
Selected Papers on proton polarisation

The DESY papers from the polarised proton study group at DESY

Using the amplitude dependent spin tune to study high order spin--orbit resonances in storage rings
   Talk at the 14th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN2000), Osaka, Japan, October 2000. AIP    Proc 570.
   G.H. Hoffstaetter, M. Vogt and D.P. Barber

Higher-order effects in polarized proton dynamics
    G.H. Hoffstaetter, M. Vogt and D.P. Barber
    Phys.Rev. ST Accel.Beams 2 (1999) 114001
    Note that the anti-damping factors in the integrals in the SMILE formalism of Section C indicate
    the use of the adiabatic anti-damping at constant machine energy covered in Section E.

Spin tune in the single resonance model with a pair of Siberian Snakes
   Extended version of talk at the 15th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN2002), Brookhaven    National Laboratory, Long Island, USA, September 2002. AIP Proc 675.
   D.P. Barber, R. Jaganathan and M. Vogt

Quasiperiodic spin-orbit motion and spin tunes in storage rings
   D.P. Barber, J.A. Ellison and K. Heinemann.
   Phys.Rev. ST Accel.Beams 7 (2004) 124002

Spin motion at and near orbital resonance in storage rings with Siberian Snakes I: at orbital resonance
   D.P. Barber and M. Vogt.
   New J. Phys. 8 296 (2006)

Stern-Gerlach Forces and Spin Splitters
   D.P. Barber.
   Talk at the workshop: Polarized Antiproton Beams --How?)
   The Cockcroft Institute, UK, August 2007.

The invariant polarisation-tensor field for spin-1 particles in storage rings
   D.P. Barber and M. Vogt.
   Talk at the 18th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN2008)
   University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, October 2008.

The invariant polarisation-tensor field for deuterons in storage rings and the Bloch equation    for the polarisation-tensor density
   D.P. Barber.

The uniqueness of the invariant polarisation-tensor field for spin-1 particles in storage rings
   D.P. Barber, A. Kling and M. Vogt

Pre-existing betatron motion and spin flipping with RF fields in storage rings
   D.P. Barber,
   Talk at the 19th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN2010)
   Institute for Nuclear Physics (IKP), Forschungszentrum, Jülich, Germany, October 2010.
   (J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 295 (2011) 012087)

Accurate and efficient spin integration for particle accelerators
   D.T. Abell, D. Meiser, V. Ranjbar and D.P. Barber.
   Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 024001 (2015).

New and unifying formalism for the study of particle-spin dynamics
   using tools distilled from the theory of bundles

   K. Heinemann, J.A. Ellison, D.P. Barber and M. Vogt.
   A contribution to IPAC2014, Dresden, Germany, 2014.

A New and Unifying Approach to Spin Dynamics and Beam Polarization in Storage Rings
   K. Heinemann, J.A. Ellison, D.P. Barber and M. Vogt.

A detailed and unified treatment of spin-orbit systems using tools
   distilled from the theory of bundles

   K. Heinemann, J.A. Ellison, D.P. Barber and M. Vogt.

An informal summary of a new formalism for classifying spin-orbit systems using tools distilled
   from the theory of bundles

   K. Heinemann, J.A. Ellison, D.P. Barber and M. Vogt.
   Based on a presentation at Spin2014, The 21st International Symposium on Spin Physics    Beijing, China, October 2014.

Selected papers on electron polarisation

A precision measurement of the upsilon-prime meson mass.
    Phys.Lett. B135 p.498 (1984).
    The ARGUS Collaboration and Crystal Ball Collaboration (D.P. Barber et al.).

A solenoid spin rotator for large electron storage rings
    Part.Accel. 17 p.243 (1985).
    D.P. Barber et al.

A general harmonic spin matching formalism for the suppression of depolarization caused by     closed orbit distortion in electron storage rings
    DESY Report 85-044 (1985),
    D.P. Barber et al.

A modified harmonic closed orbit adjustment formalism for the
    optimization of polarization in electron storage rings
    DESY Report HERA 87-15 (1987),
    D.P. Barber and G. Ripken.

A Fokker-Planck treatment of stochastic particle motion within the framework of a fully coupled     six-dimensional formalism for electron - positron storage rings including classical spin motion in linear     approximation.
    DESY Report 91-146 (1991),
    D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann, H. Mais and G. Ripken.

On Bell and Leinaas' and Derbenev and Kondratenko's calculations of radiative electron polarization
    Phys.Rev. A37 p.456 (1988).
    D.P. Barber and S.R. Mane.
    See also the commentary by J.D. Jackson:
On Effective Temperatures and Electron Spin Polarization in Electron Storage Rings

Notes on Spin Dynamics in Storage Rings
    DESY Report M-92-04 (1992), [revised version from Sep.1999]
    D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann and G. Ripken.

The HERA polarimeter and the first observation of electron spin polarization at HERA
    Nucl.Inst.Meth. A329 p.79 (1993).
    D.P. Barber et al.

