Source code for CDTK.Interfaces.ForceField

# *  **************************************************************************
# *
# *  CDTK, Chemical Dynamics Toolkit
# *  A modular system for chemical dynamics applications and more
# *
# *  Copyright (C) 2018
# *  Ralph Welsch, DESY, <>
# *  Copyright (C) 2021
# *  Ludger Inhester, DESY, <>
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# *  Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
# *  Ludger Inhester, DESY,
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# *  This file is part of CDTK.
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# *  CDTK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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import numpy as np
import CDTK.Tools.Conversion as cv
import CDTK.Dynamics.Constraints as cnstr
import warnings
import re
import json

def _angleDER(r1, r2, r3):
    for the three cartesian coordinates r1,r2,r3
    returns angle theta between r1-r2 and r3-r2 and
    derivative of theta with respect to r1,r2,r3
    r1,r2,r3 numpy arrays dimension 3

    Output: theta, dTheta_dR1, dTheta_dR2, dTheta_dR3
    theta: angle
    dTheta_dR1, dTheta_dR2, dTheta_dR3: derivatives of theta with respect to r1,r2,r3, respectively. 3dim. numpy arrays.

    r12 = r1 - r2
    r32 = r3 - r2
    # d12 = np.linalg.norm(r12)
    d12 = np.sqrt(r12[0]**2 + r12[1]**2 + r12[2]**2)
    # d32 = np.linalg.norm(r32)
    d32 = np.sqrt(r32[0]**2 + r32[1]**2 + r32[2]**2)
    oneOverD12d32 = 1/(d12*d32)
    # cosTheta =, r32) / (d12 * d32)
    cosTheta = (r12[0]*r32[0] + r12[1]*r32[1] + r12[2]*r32[2]) * oneOverD12d32
    theta = np.arccos(cosTheta)
    if (abs(abs(cosTheta)-1.0) < 1e-8):
        dTheta_dCosTheta = 0.
        dTheta_dCosTheta = -1. / np.sqrt(1. - cosTheta**2)
    dCosTheta_dR12 = r32 * oneOverD12d32 - r12 * (cosTheta / d12**2)
    dCosTheta_dR32 = r12 * oneOverD12d32 - r32 * (cosTheta / d32**2)
    dTheta_dR1 = dTheta_dCosTheta * dCosTheta_dR12
    dTheta_dR3 = dTheta_dCosTheta * dCosTheta_dR32
    dTheta_dR2 = - dTheta_dR1 - dTheta_dR3
    return theta, dTheta_dR1, dTheta_dR2, dTheta_dR3

def _cosAngleDER(r1, r2, r3):
    for the three cartesian coordinates r1,r2,r3
    returns cos theta between r1-r2 and r3-r2 and
    derivative of cos theta with respect to r1,r2,r3
    r1,r2,r3 numpy arrays dimension 3

    Output: costheta, dcosTheta_dR1, dcosTheta_dR2, dcosTheta_dR3
    cosTheta: cos angle
    dcosTheta_dR1, dcosTheta_dR2, dcosTheta_dR3: derivatives of cos theta with respect to r1,r2,r3, respectively. 3dim. numpy arrays.

    r12 = r1 - r2
    r32 = r3 - r2
    d12 = np.sqrt(r12[0]**2 + r12[1]**2 + r12[2]**2)
    d32 = np.sqrt(r32[0]**2 + r32[1]**2 + r32[2]**2)
    oneOverD12d32 = 1/(d12*d32)
    # cosTheta =, r32) / (d12 * d32)
    cosTheta = (r12[0]*r32[0] + r12[1]*r32[1] + r12[2]*r32[2]) * oneOverD12d32
    dCosTheta_dR12 = r32 * oneOverD12d32 - r12 * (cosTheta / d12**2)
    dCosTheta_dR32 = r12 * oneOverD12d32 - r32 * (cosTheta / d32**2)
    dCosTheta_dR1 = dCosTheta_dR12
    dCosTheta_dR3 = dCosTheta_dR32
    dCosTheta_dR2 = - dCosTheta_dR1 - dCosTheta_dR3
    return cosTheta, dCosTheta_dR1, dCosTheta_dR2, dCosTheta_dR3

def _angle(r1, r2, r3):
    for the three cartesian coordinates r1,r2,r3
    returns angle theta between r1-r2 and r3-r2
    r1, r2, r3: position vectors as numpy arrays
    theta: angle
    r12 = r1 - r2
    r32 = r3 - r2
    # d12 = np.linalg.norm(r12)
    d12 = np.sqrt(r12[0]**2 + r12[1]**2 + r12[2]**2)
    # d32 = np.linalg.norm(r32)
    d32 = np.sqrt(r32[0]**2 + r32[1]**2 + r32[2]**2)
    cosTheta =, r32) / (d12 * d32)
    theta = np.arccos(cosTheta)
    return theta

def _dihedralAngle(r1, r2, r3, r4):
    for the four cartesian coordinates r1,r2,r3,r4
    returns dihedral angle phi and derivative of phi with respect to r1,r2,r3,r4
    r1,r2,r3,r4 numpy arrays dimension 3

    Output: phi, dPhi_dR1, dPhi_dR2, dPhi_dR3, dPhi_dR4
    phi: dihedral angle
    dPhi_dR1, dPhi_dR2, dPhi_dR3, dPhi_dR4: derivatives of phi with respect to r1,r2,r3,r4, respectively. 3dim. numpy arrays.

    r12 = r1 - r2
    r23 = r2 - r3
    r34 = r3 - r4
    # d12 = np.linalg.norm(r12)
    d23 = np.linalg.norm(r23)
    # d34 = np.linalg.norm(r34)
    c1 = np.cross(r23, r34)
    c2 = np.cross(r12, r23)
    c3 = np.cross(r34, r12)
    p1 =, c1) * d23
    p2 =, c2)
    phi = np.arctan2(p1, p2)
    dPhi_dP1 = p2/(p1**2+p2**2)
    dPhi_dP2 = -p1/(p1**2+p2**2)
    # P1 = r12 . (r23xr34) * d23
    # =r34 . (r12xr23) * d23
    # =r23 . (r34xr12) * d23
    dP1_dR12 = c1 * d23
    dP1_dR34 = c2 * d23
    dP1_dR23 = c3 * d23 +, c3) * r23 / d23
    # P2 = (r23 x r34 ) (r12 x r23)
    # = ( r23 r12 ) (r34 r23) - (r23 r23) (r34 r12)
    dP2_dR12 = r23 *, r23) - d23**2 * r34
    dP2_dR23 = r12 *, r23) +  \, r12) * r34 - 2 * r23 *, r12)
    dP2_dR34 = r23 *, r12) - d23**2 * r12
    dPhi_dR12 = dPhi_dP1 * dP1_dR12 + dPhi_dP2 * dP2_dR12
    dPhi_dR23 = dPhi_dP1 * dP1_dR23 + dPhi_dP2 * dP2_dR23
    dPhi_dR34 = dPhi_dP1 * dP1_dR34 + dPhi_dP2 * dP2_dR34

    dPhi_dR1 = dPhi_dR12
    dPhi_dR2 = dPhi_dR23 - dPhi_dR12
    dPhi_dR3 = dPhi_dR34 - dPhi_dR23
    dPhi_dR4 = -dPhi_dR34
    return phi, dPhi_dR1, dPhi_dR2, dPhi_dR3, dPhi_dR4

def _EpsSigmaToC6C12(eps, sigma):
    converts eps, sigma  to C6 C12 in kJ/mol^n
    eps : epsilon in a.u.
    sigma: sigma in a.u.
