API Reference

  • Ludger Inhester

Basic usage:

xmolecule provides a API to call and control xmolecule from python. API reference.

Load the interface using

from pyxmol import xmol

and then initialize an xmol object using

xm = xmol("input.in")

where "input.in" is a path to an input file specifiying a molecular geometry and basic calculation parameters (such as basis set). An example input file is the following:

 O      0.00000    0.00000      0.00000  
 H     -0.00000    0.78516      0.53415  
 H      0.00000   -0.78516      0.53415  

Next, you have to initialize the calculations using


You may retriece the current energy via

energy = xm.energy

obtain the current geometry using

geom = xm.get_geom()

and update the geometry to new coordinates via




The current energy of the molecule



Initializes the xmolecule calculation. This has to be done before any other computation


returns the atomic masses as list of floats (len= 3 * number of atoms)


returns the atom labels as list of strings (len= 3 * number of atoms)


returns the atomic orbital labels as list of strings (len=number of basis functions)


returns basis function overlap matrix of shape (number of basis functions, number of basis functions)


returns the molecular geometry as list of floats len=3 * number of atoms


sets the molecular geometry to new_geom, where geom is a list of floats, length 3 * number of atoms OR an array of shape (3 * number of atoms)


returns the occupation number as list of integers 0, 1, or 2


sets the occupation number to new_occ. new_occ is a list of integers of values 0,1, or 2


returns a 2-dimensional numpy array of shape (number of basis functions, number of molecular orbitals) with molecular orbital coefficients


sets the molecular orbital coefficients to the values provided by the 2-dimensional numpy array coef with shape (number of basis functions, number of molecular orbitals)


returns a string describing the nao basis configuration when using numerical atomic orbitals


returns a list of orbital energies


returns the a list of floats (len=number of atoms) containing the Mulliken charge of each atom


returns the a list of floats (len=number of atoms) containing the Loewdin charge of each atom


returns 2-dimensional numpy array of shape (number of atoms, number of atoms) containing bondorder values.


returns 2-dimensional numpy array of shape (number of orbitals, number of atoms) containing populations of each molecular orbital on respective atoms.


returns oscillator strengths. Returns (osc, tdip).

  • osc is a 2-dimensional numpy array of shape (number of orbitals, number of orbitals) with oscillator strengths for transitions between orbital pairs (assuming independent electrons).
  • tdip is a 3-dimensional numpy array of shape (number of orbitals, number of orbitals, 3) containing the respective transition dipole matrix elements.


returns fluorescence rates. Returns a 2-dimensional numpy array with calculated fluorescence rates for the fluorescence transitions between orbital pairs (assuming independent electrons).


returns a list or process data. Each member of the list is a tuple (process_label, final_occ, value, energy_eV),

  • process_label is byte-string of value b'P', b'A', or b'F', for photoionization, Auger-Meitner decay, or fluorescence, respectively,
  • final_occ specifies the target electronic occupation,
  • value specifcies cross section (P) or decay rate (P,A),
  • energy_eV is an integer value containing the involved electronic energy difference.


returns the gradient as array of shape (3 * number of atoms)


writes a molden file "xmolecule.molden"


writes a cube file "xmolecule.molden" with the electronic density


writes a cube file "mo.cube" showing the molecule orbital with integer index norb.


This method returns properties assuming a vacancy otherwise closed shell configuration in a valence orbital assuming Koopmann's theorem. The method returns a tuple (occ, energy, gradient, nacs).

  • occ is a numpy array of shape (number of states, len of occ) describing occupation configurations of the respective hole configuration
  • energy is a numpy array of shape (number of states) with the respective Koopmann's theorem energy (E_RHF - E_orbital)
  • gradient is a 2-dimensional numpy array of shape (number of states, 3 * number of atoms) containing the respective gradients
  • nacs is a 3-dimensional numpy array of shape (number of states, number of states, 3 * number of atoms) containing respective non-adiabatic coupling vectors


This method returns properties assuming an additional electron in a virtual orbital assuming Koopmann's theorem. Returns the same as xmol.hole_properties()


returns list of CIS excited state energies

xmol.CIS_mullikenpop(state, type)

returns mulliken charge analysis for cis. state is an integer specifying the state index type is either "F", "H", "P", for full, hole, and particle analysis

xmol.CIS_loewdinpop(state, type)

returns Loewdin charge analysis for CIS. Works the same way as xmol.cis_mullikenpop(state, type)


returns CIS oscillator strength for a given state. state specifies the state index. Returns (osc, tdip), where osc is a numpy array with oscillator strength and tdip is an array with transition dipole matrix elements shape=(number of states, 3)


returns gradients as numpy array of shape (3 * number of atoms) for a specific CIS state with state index state.


returns gradients & nacs for a specific CIS state with state index state as (energy, gradient, nacs):

  • energy: numpy array of CIS excited state energies
  • gradient: numpy array of shape (number of excited states, 3 * number of atoms) containing the gradients. Note that only the gradient for the desired state index is computed. All other values are zero.
  • nacs: numpy array of shape (number of excited states, number of excited states, 3 * number of atoms) containing the non-adiabatic couplings. Note that only the couplings for the desired state index to other states is computed. All other values are zero.


returns transition density for CIS state with state index state as numpy arrau of shape (number of basis functions, number of basis functions).

Obsolete and/or experimental methods


returns hole state efields


returns list of CI energies


returns matrix of CI state overlaps to previous geometry


returns Auger decay rates of CI state


returns a random state index based on probabilities from the weight on occupation number


returns the occupation number of the dominant csf


sets the spin multiplicity to integer value multp


sets the index of the irreducible representation to integer value irrep