High spin polarization at the HERA electron storage ring
    Nucl.Inst.Meth. A338 p.166 (1994).
    D.P. Barber et al.

A canonical eight-dimensional formalism for linear and nonlinear classical spin orbit motion in storage    rings
.   I. A new pair of canonical variables.
    Zeit.f.Phys. C64 p.117-142 (1994).
    D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann and G. Ripken.

A canonical eight-dimensional formalism for linear and nonlinear classical spin orbit motion in storage    rings
.   II. Normal forms and the n-axis.
    Zeit.f.Phys. C64 p.143-167 (1994).
    D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann and G. Ripken.

Spin Decoherence in Electron Storage Rings
    Updated version of talk at the 11th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN94), Bloomington, Indiana,     U.S.A., September 1994, AIP Conf. Proc. NNN.
    D.P. Barber, M. Boege, K. Heinemann, H. Mais and G. Ripken

The first attainment and the routine use of longitudinal spin polarization at a high energy electron storage ring
    Talk at the 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC95), Dallas, U.S.A., May 1995, IEEE Conf. Proc.     NNN.
    D.P. Barber et al.

The first achievement of longitudinal spin polarization in a high energy electron storage ring
    Phys.Letts., B343, p.436 (1995).
    D.P. Barber et al.

A Fokker-Planck Description of Spin Diffusion
    Talk at the 13th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN98), Protvino,;Russia,     September 1998, World Scientific...
    K. Heinemann and D.P. Barber.

Red, blue and green electrons
    Talk at the workshop ``Polarized Protons at High Energies -- Accelerator Challenges and Physics     Opportunities'', DESY, Hamburg, Germany, May 1999.
    D.P. Barber and K. Heinemann

Spin transport, spin diffusion and Bloch equations in electron storage rings
    Extended version of a talk at the workshop ``Nonlinear problems in charged beam transport in linear
    and recirculating accelerators'', ENEA, Frascati, Italy, May 1998.
    Nucl.Inst.Meth. A463, p.62 and A469, p.294 (2001).
    K. Heinemann and D.P. Barber.

Polarisation in the eRHIC electron(positron) ring
    Talk at the 16th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN-2004),
    International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, October 2004.
    D.P. Barber.

eRHIC --Zeroth-order Design Report (2004).
    L. Ahrens et al.

A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN (2012).
    Report on the Physics and Design Concepts for Machine and Detector.
    The LHeC Study Group.

A Monte-Carlo simulation of the equilibrium beam polarization in
   ultra-high energy electron (positron) storage rings
   Nucl.Inst.Meth.A, vol 793, p.81 (2015).
   Z. Duan, M. Bai, D.P. Barber and Qing Qin.

Spin decoherence in electron storage rings --- more from a simple model
   D.P. Barber and K. Heinemann.

Polarization and Centre-of-mass Energy Calibrationat FCC-ee.
    The FCC-ee Energy and Polarization Working Group.

    13th Int. Computational Accelerator Physics Conf. ICAP2018, Key West, FL, USA
    K. Heinemann, D. Appelö, D.P. Barber, O. Beznosov and J.A. Ellison.

The Bloch equation for spin dynamics in electron storage rings:computational and theoretical     aspects
    K. Heinemann, D. Appelö, D.P. Barber, O. Beznosov and J.A. Ellison.

Re-evaluation of Spin-Orbit Dynamics of Polarized Electron-Positron Beams in High Energy  Circular Accelerators and Storage Rings:
    an approach based on a Bloch equation
   K. Heinemann, D. Appelö, D.P. Barber, O. Beznosov and J.A. Ellison.

Evaluation of radiative depolarization in the future circular electron-positron collider
    Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 26, 091001 (2023)
    Wenhao Xia, Zhe Duan, Desmond.P.Barber, YiWei Wang, Bin Wang, Jie Gao.

Review talks on polarisation

Progress in measurement and understanding of beam polarization in electron-positron storage rings
    Invited plenary talk at the Europhysics Study Conference on Electroweak Effects at High Energy, Ettore     Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, February 1983, Plenum 1985.
    D.P. Barber et al.

Polarization at PETRA and DORIS
    Invited plenary talk at the 6th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN84),
    Marseille, France, September 1984, Journal de Physique Colloque C2, Tome 46, 1985.
    D.P. Barber et al.

HERA and Polarization at HERA
    Invited plenary talk at the 7th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN86),
    Protvino, U.S.S.R., September 1986.

Polarization at HERA
    Invited plenary talk at the Adriatico Research Conference: Spin and Polarization Dynamics in Nuclear
    and Particle Physics, Trieste, Italy, January 1988, World Scientific 1990.

Facilities for Polarization in Europe
    Invited plenary talk at the 8th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN88),
    Minneapolis, U.S.A., September 1988,  AIP Conf. Proc. NNN.

A Review of Polarized Electron and Positron beams.
    Invited plenary talk at the 2nd European Partical Accelerator Conference (EPAC90), Nice, France, June     1990,  .....

