#!/usr/bin/env python
#* **************************************************************************
#* CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
#* A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
#* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
#* Oriol Vendrell, DESY, <oriol.vendrell@desy.de>
#* Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019
#* Ralph Welsch, DESY, <ralph.welsch@desy.de>
#* Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
#* Ludger Inhester, DESY, ludger.inhester@cfel.de
#* This file is part of CDTK.
#* CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#* (at your option) any later version.
#* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#* GNU General Public License for more details.
#* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#* **************************************************************************
This module has several functions to transform coordinates and velocities obtained
from Gromacs calculation into suitable input files for CDTK. Use ``gmx2cdtk -h``
to find out how to use this program.
Basic units in GMX, please look at the following web.
1 Picoseconds = 41341.374575751 Atomic Unit Of Time
1 nm = 18.8973 Bohr
1 nm/ps = 18.8973/41341.374575751 Bohr/a.u. = 0.00045710381413114194
1 nm/ps = 4.571038E-04 Bohr/a.u.
import subprocess
from optparse import OptionParser
import numpy as np
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as cv
nm2bohr = cv.an2au * 10 # 18.8973
nm_ps2bohr_au = cv.an2au * 10 / (cv.fs2au * 1000) # 4.571038e-04
def get_parser():
parser = OptionParser()
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog -g filename.gro [further options]")
help="GMX .gro input file.",
help="GMX .trr input file (optional).",
help="Please enter the index of the molecule that you want to center. It is an integer number and not exceeding the number of water molecules in the box.",
help="Skip molecules (residues) with center of mass distance from the center large than this value. Value is given in atomic units",
choices=["first", "com"],
help="How to center: according to first atom of residue (first) or center of mass of residue (com)",
help="GMX .gro output file (optional)",
help="GMX .trr output file (optional)",
help="do not reorder the molecules according to distance (optional, default: do sort the molecules)",
return parser
oxygenNames = ['O', 'OW', 'OD', 'O_', 'OS']
hydrogenNames = ['H', 'HW', 'HW1', 'HW2', 'HD', 'HC']
carbonNames = ['C', 'CA', 'CR', 'CW', 'C_', 'CS']
def atomName2Element(atomName):
converts atomName into element name
atomName : string
element name: string
atomName = atomName.strip()
atomName = ''.join(c for c in atomName if (not c.isnumeric() and c != ' '))
if atomName in oxygenNames:
return "O"
elif atomName in hydrogenNames:
return "H"
elif atomName in carbonNames:
return "C"
elif atomName in cv.periodicTable.keys():
return atomName
raise ValueError("AtomName {:s} not recognized".format(atomName))
def atomName2atomNum(atomName):
converts atomName into element number
atomName : string
element number: index
atomName = atomName.strip()
atomName = ''.join(c for c in atomName if (not c.isnumeric() and c != ' '))
if atomName in oxygenNames:
return cv.periodicTable['O']['atomic_number']
elif atomName in hydrogenNames:
return cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_number']
elif atomName in carbonNames:
return cv.periodicTable['C']['atomic_number']
elif atomName in cv.periodicTable.keys():
return cv.periodicTable[atomName]['atomic_number']
raise ValueError("AtomName {:s} not recognized".format(atomName))
def atomName2atomMass(atomName):
converts atomName into element mass
atomName : string
element mass in atomic units: float
atomName = atomName.strip()
