(len(xcart),float) nat = len(atomlist) atomnums = [] for atom in atomlist: atomnums.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_number']) atommass = [] atommass3 = [] for atom in atomlist: atommass.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_mass']) atommass3.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_mass']) atommass3.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_mass']) atommass3.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_mass']) uti.listToFile(atomlist,'atomlist') uti.listToFile(atomnums,'atomnums') uti.listToFile(atommass,'atommass') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (MM) Read atom list and atomic coordinates/velocities (Optional) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if 'mmregion' in I: if 'dt' in I['mmregion']: mm_dt = cv.numval( I['mmregion']['dt'] , 'time' ) else: mm_dt = cv.numval( I['trajectory']['dt'] , 'time' ) # - MM mode if 'mode' in I['mmregion']: mm_mode = I['mmregion']['mode'][0] else: mm_mode = 'electron' # default value # - MM Atom list if 'cartpos_mm' in I: mm_atomlist = I['cartpos_mm']['atomlist'] else: mm_atomlist = [] # - MM Atomic positions if 'cartpos_mm' in I: mm_xcart = np.array( I['cartpos_mm']['coordinates'], float ) if I['system']['xunit'][0] == 'an': mm_xcart = mm_xcart * cv.an2au else: mm_xcart = [] # - MM atomic velocities if 'cartvel_mm' in I: mm_vcart = np.array( I['cartvel_mm']['coordinates'], float ) else: mm_vcart = np.zeros(len(mm_xcart),float) # - MM atom masses mm_atommass = [] mm_atommass3 = [] for atom in mm_atomlist: mm_atommass.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_mass']) mm_atommass3.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_mass']) mm_atommass3.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_mass']) mm_atommass3.append(cv.periodicTable[atom]['atomic_mass']) # Molecular mechanics instance MM = mm.MolecularMechanics(dt=mm_dt,mode=mm_mode) MM.R = mm_xcart MM.V = mm_vcart MM.atomlist = mm_atomlist MM.atommasses = mm_atommass MM.atommasses3 = mm_atommass3 # QM region properties MM.natoms_qm = len(atomlist) MM.qm_R = xcart MM.qm_V = vcart MM.qm_atomlist = atomlist MM.qm_M = atommass3 # Point charge mass and atom number constructed in QCE MM.mm_to_point_charge(qce=I['system']['qchemistry'][0], mode=mm_mode) uti.listToFile(MM.atomlist,'MM_atomlist') uti.listToFile(MM.atommasses,'MM_atommass') uti.listToFile(MM.x_C, 'MM_X_charge') uti.listToFile(MM.x_M, 'MM_X_atommass') else: MM = None # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create interface to quantum chemistry engine (QCE) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- is_keepinp = False is_keeplog = False if 'keepinp' in I['system']: is_keepinp = True if 'keeplog' in I['system']: is_keeplog = True if I['system']['qchemistry'] == ['gamess']: import CDTK.Interfaces.GamessUSInterface as gin QCE = gin.gamess() QCE.is_storeinp = is_keepinp # Keep inp file of every calculation performed QCE.is_storelog = is_keeplog # Keep log file of every calculation performed QCE.atomicSymbols = uti.changeIsotopeSymbols(atomlist) QCE.atomicNumbers = atomnums IG = I.get('gamess',None) # IG -> $gamess input section, if any if IG: QCE.init_input_options( IG ) if I['system']['qchemistry'] == ['molcas']: import CDTK.Interfaces.MolcasInterface as mol QCE = mol.molcas() QCE.is_storeinp = is_keepinp # Keep inp file of every calculation performed QCE.is_storelog = is_keeplog # Keep log file of every calculation performed QCE.atomicSymbols = uti.changeIsotopeSymbols(atomlist) QCE.atomicNumbers = atomnums IM = I.get('molcas',None) # IM -> $molcas input section, if any if IM: QCE.init_input_options( IM ) # for XMolecule as a quantum chemistry tool if I['system']['qchemistry'] == ['xmolecule']: import CDTK.Interfaces.XMoleculeInterface as xmim QCE = xmim.xmolecule() QCE.is_storeinp = is_keepinp # Keep inp file of every calculation performed QCE.is_storelog = is_keeplog # Keep log file of every calculation performed QCE.atomicSymbols = uti.changeIsotopeSymbols(atomlist) QCE.atomicNumbers = atomnums QCE.atomicMasses = np.array(atommass3,float)*cv.am2au IX = I.get('xmolecule', {}) # IX -> $xmolecule input section, if any # also give position to prepare the initialization if MM is not None: # Pass point charges as additional arguments xcart = np.append( xcart, MM.x_R ) vcart = np.append( vcart, MM.x_V ) atomlist = np.append( np.asarray(atomlist), MM.x_L ) atommass = np.append( atommass, MM.x_M ) atommass3 = np.append( atommass3, MM.x_M3 ) QCE.init_input_options( IX, atomlist[:nat], xcart[:3*nat], x_pos=MM.x_R, x_charges=MM.x_C) else: if restart: with open('R.log','r') as posfile: for line in posfile: vals = line.split() vals = np.array(list(map(float,vals[1:]))) xcart = vals QCE.init_input_options( IX, atomlist, xcart) if I['system']['qchemistry'] == ['interpolation']: # import CDTK.Interfaces.Interpolation_Interface as inter # QCE = inter.interpolation() # QCE.atomicSymbols = uti.changeIsotopeSymbols(atomlist) # QCE.atomicNumbers = atomnums # II = I.get('interpolation',None) # II -> $interpolation input section, if any # if II: # QCE.init_input_options( II) # if I['system']['qchemistry'] == ['embedding']: import CDTK.Interfaces.EmbeddingInterface as emb IM = I.get('embedding',None) IM['quantum_options'] = (I.get(IM['quantum'][0])) QCE = emb.embedding(atomlist, atomnums, atommass3, xcart, **IM) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add electric field, if any # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- field_opts = I.get('efield',None) if field_opts is not None: EF = efi.EField() EF.init_from_input_options(field_opts) QCE.efields = [EF] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Attach quantum chemistry engine to general wrapper interface # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- W = win.wrapperInterface() W.QCE = QCE forces = I['quantum'].get('forces',None) if forces: W.forces = forces[0] else: W.forces = 'analytical' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize trajectory object # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- logn = max(int( I['trajectory'].get('logn', [1])[0]),1) dt = cv.numval( I['trajectory']['dt'] , 'time' ) tf = cv.numval( I['trajectory']['tf'] , 'time' ) dt_max = dt field_explicit = I['trajectory'].get('field_explicit', None) # threshold for energy conservation if 'de_thresh' in I['trajectory']: dE_thresh = float( I['trajectory']['de_thresh'][0] ) else: dE_thresh = None p_thresh = I['trajectory'].get('p_thresh', [1.0])[0] noreturn = I['trajectory'].get('noreturn', [None])[0] try: rseed = int( I['system']['rseed'][0] ) except: rseed = np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max) print("# Random seed initialized with rseed=" + str(rseed)) try: rcom = I['trajectory']['rcom'][0].lower() == 'yes'.lower() except: rcom = False try: rrot = I['trajectory']['rrot'][0].lower() == 'yes'.lower() except: rrot = False # check for electron dynamics input mc_electron_dynamics = 'mced' in I ES = None if mc_electron_dynamics: if I['mced'].get('event', ['none'])[0].lower() == 'read': ES = mced.ElectronicState(state='doNotRun', dte=0.0, ratio=0.0, pe=0.0, stop=False) with open('event.log','r') as eventfile: for line in eventfile: if len(line.split()) > 1: ES.log['event'].append(tuple(line.split())) else: dte = cv.numval( I['mced']['dte'] , 'time' ) state = QCE.get_occ() ratio = I['mced'].get('ratio', [0.1])[0] stop = I['mced'].get('stop', [False])[0] # pe = if I['mced'].get('pdelay',False): pdelay = cv.numval( I['mced']['pdelay'] , 'time' ) else: pdelay=None ES = mced.ElectronicState(state=state, dte=dte, ratio=ratio, stop=stop, pdelay=pdelay) ES.QCE = QCE ES.field = QCE.efields ES.initLogs() if I['quantum']['type'][0] == 'gs': trajectory = trj.Trajectory(3*nat) trajectory.rseed = rseed trajectory.DIR = os.getcwd() trajectory.R = xcart.flatten() trajectory.V = vcart.flatten() trajectory.M = np.array(atommass3,float)*cv.am2au trajectory.dt = dt trajectory.f_EGrad = W.f_EGrad_GS trajectory.rcom = rcom trajectory.rrot = rrot trajectory.dE_thresh = dE_thresh trajectory.MM = MM trajectory.atomlist = atomlist trajectory.logn = logn if 'log_moe' in I['trajectory']: trajectory.f_MOE = W.f_MOE trajectory.log_MOE = bool( I['trajectory']['log_moe'][0] ) if mc_electron_dynamics: ES.DIR = trajectory.DIR trajectory.ES = ES if restart: trajectory.restart() elif I['quantum']['type'][0] == 'bo': trajectory = trj.Trajectory(3*nat) trajectory.DIR = os.getcwd() trajectory.rseed = rseed trajectory.R = xcart.flatten() trajectory.V = vcart.flatten() trajectory.M = np.array(atommass3,float)*cv.am2au trajectory.dt = dt trajectory.f_EGrad = W.f_EGrad_ES trajectory.S = int( I['quantum']['istate'][0] ) trajectory.rcom = rcom trajectory.rrot = rrot