    C6:  C6 in kJ/mol nm^6
    C12: C12 in kJ/mol nm^12
    sigma /= 10. * cv.an2au  # to nm
    eps /= cv.kj2au  # to kJ/mol
    sigma6 = np.power(sigma, 6)
    C6 = 4 * sigma6 * eps
    C12 = 4 * sigma6 * sigma6 * eps
    return C6, C12

[docs] class forcefield(object): """ Template for a general force field """ # TODO: # Eventually, all force fields should be specified # by _parameter structure. # However, few details are not implemented generally # but only for specific force fields # - virtual sites is currently only used for TIP4P # and is only implemented there # - constraints are only implemented in SPC/E # and only implemented specifically for SPC/E # todo: check if introduce sigma_nuc here _parameter = { 'name': 'dummy forcefield', 'charges': {}, 'sigma_nuc': {}, # Width of Gaussian nuclear charge model, bohr 'masses': {}, 'C6': {}, # Lennard-Jones Parameter, unit kJ/mol nm^6 'C12': {}, # Lennard-Jones Parameter, unit kJ/mol nm^12 'bonds': [], # for each bond dictionary with parameters 'angles': [], # for each angle dictionary with parameters 'dihedrals': [], # for each dihedral dictionary with parameters 'bond_constraints': [], # bond constraints 'angle_constraints': [] # angle constraints } eBonds = 0. eAngles = 0. eDihdedral = 0. eCoul = 0. eNonbonbded = 0. def __init__(self, topol=None, **opts): self.topol = [t.split("_")[1] for t in topol] for atom in self._parameter['charges']: if atom not in self.topol: raise ValueError("Cannot find atom %s in topology" % atom) for atom in self.topol: if atom not in self._parameter['charges']: raise ValueError("Cannot find atom %s in parameters" % atom) if len(topol) != len(self._parameter['charges'].keys()): raise ValueError("Number of atoms does not match! %s != %s" % self._parameter['charges'].keys(), topol) self.topolMap = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(self.topol)} if "pairs" in self._parameter: self.pairs = self._parameter["pairs"] else: bondlist = self._parameter["bonds"] if 'bond_constraints' in self._parameter: bondlist = bondlist + self._parameter["bond_constraints"] self.pairs = {} for bond in bondlist: ai = bond["ai"] aj = bond["aj"] if not ai in self.pairs: self.pairs[ai] = [aj] else: self.pairs[ai].append(aj) if not aj in self.pairs: self.pairs[aj] = [ai] else: self.pairs[aj].append(ai) # prepare for the evaluation of nonBonded interaction within the molecule self.bondSteps = {} def findDistance(a0, ai, it): for aj in self.pairs[ai]: if aj in self.bondSteps[a0] and self.bondSteps[a0][aj] <= it: continue else: self.bondSteps[a0][aj] = it findDistance(a0, aj, it+1) for ai in self.topol: self.bondSteps[ai] = {ai: 0} for ai in self.topol: findDistance(ai, ai, 1) nexcl = 3 if "nexcl" in self._parameter: nexcl = self._parameter["nexcl"] self.nonBondedPairs = np.array([(self.topolMap[a1], self.topolMap[a2]) for a1, b in self.bondSteps.items() for a2, d in b.items() if self.topolMap[a1] < self.topolMap[a2] and d > nexcl]) self.nonBondedPairsBondSteps = np.array([d for a1, b in self.bondSteps.items() for a2, d in b.items() if self.topolMap[a1] < self.topolMap[a2] and d > nexcl]) fudgeLJ = 1. fudgeQQ = 1. if "fudgeLJ" in self._parameter: fudgeLJ = self._parameter["fudgeLJ"] if "fudgeQQ" in self._parameter: fudgeQQ = self._parameter["fudgeQQ"] self.nonBondedPairsFudgeLJ = np.where( self.nonBondedPairsBondSteps == 4, fudgeLJ, 1.) self.nonBondedPairsFudgeQQ = np.where( self.nonBondedPairsBondSteps == 4, fudgeQQ, 1.)
[docs] def name(self): """ returns the name of the force field """ return self._parameter["name"]
[docs] def getLJCombRule(self): """ returns the combination rule """ if "combRule" in self._parameter: return self._parameter["combRule"] else: return None
[docs] def hasConstraints(self): """ returns whether forcefield has constraints """ l = 0 if "bond_constraints" in self._parameter: l += len(self._parameter["bond_constraints"]) if "angle_constraints" in self._parameter: l += len(self._parameter["angle_constraints"]) return l > 0
[docs] def numConstraints(self): """ returns number of constraints """ l = 0 if "bond_constraints" in self._parameter: l += len(self._parameter["bond_constraints"]) if "angle_constraints" in self._parameter: l += len(self._parameter["angle_constraints"]) return l
[docs] def getConstraints(self, geom, der=False): """ returns constraints Input: geom: geometry of molecule, numpy array (natoms,3) der: (optionial) boolen Flag for wheter to provide dg as output Output: if der, output is g,dg else, output is g g: deviation in constraints, n-dim numpy array dg: derivative of constraints with respect to coordinates, numpy array of shape (n,na,3) """ # gs = [] dgs = [] nb = len(self._parameter["bond_constraints"]) na = len(self._parameter["angle_constraints"]) gs = np.zeros(na+nb) if geom is None: return gs dgs = np.zeros((na+nb, geom.shape[0], geom.shape[1])) for i, bond_constraint in enumerate(self._parameter["bond_constraints"]): ai = bond_constraint['ai'] aj = bond_constraint['aj'] v = bond_constraint['value'] * 10 * cv.an2au r = geom[self.topolMap[ai], :] - geom[self.topolMap[aj], :] # d = np.linalg.norm(r) d = np.sqrt(r[0]**2 + r[1]**2 + r[2]**2) gs[i] = d - v if der: dgs[i, self.topolMap[ai], :] = r/d dgs[i, self.topolMap[aj], :] = -r/d for i, angle_constraint in enumerate(self._parameter["angle_constraints"]): ai = angle_constraint['ai'] aj = angle_constraint['aj'] ak = angle_constraint['ak'] v = angle_constraint['value'] * np.pi/180 if der: theta, dTheta_dR1, dTheta_dR2, dTheta_dR3 = _angleDER( geom[self.topolMap[ai], :], geom[self.topolMap[aj], :], geom[self.topolMap[ak], :]) gs[nb + i] = theta - v dgs[nb + i, self.topolMap[ai], :] = dTheta_dR1 dgs[nb + i, self.topolMap[aj], :] = dTheta_dR2 dgs[nb + i, self.topolMap[ak], :] = dTheta_dR3 else: theta = _angle( geom[self.topolMap[ai], :], geom[self.topolMap[aj], :], geom[self.topolMap[ak], :]) gs[nb + i] = theta - v if der: return gs, dgs else: return gs
[docs] def getCharges(self): """ Returns array of charges for each atom / virtual site. """ return np.array([float(self._parameter['charges'][s]) for s in self.topol])
[docs] def getSigmaNuc(self, sigma_case): """ Returns array with the spread (sigma) of the nuclear charge for each atom in a gaussian nuclear model. Sigma is parsed to the QCE. \rho(r) = Z_i * (\frac{1}{2 \pi \sigma_i^2})^(2/3) * exp(-r^2 / (2 \sigma_i^2)) Parameters ---------- sigma_case: string or float, optional If float, it is used as sigma for all atoms. If string, it can be either 'covrad', use the covalent radius of the atoms; or try to convert the string to a dictionary of the form {'atom_name': sigma_value}. Default is 'covrad'. Returns ------- sigma_nuc: (n_atoms,) ndarray of floats """ # todo: Add equation of GNDM to documentation as implemented in libcint # Set same sigma for all atoms try: sigma_case = float(sigma_case) return np.array([sigma_case for s in self.topol]) sigma_nuc = {s:sigma_case*cv.an2au for s in self.topol} except (TypeError, ValueError): # Set sigma for each atom (define a dictionary) if sigma_case == 'covrad': # Use covalent radii sigma_nuc = { 'OW': 0.66 * cv.an2au, 'HW1': 0.31 * cv.an2au, 'HW2': 0.31 * cv.an2au, } else: # Try to read a dictionary from input string try: sigma_nuc = {} for i in range(0, len(sigma_case), 2): sigma_nuc[sigma_case[i]] = float( sigma_case[i+1]) / cv.au2an except: raise ValueError( 'The input string should be of the form `key1 value1 key2 value2 ...`' ) return np.array([sigma_nuc[s] for s in self.topol])
[docs] def getMasses(self): # ! Check units of masses """ Returns array of masses for each atom """ return np.array([float(self._parameter['masses'][s]) * cv.am2au for s in self.topol])
[docs] def getLJsigma(self): """ returns array of LJ sigma parameter for each atom """ sigmas = [] if "C6" in self._parameter and "C12" in self._parameter: for a in self.topol: if a in self._parameter["C6"]: C6 = self._parameter["C6"][a] C12 = self._parameter["C12"][a] sigmas.append(np.power(C12/C6, 1./6) * 10. * cv.an2au) else: sigmas.append(0.) elif "sigma" in self._parameter and "epsilon" in self._parameter: for a in self.topol: if a in self._parameter["sigma"]: sigma = self._parameter["sigma"][a] * 10. * cv.an2au sigmas.append(sigma) else: sigmas.append(0.) else: raise ValueError(f"no LJ parameters defined") return np.array(sigmas)