atomName = ''.join(c for c in atomName if (not c.isnumeric() and c != ' '))
if atomName in oxygenNames:
return cv.periodicTable['O']['atomic_mass']
elif atomName in hydrogenNames:
return cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass']
elif atomName in carbonNames:
return cv.periodicTable['C']['atomic_mass']
elif atomName in cv.periodicTable.keys():
return cv.periodicTable[atomName]['atomic_mass']
raise ValueError("AtomName {:s} not recognized".format(atomName))
def readtrr(xtcfilename, gmxfilename):
import MDAnalysis as mda
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise ModuleNotFoundError("Please install module MDAnalysis for reading or writing gromacs trr files")
u = mda.Universe(gmxfilename, xtcfilename)
t = u.trajectory[-1]
residueIndex = u.atoms.resids
residueName = u.atoms.resnames
atomName = u.atoms.names
atomName = np.array([a.replace('_','') for a in atomName])
topol = np.array([str(ri) + rn.strip() + "_" + aN.strip()
for ri, rn, aN in zip(residueIndex, residueName, atomName)]) # topology with cdtk format
atomnums = np.array(list(map(atomName2atomNum, atomName)))
atomlist = np.array(list(map(atomName2Element, atomName)))
atommass = np.array(list(map(atomName2atomMass, atomName)))
v_box = u.dimensions[0:3] / 10. * nm2bohr
molec = {
"geom": t.positions / 10. * nm2bohr,
"vel": t.velocities / 10. * nm_ps2bohr_au,
"topol": topol,
"atomlist": atomlist,
"atomnums": atomnums,
"atommass": atommass,
"boxsize": v_box,
"residueIndex": residueIndex,
"residueName": residueName,
"atomName": atomName,
return molec
def writetrr(trrFilename, molec):
"""write a gromacs .trr file based on the data from molec
uses the MDAnalysis python package
trrFilename (string): filename
molec (dictionary): data
import MDAnalysis as mda
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise ModuleNotFoundError("Please install module MDAnalysis for reading or writing gromacs trr files")
n_atoms = molec["geom"].shape[0]
resid, atResIdx = np.unique(molec['residueIndex'], return_index=True)
resnames = np.array([ a.strip()+b for a,b in zip(molec['residueName'][atResIdx], resid.astype(str))])
n_residues = resid.shape[0]
atom_resindex = molec['residueIndex']
u = mda.Universe.empty(n_atoms,
u.add_TopologyAttr('name', [a.strip() for a in molec["atomName"]])
u.add_TopologyAttr('types', [a.strip() for a in molec["atomlist"]])
u.add_TopologyAttr('masses', molec['atommass'] )
u.add_TopologyAttr('segid', ['SYSTEM'])
u.add_TopologyAttr('resname', resnames)
u.add_TopologyAttr('resid', resid)
u.load_new(molec['geom'] * 10 / nm2bohr, order='fac')
u.trajectory[0].velocities = molec['vel'] * 10. / nm_ps2bohr_au
dimensions = np.zeros(6)
dimensions[0:3] = molec["boxsize"] * 10. / nm2bohr
dimensions[3:6] = np.array([90.,90.,90.])
u.trajectory[0].dimensions = dimensions
def readgmx(filename, check_water=False):
Read gromacs file and return the topolgy, element types, coordinates,
velocities of all atoms and the box size.
filename : string
Name of gromacs file.
molec : dict of ndarray.
Dictionary containing the following arrays:
- geom : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.
Coordinates of all atoms.
- vel : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.
Velocities of all atoms.
- residueIndex: (n_atoms) ndarray of ints
- residueName: (n_atoms) ndarray of str
- topol : (n_atoms) ndarray of str.
String identifiers for the topology of the system (atoms in molecules).
- atomlist : (n_atoms) ndarray of str.
String identifiers of all atoms types (e.g., "O", "H").
- atomnums : (n_atoms) ndarray of int.
Intigers with atomic numners of each element in atomloist.
- atommass : (n_atoms) ndarray of float.
Atomic masses of each element in atomlist.
- boxsize : (3) ndarray of float.
Box size (len_x, len_y, len_z).
