After the HERA 'luminosity upgrade' the bunch length became relevant for the collision rate in the detectors. Coupled bunch instabilities lead to bunch lengthening. The development of a substantial amount of hard- and software was required to diagnose and control the instabilities for keeping the bunch length short.
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- The Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Feedback for HERA-p, M.G. Hoffmann, S. Choroba, F.E. Eints, P.M. Morozov, J. Randhahn, S. Ruzin, S. Simrock, U.H. Uwe, E. Vogel, 10th biennial European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC’06), Edinburgh, UK 26-30 June 2006
- Diagnostic System of Longitudinal Proton Beam Dynamics in HERA, V. Soloviev, P. Duval, E. Vogel, J. Wilgen, H. Wu, The IX International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control System (ICALEPCS 2003), Hotel Hilton, Gyeongju, Korea, 13-17 October 2003
- Status of the Longitudinal Emittance Preservation at the HERA Proton Ring in Spring 2003, E. Vogel, DESY Report No. DESY-HERA-03-03 (2003)
- Fast Longitudinal Diagnostics for the HERA Proton Ring, E. Vogel, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hamburg, DESY Report DESY-THESIS-2002-010 (2002)
- Bunched Beam Echoes in the HERA Proton Ring, I. Agapov, E. Vogel, G.H. Hoffstaetter, Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC'02), Paris, 3-7 June 2002
- Measurement Setup for Bunched Beam Echoes in the HERA Proton Storage Ring, E. Vogel, W. Kriens and U. Hurdelbrink, DESY Report No. DESY-HERA-00-09 (2000)
- Real Time Measurement of Single Bunch Phase and Length at the HERA Proton Storage Ring and the Observation of Multi-Bunch Oscillations, E. Vogel, DESY Report No. DESY-HERA-00-08 (2000)