[docs] def getLJeps(self): """ returns array of LJ epsilon parameter for each atom """ epsilons = [] if "C6" in self._parameter and "C12" in self._parameter: for a in self.topol: if a in self._parameter["C6"]: C6 = self._parameter["C6"][a] C12 = self._parameter["C12"][a] epsilons.append(1/4. * C6 * C6 / C12 * cv.kj2au) else: epsilons.append(0.) elif "sigma" in self._parameter and "epsilon" in self._parameter: for a in self.topol: if a in self._parameter["epsilon"]: epsilon = self._parameter["epsilon"][a] * \ cv.kc2ev * cv.ev2au epsilons.append(epsilon) else: epsilons.append(0.) else: raise ValueError(f"no LJ parameters defined") return np.array(epsilons)
[docs] def hasVirtualSite(self): """ returns True if forcefield has a virtual site logic """ return False
[docs] def getVGeom(self, geom, noM=False): """ Input: geom: geometry as 2 dim numpy array geom[number of atoms, 3] noM: boolean, whether virtual sites for this molecule should be skipped Output: vGeom, gM vGeom: geometry with virtual sites as 2 dim numpy array geom[number of atoms, 3] gM: Jacobi matrix elements as list ot tuples (ai,i,bj,j,g) ai: index of real atom i: index of atom coord (0...2) bj: index of virtual site j: index of virtual site coord (0...2) g: derviative dj / di """ gM = [(ai, i, ai, i, 1.0) for i in range(3) for ai in range(geom.shape[0])] return geom.copy(), gM
[docs] def getBonded(self, molX, topol): """ input: molX: geometry of the molecule as flat numpy array topol: topology of the molecule Output: energy,gradient energy: energy of bonded interaction gradient: gradient of the energy as flat numpy array """ x = molX.reshape(-1, 3) gradient = np.zeros(x.shape) energy = 0. self.eBonds = 0. for bond in self._parameter["bonds"]: ai = bond["ai"] aj = bond["aj"] # harmonic potential if bond["func"] == 1: b = bond["b"] * 10 * cv.an2au k = bond["K"] * cv.kj2au / (10*cv.an2au)**2 e, gi, gj = self._harmonicPotential(x[self.topolMap[ai]], x[self.topolMap[aj]], b, k) # Gromos-96 type quartic potential elif bond["func"] == 2: b = bond["b"] * 10 * cv.an2au k = bond["K"] * cv.kj2au / (10*cv.an2au)**4 e, gi, gj = self._fourthPowerPotential(x[self.topolMap[ai]], x[self.topolMap[aj]], b, k) # Morse Potential elif bond["func"] == 3: b = bond["b"] * 10 * cv.an2au beta = bond["beta"] * 1/(10 * cv.an2au) D = bond["D"] * cv.kj2au e, gi, gj = self._morsePotential(x[self.topolMap[ai]], x[self.topolMap[aj]], b, beta, D) else: raise ValueError( 'bond stretch potential type %d not implemented' % bond["func"]) energy += e self.eBonds += e gradient[self.topolMap[ai]] += gi gradient[self.topolMap[aj]] += gj self.eAngles = 0 for angle in self._parameter["angles"]: ai = angle["ai"] aj = angle["aj"] ak = angle["ak"] if angle["func"] == 1: # G96 type angle harmonic cos-angle potential k = angle["K"] * cv.kj2au # kJ/(mol rad^2) -> au/rad^2 ri = x[self.topolMap[ai]] rj = x[self.topolMap[aj]] rk = x[self.topolMap[ak]] # deg -> rad. cosTheta0 = np.cos(angle["theta"] * np.pi / 180.) e, gi, gj, gk = self._cosAnglePotential( ri, rj, rk, cosTheta0, k) elif angle["func"] == 2: # harmonic angle potential theta = angle["theta"] * np.pi / 180. # deg -> rad. k = angle["K"] * cv.kj2au # kJ/(mol rad^2) -> au/rad^2 ri = x[self.topolMap[ai]] rj = x[self.topolMap[aj]] rk = x[self.topolMap[ak]] e, gi, gj, gk = self._harmonicAnglePotential( ri, rj, rk, theta, k) elif angle["func"] == 2: # harmonic angle potential theta = angle["theta"] * np.pi / 180. # deg -> rad. k = angle["K"] * cv.kj2au # kJ/(mol rad^2) -> au/rad^2 ri = x[self.topolMap[ai]] rj = x[self.topolMap[aj]] rk = x[self.topolMap[ak]] e, gi, gj, gk = self._harmonicAnglePotential( ri, rj, rk, theta, k) else: raise ValueError( 'angle potential type %d not implemented' % angle["func"]) gradient[self.topolMap[ai]] += gi gradient[self.topolMap[aj]] += gj gradient[self.topolMap[ak]] += gk energy += e self.eAngles +=e self.eDihedrals = 0 for dihedral in self._parameter["dihedrals"]: ai = dihedral["ai"] aj = dihedral["aj"] ak = dihedral["ak"] al = dihedral["al"] ri = x[self.topolMap[ai]] rj = x[self.topolMap[aj]] rk = x[self.topolMap[ak]] rl = x[self.topolMap[al]] if dihedral["func"] in [1, 2, 4, 9]: phiS = dihedral["phiS"] * np.pi/180. # deg -> rad if dihedral["func"] == 1 or dihedral["func"] == 4 or dihedral["func"] == 9: # periodic dihedrals n = dihedral["n"] k = dihedral["K"] * cv.kj2au # kJ/(mol) -> a.u. e, gi, gj, gk, gl = self._periodicDihedralPotential( ri, rj, rk, rl, phiS, n, k) elif dihedral["func"] == 2: # kJ/(mol rad^2) -> a.u./rad^2 k = dihedral["K"] * cv.kj2au e, gi, gj, gk, gl = self._harmonicDihedralPotential( ri, rj, rk, rl, phiS, k) elif dihedral["func"] == 3: C = np.array([dihedral["C0"], dihedral["C1"], dihedral["C2"], dihedral["C3"], dihedral["C4"], dihedral["C5"]]) * cv.kj2au # kJ/(mol) -> a.u. e, gi, gj, gk, gl = self._RyckaertBellemansdihedralPotential( ri, rj, rk, rl, C) else: raise ValueError( 'dihedral potential type %d not implemented' % dihedral["func"]) gradient[self.topolMap[ai]] += gi gradient[self.topolMap[aj]] += gj gradient[self.topolMap[ak]] += gk gradient[self.topolMap[al]] += gl energy += e self.eDihedrals += e return (energy, gradient)
[docs] def getNonBondedInteractionPairs(self): """ returns the atom pairs that experience non-bonded interaction (LJ + coulomb) within the molecule """ return self.nonBondedPairs
[docs] def getNonBondedInteractionPairsFudgeLJ(self): """ returns the fudge factor non-bonded interaction (LJ) within the molecule """ return self.nonBondedPairsFudgeLJ
[docs] def getNonBondedInteractionPairsFudgeQQ(self): """ returns the fudge factor non-bonded interaction (Coulomb) within the molecule """ return self.nonBondedPairsFudgeQQ
def _harmonicPotential(self, r1, r2, b, k): """ Input: r1,r2: cartesian vectors numpy array dimension 3 b: eq. bond length K: force constant Output: energy value g1 gradient on atom 1, numpy array dimension 3 g2 gradient on atom 2, numpy array dimension 3 """ dist = r1 - r2 # d = np.linalg.norm(dist) d = np.sqrt(dist[0]**2 + dist[1]**2 + dist[2]**2) e = k/2 * (d-b)**2 g1 = k * (d-b) * dist/d g2 = -k * (d-b) * dist/d return e, g1, g2 def _morsePotential(self, r1, r2, b, beta, D): """ Morse potential Input: r1,r2: cartesian vectors numpy array dimension 3 b: eq. bond length beta: steepness D: depth Output: energy value g1 gradient on atom 1, numpy array dimension 3 g2 gradient on atom 2, numpy array dimension 3 """ r12 = r1-r2 # d = np.linalg.norm(r12) d = np.sqrt(r12[0]**2 + r12[1]**2 + r12[2]**2) exp = np.exp(-beta * (d - b)) e = D * (1. - exp)**2 dvdr = 2.0 * D * (1.-exp) * exp * beta g1 = r12 / d * dvdr g2 = -r12 / d * dvdr return e, g1, g2 def _fourthPowerPotential(self, r1, r2, b, k): """ Input: r1,r2: cartesian vectors numpy array dimension 3 b: eq. bond length K: force constant Output: energy value g1 gradient on atom 1, numpy array dimension 3 g2 gradient on atom 2, numpy array dimension 3 """ dist = r1 - r2 d2 = (dist[0]**2 + dist[1]**2 + dist[2]**2) # d2 =, dist) b2 = b**2 e = k/4 * (d2-b2)**2 g = k * (d2-b2) * dist g1 = g g2 = -g return e, g1, g2 def _harmonicAnglePotential(self, r1, r2, r3, theta0, k): """ harmonic potential for bond angles Input: r1,r2,r3: cartesian vectors numpy array dimension 3 of atoms theta: eq. angle K: force constant Output: energy,g1,g2,g3 energy value g1 gradient on atom 1, numpy array dimension 3 g2 gradient on atom 2, numpy array dimension 3 g3 gradient on atom 3, numpy array dimension 3 """ theta, dTheta_dR1, dTheta_dR2, dTheta_dR3 = _angleDER(r1, r2, r3) e = k/2 * (theta - theta0)**2 gTheta = k * (theta - theta0) g1 = gTheta * dTheta_dR1 g2 = gTheta * dTheta_dR2 g3 = gTheta * dTheta_dR3 return e, g1, g2, g3 def _cosAnglePotential(self, r1, r2, r3, cosTheta0, k): """ harmonic potential for bond angles 1/2 k (cos(phi)-cos(phi_0))**2 Input: r1,r2,r3: cartesian vectors numpy array dimension 3 of atoms theta: eq. angle K: force constant Output: energy,g1,g2,g3 energy value g1 gradient on atom 1, numpy array dimension 3 g2 gradient on atom 2, numpy array dimension 3 g3 gradient on atom 3, numpy array dimension 3 """ cosTheta, dCosTheta_dR1, dCosTheta_dR2, dCosTheta_dR3 = _cosAngleDER( r1, r2, r3) e = k/2 * (cosTheta - cosTheta0)**2 gCosTheta = k * (cosTheta - cosTheta0) g1 = gCosTheta * dCosTheta_dR1 g2 = gCosTheta * dCosTheta_dR2 g3 = gCosTheta * dCosTheta_dR3 return e, g1, g2, g3 def _periodicDihedralPotential(self, r1, r2, r3, r4, phiS, n, k): """ periodic dihedral potetial Input: r1,r2,r3,r4: cartesian vectors numpy array dimension 3 of 4 atoms phiS: eq. dihedral angle K: force constant n: periodicity Output: energy,g1,g2,g3,g4 energy value g1 gradient on atom 1, numpy array dimension 3 g2 gradient on atom 2, numpy array dimension 3 g3 gradient on atom 3, numpy array dimension 3 g4 gradient on atom 4, numpy array dimension 3 """ phi, dPhi_dR1, dPhi_dR2, dPhi_dR3, dPhi_dR4 = _dihedralAngle( r1, r2, r3, r4) e = k * (1. + np.cos(n*phi - phiS)) gPhi = k * -n * np.sin(n*phi - phiS) g1 = gPhi * dPhi_dR1 g2 = gPhi * dPhi_dR2 g3 = gPhi * dPhi_dR3 g4 = gPhi * dPhi_dR4 return e, g1, g2, g3, g4 def _harmonicDihedralPotential(self, r1, r2, r3, r4, phiS, k): """ harmonic dihedral potetial Input: r1,r2,r3,r4: cartesian vectors numpy array dimension 3 of 4 atoms phiS: eq. dihedral angle K: force constant Output: energy,g1,g2,g3,g4 energy value g1 gradient on atom 1, numpy array dimension 3 g2 gradient on atom 2, numpy array dimension 3 g3 gradient on atom 3, numpy array dimension 3 g4 gradient on atom 4, numpy array dimension 3 """ phi, dPhi_dR1, dPhi_dR2, dPhi_dR3, dPhi_dR4 = _dihedralAngle( r1, r2, r3, r4) e = 0.5 * k * (phi-phiS)**2 gPhi = k * (phi-phiS) g1 = gPhi * dPhi_dR1 g2 = gPhi * dPhi_dR2 g3 = gPhi * dPhi_dR3 g4 = gPhi * dPhi_dR4 return e, g1, g2, g3, g4 def _RyckaertBellemansdihedralPotential(self, r1, r2, r3, r4, C): """ RyckaertBellemansdihedra dihedral potential Input: r1,r2,r3,r4: cartesian vectors numpy array dimension 3 of 4 atoms C[:]: coefficient array of shape (5) Output: energy,g1,g2,g3,g4 energy value g1 gradient on atom 1, numpy array dimension 3 g2 gradient on atom 2, numpy array dimension 3 g3 gradient on atom 3, numpy array dimension 3 g4 gradient on atom 4, numpy array dimension 3 """ phi, dPhi_dR1, dPhi_dR2, dPhi_dR3, dPhi_dR4 = _dihedralAngle( r1, r2, r3, r4) cosPsi = np.cos(phi - np.pi) dCosPsi_dPhi = - np.sin(phi - np.pi) e = C[0] + C[1] * cosPsi + C[2] * cosPsi**2 + C[3] * \ cosPsi**3 + C[4] * cosPsi**4 + C[5] * cosPsi**5 gCosPsi = C[1] + 2 * C[2] * cosPsi + 3 * C[3] * \ cosPsi**2 + 4 * C[4] * cosPsi**3 + 5 * C[5] * cosPsi**4 gPhi = gCosPsi * dCosPsi_dPhi g1 = gPhi * dPhi_dR1 g2 = gPhi * dPhi_dR2 g3 = gPhi * dPhi_dR3 g4 = gPhi * dPhi_dR4 return e, g1, g2, g3, g4 def _testHarmonicAnglePotential(self): theta = 80.*np.pi/180. k = 1. thetas = np.arange(0.1*np.pi, 1.9*np.pi, 0.05*np.pi) energies = np.zeros(thetas.shape) eps = 1e-5 grad = np.zeros((3, 3)) nGrad = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in range(thetas.shape[0]): r = np.array( [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [np.cos(thetas[i]), np.sin(thetas[i]), 0]]) e, g1, g2, g3 = self._harmonicAnglePotential( r[0], r[1], r[2], theta, k) energies[i] = e grad[0] = g1 grad[1] = g2 grad[2] = g3 for ai in range(3): for i in range(3): rEps = r.copy() rEps[ai, i] += eps eEps, ge1, ge2, ge3 = self._harmonicAnglePotential( rEps[0], rEps[1], rEps[2], theta, k) nGrad[ai, i] = (eEps-e)/eps assert (np.max(np.abs((grad-nGrad).flatten())) < 1e-2) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(thetas, energies) plt.plot(thetas, 0.5*k*(thetas-theta)**2) def _testDihedralPotentials(self): phi0 = 180.*np.pi/180. k = 1. n = 2 phis = np.arange(0.1*np.pi, 1.9*np.pi, 0.05*np.pi) dihedral = np.zeros(phis.shape) energies = np.zeros(phis.shape) energies2 = np.zeros(phis.shape) eps = 1e-6 nGrad = np.zeros((4, 3)) nGrad2 = np.zeros((4, 3)) for i in range(phis.shape[0]): r = np.array( [ [0., 0., 0.], # x-y plane [1., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 0.], # x-z plane [1. + np.cos(phis[i]), 1., np.sin(phis[i])] # ]) dihedral[i] = _dihedralAngle(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3])[0] e, g1, g2, g3, g4 = self._periodicDihedralPotential( r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], phi0, n, k) grad = np.stack([g1, g2, g3, g4]) energies[i] = e e2, g21, g22, g23, g24 = self._harmonicDihedralPotential( r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], phi0, k) energies2[i] = e2 grad2 = np.stack([g21, g22, g23, g24]) for ai in range(4): for j in range(3): rEps = r.copy() rEps[ai, j] += eps eEps, ge1, ge2, ge3, ge4 = self._periodicDihedralPotential( rEps[0], rEps[1], rEps[2], rEps[3], phi0, n, k) nGrad[ai, j] = (eEps-e)/eps eEps2, ge21, ge22, ge23, eg24 = self._harmonicDihedralPotential( rEps[0], rEps[1], rEps[2], rEps[3], phi0, k) nGrad2[ai, j] = (eEps2-e2)/eps assert (np.max(np.abs((grad-nGrad).flatten())) < 1e-4) assert (np.max(np.abs((grad2-nGrad2).flatten())) < 1e-4) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(dihedral*180./np.pi, energies) # test with 4 different random coordinates r = np.random.rand(4, 3) # analytical gradients e, g1, g2, g3, g4 = self._periodicDihedralPotential( r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], phi0, n, k) grad = np.stack([g1, g2, g3, g4]) e2, g21, g22, g23, g24 = self._harmonicDihedralPotential( r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], phi0, k) grad2 = np.stack([g21, g22, g23, g24]) for ai in range(4): for j in range(3): rEps = r.copy() rEps[ai, j] += eps eEps, ge1, ge2, ge3, ge4 = self._periodicDihedralPotential( rEps[0], rEps[1], rEps[2], rEps[3], phi0, n, k) nGrad[ai, j] = (eEps-e)/eps eEps2, ge21, ge22, ge23, eg24 = self._harmonicDihedralPotential( rEps[0], rEps[1], rEps[2], rEps[3], phi0, k) nGrad2[ai, j] = (eEps2-e2)/eps assert (np.max(np.abs((grad-nGrad).flatten())) < 1e-4) assert (np.max(np.abs((grad2-nGrad2).flatten())) < 1e-4)
[docs] class ureaFF(forcefield): # Smith et al J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 108, No. 3, 2004 _parameter = { 'name': 'UREA GROMOS force field Smith et al J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 108, No. 3, 2004', 'charges': { 'OU': -0.39000, 'CU': 0.14200, 'N1U': -0.54200, 'H11U': 0.33300, 'H12U': 0.33300, 'N2U': -0.54200, 'H21U': 0.33300, 'H22U': 0.33300 }, 'masses': { 'OU': cv.periodicTable['O']['atomic_mass'], 'CU': cv.periodicTable['C']['atomic_mass'], 'N1U': cv.periodicTable['N']['atomic_mass'], 'H11U': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], 'H12U': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], 'N2U': cv.periodicTable['N']['atomic_mass'], 'H21U': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], 'H22U': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'] }, 'C6': { # unit kJ/mol nm^6 'CU': 0.0048868488, 'OU': 0.0023639044, 'N1U': 0.0033527574, 'N2U': 0.0033527574, }, 'C12': { # unit kJ/mol nm^12 'CU': 1.3589545e-05, 'OU': 1.5898688e-06, 'N1U': 3.9509513e-06, 'N2U': 3.9509513e-06, }, 'bonds': [ {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'OU', 'func': 2, 'b': 0.1265, 'K': 1.31e7}, {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'N1U', 'func': 2, 'b': 0.135, 'K': 1.03e7}, {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'N2U', 'func': 2, 'b': 0.135, 'K': 1.03e7}, {'ai': 'N1U', 'aj': 'H11U', 'func': 2, 'b': 0.1, 'K': 1.87e7}, {'ai': 'N1U', 'aj': 'H12U', 'func': 2, 'b': 0.1, 'K': 1.87e7}, {'ai': 'N2U', 'aj': 'H21U', 'func': 2, 'b': 0.1, 'K': 1.87e7}, {'ai': 'N2U', 'aj': 'H22U', 'func': 2, 'b': 0.1, 'K': 1.87e7}, ], 'angles': [ {'ai': 'OU', 'aj': 'CU', 'ak': 'N1U', 'func': 2, 'theta': 121.4, 'K': 690}, {'ai': 'N1U', 'aj': 'CU', 'ak': 'N2U', 'func': 2, 'theta': 117.42, 'K': 636}, {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'N1U', 'ak': 'H11U', 'func': 2, 'theta': 120.0, 'K': 390}, {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'N1U', 'ak': 'H12U', 'func': 2, 'theta': 120.0, 'K': 390}, {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'N2U', 'ak': 'H21U', 'func': 2, 'theta': 120.0, 'K': 390}, {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'N2U', 'ak': 'H22U', 'func': 2, 'theta': 120.0, 'K': 390}, {'ai': 'H11U', 'aj': 'N1U', 'ak': 'H12U', 'func': 2, 'theta': 120.0, 'K': 445}, {'ai': 'H21U', 'aj': 'N2U', 'ak': 'H22U', 'func': 2, 'theta': 120.0, 'K': 445}, ], 'dihedrals': [ {'ai': 'OU', 'aj': 'CU', 'ak': 'N1U', 'al': 'H11U', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180., 'n': 2, 'K': 41.8}, {'ai': 'OU', 'aj': 'CU', 'ak': 'N2U', 'al': 'H22U', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180., 'n': 2, 'K': 41.8}, {'ai': 'OU', 'aj': 'N2U', 'ak': 'N1U', 'al': 'CU', 'func': 2, 'phiS': 0., 'K': 167.42309}, {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'H12U', 'ak': 'H11U', 'al': 'N1U', 'func': 2, 'phiS': 0., 'K': 167.42309}, {'ai': 'CU', 'aj': 'H22U', 'ak': 'H21U', 'al': 'N2U', 'func': 2, 'phiS': 0., 'K': 167.42309}, ], }
