
  • Ludger Inhester



  • cmake >= 3.14
  • blas
  • lapack
  • xatom


  • python >=3.8 (packages scipy, numpy, build) for testing
  • python packages pytest, numdifftools for creating documentation
  • fortran documentation tool FORD version>=6.2.6

Moreover, xmolecule uses libcint for the gaussian integrals. It will be automatically downloaded and installed by cmake below.


The xmolecule repository is located at

Please clone the repository using

git clone

Python Environment

It is recommended to setup a separate python environment. To do so, you may install miniconda.

Create and activate a new python environment and install pip using

conda create -n xmol
conda activate xmol
conda install pip

Enter the main repository folder and install the required python packages using

cd xmolecule
pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuring the build

If you want to use the intel compiler, make sure that you load the appropriate environment variables.

Depending on where your intel compiler is installed this can be done via

. /opt/intel/2024/oneapi/ intel64 --force

Next, create a build directory and cd into the build directory and run cmake.

To use the intel compiler and prepare for installing xmolecule locally in your home directory, you use

mkdir build; cd build

or, if you prefer the gnu compiler, use

mkdir build; cd build
CC=gcc FC=gfortran cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME

Moreover, you can employ the following combinations of options

-DWITH_DEBUG=true  # to create binarys for debugging
-DWITH_OPENMP=true  # to create binarys for parallel computation (openmp)
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME # to prepare installation in your home directory (or anywhere else)


After cmake has completed, you can run



Before you run tests, you have to setup the path to the xatom binary. For example, you may setup the path using

export XATOM_PATH=$HOME/XATOM/src/xatom

and replace $HOME/XATOM/src/xatom with the path to your xatom binary.

You can run tests using

make test


For installing binarys, you have to run

make install

Environment Variables

To run xmolecule, remember to set the following environment variables:

export XATOM_PATH=$HOME/bin/xatom
# the path to the xatom binary 
# the path to the gaussian basis set specifications

Also activate the respective conda environment:

conda activate xmol

In case you compiled with intel compilers, you need to set the intel-compiler vairables:

. /opt/intel/2024/oneapi/ intel64