- residueName : (n_atoms) ndarray of str
Name of residue for each atom
- residueIndex : (n_atoms) ndarray of int
Index of residue for each atom
- atomName : (n_atoms) ndarray of str
Name of atoms (e.g. "OW", "HW1")
# the .gro file format has fixed column positions as delimiters ("%5d%-5s%5s%5d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.4f%8.4f%8.4f\n")
delimiter = [5, 5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8]
residueIndex = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=2, skip_footer=1, usecols=(
0), dtype=int, delimiter=delimiter)
residueName = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=2, skip_footer=1, usecols=(
1), dtype='<U5', delimiter=delimiter)
atomName = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=2, skip_footer=1, usecols=(
2), dtype='<U5', delimiter=delimiter)
atomName = np.array([a.replace('_','') for a in atomName])
topol = np.array([str(ri) + rn.strip() + "_" + aN.strip()
for ri, rn, aN in zip(residueIndex, residueName, atomName)]) # topology with cdtk format
# Get position and velocities of all atoms
posvel = np.genfromtxt(
filename, skip_header=2, skip_footer=1, usecols=(range(4, 10)), dtype=float, delimiter=delimiter
xyz = posvel[:, :3] * nm2bohr
vxyz = posvel[:, 3:] * nm_ps2bohr_au
# Get box size from last line of file.
last_line = subprocess.check_output(["tail", "-1", filename])
v_box = np.array(last_line.split(), dtype=float) * nm2bohr
# Get atomic numbers, atomic masses, and element names
atomnums = np.array(list(map(atomName2atomNum, atomName)))
atommass = np.array(list(map(atomName2atomMass, atomName)))
atomlist = np.array(list(map(atomName2Element, atomName)))
molec = {
"geom": xyz,
"vel": vxyz,
"topol": topol,
"atomlist": atomlist,
"atomnums": atomnums,
"atommass": atommass,
"boxsize": v_box,
"residueIndex": residueIndex,
"residueName": residueName,
"atomName": np.array([a.replace('_','') for a in atomName]),
return molec
def writegmx(filename, molec, reIndexResidues=True):
Writes gromacs .gro file from molec stricture
filename : string
Name of gromacs file.
molec : dict of ndarray.
Dictionary containing the following arrays:
- geom : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.
Coordinates of all atoms.
- vel : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.
Velocities of all atoms.
- topol : (n_atoms) ndarray of str.
String identifiers for the topology of the system (atoms in molecules).
- atomlist : (n_atoms) ndarray of str.
String identifiers of all atoms types.
- atomnums : (n_atoms) ndarray of int.
Intigers with atomic numners of each element in atomloist.
- atommass : (n_atoms) ndarray of float.
Atomic masses of each element in atomlist.
- boxsize : (3) ndarray of float.
Box size (len_x, len_y, len_z).
- residueName : (n_atoms) ndarray of str
Name of residue for each atom
- residueIndex : (n_atoms) ndarray of int
Index of residue for each atom
- atomName : (n_atoms) ndarray of str
Name of atoms (e.g. "OW", "HW1")
geom = molec['geom']
vel = molec['vel']
topol = molec['topol']
boxsize = molec['boxsize']
resN = 0
prevResIdx = 0
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write(" generated by gmx2cdtk\n")
f.write(" {:d}\n".format(geom.shape[0]))
for i in range(geom.shape[0]):
residx = molec['residueIndex'][i]
resname = molec['residueName'][i]
atomname = molec['atomName'][i]
if prevResIdx == 0 or prevResIdx != residx:
resN = resN + 1
prevResIdx = residx
if reIndexResidues:
printResIdx = resN
printResIdx = residx
if (np.any(np.isnan(vel))):
printResIdx, resname, atomname, i+1,
geom[i, 0] / nm2bohr,
geom[i, 1] / nm2bohr,
geom[i, 2] / nm2bohr)
printResIdx, resname, atomname, i+1,
geom[i, 0] / nm2bohr,
geom[i, 1] / nm2bohr,
geom[i, 2] / nm2bohr,
vel[i, 0] / nm_ps2bohr_au,
vel[i, 1] / nm_ps2bohr_au,
vel[i, 2] / nm_ps2bohr_au)
f.write("{:f} {:f} {:f}\n".format(
boxsize[0]/nm2bohr, boxsize[1]/nm2bohr, boxsize[2]/nm2bohr))
def get_coord_center(n_center, molec, centerMethod='first'):
This will return the coordinate center of residue index n_center
Ncenter : int
Index of molecule (residue index) that you want to be the center.
molec : dict of ndarrays.
centerMethod: either "com" or "first"
ndarray of float.