[docs] class furfuralFF(forcefield): _parameter = { 'name': 'OPLSAA parameters taken from S. Rabet and G. Raabe, Fluid Phase Equilibria 554, 113331 (2022)', 'fudgeLJ': 0.5, 'fudgeQQ': 0.5, 'nbfunc': 1, 'combrule': 'OPLS', 'moltype': [], 'nexcl': 3, 'charges': {'O1': -0.45, 'C2': 0.47, 'H3': 0.122, 'C4': -0.019, 'C5': -0.154, 'H6': 0.126, 'C7': -0.154, 'H8': 0.126, 'C9': -0.019, 'H10': 0.142, 'O11': -0.19}, 'masses': {'O1': 15.9994, 'C2': 12.011, 'H3': 1.008, 'C4': 12.011, 'C5': 12.011, 'H6': 1.008, 'C7': 12.011, 'H8': 1.008, 'C9': 12.011, 'H10': 1.008, 'O11': 15.9994}, 'epsilon': {'O1': 0.87864, 'C2': 0.43932, 'H3': 0.06276, 'C4': 0.29288, 'C5': 0.317984, 'H6': 0.12552, 'C7': 0.317984, 'H8': 0.12552, 'C9': 0.29288, 'H10': 0.12552, 'O11': 0.58576}, 'sigma': {'O1': 0.296, 'C2': 0.375, 'H3': 0.242, 'C4': 0.355, 'C5': 0.355, 'H6': 0.242, 'C7': 0.355, 'H8': 0.242, 'C9': 0.355, 'H10': 0.242, 'O11': 0.29}, 'bonds': [ {'ai': 'O1', 'aj': 'C2', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.1229, 'K': 476976.0}, {'ai': 'C2', 'aj': 'H3', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.109, 'K': 284512.0}, {'ai': 'C2', 'aj': 'C4', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.149, 'K': 334720.0}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'C5', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.1367, 'K': 456892.8}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.136, 'K': 284512.0}, {'ai': 'C5', 'aj': 'H6', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.108, 'K': 307105.6}, {'ai': 'C5', 'aj': 'C7', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.1424, 'K': 392459.2}, {'ai': 'C7', 'aj': 'H8', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.108, 'K': 307105.6}, {'ai': 'C7', 'aj': 'C9', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.1367, 'K': 456892.8}, {'ai': 'C9', 'aj': 'H10', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.108, 'K': 307105.6}, {'ai': 'C9', 'aj': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'b': 0.136, 'K': 284512.0}], 'angles': [ {'ai': 'O1', 'aj': 'C2', 'ak': 'H3', 'func': 1, 'theta': 123.0, 'K': 292.88}, {'ai': 'O1', 'aj': 'C2', 'ak': 'C4', 'func': 1, 'theta': 120.4, 'K': 669.44}, {'ai': 'C2', 'aj': 'C4', 'ak': 'C5', 'func': 1, 'theta': 120.0, 'K': 711.28}, {'ai': 'C2', 'aj': 'C4', 'ak': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'theta': 119.26, 'K': 567.94}, {'ai': 'H3', 'aj': 'C2', 'ak': 'C4', 'func': 1, 'theta': 115.0, 'K': 292.88}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'H6', 'func': 1, 'theta': 125.7, 'K': 292.88}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C7', 'func': 1, 'theta': 107.3, 'K': 585.76}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'O11', 'ak': 'C9', 'func': 1, 'theta': 106.5, 'K': 585.76}, {'ai': 'C5', 'aj': 'C4', 'ak': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'theta': 110.6, 'K': 585.76}, {'ai': 'C5', 'aj': 'C7', 'ak': 'H8', 'func': 1, 'theta': 127.5, 'K': 292.88}, {'ai': 'C5', 'aj': 'C7', 'ak': 'C9', 'func': 1, 'theta': 107.3, 'K': 585.76}, {'ai': 'H6', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C7', 'func': 1, 'theta': 127.5, 'K': 292.88}, {'ai': 'C7', 'aj': 'C9', 'ak': 'H10', 'func': 1, 'theta': 132.1, 'K': 292.88}, {'ai': 'C7', 'aj': 'C9', 'ak': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'theta': 110.6, 'K': 585.76}, {'ai': 'H8', 'aj': 'C7', 'ak': 'C9', 'func': 1, 'theta': 125.7, 'K': 292.88}, {'ai': 'H10', 'aj': 'C9', 'ak': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'theta': 113.4, 'K': 292.88}], 'dihedrals': [ {'ai': 'O1', 'aj': 'C2', 'ak': 'C4', 'al': 'C5', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 12.029, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'O1', 'aj': 'C2', 'ak': 'C4', 'al': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 12.029, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C2', 'aj': 'C4', 'ak': 'C5', 'al': 'H6', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C2', 'aj': 'C4', 'ak': 'C5', 'al': 'C7', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C2', 'aj': 'C4', 'ak': 'O11', 'al': 'C9', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'H3', 'aj': 'C2', 'ak': 'C4', 'al': 'C5', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 12.029, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'H3', 'aj': 'C2', 'ak': 'C4', 'al': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 12.029, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C7', 'al': 'H8', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C7', 'al': 'C9', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'O11', 'ak': 'C9', 'al': 'C7', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'O11', 'ak': 'C9', 'al': 'H10', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C5', 'aj': 'C4', 'ak': 'O11', 'al': 'C9', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C5', 'aj': 'C7', 'ak': 'C9', 'al': 'H10', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C5', 'aj': 'C7', 'ak': 'C9', 'al': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'H6', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C4', 'al': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'H6', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C7', 'al': 'H8', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'H6', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C7', 'al': 'C9', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C7', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C4', 'al': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'H8', 'aj': 'C7', 'ak': 'C9', 'al': 'H10', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'H8', 'aj': 'C7', 'ak': 'C9', 'al': 'O11', 'func': 1, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 15.167, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'O1', 'aj': 'C2', 'ak': 'H3', 'al': 'C4', 'func': 4, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 1.1, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C2', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C4', 'al': 'O11', 'func': 4, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 4.6024, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C4', 'aj': 'C7', 'ak': 'C5', 'al': 'H6', 'func': 4, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 4.6024, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C7', 'aj': 'H10', 'ak': 'C9', 'al': 'O11', 'func': 4, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 4.6024, 'n': 2}, {'ai': 'C9', 'aj': 'C5', 'ak': 'C7', 'al': 'H8', 'func': 4, 'phiS': 180.0, 'K': 4.6024, 'n': 2}], }
[docs] class waterFF_SPC(forcefield): _parameter = { 'name': 'water SPC force field', 'charges': { 'OW': -2*0.41, 'HW1': 0.41, 'HW2': 0.41, }, 'masses': { 'OW': cv.periodicTable['O']['atomic_mass'], 'HW1': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], 'HW2': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], }, # sigma=3.15061e-01 6.36386e-01 (amber) # sigma 3.16557e-01 eps 6.50194e-01 (opls, charmm = literature) # 0.0026173456 2.634129e-06 (gromos) 'C6': {'OW': 0.002618417, }, # unit kJ/mol nm^6 'C12': {'OW': 2.636964446090433e-06}, # unit kJ/mol nm^12 'bonds': [], 'angles': [], 'dihedrals': [], 'constraint_dOH': 0.1, 'constraint_angle': 109.47, 'bond_constraints': [ {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW1', 'value': 0.1}, {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW2', 'value': 0.1}, ], 'angle_constraints': [ {'ai': 'HW1', 'aj': 'OW', 'ak': 'HW2', 'value': 109.47}, ], }
