
  • Ludger Inhester

Usage of xmolecule

Remember to set the required environment variables (see Installation).

xmolecule is called by providing an input file: xmolecule input_file Any parameters can be set using command line arguments as "-arg1=value" or you can alternatively add the options in the input file with a line "arg1=value"

Specification of the molecular geometry

The input file specifies the molecular geometry. This is done in xyz format.

Atoms: Specify each atom in a line:

 AtomType1  x1 y1 z1
 AtomType2  x2 y2 z2

where AtomType is the label of the atomic element, e.g., "H","He","Li","B","C","N","O","F", ...

x, y, z are the cartesian positions (by default in atomic units)

If you use a numerical atomic orbitals, you can specify the specific radial basis function.

AtomType  x  y  z  basisString  basisFile

basisString is a string like '3s2p', specifying the number of radial functions per angular momentum l.

Point charges: To incorporate point charges to the calculation add lines with atom type "X"

X  x  y  z  charge

where charge is the charge value (float) of the point charge.

Gaussian charge distribution: To incorporate spatially spreaded charge distribution to the calculation, add lines with an atom type "XG"

 XG  x  y  z  charge  zeta

where charge is the integrated charge value (float), and zeta (float) is the exponent of the Gaussian.

How to generate numerical atomic orbitals

The radial values for numberical atomic orbitals are saved in a .nao file format. Numerical atomic orbitals are generated via xatom

xatom -s ATOMTYPE -conf ATOMIC_CONFIGURATION -silent -nev NEV \
-lmax LMAX -latter off -rm RMTHRESHOLD -N NGRID -rmax RMAX \
-nao yes -file_nao ATOMTYPE.nao \
-transition auger -file_auger ATOMTYPE.auger  \
-transition transitiondipole -file_tdipole ATOMTYPE.tdipole \



specifies the atomic configuration for which the numerical atomic orbital is built. Example: 1s2_2s2_2p2 for neutral carbon.

  • NEV

specifies the number of radial functions for each angular momentum. Example: NEV=2 for a minimal basis set for carbon

  • LMAX

specifies the maximum angular momentum Example: lmax=1 for a minimal basis set for carbon


The bound radial wavefunction should be smaller than this at the maximum radial grid point Example: 1e-6

  • NGRID:

Numer of radial grid points. Example: 30

  • RMAX:

Maximum radial grid point in a.u. Example: 50.0


Lowest considered photoelectron energy for photoionization in eV. Example: 1000

  • PEEND:

Highest considered photoelectron energy for photoionization in eV. Example: 5000


Step with which to scan the photoelectron energy in eV. Example: 1.0