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D.P. Barber et al.
A general harmonic spin matching formalism for the suppression of depolarization caused by closed orbit distortion in electron storage rings
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D.P. Barber and G. Ripken.
A Fokker-Planck treatment of stochastic particle motion within the framework of a fully coupled six-dimensional formalism for electron - positron storage rings including classical spin motion in linear approximation.
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On Bell and Leinaas' and Derbenev and Kondratenko's calculations of radiative electron polarization
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D.P. Barber and S.R. Mane.
See also the commentary by J.D. Jackson:
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D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann and G. Ripken.
The HERA polarimeter and the first observation of electron spin polarization at HERA
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High spin polarization at the HERA electron storage ring
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A canonical eight-dimensional formalism for linear and nonlinear classical spin orbit motion in storage rings
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D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann and G. Ripken.
A canonical eight-dimensional formalism for linear and nonlinear classical spin orbit motion in storage rings
. II. Normal forms and the n-axis.
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D.P. Barber, K. Heinemann and G. Ripken.
Spin Decoherence in Electron Storage Rings
Updated version of talk at the 11th International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics (SPIN94), Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A., September 1994, AIP Conf. Proc. NNN.
D.P. Barber, M. Boege, K. Heinemann, H. Mais and G. Ripken
The first attainment and the routine use of longitudinal spin polarization at a high energy electron storage ring
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Red, blue and green electrons
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D.P. Barber and K. Heinemann
Spin transport, spin diffusion and Bloch equations in electron storage
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Z. Duan, M. Bai, D.P. Barber and Qing Qin.
Spin decoherence in electron storage rings --- more from a simple model
D.P. Barber and K. Heinemann.
Polarization and Centre-of-mass Energy Calibrationat FCC-ee.
The FCC-ee Energy and Polarization Working Group.
13th Int. Computational Accelerator Physics Conf. ICAP2018, Key West, FL, USA
K. Heinemann, D. Appelö, D.P. Barber, O. Beznosov and J.A. Ellison.
The Bloch equation for spin dynamics in electron storage rings:computational and theoretical
K. Heinemann, D. Appelö, D.P. Barber, O. Beznosov and J.A. Ellison.
Re-evaluation of Spin-Orbit Dynamics of Polarized Electron-Positron Beams in High Energy
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an approach based on a Bloch equation
K. Heinemann, D. Appelö, D.P. Barber, O. Beznosov and J.A. Ellison.
Evaluation of radiative depolarization in the future circular electron-positron collider
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 26, 091001 (2023)
Wenhao Xia, Zhe Duan, Desmond.P.Barber, YiWei Wang, Bin Wang, Jie Gao.