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SRF Photoinjector
SRF gun cavity in a vertical test insert, test stand sketch and test stand bunker

SRF Photoinjector
High gradient gun cavities enable 'pancake' emission of beams and direct matching into the subsequent linac. PITZ developed pulsed normal conducting (NC) L-band RF guns following this scheme for the European XFEL operating in pulsed mode. For LCLS-II operating continuous wave (CW) LBNL developed a VHF CW NC RF gun. The beam has lower energy. Photoemission starts with a longer laser pulse to keep the low emittance, i.e. 'cigar' emission. The long beam needs compression by a buncher cavity to match into the linac.
L-band superconducting RF (SRF) gun technology has the potential of similar high gradients like the pulsed L-band NC RF guns operating CW. It is the first choice for the planned high duty cycle (HDC) operation modes of the European XFEL. This technology also under development at HZDR, HZB and KEK with different requirements (e.g. larger emittance) is not ready for the European XFEL. Development work is required.
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