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a 3.9 GHz cavity below a 1.3 GHz cavity, the installation of ACC39 and the phase space linearization

Third harmonic Systems
In FLASH and the XFEL third harmonic RF systems are used to linearize the RF field and optimize the bunch compression. Fermilab developed and build the superconducting module ACC39 for FLASH containing four 3.9 GHz cavities. DESY contributed the power RF system, other accessories and by the testing and the commissioning of the module.
ACC39 was the prototype for a similar module for the XFEL containing eight cavities and a quadrupole magnet. The XFEL third harmonic cavities and the module have been develloped by INFN Milan. Other parts required for the complete XFEL system were organized by DESY.
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  • Test and Commissioning of the Third Harmonic RF System for FLASH, E. Vogel, C. Albrecht, N. Baboi, C. Behrens, T. Delfs, H.T. Edwards, J. Eschke, C. Gerth, E.R. Harms, A. Hocker, M.G. Hoffmann, M. Hoffmann, M. Hüning, R. Jonas, J. Kahl, T.N. Khabiboulline, D. Kostin, G. Kreps, M. Kuhn, F. Ludwig, W. Maschmann, C. Mueller, P. Nommensen, J. Rothenburg, H. Schlarb, Ch. Schmidt, J.K. Sekutowicz, Proc. of IPAC10, Kyoto, Japan, 2010
  • Third Harmonic System at FERMILAB/FLASH, E.R. Harms, T.T. Arkan, V.T. Bocean, H.T. Edwards, M.H. Foley, J. Grimm, A. Hocker, T.N. Khabi-boulline, M.W. McGee, D.V. Mitchell, A.M. Rowe, N. Solyak, K. Jensch, G. Kreps, W.-D. Moeller, E. Vogel, Proc. of SRF 2009, Berlin, Germany, 2009
  • Status of the 3rd harmonic systems for FLASH and XFEL in summer 2008, E. Vogel, A. Bosotti, W. Decking, M. Dohlus, H. Edwards, E. Harms, M. Hoffmann, M. Huening, J. Iversen, K. Jensch, T. Khabiboulline, G. Kreps, T. Limberg, A. Matheisen, W.-D. Moeller, P. Pierini, K. Rehlich, A. Schmidt, J. Sekutowicz, D. Sertore and W. Singer, Proc. of LINAC 2008, Victoria, Canada, 2008
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