[docs] class waterFF_SPCE(forcefield): _parameter = { 'name': 'water SPC/E force field J. Phys. Chem. 91, 6269-6271 (1981)', 'charges': { 'OW': -2*0.4238, 'HW1': 0.4238, 'HW2': 0.4238, }, 'masses': { 'OW': cv.periodicTable['O']['atomic_mass'], 'HW1': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], 'HW2': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], }, 'C6': {'OW': 0.002618417, }, # unit kJ/mol nm^6 'C12': {'OW': 2.636964446090433e-06}, # unit kJ/mol nm^12 'bonds': [], 'angles': [], 'dihedrals': [], 'constraint_dOH': 0.1, 'constraint_angle': 109.47, 'bond_constraints': [ {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW1', 'value': 0.1}, {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW2', 'value': 0.1}, # {'ai': 'HW1', 'aj': 'HW2', 'value': 0.16330}, ], 'angle_constraints': [ {'ai': 'HW1', 'aj': 'OW', 'ak': 'HW2', 'value': 109.47}, ], }
[docs] class waterFF_TIP4P(forcefield): _parameter = { 'name': 'water TIP4P force field. J. Chem. Phys. 79, 926 ', 'charges': { 'OW': -2*0.52, 'HW1': 0.52, 'HW2': 0.52, }, 'masses': { 'OW': cv.periodicTable['O']['atomic_mass'], 'HW1': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], 'HW2': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], }, # sigma = 3.15365e-01 nm # eps = 78.0 K * k = 0.648527.8 kJ/mol 'C6': {'OW': _EpsSigmaToC6C12(78.0 * cv.FPC_K_B_EV * cv.ev2au, 3.15365e-01 * 10 * cv.an2au)[0] }, # unit kJ/mol nm^6 'C12': {'OW': _EpsSigmaToC6C12(78.0 * cv.FPC_K_B_EV * cv.ev2au, 3.15365e-01 * 10 * cv.an2au)[1] }, # unit kJ/mol nm^12 'bonds': [], 'angles': [], 'dihedrals': [], 'bond_constraints': [ {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW1', 'value': 0.09572}, {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW2', 'value': 0.09572}, ], 'angle_constraints': [ {'ai': 'HW1', 'aj': 'OW', 'ak': 'HW2', 'value': 104.52}, ], 'drelom': 0.13194, }
[docs] def hasVirtualSite(self): return True
[docs] def getVGeom(self, geom, noM=False): """ Input: geom: geometry as 2 dim numpy array geom[number of atoms, 3] noM: boolean, whether virtual sites for this molecule should be skipped Output: vGeom, gM vGeom: geometry with virtual sites as 2 dim numpy array geom[number of atoms, 3] gM: Jacobi matrix elements as list ot tuples (ai,i,bj,j,g) ai: index of real atom i: index of atom coord (0...2) bj: index of virtual site j: index of virtual site coord (0...2) g: derviative dj / di For the TIP4P water molecule, the oxygen geometry is swapped with the geometry of the virtual site. Hydrogen positions in vGeom are identical to geom """ if noM: gM = [(ai, i, ai, i, 1.0) for i in range(3) for ai in range(geom.shape[0])] return geom.copy(), gM vGeom = geom.copy() m, gM = self._getM(geom) vGeom[0, :] = m gM = [(ai, i, 0, j, g) for (ai, i, j), g in np.ndenumerate(gM.reshape(3, 3, 3)) if g != 0.] gM += [(1, i, 1, i, 1.0) for i in range(3)] gM += [(2, i, 2, i, 1.0) for i in range(3)] return vGeom, gM
def _getM(self, geom): """ Obtain virtual site M as defined in the TIP4P/2005f model. Furthermore, the derivative of the virtual site coordinates with respect to the cartesian coordinates of the associated water molecule are calculated. Input: geom: The cartesian coordinates of a water molecule. 2d numpy array Ordering: geom[0,:] =Oxygen (x, y, z), geom[1,:] =Hydrogen (x, y, z), geom[2,:] =Hydrogen (x, y, z) Units: Bohr Output: m: Virtual site coordinates M; Units: Bohr g: Derivative of the virtual site coordinates with respect to the cartesian coordinates of the associated water molecule as 2D numpy array with dimensions (9,3). """ drelom = self._parameter['drelom'] rOH1 = geom[1, :] - geom[0, :] rOH2 = geom[2, :] - geom[0, :] dOH1 = np.linalg.norm(rOH1) dOH2 = np.linalg.norm(rOH2) theta, dTheta_dRH1, dTheta_dRO, dTheta_dRH2 = _angleDER( geom[1, :], geom[0, :], geom[2, :]) dDOH1_dRO = -rOH1 / dOH1 dDOH2_dRO = -rOH2 / dOH2 dDOH1_dRH1 = rOH1 / dOH1 dDOH2_dRH2 = rOH2 / dOH2 sinHalfTheta = np.sin(0.5*theta) cosHalfTheta = np.cos(0.5*theta) dCosHalfTheta_dRO = - 0.5 * sinHalfTheta * dTheta_dRO dCosHalfTheta_dRH1 = - 0.5 * sinHalfTheta * dTheta_dRH1 dCosHalfTheta_dRH2 = - 0.5 * sinHalfTheta * dTheta_dRH2 dR1R2 = np.linalg.norm(rOH1+rOH2) z = (rOH1+rOH2)/dR1R2 dZ_dRO = - 2. * np.eye(3, dtype=float) / dR1R2 +\ 2./(dR1R2) * np.outer(z, z) dZ_dRH1 = 1.0 * np.eye(3, dtype=float) / dR1R2 +\ -1./(dR1R2) * np.outer(z, z) dZ_dRH2 = 1.0 * np.eye(3, dtype=float) / dR1R2 +\ -1./(dR1R2) * np.outer(z, z) m = geom[0, :] + \ drelom * (dOH1+dOH2) * np.cos(0.5*theta) * z dM_dRO = np.eye(3, dtype=float) dM_dRO += drelom * cosHalfTheta * np.outer(z, dDOH1_dRO + dDOH2_dRO) dM_dRO += drelom * (dOH1+dOH2) * np.outer(z, dCosHalfTheta_dRO) dM_dRO += drelom * (dOH1+dOH2) * cosHalfTheta * dZ_dRO dM_dRH1 = drelom * cosHalfTheta * np.outer(z, dDOH1_dRH1) dM_dRH1 += drelom * (dOH1+dOH2) * np.outer(z, dCosHalfTheta_dRH1) dM_dRH1 += drelom * (dOH1+dOH2) * cosHalfTheta * dZ_dRH1 dM_dRH2 = drelom * cosHalfTheta * np.outer(z, dDOH2_dRH2) dM_dRH2 += drelom * (dOH1+dOH2) * np.outer(z, dCosHalfTheta_dRH2) dM_dRH2 += drelom * (dOH1+dOH2) * cosHalfTheta * dZ_dRH2 return m, np.concatenate([dM_dRO.T, dM_dRH1.T, dM_dRH2.T])
[docs] class waterFF_TIP4P2005(waterFF_TIP4P): _parameter = { 'name': 'water TIP4P2005 force field. J. Chem. Phys. 123, 234505 ', 'charges': { 'OW': -2*0.5564, 'HW1': 0.5564, 'HW2': 0.5564, }, 'masses': { 'OW': cv.periodicTable['O']['atomic_mass'], 'HW1': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], 'HW2': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], }, # sigma = 3.1589e-01 nm # eps = 93.2 K 'C6': {'OW': _EpsSigmaToC6C12(93.2 * cv.FPC_K_B_EV * cv.ev2au, 3.1589e-01 * 10 * cv.an2au)[0] }, # unit kJ/mol nm^6 'C12': {'OW': _EpsSigmaToC6C12(93.2 * cv.FPC_K_B_EV * cv.ev2au, 3.1589e-01 * 10 * cv.an2au)[1] }, # unit kJ/mol nm^12 'bonds': [], 'angles': [], 'dihedrals': [], 'bond_constraints': [ {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW1', 'value': 0.09572}, {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW2', 'value': 0.09572}, ], 'angle_constraints': [ {'ai': 'HW1', 'aj': 'OW', 'ak': 'HW2', 'value': 104.52}, ], 'drelom': 0.13194, }
[docs] class waterFF_TIP4P2005f(waterFF_TIP4P): _parameter = { 'name': 'water TIP4P2005f force field. J. Chem. Phys 135, 224516 (2011) ', 'charges': { 'OW': -1.1128, 'HW1': 0.5564, 'HW2': 0.5564, }, 'masses': { 'OW': cv.periodicTable['O']['atomic_mass'], 'HW1': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], 'HW2': cv.periodicTable['H']['atomic_mass'], }, # sigma = 3.1644e-01 nm # eps = 93.2 K 'C6': {'OW': _EpsSigmaToC6C12(93.2 * cv.FPC_K_B_EV * cv.ev2au, 3.1644e-01 * 10 * cv.an2au)[0] }, # unit kJ/mol nm^6 'C12': {'OW': _EpsSigmaToC6C12(93.2 * cv.FPC_K_B_EV * cv.ev2au, 3.1644e-01 * 10 * cv.an2au)[1] }, # unit kJ/mol nm^12 'bonds': [ {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW1', 'func': 3, 'b': 0.09419, 'D': 432.581, 'beta': 22.87}, {'ai': 'OW', 'aj': 'HW2', 'func': 3, 'b': 0.09419, 'D': 432.581, 'beta': 22.87}, ], 'angles': [ {'ai': 'HW1', 'aj': 'OW', 'ak': 'HW2', 'func': 2, 'theta': 107.4, 'K': 367.810}], 'dihedrals': [], 'drelom': 0.13194, }
