- RF Amplitude Modulation to Suppress Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Instabilities in the SPS, E. Vogel, T. Bohl, U. Wehrle, Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 8, 102801 (2005)
- Fast calculation of the resistive wall wake sum for multi bunch beams, E. Vogel, CERN Report No. CERN-AB-2005-017 (2005)
- Minimum bunch length at the LHC, E. Vogel, in 1st CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on Beam Dynamics in Future Hadron Colliders and Rapidly Cycling High-Intensity Synchrotrons (HHH 2004), CERN, Geneva, Switzerland , 8 - 11 Nov 2004 - pages 67-70 (2005)
- Examination of the Longitudinal Stability of the HERA Proton Ring, E. Vogel, Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC'02), Paris, 3-7 June 2002