Command-Line Arguments

  • Ludger Inhester

Command-Line Arguments

Parameter Value Meaning
occ, occupation string of integers (0,1, or 2) occupation numbers (0,1, or 2) for each molecular orbital
multp integer spin multiplicity
basissetoverlaplim float upper threshold at which basis functions with larger overlap are projected out
qmmm boolean option for qmmm calculation: if true, skips calculating repulsion between point charges
basis_string comma-separated list of numerical atomic filenames specifying for each atom a numerical atomic orbital (this is alternative to the specification via the geometry)
angstrom, angs boolean specifies that units in molecular geometry are in angstrom
gaussian_basis, gto filename(s) with basis set specification or basis set name GTO basis set specification. Either basis set if specified, or a comma-separated list is given that specifies for each atom an individual basis set
gaussian_basis2, gto2 filename(s) with basis set specification or basis set name GTO basis set specification. only relevant for project_basis_gto
scattering boolean triggers elastic photon scattering calculation
compton boolean triggers Compton scattering of photon (Waller-Hartree-approximation) calculation
whes boolean triggers inelastic electron scattering calculation within the Waller-Hartree-approximation
PE float Energy (in eV) of the incomming projectile in scattering calculations. Default = 12 KeV
dir string flag that controls the direction of the incomming projectile in scattering calculations. Accepted values : "x", "y" or "z". Default = z
pol string flag that controls the polarisation of the incomming photon in scattering calculations. Accepted values : "x", "y" or "z". Default = x
ionization_dynamics boolean ?
auger boolean triggers Auger-Meitner decay calculation
fluorescence, fluo boolean triggers calculation of fluorescence rates
absorption boolean triggers calculation of oscillator strengths
pcs boolean triggers calculation of core-level photoionization cross sections
final_hole MO_indices specifies the molecular orbitals from where absorption / photoionization should be considered
shakeup, shake_up, shake boolean triggers shake-up analysis (has to be combined with option -pcs)
process_ci boolean triggers calculation of absorption, photoionization, fluorescence, and Auger-Meitner decay calculations based on configuration interaction
process_cis boolean triggers calculation of photoionization, fluorescence, and Auger-Meitner decay calculations based on configuration interaction with additional excitations
process_ci_relaxed boolean triggers calculation of absorption, photoionization, fluorescence, and Auger-Meitner decay calculations based on configuration interaction and using a seperate set of final state orbitals read from the filename wf_relaxed.dat
rmax float the maximum radius for the atomic grids, default 50 a.u.
lmax integer maximum angular momentum for each atomic grid, default 10
direct boolena triggers on-the-fly calculation of two-electron integrals
x_type string exchange functional
c_type string correlation functional
lmax_mp integer maximum angular momebtnum at which the multipole expansion around each atom center at which the Coulomb interaction is truncated
scf_max_iter integer maximum number of SCF iterations, default 100
scf_energy_conv float SCF energy conversion criterion, default 1e-6 a.u.
scf_density_conv float SCF density conversion criterion, default 1e-6 a.u.
scf_mixing float mixing coefficient for mixing new iteration with previous iteration
diis boolean triggers direct inversion of interative subspace during SCF, default True
cphfdiis boolkean triggers direct inversion of interative subspace during CPHF, default True
levelshift boolean triggers levelshift during SCF
rstrct boolean triggers restriction of MO change during SCF
mom boolean switches on the Maximum-Overlap-Method
momtype 1, 2, or 3 choose MOM variant, default 3
openshell boolean specifies the the electronic structure calculation should be treated as openshell configuration
rohf_variant 1, 2, or 3 specifies ROHF variant: 1=Roothaan (default), 2=Davidson (e.g. as in molpro), 3=Guest&Saunders
soscf boolean triggers second-order SCF, default false
f_occ, frac_occ, frac_occupation comma-separated array of floats specify fractional occupation numbers for each orbital
freeze MO indices list of orbital indices to be frozen during SCF iterations
sym boolean triggers symmetry
state_irrep integer index of the irreducible representation of the electronic state
irrep_mo comma-separated list of integers indicates for each orbital the index of its irreducible representation (to be used with sym=True)
localize comma-separated list of orbital indices triggers orbital localization
fix_nuc comma-separated list of orbital indices, colon, comma-separated list of atom indices re-groups orbitals to be dominantly localted on a specified atom
active_space_mo comma-separated list of orbital indices specifies active orbital space
average_occ_mo colon-separated groups of comma-separated list of orbital indices specifies that fractional occupation numbers are used that average the occupation numbers for groups of orbitals
levelshiftdynamic float triggers dynamic levelshifting, value is initial level shift value
diis_nvec integer size of DIIS subspace
mo_fid_ini boolean triggers calculation of fidelity to initial guess orbitals
population boolean triggers population analysis
stab, stability boolean triggers stability analysis
unrestricted boolean triggers unrestricted SCF calculation
hf boolean triggers Hartree-Fock calculation. default False
cis boolean triggers CIS excited state calculation. default False
state integer state index
nstates integer number of states to calculate
dump_ints boolean triggers the dump of all transformed two-electron integrals
Nvoxel integer total number of voxels NxNyNz for cube file generation, default 1000000
density_cube boolean triggers generation of cube file with electron density
spin_density_cube boolean triggers generation of cube file with spin density
mo_cube list of MO indices triggers generation of cube file with orbitals
t_ev float triggers finite-temperature SCF, value is temperature in eV
t_k, temp_k, temperature_k float triggers finite-temperature SCF, value is temperature in K
ncore, n_core integer overrides the number of core-level orbitals to be considered
valgs_occ boolean triggers the calculation of electronic structure using Koopmann's theorem, i.e., orbitals are calculated for the closed valence shell and orbital energies are substracted
gradient boolean triggers calculation of gradients
orbital_energy_gradient boolean triggers calculation of orbital-energy gradients
eps_auger float threshold for the calculation of Auger decay rates
eps_teint float theshold for the calculation of two-electron integrals, default 1e-9
eps_overlap, eps float truncation for evaluation of matrix element integrals (only relevant for numerical atomic orbitals), default 1e-6
eps_single float truncation for evaluation of matrix element integrals diagonal elements (only relevant for numerical atomic orbitals), default 1e-6
eps_00, eps0 float truncation of the Hartree potential. A ratio threshold for for Q_A / r (only relevant for numerical atomic orbitals), default 1e-2
eps_lm, eps1 float truncation of the Hartree potential. A ratio threshood for d_lm / d_00 (only relevant for numerical atomic orbitals), default 5e-5
eps_r, eps2 float truncation of the Hartree potential. A ratio threshold for d_lm(r) / d_lm (only relevant for numerical atomic orbitals), default 1e-5
r_cutoff float strict cut-off radius for the Hartree potenital calculation, default 0 (no truncation)
o filename specifies output filename
v, verbose boolean triggers verbose output
print_level integer sets print output level
nmo_print integer number of molecular orbitals to print
rini boolean reads guess orbitals from file wf.dat
coreini boolean triggers initial guess from bare nuclear electrostatic potential
sini boolean triggers saving molecular orbitals into file wf.dat
rinish boolean triggers reading numerical atomic orbitals for the guess orbitals from file basis.dat
molden filename triggers generating a molden output file containing information on the molecular orbitals