[docs] class jointForceFields(object): # TODO: what forcefield should be used for which molecule (and potential parameters) # should be read in from the input file molecule2FF = { "SOL": waterFF_TIP4P2005f, "UREA": ureaFF, } def __init__(self, topol, LJCombRule="OPLS", waterForcefield=None, molecule2ffstr=None, **opts): """ initializes the jointForceFields object: prepares for calculation of energies and gradients, and initialized force field for each molecule individually Input: topol: list of strings where for each atom the molecule and the atom type is defined this list must have the same order as the geometry the strings consists of a molecule name and an atom type within the molecule separated by '_', E.g. "SOL1_OW" for solvent molecule 1, oxygen atom in water LJCombRule: defines how LJ parameters are combined. currently implemented are 'Lorentz-Berthelot' and 'OPLS' default is 'OPLS' """ # override default forcefield for water if waterForcefield is not None: if waterForcefield == 'SPC/E': self.molecule2FF['SOL'] = waterFF_SPCE elif waterForcefield == 'SPC': self.molecule2FF['SOL'] = waterFF_SPC elif waterForcefield == 'TIP4P/2005f': self.molecule2FF['SOL'] = waterFF_TIP4P2005f elif waterForcefield == 'TP4P/2005': self.molecule2FF['SOL'] = waterFF_TIP4P2005 elif waterForcefield == 'TIP4P': self.molecule2FF['SOL'] = waterFF_TIP4P else: raise ValueError( 'Water force field \"%s\" not implemented' % waterForcefield) # override general forcefield-molecule association if molecule2ffstr is not None: for key, value in json.loads(molecule2ffstr).items(): self.molecule2FF[key] = globals()[value] self.topol = np.array(topol) self.molecules = set([s.split("_")[0] for s in self.topol]) self.topolMs = {m: [s for s in topol if s.split( '_')[0] == m] for m in self.molecules} self.atomsOfMs = { m: [i for i, t in enumerate(topol) if t.split('_')[0] == m] for m in self.molecules} self.mOfAtom = [s.split("_")[0] for s in self.topol] self.moleculeType = [re.sub(r'[0-9]+', '', m) for m in self.molecules] # the partial charges of all atoms self.masses = np.zeros(self.topol.shape[0]) # the partial charges of all atoms self.charges = np.zeros(self.topol.shape[0]) # the nuclear spread of all atoms self.sigma_nuc = np.zeros(self.topol.shape[0]) # Define logical variable for the different active interactions self.bonded = bool(opts.get('bonded', True)) self.coulomb = bool(opts.get('coulomb', True)) self.lennard_jones = bool(opts.get('lennard_jones', True)) self.ff = dict() # initialize the force fields for each molecule, read out LJ parameters eps = np.zeros((self.topol.shape[0])) sigma = np.zeros((self.topol.shape[0])) for m, t in zip(self.molecules, self.moleculeType): self.ff[m] = self.molecule2FF[t](topol=self.topolMs[m]) self.masses[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = self.ff[m].getMasses() self.charges[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = self.ff[m].getCharges() sigma[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = self.ff[m].getLJsigma() eps[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = self.ff[m].getLJeps() if self.ff[m].getLJCombRule() is not None: if self.ff[m].getLJCombRule() != LJCombRule: raise ValueError( f"The force field has combination rule {self.ff[m].getLJCombRule()} and you requested combination rule {LJCombRule}") # Get nuclear spread for each atom if applicable self.sigma_case = opts.get('sigma_case', None) if self.sigma_case is None: self.sigma_nuc = None else: for m in self.molecules: self.sigma_nuc[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = self.ff[m].getSigmaNuc(self.sigma_case) self.nonBondedPairs = np.array( [(i, j) for i in range(self.charges.shape[0]) for j in range(i+1, self.charges.shape[0]) if self.mOfAtom[i] != self.mOfAtom[j] ]) fudgeFactorLJ = np.ones(self.nonBondedPairs.shape[0]) fudgeFactorQQ = np.ones(self.nonBondedPairs.shape[0]) # nonbonded pairs within a molecule: if len(self.molecules)>0: nonBondedPairsInMol = np.array([(self.atomsOfMs[m][ai], self.atomsOfMs[m][aj]) for ai, aj in self.ff[m].getNonBondedInteractionPairs() for m in self.molecules]) fudgeFactorLJinMol = np.array( [fLJ for fLJ in self.ff[m].getNonBondedInteractionPairsFudgeLJ() for m in self.molecules]) fudgeFactorQQinMol = np.array( [fQQ for fQQ in self.ff[m].getNonBondedInteractionPairsFudgeQQ() for m in self.molecules]) else: nonBondedPairsInMol = np.array([]) fudgeFactorLJinMol = np.array([]) fudgeFactorQQinMol = np.array([]) # concatenate both parts if self.nonBondedPairs.shape[0] == 0: self.nonBondedPairs = nonBondedPairsInMol elif nonBondedPairsInMol.shape[0] > 0: self.nonBondedPairs = np.concatenate( [self.nonBondedPairs, nonBondedPairsInMol]) self.fudgeFactorLJ = np.concatenate( [fudgeFactorLJ, fudgeFactorLJinMol]) self.fudgeFactorQQ = np.concatenate( [fudgeFactorQQ, fudgeFactorQQinMol]) if self.nonBondedPairs.shape[0] > 0: self._nonBondedPairInd1 = [ np.where(self.nonBondedPairs[:, 0] == i)[0] for i in range(self.charges.shape[0])] self._nonBondedPairInd2 = [ np.where(self.nonBondedPairs[:, 1] == i)[0] for i in range(self.charges.shape[0])] else: self._nonBondedPairInd1 = [] self._nonBondedPairInd2 = [] self.hasVirtualSites = np.any( [self.ff[m].hasVirtualSite() for m in self.molecules]) # LJ epsilon for all atom pairs self.LJeps = np.zeros(self.nonBondedPairs.shape[0]) # LJ sigma for all atom pairs self.LJsigma = np.zeros(self.nonBondedPairs.shape[0]) # combine the LJ parameters according to LJCombRules for i, (a1, a2) in enumerate(self.nonBondedPairs): if LJCombRule == "OPLS": self.LJsigma[i] = np.sqrt(sigma[a1]*sigma[a2]) self.LJeps[i] = np.sqrt(eps[a1]*eps[a2]) elif LJCombRule == "Lorentz-Berthelot": self.LJsigma[i] = (sigma[a1] + sigma[a2])/2. self.LJeps[i] = np.sqrt(eps[a1]*eps[a2]) elif LJCombRule == "geometric": C6_1, C12_1 = _EpsSigmaToC6C12(eps[a1], sigma[a1]) C6_2, C12_2 = _EpsSigmaToC6C12(eps[a2], sigma[a2]) C6 = np.sqrt(C6_1 * C6_2) C12 = np.sqrt(C12_1 * C12_2) self.LJsigma[i] = np.power(C12/C6, 1./6) self.LJeps[i] = 1/4. * C6 * C6 / C12 else: raise ValueError("%s not implemented" % LJCombRule) # Check if any forcefield has constraints self._numConstraints = 0 for m in sorted(self.molecules): if self.ff[m].hasConstraints(): self._numConstraints = self._numConstraints + \ self.ff[m].numConstraints()
[docs] def enforceConstraints(self, x): x = x.reshape((-1, 3)) for m in sorted(self.molecules): if self.ff[m].hasConstraints(): constraints = cnstr.Constraints(self.ff[m].getConstraints) x1 = constraints.enforceConstraints(x[self.atomsOfMs[m],:], self.masses[self.atomsOfMs[m]]) x[self.atomsOfMs[m],:] = x1 return x.flatten()
[docs] def getRattleCorrection(self, vec0, vec1, dt, case="pos"): """ This method returns the correction to the position and velocity of a constrained geometry needed for the RATTLE algorithm. If case = "pos", vec0 and vec1 represent r(t) and r(t+dt) without constraints, respectively. In this case, the correction to v(t+dt/2) is returned as it is needed to calculate r(t+dt) with constraints. If case = "vel" vec0 and vec1 represent r(t+dt) with constraints and v(t+dt) without constraints. In this case the correction to v(t+dt) with constraints is returned directly. Parameters ---------- vec0 : (3 * n_atoms) ndarray of float. r(t) ["pos"] or r(t+dt) ["vel"] without constraints applied. vec1 : (3 * n_atoms) ndarray of float. r(t+dt) ["pos"] or v(t+dt) ["vel"] with and without constraints applied, respectively. dt : float Timestep case : str, optional Flag to calculate correction to position ["pos"] or velocity ["vel"], by default "pos" Returns ------- correction: (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of float. Correction to v(t+dt/2) ["pos"] or v(t+dt) ["vel"] for geometries with constraints. """ # todo: Option for different topologies? vec0 = vec0.reshape((-1, 3)) vec1 = vec1.reshape((-1, 3)) # Array with corrections to position according Rattle correction = np.zeros(vec0.shape, dtype=float) if self._numConstraints == 0: warnings.warn("Correction is 0 if there are no constraints.") return correction if case != "pos" and case != "vel": raise ImportError( "Wrong case for RATTLE implementation, please check documentation.") for m in sorted(self.molecules): if self.ff[m].hasConstraints(): # ! maybe too complicated vec0_mol = vec0[self.atomsOfMs[m], :] vec1_mol = vec1[self.atomsOfMs[m], :] mass = self.masses[self.atomsOfMs[m]] constraints = cnstr.Constraints(self.ff[m].getConstraints) if case == 'pos': correction[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = constraints.get_correction_r( vec0_mol, vec1_mol, dt, mass) elif case == 'vel': correction[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = constraints.get_correction_v( vec0_mol, vec1_mol, dt, mass) return correction.flatten()