X, Y, Z coordinates of center.
atomIdx = np.flatnonzero(molec['residueIndex'] == n_center)
if centerMethod == "first":
center = molec['geom'][atomIdx[0]]
elif centerMethod == "com":
g = molec['geom'][atomIdx]
m = molec['atommass'][atomIdx]
center = np.sum(g * m[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) / np.sum(m)
raise ValueError("unknown centerMethod={:s} ".format(centerMethod))
print("Centering {:s} {:d} at position {:f} {:f} {:f}\n".
format(molec['residueName'][n_center], molec['residueIndex'][n_center], center[0], center[1], center[2]))
return center
def shift_box(shift, xyz, v_box):
Shift all molecules by shift and move atoms that fall outside the box
according to periodic boundary conditions
shift : (3) ndarray of float.
X, Y, Z coordinates of new center (oxygen atom).
xyz : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.
Original coordinates of all atoms.
(n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.
New coordinates centered arund center_new in the box.
new_xyz = xyz.copy() - shift[np.newaxis, :]
new_xyz = new_xyz % v_box
new_xyz[new_xyz[:, 0] < -v_box[0]/2, 0] += v_box[0]
new_xyz[new_xyz[:, 0] > v_box[0]/2, 0] -= v_box[0]
new_xyz[new_xyz[:, 1] < -v_box[1]/2, 1] += v_box[1]
new_xyz[new_xyz[:, 1] > v_box[1]/2, 1] -= v_box[1]
new_xyz[new_xyz[:, 2] < -v_box[2]/2, 2] += v_box[2]
new_xyz[new_xyz[:, 2] > v_box[2]/2, 2] -= v_box[2]
return new_xyz
def makeResiduesWhole(molec):
Rearranges the atoms by multiples of boxsize such that the residues are closest together
molec : dict of ndarray.
xyz : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float.
new coordinates.
box = molec['boxsize']
residues = np.unique(molec['residueIndex'])
newGeom = molec['geom'].copy()
for r in residues:
while True: # iterate until residue is whole
residueIsWhole = True
atomIdx = np.flatnonzero(molec['residueIndex'] == r)
g = newGeom[atomIdx]
m = molec['atommass'][atomIdx]
resCenter = np.sum(g * m[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) / np.sum(m)
for a in atomIdx:
for i in range(3):
# if an atom is shifted, reiterate the whole residue, because center of mass needs to be recalculated
if(newGeom[a, i] - resCenter[i] > box[i]/2):
newGeom[a, i] -= box[i]
residueIsWhole = False
if(newGeom[a, i] - resCenter[i] < -box[i]/2):
newGeom[a, i] += box[i]
residueIsWhole = False
if residueIsWhole: # if nothing has been shifted, we can procceed with the next residue
return newGeom
def sort_molec(molec, skipDistance=False):
Sorts the molecules (residues) according to their center-of-mass positions (distance to the origin)
molec : dict of ndarray.
Dictionary built from reading gromax file (check readgmx documentation).
molec : dict of ndarray
Updated dictionary with sorted molecules.
