SRF Photoinjector

SRF Photoinjector
High gradient gun cavities enable 'pancake' emission of beams and direct matching into the subsequent linac. PITZ developed pulsed normal conducting (NC) L-band RF guns following this scheme for the European XFEL operating in pulsed mode. For LCLS-II operating continuous wave (CW) LBNL developed a VHF CW NC RF gun. The beam has lower energy. Photoemission starts with a longer laser pulse to keep the low emittance, i.e. 'cigar' emission. The long beam needs compression by a buncher cavity to match into the linac.
L-band superconducting RF (SRF) gun technology has the potential of similar high gradients like the pulsed L-band NC RF guns operating CW. It is the first choice for the planned high duty cycle (HDC) operation modes of the European XFEL. This technology also under development at HZDR, HZB and KEK with different requirements (e.g. larger emittance) is not ready for the European XFEL. Development work is required.
L-band superconducting RF (SRF) gun technology has the potential of similar high gradients like the pulsed L-band NC RF guns operating CW. It is the first choice for the planned high duty cycle (HDC) operation modes of the European XFEL. This technology also under development at HZDR, HZB and KEK with different requirements (e.g. larger emittance) is not ready for the European XFEL. Development work is required.
- High gradients at SRF photoinjector cavities with low RRR copper cathode plug screwed to the cavity back wall, E. Vogel, J. Sekutowicz, D. Bazyl, T. Büttner, B.v.d. Horst, J. Iversen, D. Klinke, A. Muhs, D. Reschke, S. Sägebarth, P. Schilling, M. Schmökel, L. Steder, J.-H. Thie, H. Weise, and M. Wiencek, arXiv:2310.02974v1 [physics.acc-ph] 4 Oct 2023
- Surface Treatment Experience of the All Superconducting Gun Cavities, E. Vogel, S. Arnold, D. Bazyl, T. Buettner, B. van der Horst, D. Klinke, D. Reschke, M. Schmoekel, J. Sekutowicz, S. Sievers, N. Steinhau-Kuehl, J.-H. Thie, J. Ziegler, T. Konomi, E. Kako, M. Omet, K. Umemori, poster presented at IPAC2023, Venice, Italy, 2023
- RF and Beam Dynamics Considerations for the Cavity End Group of the All Superconducting DESY Gun, Dmitry Bazyl, Daniel Klinke, Jan-Hendrik Thie, Elmar Vogel, Proc. of IPAC2023, Venice, Italy, 2023
- Development and Adjustment of Tools for Superconducting RF Gun Cavities, B. van der Horst, D. Klinke, A. Muhs, M. Schmökel, J. Sekutowicz, S. Sievers, N. Steinhau-Kühl, A, Sulimov, J.-H. Thie, L. Trelle, E. Vogel, Proc. of SRF2021, East Lansing, MI, USA, 2021
- Overview of CW RF Guns for Short Wavelength FELs, H. Qian, E. Vogel, Proc. of FEL2019, Hamburg, Germany, 2019
- PITZ Experimental Optimization for the Aimed Cathode Gradient of a Superconducting CW RF Gun, M. Krasilnikov, P. Boonpornprasert, Y. Chen, G. Georgiev, J. Good, M. Gross, P. Huang, I. Isaev, C. Koschitzki, S. Lal, X.-K. Li, O. Lishilin, G. Loisch, D. Melkumyan, R. Niemczyk, A. Oppelt, H. Qian, H. Shaker, G. Shu, F. Stephan, G. Vashchenko, M. Dohlus, E. Vogel, Proc. of FEL2019, Hamburg, Germany, 2019
- Status of the All Superconducting Gun Cavity at DESY, Elmar Vogel, Serena Barbanotti, Arne Brinkmann, Thorsten Buettner, Jens Iversen, Kay Jensch, Daniel Klinke, Denis Kostin, Wolf-Dietrich Möller, Andrea Muhs, Joern Schaffran, Manuela Schmoekel, Sven Sievers, Lea Steder, Nicolai Steinhau-Kühl, Alexey Sulimov, Jan-Hendrik Thie, Birte van der Horst, Hans Weise, Marc Wenskat, Mateusz Wiencek, Lutz Winkelmann and Jacek Sekutowicz, Proc. of SRF2019, Dresden, Germany, 2019
- A Cryocooled Normal Conducting and Superconducting Hybrid CW Photoinjector, H. Qian, G. Shu, F. Stephan, S. Barbanotti, B. Petersen, E. Vogel, M. Gusarova, A. Gorchakov, Proc. of SRF2019, Dresden, Germany, 2019
- SRF Gun Development at DESY, E. Vogel, J. Sekutowicz, S. Barbanotti, I. Hartl, K. Jensch, D. Klinke, D. Kostin, W.-D. Moeller, M. Schmoekel, S. Sievers, N. Steinhau-Kuehl, A. Sulimov, J.-H. Thie, B.v.d. Horst, H. Weise, L. Winkelmann, J. Smedley, J. Teichert, M. Wiencek, J.A. Lorkiewicz, R. Nietubyc, Proc. of LINAC 2018, Beijing, China, 2018