[docs] def getEnGrad(self, x, listNoM=[]): """ This subroutine calculates the energy and the gradient along all nuclear coordinates. At the moment is able to calculate the energy and the gradient of the following interactions: * Bonded interactions * Lennard-Jones interaction * Coulomb interaction (deactivated for electrostatic embedding) Parameters ---------- x : (3 * n_atoms) ndarray of float. Coordinates of the nuclear centers. listNoM : list[int], optional Indices labeling the atoms for which virtual sites are disabled, by default [] Returns ------- energy: float. Energy given by the force field. Units are Hartree! gradient: (3 * n_atoms) ndarray of float. Gradient of the energy along all nuclear coordinates as flat numpy array. The order is as in the input. Units are Hartree/Bohr. """ geom = x.reshape((-1, 3)) gradient = np.zeros(geom.shape) energy = 0. eBonds = 0. eAngles = 0. eDihedrals = 0. # Bonded interactions if self.bonded: for m in self.molecules: geomOfM = geom[self.atomsOfMs[m], :] e, g = self.ff[m].getBonded( geomOfM.flatten(), self.topolMs[m]) energy += e eBonds += self.ff[m].eBonds eAngles += self.ff[m].eAngles eDihedrals += self.ff[m].eDihedrals gradient[self.atomsOfMs[m], :] += g.reshape(-1, 3) #print(f"ebond: {eBonds} eAngles:{eAngles} eDihedrals:{eDihedrals}") if self.nonBondedPairs.shape[0] == 0: # Return if no non-bonded interactions return energy, gradient.flatten() eNonBonded = 0 eCoul = 0 ## Calculate non-bonded interaction energy and gradient ## # !: Avoid recalculating distances between atoms as much as possible. dist = geom[self.nonBondedPairs[:, 0]] - \ geom[self.nonBondedPairs[:, 1]] d = np.linalg.norm(dist, axis=1) distOverD = dist * (1/d)[:, np.newaxis] # Return warning if any value of d is below 0.4 bohr (~0.2 angstrom) if np.any(d < 0.4): warnings.warn("Some distances are smaller than 0.2 angstrom.") # Lennard-Jones interaction if self.lennard_jones: ener_tmp, grad_tmp = self.lennard_jones_egrad( d, distOverD, gradient.shape, self.fudgeFactorLJ) energy += ener_tmp gradient += grad_tmp eNonBonded += ener_tmp # Coulomb interaction if self.coulomb: if self.hasVirtualSites: # calculation with virtual sites vGeom, vGeomD = self.geomWithVirtualSites(geom, listNoM) dist = vGeom[self.nonBondedPairs[:, 0]] - \ vGeom[self.nonBondedPairs[:, 1]] d = np.linalg.norm(dist, axis=1) distOverD = dist * (1/d)[:, np.newaxis] ener_tmp, grad_tmp = self.coulomb_egrad( d, distOverD, gradient.shape, self.fudgeFactorQQ) grad_tmp = self.gradient_virt2orig(grad_tmp, vGeomD) else: ener_tmp, grad_tmp = self.coulomb_egrad( d, distOverD, gradient.shape, self.fudgeFactorQQ) energy += ener_tmp gradient += grad_tmp eCoul += ener_tmp # Convert virtual geometry to the original coordinates (if necessary). #print(f"EvdW: {eNonBonded} Ecoul {eCoul}") return energy, gradient.flatten()
# TODO: Find a way to avoid parsing grad_shape (also for LJ)?
[docs] def coulomb_egrad(self, dist_norm, dist_uvec, grad_shape, fudgeFactor): """ Calculate the Coulomb interaction energy and gradient. Parameters ---------- dist_norm : (n_nonbonded) ndarray of floats. Norm of the distance between all pairs of atoms. dist_uvec : (n_nonbonded, 3) Unit vector between all pairs of atoms. grad_shape : tuple of int. Shape of the gradient (n_nuclei, 3) fudgeFactor : (n_nonbonded) ndarray of floats. Scaling factor for each non-bonded pair Returns ------- energy_coul : float. Coulomb interaction energy. gradient_coul : (n_nuclei, 3) ndarray of float. Gradient of the Coulomb interaction energy. """ q1q2 = self.charges[self.nonBondedPairs[:, 0]] * \ self.charges[self.nonBondedPairs[:, 1]] q1q2OverD = q1q2 / dist_norm * fudgeFactor q1q2OverD2 = -q1q2OverD / dist_norm gradPairs = dist_uvec * q1q2OverD2[:, np.newaxis] * fudgeFactor[:, np.newaxis] gradient = np.zeros(grad_shape) for a1 in range(grad_shape[0]): # ?: This += might not be necessary. gradient[a1, :] += (gradPairs[self._nonBondedPairInd1[a1], :]).sum(axis=0) gradient[a1, :] += - \ (gradPairs[self._nonBondedPairInd2[a1], :]).sum(axis=0) return q1q2OverD.sum(), gradient
[docs] def lennard_jones_egrad(self, dist_norm, dist_uvec, grad_shape, fudgeFactor): """ Calculates the energy and gradient of the Lennard-Jones interaction. Parameters ---------- dist_norm : (n_nonbonded) ndarray of floats. Norm of the distance between all pairs of atoms. dist_uvec : (n_nonbonded, 3) Unit vector between all pairs of atoms. grad_shape : tuple of int. Shape of the gradient (n_nuclei, 3) fudgeFactor : (n_nonbonded) ndarray of floats. Scaling factor for each non-bonded pair Returns ------- energy_LJ : float. Lennard-Jones interaction energy. gradient_LJ : (n_nuclei, 3) ndarray of float. Gradient of the Lennard-Jones interaction energy. """ LJ12 = (self.LJsigma[:] / dist_norm)**12 LJ6 = (self.LJsigma[:] / dist_norm)**6 LJ = 4.0 * self.LJeps[:] * (LJ12[:] - LJ6[:]) * fudgeFactor[:] dLJdd = 4.0 * \ self.LJeps[:] * (-12.0/dist_norm[:] * LJ12[:] + 6.0/dist_norm[:] * LJ6[:]) gradPairs = dist_uvec * dLJdd[:, np.newaxis] * fudgeFactor[:, np.newaxis] gradient = np.zeros(grad_shape) for a1 in range(grad_shape[0]): gradient[a1, :] += (gradPairs[self._nonBondedPairInd1[a1], :]).sum(axis=0) gradient[a1, :] += - \ (gradPairs[self._nonBondedPairInd2[a1], :]).sum(axis=0) return LJ.sum(), gradient
[docs] def geomWithVirtualSites(self, geom, listNoM=[]): """ Function translates geometry into geometry with virtual sites that can be used for Coulomb calculation. Parameters ---------- geom : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of floats. Positions of each atomic nuclei. listNoM : list, optional List of atom indices for which virtual sites should be skipped, by default [] Returns ------- vGeom : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of floats. Geometry with virtual sites. vGeomD: list. List of elements of the Jacobian matrix between real and virtual geometry each element is a tuple (ai, i, aj, j, g), where: * `ai`: real geometry atomic index. * `i`: real geometry coordinate index 0...2. * `aj`: virtual geometry site index. * `j`: virtual geometry coordinate index 0...2. * `g`: derivative d r_j / d r_i. """ vGeom = np.zeros(geom.shape) vGeomD = [] for m in self.molecules: if self.ff[m].hasVirtualSite(): vGeomMol, gM = self.ff[m].getVGeom( geom[self.atomsOfMs[m]], noM=any([i in listNoM for i in self.atomsOfMs[m]])) vGeom[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = vGeomMol vGeomD += [(self.atomsOfMs[m][ai], i, self.atomsOfMs[m][aj], j, float(g)) for (ai, i, aj, j, g) in gM] else: # if not virtual sites for this molecule # copy geometry and add unit derivative values into vGeomD vGeom[self.atomsOfMs[m]] = geom[self.atomsOfMs[m]] vGeomD += [(ai, i, ai, i, 1.0) for ai in self.atomsOfMs[m] for i in range(3)] return vGeom, vGeomD
[docs] def velWithVirtualSites(self, velocity, vGeomD): """ This function translates velocities of original coordinates to velocities of virtual sites. .. math:: \\frac{d M_k}{d t} = \\sum_{x_i} \\frac{\\partial M_k}{\\partial x_i} \\frac{d x_i}{d} Parameters ---------- velocity : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of floats. Valocity of each virtual site position (some virtual positions are already real ones). vGeomD : list List of elements of the Jacobian matrix between real and virtual geometry each element is a tuple (ai, i, aj, j, g), where: * `ai`: real geometry atomic index. * `i`: real geometry coordinate index 0...2. * `aj`: virtual geometry site index. * `j`: virtual geometry coordinate index 0...2. * `g`: derivative d r_j / d r_i. Returns ------- vel_res : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of floats. Velocity of virtual sites. """ vel_res = np.zeros(velocity.shape) for (ai, i, aj, j, g) in vGeomD: vel_res[aj, j] += velocity[ai, i] * g return vel_res
[docs] def gradient_virt2orig(self, gradient, vGeomD): """ This function translates gradient of virtual sites into gradient of original geometry. .. math:: \\frac{\\partial V}{\\partial x_i} = \\sum_{M_j} \\frac{\\partial V}{\\partial M_j} \\frac{\\partial M_j}{\\partial x_i} Parameters ---------- gradient : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of floats. Gradient at each virtual site position (some virtual positions are already real ones). vGeomD : list List of elements of the Jacobian matrix between real and virtual geometry each element is a tuple (ai, i, aj, j, g), where: * `ai`: real geometry atomic index. * `i`: real geometry coordinate index 0...2. * `aj`: virtual geometry site index. * `j`: virtual geometry coordinate index 0...2. * `g`: derivative d r_j / d r_i. Returns ------- grad_res : (n_atoms, 3) ndarray of floats. Gradient at each atom `real` position. """ grad_res = np.zeros(gradient.shape) for (ai, i, aj, j, g) in vGeomD: grad_res[ai, i] += g * gradient[aj, j] return grad_res