# calculate the center of mass distance for all residues
residues = np.unique(molec['residueIndex'])
resCOM = np.zeros((residues.max() + 1, 3)) # residue index starts with 1
resCOMdist = np.zeros((residues.max() + 1))
for r in residues:
atomIdx = np.flatnonzero(molec['residueIndex'] == r)
g = molec['geom'][atomIdx]
m = molec['atommass'][atomIdx]
resCOM[r] = np.sum(g * m[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) / np.sum(m)
resCOMdist = np.linalg.norm(resCOM, axis=1)
# sort the residues according to distance
resIndSorted = np.argsort(resCOMdist)
# form the atom index that follows the order of the residues
ind_sort = []
i = 0
for r in resIndSorted:
atomIdx = np.flatnonzero(molec['residueIndex'] == r)
# residue 0 should not appear (residue index starts with 1)
if atomIdx.shape[0] == 0:
if skipDistance is not None:
if resCOMdist[r] > skipDistance:
ind_sort = ind_sort + atomIdx[:].tolist()
i += len(atomIdx)
# reorder all quantities according to reordered atom index
molec['geom'] = molec['geom'][ind_sort]
molec['vel'] = molec['vel'][ind_sort]
molec['topol'] = molec['topol'][ind_sort]
molec['atomlist'] = molec['atomlist'][ind_sort]
molec['atomnums'] = molec['atomnums'][ind_sort]
molec['atommass'] = molec['atommass'][ind_sort]
molec['residueIndex'] = molec['residueIndex'][ind_sort]
molec['residueName'] = molec['residueName'][ind_sort]
molec['atomName'] = molec['atomName'][ind_sort]
return molec
def print_geom_files(molec):
Prints input files needed for `xsample` first sorting all
atoms from closest to the center of the box to furthest.
The files printed are .in, .xyz and .vel.
molec : dict of ndarray.
Dictionary built from reading gromax file (check readgmx documentation).
f_pos = "atompos"
f_vel = "atomvel"
f_topol = "topol"
f_elem = "atomlist"
f_num = "atomnums"
f_mass = "atommass"
np.savetxt(f_pos, molec["geom"].ravel(), fmt="%-10.6f")
np.savetxt(f_vel, molec["vel"].ravel(), fmt="%-10.6f")
np.savetxt(f_topol, molec["topol"], fmt="%s")
np.savetxt(f_elem, molec["atomlist"], fmt="%s")
np.savetxt(f_num, molec["atomnums"], fmt="%d")
np.savetxt(f_mass, molec["atommass"], fmt="%-10.6f")
def print_xsample(filename, center_new, xyz, vxyz, elems):
raise NotImplementedError
def print_xpyder(filename, center_new, xyz, vxyz, elems):
raise NotImplementedError
def start():
parser = get_parser()
args, _ = parser.parse_args()
if args.gmxFile is None:
parser.error("You need to provide a .gro file!")
if args.trrFile is not None:
molec_data = readtrr(args.trrFile, args.gmxFile)
molec_data = readgmx(args.gmxFile)
# Get center of box and shift coordinates.
boxCenter = get_coord_center(
args.centeredMolecule, molec_data, centerMethod=args.centerMethod)
shifted_geom = shift_box(
boxCenter, molec_data["geom"], molec_data["boxsize"])
molec_data['geom'] = shifted_geom
# make residues whole
geom2 = makeResiduesWhole(molec_data)
molec_data['geom'] = geom2
# sort molecules according to distance
if args.doReorder:
molec_data = sort_molec(molec_data, skipDistance=args.skip)
ekin = 0.5 * np.sum(molec_data["vel"][:,:]**2 * cv.am2au * molec_data["atommass"][:,np.newaxis])
print(f"kinetic Energy: {ekin} a.u.")
#print(f"removing overall momentum")
#totalMomentum = np.sum(molec_data["vel"][:,:] * cv.am2au * molec_data["atommass"][:,np.newaxis], axis=0)
#comVel = totalMomentum / (cv.am2au * molec_data["atommass"].sum())
#molec_data["vel"][:,:] = molec_data["vel"][:,:] - comVel[np.newaxis,:]
#ekin = 0.5 * np.sum(molec_data["vel"][:,:]**2 * cv.am2au * molec_data["atommass"][:,np.newaxis])
#print(f"kinetic Energy: {ekin} a.u.")
# create cdtk files
if args.gmxOut is not None:
writegmx(args.gmxOut, molec_data)
if args.trrOut is not None:
writetrr(args.trrOut, molec_data)
if __name__ == "__main__":