Polarization at HERA
    Invited plenary talk at the 9th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN90), Bonn,     Germany, September 1990,  Springer 1991.

Theory and Observation of Electron Polarization in High Energy Storage Rings
    Invited plenary talk at the 10th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN92),
    Nagoya, Japan, November 1992,  ....1993.

Polarized Beams and Polarimeters at Lepton Accelerators
    Summary talk at the 11th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN94),
    Bloomington,Indiana, U.S.A., September 1994, AIP Conf. Proc. NNN.

Polarized Electron Beams in Storage Rings
    Invited talk at the Beijing Tau--Charm Factory Workshop, Beijing, China, February 1996, DESY
    Report M-....

Polarized Electron Beams in Storage Rings
    Invited plenary talk at the 12th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN96),
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1996, World Scientific...

Acceleration and Storage of Polarized Electron Beams
    Invited plenary talk at the 13th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN98),
    Protvino, Russia, September 1998, World Scientific...

Electron and positron polarisation at HERA: Past and Future
    Invited talk at the Second Workshop on Physics with a Polarized-Electron Light-ion Collider (EPIC),     Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A., September 2000, AIP Conf. Proc. NNN.

Snowmass 2001

Transparencies of talk: D. P. Barber, ``Electron polarisation in rings''.

Summary of talk:           D. P. Barber, ``Electron polarisation in rings''.

Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering

Eds.  A.W. Chao and M. Tigner, 1st edition, 3rd printing, World Scientific,  2006

``Radiative Polarization, Computer Algorithms and Spin Matching in Electron Storage Rings''.
       D. P. Barber and G. Ripken.

EIC: The Electron-Ion-Collider project

The full Zeroth Order Design Report (2004).

The section of the ZDR on electron-positron polarization in the ring-ring option.

ICFA workshop ``Quantum aspects of beam physics'', Monterey, CA, USA, 1998

 I.     Electron and proton spin polarisation in storage rings -- an introduction.
             D. P. Barber.

 II.    Longitudinal electron spin polarisation at 27.5 GeV in HERA.
             D.P. Barber.

 III.  The permissible equilibrium polarisation distribution in a stored proton beam.
              D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G.H. Hoffstaetter, M. Vogt.

 IV.  Unruh effect, spin polarisation and the Derbenev--Kondratenko formalism.
             D.P. Barber.

 V.   The semiclassical Foldy--Wouthuysen transformation and the derivation of the
             Bloch equation for spin--1/2 polarised beams using Wigner functions.
             K. Heinemann and D. P. Barber.

Papers with or by Klaus Heinemann

A Fokker-Planck treatment of stochastic particle motion within the framework of a fully coupled     six-dimensional formalism for electron - positron storage rings including classical spin motion in linear     approximation.
    DESY Report 91-146 (1991),
    D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann, H. Mais and G. Ripken.

Notes on Spin Dynamics in Storage Rings
    DESY Report M-92-04 (1992), [revised version from Sep.1999]
    D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann and G. Ripken.

A canonical eight-dimensional formalism for linear and nonlinear classical spin orbit motion in storage rings
    Zeit.f.Phys. C64 p.117-142 (1994).
    D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann and G. Ripken.

A tracking algorithm for the stable spin polarization field in storage rings using stroboscopic averaging
     K. Heinemann and G. H. Hoffstaetter, Phys. Rev. E 54, 4 (Nov. 1996) and DESY 96-078 (1996)

On Stern-Gerlach forces allowed by special relativity and the special case of the classical spinning particle of      Derbenev-Kondratenko.
     DESY Report 96-229 and Los Alamos archive: physics/9611001.

Some models of spin coherence and decoherence in storage rings.
     DESY Report 97-166 and Los Alamos archive: physics/9709025.

 Monterey III:  The permissible equilibrium polarisation distribution in a stored proton beam.
     D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann, G.H. Hoffstaetter, M. Vogt.

 Monterey V:   The semiclassical Foldy--Wouthuysen transformation and the derivation of the
     Bloch equation for spin--1/2 polarised beams using Wigner functions.
m     K. Heinemann and D. P. Barber.

A Fokker-Planck Description of Spin Diffusion
    Talk at the 13th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN98), Protvino, Russia, September     1998, World Scientific...
    K. Heinemann and D.P. Barber.

Red, blue and green electrons
    Talk at the workshop ``Polarized Protons at High Energies -- Accelerator Challenges and Physics     Opportunities'', DESY, Hamburg, Germany, May 1999.
    D.P. Barber and K. Heinemann

Spin transport, spin diffusion and Bloch equations in electron storage rings
    Extended version of a talk at the workshop ``Nonlinear problems in charged beam transport in linear and     recirculating accelerators'', ENEA, Frascati, Italy, May 1998.
    Nucl.Inst.Meth. A463, p.62 and A469, p.294 (2001).
    K. Heinemann and D.P. Barber.

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