CDTK.gmx2cdtk module

This module has several functions to transform coordinates and velocities obtained from Gromacs calculation into suitable input files for CDTK. Use gmx2cdtk -h to find out how to use this program.

Basic units in GMX, please look at the following web.

1 Picoseconds = 41341.374575751 Atomic Unit Of Time 1 nm = 18.8973 Bohr 1 nm/ps = 18.8973/41341.374575751 Bohr/a.u. = 0.00045710381413114194 1 nm/ps = 4.571038E-04 Bohr/a.u.


converts atomName into element name :param atomName: :type atomName: string


element name

Return type:



converts atomName into element mass :param atomName: :type atomName: string


element mass in atomic units

Return type:



converts atomName into element number :param atomName: :type atomName: string


element number

Return type:


CDTK.gmx2cdtk.get_coord_center(n_center, molec, centerMethod='first')[source]

This will return the coordinate center of residue index n_center

  • Ncenter (int) – Index of molecule (residue index) that you want to be the center.

  • molec (dict of ndarrays.)

  • centerMethod (either "com" or "first")


X, Y, Z coordinates of center.

Return type:

ndarray of float.


Rearranges the atoms by multiples of boxsize such that the residues are closest together


molec (dict of ndarray.)


xyz – new coordinates.

Return type:

(n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.


Prints input files needed for xsample first sorting all atoms from closest to the center of the box to furthest. The files printed are .in, .xyz and .vel.


molec (dict of ndarray.) – Dictionary built from reading gromax file (check readgmx documentation).

CDTK.gmx2cdtk.print_xpyder(filename, center_new, xyz, vxyz, elems)[source]
CDTK.gmx2cdtk.print_xsample(filename, center_new, xyz, vxyz, elems)[source]
CDTK.gmx2cdtk.readgmx(filename, check_water=False)[source]

Read gromacs file and return the topolgy, element types, coordinates, velocities of all atoms and the box size.


filename (string) – Name of gromacs file.


molec – Dictionary containing the following arrays: - geom : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.

Coordinates of all atoms.

  • vel(n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.

    Velocities of all atoms.

  • residueIndex: (n_atoms) ndarray of ints

  • residueName: (n_atoms) ndarray of str

  • topol(n_atoms) ndarray of str.

    String identifiers for the topology of the system (atoms in molecules).

  • atomlist(n_atoms) ndarray of str.

    String identifiers of all atoms types (e.g., “O”, “H”).

  • atomnums(n_atoms) ndarray of int.

    Intigers with atomic numners of each element in atomloist.

  • atommass(n_atoms) ndarray of float.

    Atomic masses of each element in atomlist.

  • boxsize(3) ndarray of float.

    Box size (len_x, len_y, len_z).

  • residueName(n_atoms) ndarray of str

    Name of residue for each atom

  • residueIndex(n_atoms) ndarray of int

    Index of residue for each atom

  • atomName(n_atoms) ndarray of str

    Name of atoms (e.g. “OW”, “HW1”)

Return type:

dict of ndarray.

CDTK.gmx2cdtk.readtrr(xtcfilename, gmxfilename)[source]
CDTK.gmx2cdtk.shift_box(shift, xyz, v_box)[source]

Shift all molecules by shift and move atoms that fall outside the box according to periodic boundary conditions :param shift: X, Y, Z coordinates of new center (oxygen atom). :type shift: (3) ndarray of float. :param xyz: Original coordinates of all atoms. :type xyz: (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.


New coordinates centered arund center_new in the box.

Return type:

(n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.

CDTK.gmx2cdtk.sort_molec(molec, skipDistance=False)[source]

Sorts the molecules (residues) according to their center-of-mass positions (distance to the origin)


molec (dict of ndarray.) – Dictionary built from reading gromax file (check readgmx documentation).


molec – Updated dictionary with sorted molecules.

Return type:

dict of ndarray

CDTK.gmx2cdtk.writegmx(filename, molec, reIndexResidues=True)[source]

Writes gromacs .gro file from molec stricture

  • filename (string) – Name of gromacs file.

  • molec (dict of ndarray.) –

    Dictionary containing the following arrays: - geom : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.

    Coordinates of all atoms.

    • vel(n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.

      Velocities of all atoms.

    • topol(n_atoms) ndarray of str.

      String identifiers for the topology of the system (atoms in molecules).

    • atomlist(n_atoms) ndarray of str.

      String identifiers of all atoms types.

    • atomnums(n_atoms) ndarray of int.

      Intigers with atomic numners of each element in atomloist.

    • atommass(n_atoms) ndarray of float.

      Atomic masses of each element in atomlist.

    • boxsize(3) ndarray of float.

      Box size (len_x, len_y, len_z).

    • residueName(n_atoms) ndarray of str

      Name of residue for each atom

    • residueIndex(n_atoms) ndarray of int

      Index of residue for each atom

    • atomName(n_atoms) ndarray of str

      Name of atoms (e.g. “OW”, “HW1”)

CDTK.gmx2cdtk.writetrr(trrFilename, molec)[source]

write a gromacs .trr file based on the data from molec uses the MDAnalysis python package

  • trrFilename (string) – filename

  • molec (dictionary) – data