trajectory.dE_thresh = dE_thresh trajectory.logn = logn if mc_electron_dynamics: ES.DIR = trajectory.DIR trajectory.ES = ES if restart: trajectory.restart() elif I['quantum']['type'][0] == 'fssh': nstates = int( I['quantum']['nstates'][0] ) istate = int( I['quantum']['istate'][0] ) QCE.nstates = nstates trajectory = trjsh.Trajectory_SH(3*nat,nstates) trajectory.rseed = rseed trajectory.S = istate trajectory.logn = logn if 'icoeffs' in I['quantum']: icoeffs = list(map(float, I['quantum']['icoeffs'][0].split(','))) if len( icoeffs ) != nstates: raise ValueError('icoeffs, if specified, must be given for all states') if len(np.nonzero(icoeffs)[0]) == 1 and np.nonzero(icoeffs)[0] != istate: raise ValueError('Pure state specified by icoeffs does not match istate') icoeffs = [ i/ np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(icoeffs)**2)) for i in icoeffs] trajectory.C[:] = icoeffs[:] else: trajectory.C[:] = 0 trajectory.C[istate] = 1 if 'no_hops' in I['quantum']: trajectory.no_hops = I['quantum']['no_hops'][0] trajectory.DIR = os.getcwd() trajectory.R = xcart.flatten() trajectory.V = vcart.flatten() trajectory.M = np.array(atommass3,float)*cv.am2au trajectory.dt = dt trajectory.dt_max = dt_max trajectory.p_thresh = p_thresh trajectory.noreturn = noreturn trajectory.field_explicit = field_explicit trajectory.dE_thresh = dE_thresh trajectory.f_EGrad = W.f_EGrad_NA trajectory.f_W = W.f_W trajectory.f_D = W.f_D trajectory.f_overlap = None if 'trivialcrossing' in I['quantum']: trajectory.trivialCrossing = I['quantum']['trivialcrossing'][0] if I['quantum']['trivialcrossing'][0] == 'overlap': trajectory.f_overlap = W.f_overlap W.QCE.calcOverlaps = True else: raise ValueError('unknown value for trivialCrossing {:s}'.format(I['quantum']['trivialcrossing'][0])) trajectory.rcom = rcom trajectory.rrot = rrot trajectory.dE_thresh = dE_thresh trajectory.logn = logn if mc_electron_dynamics: ES.DIR = trajectory.DIR trajectory.ES = ES if restart: trajectory.restart() rescaling = I['quantum'].get('rescaling',None) if rescaling: if rescaling[0] == 'nac': trajectory.rescaling = 'nac' trajectory.f_NAC = W.f_NAC if rescaling[0] == 'grd': trajectory.rescaling = 'grd' else: if QCE.engine == 'GamessUS': trajectory.rescaling = 'nac' trajectory.f_NAC = W.f_NAC elif QCE.engine == 'molcas': trajectory.rescaling = 'grd' elif QCE.engine == 'interpolation': trajectory.rescaling = 'grd' else: trajectory.rescaling = 'nac' trajectory.f_NAC = W.f_NAC efield = I['quantum'].get('efield',None) e_dot_coupling = I['quantum'].get('e_dot_coupling',None) e_coupling = I['quantum'].get('e_coupling',None) if efield: if e_dot_coupling: trajectory.f_DD = W.f_Dmu elif e_coupling: trajectory.f_DD = W.f_Dmu_E if len( I['quantum']['type'] ) > 1: if I['quantum']['type'][1] == 'nohop': trajectory.is_sh = False first_step = I['quantum'].get('first_step',None) if first_step: trajectory.first_step = float(first_step[0]) else: sys.exit('$quantum|type needs to be specified') if 'xmolecule' in I: trajectory.getPartial = QCE.getPartialCharges # log electric field / pulse if field_opts: EF.writeLog(np.arange(0., tf + dt, dt), filename="field.log") qintegrator = I['quantum'].get('quantum_integrator',None) if qintegrator: trajectory.quantum_step_integrator = qintegrator[0] else: trajectory.quantum_step_integrator = 'ipicture' if I['system']['qchemistry'] == ['embedding'] and QCE.hasConstraints(): trajectory.set_constraints(QCE.getConstraintsCorrection) #print("Enforcing constraints ... ") #x0 = QCE.enforceConstraints(trajectory.R) #trajectory.R = x0 if not restart: trajectory.t = cv.numval( I['trajectory'].get('ti', ['0.0', 'fs']) , 'time' ) #exit(-1) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run trajectory # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- id = trajectory._ID while trajectory.t < tf: sys.stdout.flush() # print trajectory.t if os.path.isfile('stop'): trajectory.integrate() # dt step if trajectory._stepnum % trajectory.logn == 0 or \ trajectory.t + trajectory.dt >= tf: trajectory.log_to_file() # if pickeling enabled if opts.doPickle == True: # if neccessary save XMolecule # if I['system']['qchemistry'] == ['xmolecule']: # QCE.write_xm_chkpt() if I['quantum']['type'][0] == 'fssh': pickle_trajSH(trajectory) else: pickle_traj(trajectory) else: break # go back to original directory os.chdir(currentDir)
if __name__ == "__main__": start()